dxgramagra · 6 years
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dxgramagra · 6 years
send alt! to meet another muse / enkidu (fate)
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seated politely, hands folded in their lap, they really do look like a simple guest. they don’t even look particularly out of place in this era. but rather than a guest, servants are meant to be little more than tools, a role enkidu readily accepts.
though… they do wonder why their master won’t look at them. does he doubt my power? am i somehow not acceptable to him?
…well, those are questions for later, if ever. so long as they can perform adequately, there’s no need to worry about his opinion of them.
“even a single flower carries immeasurable beauty–a life is a life, regardless of the circumstances. however… i agree that more is preferable to less.” smiling, they add, “it is still daytime, so an attack in public is unlikely. i have an advantage on natural terrain as well. if you wish to go to a park, i have no objections.” they’d also rather be out there than inside, but that’s beside the point.
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dxgramagra · 6 years
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;; i’ll actually get to the starters tomorrow but here’s a call for now! q is tiny and weak and he specializes in hallucinations that he has to get hurt to use, so i’d like to get him to a safe zone with people that can protect him.
regarding his hallucinations, if the opportunity to use them on a monster arises, i’m thinking of using rng to simulate a d20 roll--if i get 11 or above, it works and the monster will go batshit, but if i get 10 or below it fails and he’s now placed himself in harm’s way for nothing.
edit: no cap, but i’ll be selective!
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dxgramagra · 6 years
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Keep reading
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dxgramagra · 6 years
;; change of plans bc my dumb wrist started hurting before i could finish the memes. i hate this
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dxgramagra · 6 years
send alt! to meet another muse / amano (livingstone)
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“we don’t have all day, y’know.” to an outsider, that probably seems like an extremely insensitive way to address someone on the brink of suicide; in the situation, however, it’s only mildly rude. after all, no matter what happens here, the body is going to end up dead anyways. amano’s only here for the soul. “i need your soul’s permission before i can do anything. unless you’d rather die here and take it with you?”
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dxgramagra · 6 years
send alt! to meet another muse / shamhat (fate oc)
the room is dim, lit only by the fading glow of the summoning circle at her feet. before her stands the one who must be her master, if the red pattern visible on their hand is any indication. the heroic spirit remains on one knee, but raises her head to look the mage in the eye; from behind a curtain of black hair, a beautiful face reveals itself, warm brown eyes peering up through long lashes.
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“how odd of you to summon me. i should think his majesty or enkidu would be better choices... well, there is no changing it now, so i will simply have to live up to my friends’ talents. i am shamhat, a sacred harlot in service of the goddess inanna, manifested in the caster class. i shall do my best to live up to your expectations. now, what should i call you, master?”
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dxgramagra · 6 years
Send me "alt!" and I'll introduce you to a character I've rped in the past, want to play in the future or are currently playing somewhere else!
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dxgramagra · 6 years
;; me yesterday: i’ll do replies tomorrow!
me today, with a headache that just refuses to go away: fuck
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dxgramagra · 6 years
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I wanted to draw a full picture but my wrist said otherwise… so here’s this small Q instead. Happy birthday!! 💕💕💕💕
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dxgramagra · 6 years
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dxgramagra · 6 years
;; i now owe replies on both blogs but i’m really just not feeling it today so i’ll try to do them tomorrow! sorry
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dxgramagra · 6 years
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they never made her happy but the second they left her they left her in the dark and she realized she was jealous of them and their radiant light but little did she know she was the brightest star of all.
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dxgramagra · 6 years
Update: Regarding Stars
Hello, Isolans!
We know there was a lot of confusion and anxiety surrounding the implementation of our currency system. We took your feedback to heart and are happy to announce we have revamped the system!
The new system is a lot more comprehensive and should take care of many of the concerns we received on the system’s initial launch. You can find how the new system operates here.
As a special bonus, all characters who have migrated during the Special Migratory Period will receive a bonus of 1000 Stars. This is to help offset any losses incurred in the transition. Our Marketplace will be opening in the very near future, so please look forward to it!
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. Thank you for your patience with this!
– The Island Stars
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dxgramagra · 6 years
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dxgramagra · 6 years
;; y’all i don’t wanna sound rude or patronizing but uh
ic post of any kind (starter, reply, dash comm...) totaling 1-7 sentences: 5 stars
8-11 sentences: 10 stars
12+ sentences: 15 stars
it’s that simple
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dxgramagra · 6 years
nodamagefighter replied to your post: i would join this, but… q already fell in the hole...
¾ of team dumbfuck are already tposing down the hole
;; there they go...
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