dxc1996 · 6 years
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dxc1996 · 6 years
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dxc1996 · 6 years
So here we are, last chapter in Italian of the first book of CoBC is officially online, it was a long journey and I’m excited to start again the process with the second book.
I know it was a very slow process I always want to thank you, @tricktster for letting me doing this and for writing this in the first place, thanks to you I’ve finally found something I really like to do even if I wasn’t sure I could do it in the first place.
Ps. Maybe I should stop writing heartfelt thoughts after drinking an whole bottle of wine hahah
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dxc1996 · 6 years
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So I’m currently translating chapter 90 of CoBC...on a desktop computer ....with windows XP on it... on the dining table If this isn’t dedication I don’t know what it is. @tricktster
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dxc1996 · 6 years
Almost finished translating book one of CoBC
@tricktster , I’m not dead I swear hahah I’m only slow as hell
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dxc1996 · 6 years
Fun fact is a national holiday here in Italy so we don’t go to school or work and with this climate is perfect for picnics or go outs
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dxc1996 · 6 years
It kills me everytime hahah
The Skywalker Men
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dxc1996 · 6 years
Love this 😍
The Evolution of a Dorm Room Door
It all started in October when my roommate and I decided that we needed to do something for Halloween. After literal hours of deliberation, we made the decision to do something that was simple but would show off some of my creative abilities.
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We decided not to do anything for Thanksgiving because it wouldn’t be up for very long, and neither of us really care about Thanksgiving. So, it was decided that over the break I was going to make us a Christmas tree to put on the door and little, blank ornaments that our peers could decorate and put on the tree.
But then, it happened.
My father walked into my room one night and handed me two boxes of these.
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And I knew what I had to do.
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However, Christmas came and went too quickly. I felt that I worked too hard on the Vader to just throw him away, so I simply adapted him to the lack of a holiday using one of the most iconic lines ever said in any movie ever.
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At this point it is nearly Valentine’s Day, a day meant to celebrate a Saint who we know very little about but is associated with “courtly love”.  How could I not acknowledge the greatest romance in Star Wars history?
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But something was missing, some real Star Wars love.
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I added some newer quotes,
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an absolute classic,
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the time that Ben Solo got things right,
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and the time that he was extremely wrong.
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If you have any more suggestions for quotes to put on my door, I will be happy to hear them.
The door down the hall.
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That’s a Halloween sign.
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dxc1996 · 6 years
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“But it was also a Jedi who saved her! By reaching back in fucking time.”
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dxc1996 · 6 years
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Time, distance… Nothing could separate them because they knew. It was right. It was real.
— Sleepless in Seattle.
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dxc1996 · 6 years
Reblog or your mom will die in 928 seconds.
I love my mom.
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I am risking nothing
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Will not risk.
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sorry followers :(
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dxc1996 · 6 years
Never mind the “Who shot first?” stuff; THIS is the defining moment of the Han Solo character:
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Everyone else was just like: “Oh, fuck: It’s Vader!” and standing around in shock and terror when Vader was revealed. Even Chewie.
Most people, I suspect, would have that reaction. 
Meanwhile, Han’s first reaction, instinctively, in less than a second, was to grab a gun and try to flat-out end the guy.
He failed, of course. But God Damn if you can’t appreciate the effort. 
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dxc1996 · 6 years
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My porgsplay and the place I belong I’m such a porgssesed trash
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dxc1996 · 6 years
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dxc1996 · 6 years
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My Porg cosplay for the Romics is almost done... my dog seems confused
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dxc1996 · 6 years
624 days until Star Wars Episode IX
I’m counting down the days…(ITS KILLING ME SEND HELP)
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dxc1996 · 6 years
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My Porg cosplay for the Romics is almost done... my dog seems confused
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