As a life long and hardcore Star Wars fan, nothing makes me happier than to see references of this amazing universe in Pop Culture and other media.  My favorite example of this, is in Family Guy.  Family Guy constantly features references and “cut-away gags” to Star Wars.  These range from Emperor Palpatine saying “good, let the hate flow through you”, to Darth Vader going to a bank to take out a loan for the Death Star.  The best example however is in the episodes “Blue Harvest”, “Something something dark side” and “It’s a trap!”.  These episodes are paradise of Episode 4,5 and 6.  In these episodes, Chris is Luke, Louis is Lea, Peter is Han, and Stewie is Darth Vader.  These episodes feature the same main plot of Star Wars, but tell it in a funny narrations.  The episodes also feature the same music, backgrounds, settings, and costumes.  A little known fact about Family Guy is that Carrie Fisher HERSELF plays the character of Peter’s boss.  In the episode, “It’s a trap!” Her family guy character plays Mon Mothma.  This is the best intertextual example from these episodes and bridges the gap between the Star Wars movies and Family Guy.  
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This graph is a cluster bar chart from an article I did a presentation on in Media and Politics.  This graph shows responses to a survey conducted to see what news sources Democrats, Independents, and Republicans go for their hard and soft news.  The graph does a great job in showing the results to the survey.  Above news source, there are two bars that show the difference in hard and soft news.  You can clearly see the difference in where each group gets their news from, and the different types of news they get. Here is the link...
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BP. 6.3 social documentarian
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To preface, I am a HUGE Star Wars fan.  As a kid, I grew up watching Star Wars and playing with the Lego Sets.  In 2015, Rouge One came out which takes place right before A New Hope.  This movie is by far my favorite Star Wars movie for many reasons; one of those reasons is the cinematography.  In this scene, Director Krenic is summoned to Darth Vader’s fortress on the planet Mustafar.  This scene features beautiful shots.  In the beginning, the camera turns to see a large door slowly opening far away.  As Darth Vader walks closer to Krenic, the camera slowly zooms in on him while he is approaching.  The next few shots show close ups of Darth Vader to show that he is the guy incharge of the situation and it makes Director Krenic feel weak.  Then, you see a wide shot of Vader, Krenic, and the landscape of Mustafar.  This shot to me is so beautiful because it shows both the character with this stunning background behind them.  
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As a rower, I love looking at rowing pictures.  One of the cool things about them, is how the reflection of the water is captured in it.  When you first look at this image, you may be confused as to what is the reflection and what are the actual rowers.  This image is a great example of Cognitive Theory.  When someone looks at a photo, they have expectations of how a picture will look.  People do not expect to see what looks like a mirror reflection of an image.  This defines their exceptions and makes them have to negotiate what this image shows (Lester, pg.65).  For me and someone who is a rower, they look at this image and can think of times that they were rowing in a race and it makes them think of memories; this is known as Salience (Lester, pg.67).  When you look at this image, you are preoccupied with trying to see what side is the right side, that you do not notice the small details. For example, each rower has two oars, the oars are placed in the water at the same time, the oar collars are pink, ect. This is known as Habitation (Lester, pg.66)
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This image is my favorite historical pictures of all time.  Following the horrific attacks on the WTC and the Pentagon, many brave men and women risked their lives to help those in need.  This image of the American Flag being raised at Ground Zero is breathtaking.  It reminds me of a phoenix rising from the ashes.  Our country was attacked, yet we rose stronger than ever from it.  
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