#crazy porg lady
dxc1996 · 6 years
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So Yesterday I bought this super cute porg from the Disney store 😍💕 his name is Hector because my friend is obsessed with Coco and as a thank you for her coming with I named him like this
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spookiifi · 4 years
Unspoken Emotions
Here’s part 3 of First Impressions featuring my and  @tinalbion ‘s oc. 
I’m planning on writing one more piece, but this is the final part of First Impressions.
This is a Clone Wars AU which includes canon x oc material.
Part 1:
Part 2:
Warnings: None, just a lot of fluff.
Everything had gone according to plan; Two rooms with two people each. Maul insisted on sharing with Sasha and Adelaide had no issues with sharing a room with Savage.
Once Maul and Sasha disappeared, Adelaide paused and took a breath. It was pretty decent for what they had paid along with an extra charge for food. Thankfully it would be arriving soon.
“So,” Adi started as she looked over at Savage, who was attempting not to break the lights on the ceiling. She couldn’t help but stifle a laugh. “I’ll take the floor if you’re okay with that. I can manage.”
“It’s only right if you have the bed,” Savage responded. “It wouldn’t be right for me to take it from a lady.”
Adelaide lightly blushed and laughed. “Well, I guess we’re sharing.”
The bed in Maul and Sasha’s room was a decent size. Maul sat on the floor, clearly sick of leaning down. “There’s no way I’m going to fit on that.” He glanced down at his legs which were twice as long as his torso.
Sasha knew of his insecurity, he missed his lower half. The redhead tip-toed around the topic. “We could make it work.” She sat cross-legged opposite from him, her back resting against the side of the mattress.
Adelaide couldn’t help her curiosity about the brothers. Savage radiated hate and anger at certain times while his brother seemed to be in a heated rage most of their trip. The blonde’s head perked when there were several knocks at the door. A cart of food had been wheeled in. She called Savage over to eat as he paced the floor near the window.
“Come on big guy, you need to eat. Getting worked up won’t help much. Tonight, we relax and plan out our trip in the morning.”
He huffed and glanced down, his mind filled with confusing emotion as he mulled over his thoughts. “I suppose,” he replied slowly as he walked over to the table. His mouth watered at the sight and smell of fresh food.
“So now that we’ve had the chance to get formalities out of the way, I want to ask you again. Why did you decide to come with us? We’re sith, you know what we do. You owe us nothing.”
Adelaide sat in silence as she ate, content with the taste and fact that she’d gain energy. “I sound like a lunatic,” she scoffed at herself as she swallowed a bit of food. “But I’m what my family calls a seer. I’m not particularly a witch, but I have moments where I can sense something that’s going to happen. My father exploited that and used me to make him move up in the noble line he worked for.”
She allowed him to think over her words and continued. “I left because I sensed you were in trouble, I knew you wouldn’t have gone unscathed and you needed my help. Again, sounds insane, but once I saw you, I felt like I needed to do whatever I could to help.”
“It’s been so long since I’ve eaten food this delicious.” Sasha grinned as she bit into a meiloorun fruit, savoring the sweet juice.
Maul shrugged and rolled his eyes. “It’s just cafeteria food. It’s not that good.” He tore into a fresh nuna leg.
“Maybe to you.” She added porg bits to her salad before setting it down. “Hey.”
The bothered Zabrak looked up, pausing on his shredded nuna legs.
“Why don’t we forget about tomorrow for now? It’s clear that we both need to rest up.”
His eyes seemed distant, yet he sighed in defeat. “I suppose you’re right.”
Another thought hit Sasha as she finished her salad. “So, about my training; When do I start?”
Maul tapped his claws on the floor. “That will have to wait. We have other issues to focus on.”
“Tomorrow.” she crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow.
“Yes, tomorrow.” he yawned, showing his jagged sharp teeth.
Sasha couldn’t help but smile at his composure. One would usually find Maul to be intimidating and cold, yet she felt safe and secure spending time with him. “Tired much?” She placed the food tray near the door.
“I am not.” He lied. He sat on the edge of the bed, letting out another toothy yawn.
She placed the tray outside. “I’d say otherwise.” It could’ve been Sasha’s tired imagination, but she swore that Maul laughed. When she turned around, Maul had already flopped against the mattress, his cyborg legs hanging off the edge.
It was so foreign to hear him laugh, yet it was almost comforting.
The pair in the room beside Sasha and Maul’s were in a deep conversation about their past, learning about one another as the sun sunk lower and lower beneath the horizon.  Adelaide had begun to yawn constantly, which signaled to Savage her exhaustion.
“Sleep, you need it,” he mused.
“As do you big guy,” she shot back with a grin. “And don’t worry about sharing a bed. I won’t bite unless asked.” The tease came naturally to her, but she clamped her mouth shut when she realized what she had just so casually said.
Savage’s eyes widened, hiding his blush as he spun around to continue eating. “O-only if you’re okay with that.”
Adelaide smiled and waved her hand in a sweeping motion. “Don’t worry about it. I’ve had to share the quarters with the woman I had served. She always wanted me close by,” she explained and finished her plate.
The blonde sat back in content. “So, I like the girl you guys brought with. She seems sweet,” she added to make small talk, her nerves building up in her stomach.
Savage nodded and sat down on the edge of the large bed, resting his arms on his knees. “Yes, Maul hadn’t expected to be saving anyone that day, but it seems she’s good for him despite the short time we’ve had her with us.”
“I know your brother and you have been through a lot, so anything helping you guys out is a good thing, yeah?” She yawned as she patted her stomach. “I’m going to head to sleep, I hope you get some rest.”
She smiled up at him as she turned away, the blush returning as he watched her snuggle into her pillow, wrapping the thin sheet against her body.
“Yeah, sleep well.”
Although Maul felt comfortable, conflicting thoughts still lingered in his head. He could only stare as he was sprawled across the mattress.
Sasha sat on the edge of the bed and combed through her locks. “Are you okay?” She caught him off guard.
He blinked a few times. “Fine, fine. I just need sleep.” He turned towards the wall, hiding his face.
“...Alright then. It’s late anyway, I’ll join you.” But how? Because of Maul’s massive legs, there was little to no room on the bed except…
‘No. There’s no way he’d let me.’ His chest looked very tempting, though. ‘I have no other choice. What do I do?’ Thank the maker for the dim lighting, for her face flushed a bright pink.
“Your thoughts are louder than you think, Sasha.” He propped himself up with his hands.
Her eyes widened and her blush only deepened. “What? I didn’t think you could-”
His lips curled into a smile and he cupped her chin with one hand. “Please don’t be afraid.” His touch was warm and gentle, and she immediately melted. “Come here.”
She got herself situated, her face and stomach rested on Maul’s built torso, along with her legs between his. Sasha felt his arm curl around her back.
“Don’t tell Savage and Adelaide about this. At least not yet.”
She hummed in response as she listened to his beating hearts. She took one glance at Maul, taking in his red and gold irises that perfectly mixed.
“You have gorgeous eyes,” she mumbled, in and out of sleep.
Maul chuckled, not knowing how to respond. He absentmindedly ran his fingers through her hair as she finally drifted off.
Adi could feel the emotions rising like wildfire from the room over. She smiled and hoped the girl would have a decent night’s sleep, Adi knew she herself wouldn’t. Her mind went crazy when she had kept sneaking peeks of Savage from the corner of her eye.
‘There’s something about him,’ she thought. ‘I can’t put my finger on it.’
Savage opened his eyes and caught her staring at him. “I can hear you,” he teased.
Tags: @tinalbion @hxldmxdxwn @maulieber @queenfurball 
If anyone wants to be tagged, let me know!
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akylodarkly83 · 5 years
So I love how Rey was so disgusted with the Resistance forgetting about Ben Solo that she just jacked the Falcon and BB-8 and ran off to Tatooine to be a crazy porg lady to get away from at all. What an amazing ending!
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ghost-chance · 5 years
Our kind of love is:
Chatting online during work breaks entirely in Monty Python GIFS...and understanding each other completely. "NI!" "This? 'Tis but a flesh wound."
Spontaneously glancing at Heiferlump at the same time and sighing in unison.
"How was your day?" "Meh." "Good kind of meh, or bad kind of meh?" "A meh kind of meh." "Ah. I'll throw a pizza in the oven."
Banter. So much frickin' banter. Driving people bananas with the banter.
"That sentence had too many syllables! Apologize!"
Rough day? Pants optional. Bras banned. Grab a butt-pillow and sit on the floor - furniture is for pussies.
"Ugh. These leftovers look like Minion-poisoned-by-nasty-jelly." "Would you rather Mikey-sings-Taps-for-dead-pizza?" "Don't make me go Hawkeye-starts-a-riot-over-spam."
Watching anime and eating cereal in our jammies like grown-ass adults.
"Remind me why I love you?" "I'm a sexy man-beast and I make you laugh." "Oh, right."
Never falling asleep without saying "I love you." Never going separate ways without a hug. Never wondering "is this enough?" without immediately realizing "bitch, please. It's everything."
"WHY ARE YOUR FEET SO FUCKING COLD?!" "Because you won't let me warm them up under your butt. Obviously." 💁
Standing in the aisle on the phone with me to make sure he gets the exact right type, size, and brand of pads. Complains to all nearby men about the injustice of "pussy taxes" just to watch them squirm. Upon return, he creeps past the bedroom, throws chocolate through the door, and runs away cackling. "THE BEAST IS FED!" "You win this time, mortal." 👿
Valentine's day is coming. He notices the date on the calendar. "Nope, you haven't been good enough for flowers. You're getting a dandelion, be thankful." He shows up with a big-ass bouquet of roses...with a dandelion stuck in the middle. It's probably from a sidewalk. It's fucking perfect.
"How did you manage to hurt yourself this time?" "...the fridge is an asshole." "...I'm putting you in a bubble."
One of us pets the cat, the other must also pet the cat. It is the law. 🐈
"Ugh. I don't wanna go to work." "Sorry Sugarbuns, the landlord won't let you bang on da drum all day."
Mutual venting about things that confuse and piss us off so we can somewhat blend in with polite society. "Whoever invented PANTS needs to die!" "Word." "Stanky perfume. What's up with that?" "Duh. It stanks."
Neighbors' impressions: "OMG, they're fighting AGAIN?! Just break up already!" What's actually happening: "HOLYMOTHEROFFRAGGINGFARKNUGGETS! WHAT did you EAT?!" "Heh. Pepperoni."
Good-natured arguing about who has the crazier family. (We both win.)
"Ass." "Butt." "Assbutt." "Supernatural marathon."
Always knowing that no matter what, we've got each other's backs...and one of us is probably about to slip ice down the other's shirt.
"OMG, EW! Why can't you just kiss me on the cheek like a civilized human being? I'm not a graham cracker in kindergarten, you don't have to lick me to keep someone from stealing me!" "But now everyone knows you're mine." 😜
Waking up from a nightmare to find he's already holding me close...and faking sleep because heaven forbid he admit he actually likes cuddling.
Seeking him out when he's been gaming too long, inviting myself into his lap, sprawling out, and staring at him. "Pay attention to me." "My god, you ARE a cat-lady."
So. Many. Freaking. NERD JOKES.
"I hate the world today. Everything sucks and I'm sick of it." "I ordered Chinese." "Things are looking up."
He considers having guests over. I agree. We think about who to call...then drop the idea and watch "Deadpool" in our underwear instead. It's awesome.
"Uh...honey...I screwed up." "...you're grounded from life."
He speaks perfect English; I can't understand him. I've got mush-mouth; he understands every word. How does that work?
"I love Porgs! They're so freaking adorable!" "Eh...no. No Porgs allowed in this house." He gave me a teeny tiny ceramic Porg that very Christmas. ❤
Things we can always count on no matter what: each other, plans going awry, someone lightening a rough situation with humor, and life will always be better together.
"My god you stink." "Well, stay out of my armpit, you won't smell it." "...I'm all the way across the room." "I'm not even home. Your point?"
PUNS result in "That was awful. You should be ashamed."
M*A*S*H marathons. Couch co-op. Board games. Binge-watching NCIS. Debating which actress has the best rack. Insult contests. Tickle-fights over the TV remote. Takeout so I don't poison us by cooking. Too little sleep for a too early day to follow. Best. Day. Ever.
"I can't do this - I just can't do it anymore! Why can't I get words out when I'm around people?! Why can't I just get my brain untangled and TALK?!" "It's not your fault you're wired differently. It's okay." "It's bullshit." "Yep. That's why I don't mind being your voice when you need me." "People suck." "Yes, they do."
So many sexual innuendos in completely nonsexual situations. "There's a hair on my taco." "Well, you say you like'em natural."
Our life is never dull. There are highs, lows, and everything between, but at least we're never bored.
"Love ya, Darlin'." "Love you too...crazy woman." "Ass." "Butt." "Assbutt."
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the-porg-apprentice · 6 years
$2,295 for a Magic Leap One headset?
No thanks. I may be a crazy porg lady, but I’m not that crazy.
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lovecastsoutfear · 7 years
My brother and I discussing Chewie and the porgs in TLJ.
@isurvivedorder66: so basically Chewie’s soulmate died and then he got a bunch of cats.
Me: so basically Chewie became a crazy cat lady.
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jackscrutchie · 7 years
Imagine little Luke making lil droids to play with and then when he gets to the island he plays with the porgs using the force to move little rocks around so they chased them like a cat toy
Baby Luke for sure fiddled with stuff like that. He’s so smart what a good kid he is. And he for sure plays with the Porgs. He’s like a old crazy cat lady. Only instead he’s an old cranky Porg Jedi guy.
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dxc1996 · 6 years
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My porgsplay and the place I belong I’m such a porgssesed trash
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harukoooo · 7 years
Chewie totally became the Star Wars equivalent of a crazy cat lady with like 30 porgs. Han was 90% of his impulse control. 
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animatronic5 · 7 years
My Thoughts On The Last Jedi Backlash
Spoilers who read below... With all of those petitions being made to remove it from canon, which will undoubtedly fail, it makes me wonder. And with that said, there is one thing I have to say. ... Why? Why must we hate The Last Jedi? Why does everyone think this is worse than episodes 1 and 2? I'm not gonna act like this film's flawless, but there are some great moments in it. The dark cave. Yoda and Lukes little speech together. The space battles. But everyone acts like it's a crime against nature! Everyone I know, my dad, my 3 sisters, my cousins, my grandparents, my aunts, uncles, all my friends, and even Youtubers like IHateEverything, Nostalgia Critic, Chris Stuckman, HowItShouldHaveEnded, Cinema Snob, and many more, all liked this movie! And plus, Star Wars was never ours to mess with! It's been up to Lucasfilm and the studio, so who are we to say what's canon or not. We've never seemed to do something like this before. I never saw petitions to get episode 1 outta the Star Wars canon. And everyone seems to hate that one. So why this? Like the complaints against Lukes character change. This film shows that even someone like Luke, can't stay the same after 40 years or so. A man would get broken if he lost all of his students, his temple , his best student turned against him, his nephew no less, would probably turn a man cold and bitter after losing so much. Luke can't stay the same young farmboy turned jedi after so many years. No one can stay tge same after so many years. All the characters changed in the New trilogy. Leia became a respected idol for the resistance. Han grew softer and more teaching towards his friends. Ackbar, (who was killed because the voice actor died) was never a main character. R2-D2 grew old and rusty, but still whirred and buzzed. C3-P0 grew more standards for himself. Chewbacca grew to be a strong old fighter. Even Master Yoda, becoming one with the force. It makes sense that it would show how much can change in so much tims. And also, this film was dedicated to Carrie Fisher. The film even says, "To Our Princess". Do you really want her last film for a franchise she was dedicated to, and was a part of for many years, should be destroyed and remade because people didn't like a goofy subplot and some Porgs? It seems so disrespectful to her memory. Even after the space Leia memes! And plus, this hasn't seemed to happen until now. No One deleted episode 6 from canon for the ewoks? No One shut out episode 2 from the story for sand and romance? No one shunned episode 3 from our minds for Nooooooo!? No one killed episode 1 and its involvment in the story for F#@king Jar Jar Binks? There are even small memories of THE HOLIDAY SPECIAL! WTF!? I may like anything Star Wars, but even I can see that 8 is better than 1 and 2! I honestly hope that all those petitions out there either fail, Disney shuts them down, or Disney won't even bother with them. While nothing in this movie is perfect, I've seen way worse movies in my years of watching the cinema. Tell me something... Ever watch FoodFight? Son of the Mask? Where the Dead go to Die? Transformers 5? Master of Disguise? Fan4stic? The Emoji Movie? Norm of the North? The Langoliers? Speed Racer? Santa Claus Conquers the Martians? DragonBall Evolution? Freddy Got Fingered? Cat in the Hat, (2003)? Smurfs 1 & 2? The Chipmunks 1-4? Epic Movie? 8 Crazy Nights? Disaster Movie? Meet the Spartans? Vampires Suck? Pluto Nash? Mafia? Garbage Pail Kids? Blues Brothers 2000? A Troll in Central Park? Street Fighter The Movie? Lost in Space? Alien Resurrection? The Room? The Mummy, (2017)? The Mummy 2? Hulk? Meet Dave? Lady In The Water? Rapsittie Street Kids Believe in Santa? ...wow. So, I know that I'll get a lot of hate for this, but I thought this needed saying, especially after I heard about how many damn petitions there are to remove this film from canon. I just hope some of you will listen. I'll try to keep my opinions on this stuff contained in the future and just draw artwork. Have a good day to you all.
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delulu-for-kylo · 7 years
My new life goal is to be a crazy porg lady.
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Aimee Gates Life in Heaven Episode 12 Freestyle mini story by Stella Carrier
Aimee Gates Life In Heaven Episode 12 Freestyle mini Story by Stella Carrier December 21, 2017December 21, 2017Start time after gathering resources 1153 pmCompletion time 1159pmAimee Gates here with a spirit guide in training named Jordan Strong who transitioned to celestial life less than a  year ago in earth lifetime and travels between the celestial replicas of Virginia, Washington D.C., and Maryland. Together we are currently awaiting a stage presentation of two spirit guides who have helped thousands of earth based people write stories both on building homes in heaven and of buying ones in earth, in addition to their helping many earth based spirits with stories pertaining to authors who reside on earth and those authors who reside in various heaven realms. The stage presentation is about to being within 5 minutes and thousands of exhibits are set that are shaped after theme parks, hybrid cruise ships with floating concerts on them. Basically the theme is around the essence of fun and how to transmit the ideas of having  fun to millions of men, women, and children still residing on earth. The presentation is going to be hosted by over 75 celestial based spirits and 7000 celestial assistants as information is also going to be shared on tailoring the fun to the earth based person’s budget. The celestial setting for this is near a blue gold and purple 3 mile tall and 5 mile wide celestial mountain filled with over 1000 beautiful celestial mansionsResourcesSummer Jam 2003 The Underdog ProjectBlue Jeans by Lana Del ReyDelirious by Steve Aoki Kid Ink Tujamo Chris LakeHideaway by KieszaSecrets of Love by DJ BoboGlow by Ella HendersonOld Dominion University Norfolk Virginiahttps://online.odu.edu/info/get-started?utm_source=Quantcast&utm_medium=Banner_ad&utm_campaign=Enrollment_FY_1617&utm_content=General_2+2&utm_term=bold_bDisney Parks Bento Magic – Porg from Star Wars: The Last Jediby Thomas Smith, Editorial Content Director, Disney Parks https://disneyparks.disney.go.com/blog/2017/12/disney-parks-bento-magic-porg-from-star-wars-the-last-jedi/?CMP=SOC-DPFY17Q1wo122120170011GBest Burgers at the BeachCulinary • Resort Life http://thedailylifevb.visitvirginiabeach.com/post/best-burgers-beach?utm_campaign=fy18-vblt-lifestyles&utm_source=trade-desk&utm_content=fy18_468&utm_medium=mediaDFB Video: Hidden Gem Dining Spots in DisneylandBy Traci Curth 1 Comment http://www.disneyfoodblog.com/2017/12/18/dfb-video-hidden-gem-dining-spots-in-disneyland/Old Navy Gaphttp://oldnavy.gap.com/browse/division.do?cid=5360&mlink=5360,13518818,Top_nav_W&clink=13518818Disney World's Secret Burger Proves It Really Is The Most Magical Place On EarthBy Lindsay Funstonhttps://www.msn.com/en-us/foodanddrink/restaurantsandnews/disney-worlds-secret-burger-proves-it-really-is-the-most-magical-place-on-earth/ar-BBH7J3ABob’s Discount Furniturehttps://www.mybobs.com/living-room-furniturehaving fun on a budgetHaving Fun on a Budget https://www.aroundmyfamilytable.com/having-fun-on-a-budget/ https://tinybuddha.com/blog/50-creative-cheap-ways-to-have-fun/waterpark fun31 Ridiculously Cool Water Parks To Visit With Your KidsOr without them. Waterslides are fun.Posted on May 22, 2015, at 12:46 p.m.Morgan ShanahanBuzzFeed Staff https://www.buzzfeed.com/morganshanahan/31-ridiculously-cool-water-parks-to-visit-with-your-kids?utm_term=.mieGwNkng#.cmeLqm287Top US Water Parks http://www.travelchannel.com/interests/amusement-parks/photos/top-us-water-parkspeople having fun at theme parksTHINGS YOU HAVE TO EXPLAIN TO PEOPLE WHO'VE NEVER WORKED IN A THEME PARK By MATT MELTZER https://www.thrillist.com/travel/nation/amusement-park-secrets-known-only-to-those-who-work-in-theme-parksThe 9 Types Of People You See At A Theme ParkThorpe Park, Alton Towers, Blackpool Pleasure Beach: they'll be there.Posted on October 18, 2013, at 6:34 a.m.Tabatha Leggett https://www.buzzfeed.com/tabathaleggett/the-types-of-people-you-see-at-a-theme-park?utm_term=.orbWZYd5Q#.eklmXM2oQThe 9 Most Baffling Theme Parks From Around the World·        Jeff Steinbrunner··        February 26, 2008·        ··        761,815 views http://www.cracked.com/article_15955_the-9-most-baffling-theme-parks-from-around-world.htmlPhotos show theme parks before and after smartphonesBarry Neild, CNN • Updated 27th September 2017 http://www.cnn.com/travel/article/theme-parks-smartphones/index.htmlHow Nostalgia Shapes Theme Park VisitsPosted by Elizabeth Alton on Thursday, August 4th, 2016 http://entertainmentdesigner.com/news/theme-park-design-news/how-nostalgia-shapes-theme-park-visits/Top 10 Amusement ParksYour favorite theme parks, amusement parks and water parks. http://www.travelchannel.com/interests/amusement-parks/articles/top-10-amusement-parksTop 10 Free US MuseumsWhether you're looking for ancient artifacts or colorful paintings, the best things in life certainly are free at these museums.By: Jennifer Plum Auvilhttp://www.travelchannel.com/interests/arts-and-culture/articles/top-10-free-us-museums10 Best Campgrounds for FamiliesHere are 10 fantastic camping options for families looking for a little fun in the great outdoors.By: Erin Giffordhttp://www.travelchannel.com/interests/outdoors-and-adventure/articles/10-best-campgrounds-for-familiespeople having fun traveling13 Tips for Fun and Active TravelTake a break from lounging by the pool and try these fun, calorie-burning activities on your next vacation.BY BRENDA SCHMERL https://www.rd.com/health/wellness/13-tips-for-fun-and-active-travel/ I Stella Carrier intend to live a life filled with joy, creativity, love, passion, excitement, spiritual connection, fun, energy, health, learning growing happiness and abundance in all areas of my life both present and future. I Stella Carrier intend to create a life of unlimited abundance in which money, opportunities, ideas, connections, and all forms of wealth come to me effortlessly with harm to none in all areas of my life both present and future.I Stella Carrier intend to double my after tax monthly income within 2 years or sooner both present and future.I Stella Carrier intend to create heaven on earth and for those who surround me in all areas of my life both present and future.I Stella Carrier intend to channel the energies of unlimited intuition power, unlimited genius powers, and unlimited imagination powers in all areas of my life both present and future.I Stella Carrier intend to more powerfully connect with my heaven higher self and my heaven spirit ally team of the heaven worlds of divine love and divine happiness in all areas of my life both present and future. AffirmationsI Stella Carrier mark a new beginning in the book of my life and wisely use the free time I have been giving to rest and tune even deeper into various aspects of my life-spiritual, athletic goals such as walking more, balancing my writing time with some online courses I have enrolled in etc.I Stella Carrier am well provided for. I live in an abundant universe.http://www.fantasynamegenerators.com/stage-names.php#.WTqvpOvyucw http://www.fantasynamegenerators.com/dimension-names.php#.WXs6PVWGOcw Amazon storytelling music playlist shuffle modeCandyman by Christina AguileraYour Man by Josh TurnerStyle Taylor SwiftYou Drive Me Crazy Britney SpearsThat’s What I Like Bruno MarsLove In An Elevator AerosmithAll I Do is Win Dj Khaled T-Pain Snoop Dogg Ludacris Rick RossShe and I AlabamaSlow Hands Niall HoranWhatta Man Salt N Pepa feat. En VogueGet it On Bang A Gong Power StationAnything Goes Florida Georgia LineGods and Monsters Lana Del ReyInvisible Touch GenesisLet’s Dance David BowieShoop Salt N PepaYour Man Josh TurnerLet Me Love You Justin Timberlake DJ SnakeWanted Hunter HayesMonster Lady Gaga
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andylpblog · 7 years
Drunken ‘Last Jedi’ review *Spoilers*
So it all kicks off after the rebels try to flee the planet from the last film. Po n’ BB8 are like the one bloke in your local who’s had one too many who thinks he can take on the world. Only this time the world is a ‘New Order’ dreadnought (a massive f**king ship with more guns than an early 90’s source awards party) they stagger about a bit and do some damage but then the ‘New order’ are like “nah man” so they send out the TIE fighters to kick some arse. Po, again imitating the local drunk who wont go home gets his cousins to get his back. Only his cousins are spaceships with a shit load of bombs on them. All the bomb ships get proper laid into. Except one who has a character that at first you don’t really have any empathy for, then she manages to drop some bombs and you kinda think “yeah your alright luv”. Then the rebels jump into hyperspace n get gone. War won right? Wrong. The empire can track them through hyper speed? Impossible right? If you answered yes, you are like every other higher ranking official and nothing like the galaxy’s smartest girl who works below decks stunning escapees. We catch up with Finn who does the usual movie schtick of waking up out of a coma without any bodily or mental trauma. Go Finn! He then takes one look at the state of the world he has woke up in and thinks “nah man I’m out”, however not before meeting back up with Po and asking “Where’s Ray” (Insert transition here) Where is Ray!? Ray is in the same exact place we last saw her, about to hand Luke his lightsaber, grab him get off this island and save the day. PAR! Luke lobs the lightsaber behind his back and cracks on like he don’t give a flying f**k, maybe blue just ain’t his colour? Anyways its the usual “i need you” , “nah i cba” with Ray and Luke. We find out Ray has dark side tendencies like she’s the first Jedi to ever have... She starts chatting online through her mind to Kylo they get on its sweet. Like MSN but with lazers n that. Luke finds out and goes mental though. Kylo says Luke tried to off him. Luke says he did but changed his mind. Ray is confused, annoys the natives and decides to give Kylo a chance. Also Chewbacca goes Vegan, it’s all very 2017... Finn hooks up with Rose a young girl on a ship thats doomed with no hope of ever seeing home again, wait ain’t this the titanic? They hatch a plan to basically have a holiday in vegas on the pretence of looking for a hacker, again its all very 2017 guys. They end up finding a guy in jail who says he will help them, they instantly tell him to F off then moan when he betrays them later on! They set free a load of big eared greyhounds destroy the gambling businesses of good hard working aliens and get out of dodge. Now we are back on the doomed rebel space ship. The lady from Jurrasic park has taken over since Leia’s space walk. Ohh shit i left that out. I can’t even describe it. Its just bat shit crazy. Anyhow Po hates Dr Ellie Sattler and stages a mutiny. He takes control of the bridge and hatches a plan knowing that his mate Finn will come through. Brienne of Tarth goes full Lannister and spoils the whole plan though. Leia like Finn miraculously awakes from a coma stuns Po, gets everyone in life boats and gets away from the sinking rebel ship. Then we find out that Benicio Del Toro’s stuttering criminal that we have known for 10 whole minuets is a proper knob. Dr. Ellie Sattler from Jurrasic park goes proper kamikaze and light speeds into the New orders ship cutting it in two! Clever girl. Finn batters Brienne uttering the line “Chrome Dome” to which i chuckled and escapes with Rose. Ray turns up amid all this by the way. Hooks up with Kylo and the two of them smoke supreme leader Snoke ( I’m a poet and i didn’t know it) and his red cladded henchmen. We find out after years of stipulation, internet arguments and reddit boards that Ray’s parents were just basically nobodies. Then her and Kylo have a really bad break up. Worse than any of the Kardashians. Kylo wakes up to the news his new padawan / bae has done a runner in his ex masters space ship. Luke has a good ol’ chin wag with Yoda over a bonfire. Then we arrive on Hoth. Only instead of snow we have salt and instead of TaunTaun’s we have Alolan Vulpix’s. Our hero’s are hidden in an ex rebel base behind an almost seemingly indestructible iron door that is about to be beaten in by a galaxy far far away’s version of the drug squad. Someone declares “There is no other way in or out” before several soldiers take another way out into some trenches to shoot at ATAT’s (get some string lads) Po and Finn try and save the day. Finn tries to pull a heroic suicide stunt but then gets saved by rose who kisses him and instantly makes you feel bad because you know Finn wants Ray. I mean thats the worse star wars kiss since Leia snogged her brother right!? All hope is lost, then a freshly trimmed Luke appears gives his sister a kiss and struts out onto the battlefield. Kylo gives him all the fire power he has, our hero looks defeated. Then he appears from the salt cloud feeling like a pimp, and thus brushes his shoulder off. Luke and Kylo then have a matrix style fight. However Luke is proper cat fishing his nephew as he isn’t actually there! He then force ghost dies on Porg island. Ray and Leia have a cry whilst flying off into the vast reaches of space. We then cut to the scene from 1976’s Bugsy Malone where the young kid is sweeping looking up at the stars and wishing he was a boxer in the golden ring.
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businessweekme · 7 years
Star Wars’ Low-Key Commander Plots a Bold Course for Lucasfilm
The lobby of Lucasfilm Ltd.’s headquarters at San Francisco’s Presidio is tastefully decorated with Craftsman-style lamps and leather chairs. There’s a statue of special effects pioneer Willis O’Brien posing with King Kong in the back, and a full-sized R2-D2 up front.
Mickey Mouse is nowhere to be found.
In the five years since Walt Disney Co. purchased Lucasfilm from founder George Lucas for $4.1 billion, the world’s largest entertainment company has followed a familiar script. As with earlier acquisitions of digital pioneer Pixar and cable sports giant ESPN, Lucasfilm has been allowed to retain its iconoclastic character while benefiting from the new owner’s largesse.
  After some fallow years near the end of Lucas’s reign, Lucasfilm is now buried under a blizzard of projects. These include two Star Wars Lands under construction at theme parks in California and Florida; a Star Wars TV show for Disney’s new subscription television service launching in 2019, and, of course, the movies, including “Star Wars: The Last Jedi,” which will open Dec. 15. Those films, which have reinvigorated the franchise and brought in billions of dollars, succeeded under the watch of Lucasfilm’s boss, Kathleen Kennedy.
The ship won’t drop out of light speed any time soon. Disney Chief Executive Officer Bob Iger announced Nov. 9 that the company was making a fourth trilogy of the Star Wars saga. Add those three to the four films already in the works, and fans can count on seeing big screen intergalactic warfare well into the next decade.
Vicki Dobbs Beck, head of a new Lucasfilm division that’s tapping virtual reality to tell Star Wars stories, has been with the studio for 25 of the past 29 years. She said that, with all the projects currently underway, this has been “the pinnacle of my time with Lucasfilm.”
Lucas, 73, laid the groundwork for this renaissance. In 2012, he recruited Kennedy, a producer, to help him run the company and start a new generation of Star Wars films. Four months later, he announced the sale to Disney.
Kennedy, 64, was no stranger. A longtime lieutenant to director (and Lucas friend) Steven Spielberg, she worked with the special effects wizards at Lucasfilm on many of Spielberg’s films. A picture on the wall of Lucasfilm’s headquarters captures a visit she made to the company decades earlier, when Spielberg was directing the 1982 blockbuster “E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial.”
Lucas and Kennedy are similar in many ways. Like Lucas, she is a native of rural California, hailing from Redding, north of Sacramento. Also like him, she’s usually no fan of the spotlight. Despite working on some of the most famous movies ever made, Kennedy has tried to keep a low profile.
“There’s nothing I like more than to have one of our movies run, and then I go the ladies’ room and listen to everyone talk about it,” she told Vanity Fair last year.
At the company, her purview involves much more than Star Wars. The Lucasfilm empire includes Industrial Light & Magic, a pioneer in movie special effects, and Skywalker Sound, which produces sound effects and handles editing for as many as 100 films a year. Many Lucasfilm traditions have continued under Kennedy, such as a speaker series featuring visiting movie makers and other entertainment talents who give hour-long presentations to employees. Recent guests have included actor Tom Hanks, director Martin Scorsese and producer Megan Ellison, founder of Annapurna Pictures.
Now in her fifth year as head of the studio, Kennedy has begun to emerge from the shadows. At an October event sponsored by Elle magazine, she called on studios, unions and talent agencies to convene a commission to develop protections against sexual harassment in the entertainment industry. “We must make the film industry an exemplar in this regard, a model for self-regulation that other businesses can emulate,” she said.
Kennedy didn’t respond to a request for comment. A spokeswoman for Lucas said he wasn’t giving interviews.
  The San Francisco office of Lucasfilm resembles a museum to pop culture, a culture that owes a lot to movies Lucas’s team helped create over the years. Artifacts include the Holy Grail from “Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade,” a model of the DeLorean from “Back to the Future,” the house in “Lemony Snicket’s A Series of Unfortunate Events” and even a Tyrannosaurus Rex from “Jurassic Park.” (Despite selling the company, Lucas held onto the pricey real estate underneath the company’s offices, including his 5,000-acre Skywalker ranch north of San Francisco, where Skywalker Sound is based.)
The transition to Disney control wasn’t without casualties, though. One division that was axed was LucasArts, a maker of video games. It was scrapped in favor of a licensing strategy in which Disney charges game makers who want to use characters in Lucasfilm properties. Some mobile game development is still done in-house, however.
Disney has put its mark on the business in other ways. Industrial Light & Magic has expanded its offices in Singapore and Vancouver and opened one in London, responding to industry globalization and the increasing availability of production tax credits. For her part, Kennedy sought to reorganize a top-down structure when it came to the creative side. She formed an 11-member Lucasfilm story group to develop projects consistent with the Star Wars character library and mythology. Before her arrival, the creative process existed inside the head of exactly one person.
“It was George,” said Diana Williams, a member of the group. “George was story.”
The first film of the series, “Star Wars,” was released 40 years ago. With 16 years between the first and second trilogies, and an additional decade between the second and third trilogies, fans found a lot of room to build their own worlds. Kennedy, as part of her creative initiative, was having none of it. She declared the characters and stories from non-film Star Wars projects, such as novels and comic books by independent authors, as non-canon. That rankled some longtime fans and former business partners.
“I don’t quite see the point of repudiating the Expanded Universe,” said Lou Aronica, a former executive at Bantam Books, which published Star Wars novels. “Those stories—especially the original Tim Zahn trilogy—kept fans committed to Star Wars during the long hiatus between films.”
Ironically, if Disney were to acquire 21st Century Fox Inc., a potential deal currently under discussion, it would unite Lucasfilm with the studio that released the first six Star Wars films, giving Disney complete control of Lucas’s legacy.
In her five years running Lucasfilm, Kennedy has sought to tap consumer markets previously ignored by the company. She created ILMxLab, a unit devoted to virtual reality. Its work is evident in a new business venture with Void, a Utah-based entertainment company. At three malls in Anaheim, California, Orlando and London, Void is opening 30-minute virtual reality experiences. For $30, guests put on goggles and computer backpacks and walk through a virtual Star Wars story, blasting stormtroopers, feeling the heat on the molten planet of Mustafar and even smelling the giant lava monsters.
It could be the start of something big, according to Cliff Plumer, Void’s chief executive. “Shopping malls, theater chains, airports, cruise ships, they’re all looking for attractions,” he said.
Lucasfilm’s licensing business has also sought to broaden the base of customers for Star Wars products—taking a brand traditionally known for boys and widening it to include apparel, jewelry and high-end electronics aimed at girls and adults.
“One of our top priorities within our segment is what we call audience expansion,” Jimmy Pitaro, the executive who runs Disney’s consumer products business, said in a September interview.
Toys, malls and jewelry aside, Kennedy’s eye has remained fixed on the core business, where she’s had the most impact. The two Star Wars films released so far by Disney have grossed more than $3 billion. Along the way, Kennedy has made personnel decisions that triggered mild online panic, with fans worrying the films would suffer. For the first Disney installment, “The Force Awakens,” in 2015, writer Michael Arndt was hired and then eased out. More recently, no fewer than three directors were let go before Ron Howard stepped in to helm a planned stand-alone film telling the origin story of Star Wars character Han Solo. It’s scheduled for release on May 25. (“The Force Awakens,” by the way, earned very positive reviews.)
“The Last Jedi,” with its return of the central character from Star Wars lore, Luke Skywalker, looks to continue Lucasfilm’s winning streak, with projections approaching $200 million in its domestic opening weekend alone. The first trailer, released in October, went crazy on YouTube. With what appears to be a passing of the torch to new heroine Rey from now-elder Jedi Knight Skywalker, as played by Mark Hamill, and the obligatory new, cute creatures called Porgs, the film seems to have something for Star Wars fans of all ages and species.
Kennedy’s presence, as both an experienced movie-maker and Lucas’s hand-picked successor, has given the company and its employees a sense of continuity, said Brian Jay Jones, author of “George Lucas: A Life.” But even with five years in, the man who built the legendary tale and the company behind it looms large.
“George gave them a gigantic universe to play with,” Jones said.
The post Star Wars’ Low-Key Commander Plots a Bold Course for Lucasfilm appeared first on Bloomberg Businessweek Middle East.
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sadspacedad · 7 years
So according to all the information saying that both Luke and porgs live on Ahch-To, I have deduced that he basically ran away from society to become a crazy cat lady
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crazyporglady · 7 years
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I can't be the only one who thinks her porgs are fabulous.... right?
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