#i love porgs
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Made this a while ago. Figured I’d spread the love of Star Wars Little Guys.
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shaniacsboogara · 2 years
Top 5 Beatdown is fun because you get to see Ryan's list and go "Ah yes, meow meow beef boy, so valid once again." But you also get to wait in a state of horrified trepidation for Shane Madej to reveal whatever absolutely batshit ranking he's amalgamated from the chaos-fueled recesses of his mind
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porgthespacepenguin · 7 months
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This cracks me up so much.
The 10k pwp has more hits than the novel.
The smut always wins. 😂
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briarlily · 4 months
Finally changed my avatar since the cat I've been using is not, in fact, my cat
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lordlexion · 7 months
I've created some moodboards for characters from a wonderful story by @porgthespacepenguin titled "No Easy Way to the Stars." I strongly encourage everyone to read this excellent story to get to know these marvelous characters.
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Link to story:
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pb-dot · 4 months
Film Friday: The Last Jedi
Oooooooooooh boy. I would say I have a complicated relationship with Star Wars as a franchise, but from what I hear from other fans I've discussed this with, that's normal and, on some level, inevitable. Star Wars is sometimes good, sometimes bad, and almost always a mix of the two. It's a part of the formula at this point, every bit as much as light sabers and obscure space religion magic. That said, there is one Star Wars movie that holds a special place in my heart, and I want to talk about it and what it did to the franchise, or at least tried to do before the Franchise Management people over at the house of mouse got scared and released a feature-length breaking maneuver of a film, but that's just something that happens some times. Let's get on with The Last Jedi.
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As so often is the case in second installments, the war isn't quite going the rebellion's way, and at the start of the movie our heroes are caught in a chase to save what little of the rebellion remains. In an attempt to turn the tides, Rey seeks out the council of legendary Jedi Luke Skywalker, while Finn, Poe and newly recruited mainliner Rose Tico attempt to find a way to circumvent the First Order's tracking to beat the chase.
Of course, things don't turn out quite that way. Luke is quite reluctant to get back into the "anything to do with the force"-business, and Finn, Rose and Poe find more than trouble navigating conflicting loyalties and First Order Infrastructure. It's a very "part two in the triology" kind of thing as our heroes fail, are tempted by both craven panic and the dark side, and learn the kind of lesson that, while necessary, doesn't feel all that good.
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To briefly sum up the parts I don't like as much about this movie: the pacing is a bit janky, and while I think the Canto Bight sequence is good thematically, it does feel like it prolongs a part of the plot that could be better served with less space travel. It's also a bit frustrating that a major driver of the Canto Bight/pursuit plot is two pivotal supporting characters not telling the main characters things. Sure, it can be justified, but it feels frustrating to sit through on the second watch-through. Also I can't quite decide if the movie tries to set up Finn with Rose, or if we're supposed to be as baffled about that development as Finn apparently is?
Ok, now with those annoyances out of the way, WOW does this movie do some great stuff. The Rey/Luke subplot alone has so much dynamite about mentoring, learning, and growing past mistakes. Luke has spent the last... what, 10, 20 years trying to be forgotten because he doesn't consider himself worthy of being a legendary hero, having failed Ben Solo/Kylo Ren so thoroughly. Through Rey's earnest, and insistent, enthusiasm for his legend he comes to realize that whether he wants to acknowledge it or not, the consequences of his actions are out there, and if he really wants to make amends, he has to confront these consequences. It's one hell of a storyline and development to play out, and Mark Hamil does some career-best work in putting it out there.
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There isn't really a good place to put this bit into the structure I wrote, but as I went through to edit this thing I remembered that I forgot to talk about the Holdo Manuever. This bit is apparently a bit controversial among the Military Logistics Of The Galaxy Far Far Away-crowd, but I fucking love it. For one, it's a twist I didn't see coming that also works just about perfectly even on re-watches, and secondly, just look at the thing. This action setpiece was nothing short of awe-inspiring. Letting physics, at least as much of physics as one can count on when dealing with FTL, do the heavy lifting in a pivotal moment feels like an inspiring choice, and again, look at it!
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This movie's also I think the most sensible of the Star Wars movies when it comes to the internal politics of the villain faction, in that the interplay between familiar autocratic forms of leadership, fascism to be precise, and the obscure space magic mysticism of the Force makes for some tasty plot threads. For one, Snoke is so secure that he, alone, will be the first dark side user to not be utterly fucked over by his sole apprentice on account of his mind reading ability that he seemingly ignores the possibility of Kylo Ren learning about the concept of meta-cognition, and gets chopped all the way in half for his hubris. One of the easiest way to get couped, after all, is to believe it could never happen to you for X Y or Z reason.
And then there's Hux. Ah, the fashy wet beast of a man that is Admiral Hugs. His is a thankless job, screaming about nonspecific degeneracy and nonspecific order and getting just absolutely bodied by the dark force users of the First Order on any and all occasions. Granted, the man is the military leader of a wannabe empire whose main business is military, but that doesn't matter much. Poe dunks on him, Kylo and Snoke treat him like a puppet at best, and even when the death of Snoke might suggest a promotion, oop, no, guess what, Kylo Ren's still there and while he doesn't proclaim himself Master or anything, he certainly makes a compelling argument for him succeeding the throne of Supreme Leader. Sucks to suck, Hugs, shouldn't have subscribed to an ideology based on strength alone.
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Rey's attempt at navigating the force and her identity is also fascinating to watch. The mystery of who she is exactly is an interesting driving force to the whole character arc. While I concede the point that this is in part because Lineage and Pedigree is like catnip to Star Wars fans to a worrying degree, it's also just compelling. Part of finding out who you are is, after all, a part of finding out where you came from, and in the ways you are different and similar to that origin is as good of a guide as any. With that said, it was an immense relief to me that Rey wasn't related to anyone important in the Star Wars Lore, if only because it opens up her plot so much. If she falls to the Dark Side it's because she falls to the dark side, not because she's a sapling from a line of part Force-homonculi like the Skywalkers, or like a quarter Darth Andeddu on her Mother's Side or whatever. Granted, Rey From Nowhere in particular was retconned in the following movie, and I'll GET to that. In the context of this movie at time of release though, it felt like a breath of fresh air.
It felt like an attempt to start something new. Maybe not every important character in the world is related to every other important character. Maybe the galaxy far far away is more vivid and exciting than it ever could be playing out some kind of extended Arthurian family saga. Maybe the first order is a threat not so much because they want to kill our Skywalkers, but because they're a massive conquering beast flattening culture and exploiting those they consider lesser, which is to say everyone. Maybe the stable boy is force sensitive. Maybe that'll matter, maybe that'll just be a little coda demonstrating that The Force isn't strictly a Palpatine/Skywalker family secret.
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Speaking of though, let's talk about Kylo Ren some. I love Kylo Ren as a villain. He clearly styled himself on his grandpappy Anakin Skywalker, and the fact that the result is such a store brand thematic mockery is just perfect. Darth Vader didn't dress up like that because it was cool (at least in the Watsonian sense, in the Doylist sense he very much did), he's covered in all of that armor because it's his life support system. His unnerving hissing breath is his respirator chugging along. He is incredibly powerful in the force, yes, but his body is a mess, and it's a tribute to his strength in the Force that it's not a thing you notice as he takes you apart. Vader's armor is more than his armor, it's his prison, keeping him alive, bound to the Empire and the Dark Side in more ways than one. Kylo's armor looks that way because it's meant to evoke Darth Vader. Kylo doesn't need it, he just thinks it lets him be more like his grandfather. He's cosplaying, in practice, and no level of sulky angy boy antics can come close to projecting the sheer weight of Anakin's fallen splendor, which of course, only makes Kylo angrier. This is a compelling mirror to Rey in this movie IMO. Rey does not have Kylo's legacy, which makes her free in a way Kylo could never be, although Rey would probably switch in a heartbeat if she had the chance.
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It's this kind of entangled conflict that makes the Rey-Kylo interplay so fascinating. Rey believes in the good in Kylo because That's What The Hero Does, but Kylo is so tied up in being Taster's Choice Darth Vader that she just doesn't get through the aura of angsty rage that surrounds him. They're not quite enemies, but far from friends, thus my choice of word "entangled." It's a pretty fun dynamic to see, and it leads to what I think is one of the better fight scenes of the sequel trilogy where Rey and Kylo are, however briefly, allies of convenience and fight through Snoke's Throne Guard. It's a rad fight because we haven't gotten too many "light sabers vs multiple semi-worthy opponents" in the main series, and because it's just so cool to see non-allies on the same side.
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I suppose I have postponed talking about this movie's legacy as long as I can. It's not a task I cherish for two reasons, one, I find the current fandom focus on legacy utterly exhausting, and two, I feel this movie in particular was done dirty by its sequel, to the degree where I didn't even want to touch Star Wars for quite some time after it released.
In short, I would argue that just about every cool bit of The Last Jedi was clumsily retconned or just written out in Rise Of Skywalker. Rey from Nowhere? Gone, turns out she's Sheev "I've been dead for three movies except Sike" Palpatine's granddaughter and Kylo "I never lied to you" Ren was full of shit when he confirmed that her parents were nothing special. The power struggle between Hux and Kylo? Absolutely demolished. Sheev's back and he's brought his own Disappointing Generic Empire Guy to lead, so it's arguably not even the First Order any more. Rose Tico as a kind of Working Class conscience for the Adventure Crew? She's just kind of around and has exactly as many lines as it takes to not formally be an extra. Fuck me, if that movie managed to somehow convince me that cool Rey and Kylo fight didn't happen it'd be batting a thousand as far as ruining good shit from TLJ. Oh, and of course Finn and Poe get Plausible Deniability Girlfriends, because fuck you if you're finnpoe, right?
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Anyway, this is not a review of Rise Of Skywalker, but it kind of impossible to speak of all the cool shit TLJ tried to do without acknowledging that these were very much The Road Not Taken. It's also important context to my current relationship with Star Wars. Put simply, I've lost faith. Why even bother participating in any further Star Wars media? I've clearly seen the Only Good Story Possible in Star Wars when I watched the original trilogy, considering how its the only story you're allowed to tell Post-Lucas, and any deviation from the same will lead to one of the biggest media companies in the world to ruin an entire feature-length film to meticulously undo anything that strays from the Star Wars Formula? How would any decent storyteller hitch themselves to a mess like this? How does it not become the miserable slog of content produced by work-a-day directors sleepwalking through Franchise Management-approved scripts, where nothing ever changes or grows, because the Star Wars Fans expect another of their semiregular reifications of three pretty good adventure/sci-fi films from the 70's, and heaven help you if you falter in your breathless reverence for The Legacy.
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So while this isn't a review of Rise Of Skywalker, you can plainly see I didn't like it much. Do give The Last Jedi a look though, there's some neat scenes in it, and porgs.
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nobutseriouslywhat · 1 year
Extremely important things my boyfriend has said to me this week:
"I don't know who destiel is"
"now that we've finished having gay sex, do you want to watch a documentary?"
Will update this post as he says more wild shit like this
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kanerallels · 11 months
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(@ellakas hope you don't mind if I tag you in this but I just wanted to say thank you!!! It's so so amazing)
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scpwiki-official · 4 months
oh btw have yall watched the new jenny nicholson video ? .:3
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levitatingbiscuits · 2 years
Fandom whining about merchandising tool grogu getting forced into s3 plot of mando are so funny. it's what they deserve. they didn't want a narrative for din and yoda jr to develop individually as characters so they could actually earn that reunion scene. instead they threw a tantrum about Jedi being baby snatchers, claiming luke and din had to fight for baby rights (wtf is this logic) in the s2 finale, so this is what Disney and favreau tosses in their laps instead. enjoy!
honestly din taking over half of tbobf because of the fandom reaction to a survivor of order 66 choosing to continue the legacy of his own purposefully eradicated religious group left such a bad taste in my mouth that i might not even bother pirating season 3. they whined so much they got what they wanted, grogu as din's lapdog and a mascot to sell merch with rather than a character in his own right. now they have to fucking live with it! of course grogu has nothing to do, that was the natural end of his character functionality!! there's not much else they can fucking do with him when he's a nonverbal toddler, other than make him go even closer to the dark side and force choke more people. they're never gonna let him grow up. what can they do with him if he's not a jedi?? make him a tiny suit of armor and staple him to din's apron strings forevermore? have the first order keep kidnapping him like he's princess peach? fuck, maybe maul will get shoehorned in again and try to turn him like he did with ahsoka. i highly doubt grogu is ever going to be allowed to become his own character.
boba was robbed, luke was robbed, and grogu was robbed. the end of season 2 was a perfect resolution to the story and now disney is gonna ride the mandalorian into the ground like they did with the sequel trilogy.
anyway, i heard andor was good, maybe i'll finally start pirating that instead lmao
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maretriarch · 2 years
i hope twitter dies so jenny nicholson comes back to tumblr and then she'll realize how we're destined to get married someday.
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clle0 · 3 months
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screenshot of a picture i sent on a group chat of a drawing i did in my chinese workbook
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kelsochronicles · 5 months
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May the 4th be with you from Hawk and Thru- uh I mean, Jedi Master Talanah Khane Padish and Padawan Aloy
Two of my fave franchises in a crossover? What’s not to love!
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And of course a bean for the bean 🥹 Beta should definitely have a pet Porg!
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[banner and dividers created by @saradika​]
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At Fault (1.7k words)
Common Mistake (1.8k)
Deep Blue, but You Painted Me Golden (1.8k)
Familiar & Unfamiliar (4.1k)
I Miss You, I Miss You Too (0.5k)
In a Perfect World, You Love Me (6.9k) // Perfect World pt. II (2.5k)
Language Barrier (1.0k words)
Lost in the Light (1.4k)
Ni Ceta, Cyar’ika (7.8k) // I Love You, Cyar’ika (4.5k)
⏤ Do You Want Me, Cyar’ika: HAPPY END (6.7k), DARK END (5.1k)
Not Like This (1.3k words) // Not You (2.3k words)
One Hundred and Fifty Seven (4.1k words)
That’s Not My Name (632 words)
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din djarin x female!reader
Older!Grogu Inspo Art
summary: When you made plans for your future they never involved being hired by a Mandalorian to baby-sit his adorable, green gremlin of a child. However, after your life fell apart in the span of one disastrous night, you found it to be the only feasible option you had left. Nevarro was a far cry from Coruscant, but the thriving community turned out to be exactly what you needed. Every day you spend in Nevarro you fall more and more in love with your new life, but when your past rears its ugly head you find that perhaps peace wasn’t meant for everyone.
✨: signifies a ‘AFS’ deleted scene/drabble!
#01: Two Porgs, One Blaster
#02: Are You Trying to Say Bear?
#03: Marshal Daddy
#04: Mayfeld Didn't Mean to Step on Him
✨#4.5: He is a Quick One✨
#05: Wife Material
#06: Trikar'la, Buir!
#07: Soran
✨#7.5: Like The Wizards✨
#08: You're His Home
#09: Buir, Grogu, Ma
✨#9.5: Ma’s Got You✨
#10: Show Off
#11: You Didn’t
#12: Grogu, Grogu, Baby, It’s Okay
#13: The Danger Has Passed, Cyar’ika
#14: Am I Making You Quiver?
#15: Mando Looks Like He Knows How to Fuck
#16: I Don’t Want It to Be a Sin
#17: Close Your Eyes, Ner Kar’ta
✨#MID 17: Take a Break, Doc✨
#18: Talk About a Power Couple
#19: My Boys Needed Me
#20: Short Stick Bears His Wrath
#21: Made of the Right Stuff
#22: Like Father, Like Son
#23: It’s a Surprise
✨#23.5: Am I Close to Redemption?✨
#24: Right Between Your Thighs
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din djarin x female!reader
summary: It was like fate or destiny had planned from the beginning for you to be on the run from the law. With the words ‘I can bring you in warm, or I can bring you in cold’ adorning your rib cage you always wondered what was worse: Knowing you were bound to being wanted or realizing your soulmate was a cursed bounty hunter. You had a mission to finish and no bounty hunter, soulmate or not, was going to stop you.
#01: Unstoppable Force Meets Immovable Object
#02: Falling For You
#03: Call it Fate, Destiny, Call it Luck
#04: Cool Motive, Still Murder
#05: Right Person, Wrong Time
#06: Partners in Crime
#07: A Favor For a Friend
#08: But You’re Still a Traitor
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Cowboy!Din Djarin x Female!Reader
Summary: The Mandalorian, a morally gray and hardened bounty hunter, makes a decision that alters the course of his fate and yours. As your two very different worlds collide, you learn the Mandalorian is more than his reputation has led you to believe, and you have only seven days to decide if saving his life would be worth destroying your own.
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coffeeandbatboys · 6 months
Congrats on the follower milestone! And Thanks for the tag! 🥰
Can we do something like-
Character: Fives
Number: 7
Emoji: 😜
(This is such a cool idea!)
Thank you! No pressure, and no rush!
Oh. My. God. When I was making the prompt list I saw this one and immediately thought Fives. And then I got the damn ask 😂
Prompt: *tipsy* “Have you ever thought about porgs? I think we should think more about porgs.”
Warnings: Fives had a good time at 79s, Kix and Jesse make a cameo. Fives is a clingy lil shit. Reader is implied to be female.
270 follower celebration
About Porgs (Fives x Reader)
Your comm beeped on the vanity. Curiosity getting the better of you, you paused brushing your teeth to see who it was.
“Hey Vod’ika it’s Kix. Fives had a few too many at 79s so he’s your problem tonight. Jess and I will bring him over there soon.”
You shook your head with a smile, remembering the Medic’s rants about the last time Fives was drunk and staying in the barracks. Apparently he had kept everyone awake by singing a badly written love song about you.
You grabbed a glass and filled it with water, before pouring out a couple of painkillers to go with it.
“Force knows he’ll need it in the morning,” you muttered to yourself.
Not too long after the comm your doorbell rang. You opened the door to find Fives, partially supported by Kix and Jesse. He had a lopsided grin on his face and his eyelids were drooping just a little. He did light up when he saw you.
“Mesh’laaa!” He cheered.
You sighed, stepping out of the way so your ARC trooper could stumble inside.
“Thanks, boys. I got him all set up for tomorrow morning. He’s not catching a break.”
Jesse and Kix said goodnight and returned to the barracks, leaving you to deal with Fives.
“Alright let’s take care of your armor.” You ordered, pushing him into the bedroom. He sat down on the bed as you began to pull each piece of his kit off. Once you got down to the belt, something akin to the transition between confusion and realization flashed across his face and he gasped.
“Ohhh it’s like thattt.” He slurred,
You knit your brows together and feigned innocence, just so you didn’t have to give him the satisfaction.
You frowned. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“C’mon Mesh’la.”
You stacked the rest of his kit at the foot of the bed. “You’re going to go right to sleep buddy. After you drink some water. ”
He pouted, but took a couple of sips anyway, then layed down. You returned the cup to the nightstand and turned the light off. For a second, you wondered if Fives was asleep because everything was quiet. But then-
“Have you ever thought about porgs? I think we should think more about porgs.”
That one threw you for a loop. You started laughing at the sheer ridiculousness of the statement.
“What?” You wheezed.
“I mean why d’they scream so much? Poor things must be tr…tram…trama…scared or something.”
You flopped down on the bed and groaned. “Go to sleep Fives.”
“Jus sayin’”
You felt him wrap his arms around you and bury his face in your neck, where he placed a lazy kiss.
“G’night Mesh’la.”
“Goodnight Fives.”
“Love you.”
You kissed his temple. “I love you too. Now sleep.”
He let out a deep chuckle. “Yess’m”
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furious-blueberry0 · 9 months
I swear that I WILL draw her better.
I still need to get reused to draw digitally, plus I wanted to talk about her a bit and give some general infos, so for now she will look like this:
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This is Baheera Lee. (respectively 14 y.o. - 34 y.o. - 75y.o.)
A human jedi master, once Padawan of Ki-Adi Mundi, who worked for most of her knighthood in the Archives, a job she had to drop when she took on a Padawan, but after she was knighted she went back there almost immeadiatly.
The jewelry on her forehead was a gift from her master for her knighting.
She spent most of her life as a Jedi Master writing books, with a total of 35 done before her death.
She wrote both philosophical and children's books, some of her most famous titles were:
"To love everyone and no one: Love through the eyes of the Jedi" a book that sprouted controversy, used by many that had not actually understood what she had written as "proof" that the Jedi were unfeeling beings.
"The little grandpa in the garden" (totally not dedicated to Master Yoda).
"The Tooka who wanted to sing"
"The Little Padawan" a book in honor of her friend and peer, Lala Tian, who died at the age of 14, barely 2 years into her padawanship, who always dreamed to explore the whole galaxy.
"What fear does to the heart and mind" another book about Jedi philosophy, that she even teached in some Academies around Coruscant.
"The four Massiffs"
"The grief of the soul"
"Collection of ancient Jedi fables" written with the help of roughly 50 jedi.
"Don't give the Porg a cup of Caf"
"There's no glory in war, only tears" was her last book, which she published near the end of the war.
Unlike the other Jedi she did not partecipate in the war as a General, preferring to help on humanitarian or rescue missions.
Sometimes she would help alongside her old Master's battalion, interacting with the Clones, and starting to advocate for their independency in her Academic sittings.
She died during Order 66, she had been reading a fairytale to three younglings who couldn't sleep that night, because of the nightmares, when a group of Clones entered the Creche and shooted her, before she could even react.
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