drlanesebring-blog · 4 years
5 Patriot Health Alliance Products You Should Try In 2020
With the new decade here, it’s very likely you’re looking to improve your health and wellness. Studies show that 60% of us make New Year’s resolutions, but only about 8% accomplish them. To help you improve your health in the New Year, and find a wellness routine you can stick with in the long run, I’m taking a look at five products by Patriot Health Alliance, which you should try in 2020.
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Why Patriot Health Alliance?
Patriot Health Alliance is a Tennessee-based company, which produces health supplements right here in the USA. Patriot Health Alliance is dedicated to supporting the health and wellbeing of men and women in their 50s and up. The company produces an impressive selection of doctor-recommended supplements. Here are my top five choices of Patriot Health Alliance Products you should try in 2020:
Patriot Power Greens
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This is the newest product by Patriot Health Alliance, and customers are already reporting positive reviews. This green drink supplement is packed with more than 40 fruits and vegetables, superfoods, and probiotics. It promises to boost energy, aid in brain & memory support, help your digestion, reduce inflammation, and support heart health. It tastes great, and not grassy, unlike many other green drink supplements. The powder is also gluten-free, soy-free, and dairy-free.
ActivOX Daily
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This supplement is a wonderful choice if you’re looking to increase blood circulation in your body and support healthy blood pressure. This supplement may be perfect if you suffer from shortness of breath, cold hands and/or feet, low libido, or if you’re just looking for more energy or vitality. It contains a key molecule called nitric oxide, which was only discovered about 20 years ago, and won the Nobel Prize. It sends a signal to your blood vessels to open wider, and immediately leads to increased circulation. ActivOX daily uses Beet Root and Hawthorn Berry to supply you with a powerful boost of nitric oxide.
Patriot Ultra-Biotics
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If you notice you’re bloated, gassy, clogged up, or sluggish, consider adding Patriot Ultra-Biotics into your routine. It contains a six-blend strain of probiotics. The highlight is the probiotic BB536, which was shown to relieve stubborn constipation in six separate human studies. Some doctors say this digestive supplement is the most effective constipation remedy they’ve ever seen.
Patriot Vital4
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This breakthrough formula combines four vital nutrients, to combat nutrient deficiency, which many adults may experience.
They are:
●      Choline, which is crucial to protecting brain health and memory
●      Coenzyme Q10, which is a key ingredient in energy production, and is a powerful antioxidant
●      Magnesium, which relaxes muscles, eases stress, and boosts energy
●      Vitamin D, the vitamin we normally get from sunshine, which improves your mood, reduces risks of falls, and keeps bones healthy. A report from 2014 showed 95% of American adults are deficient in Vitamin D.
Together, these four ingredients can have a powerful impact on your daily life, and on your overall health, including heart health, brain health, your energy, stress, and strength.
Patriot Power Protein
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This great-tasting protein powder supports energy, muscle strength, joints, and heart health. It’s also great if you experience low energy, soreness, or mood swings. This breakthrough in protein powders contains three key ingredients:
●      Lentein: a plant-based protein powder that comes from water-grown lentils, packed with protein and amino acids
●      Hydrolyzed Collagen: eases joint pain, reduces wrinkles, strengthens bones, and improves muscle mass
●      L-Carnitine: an amino acid booster that’s clinically shown to re-energize your heart, brain, muscles, and body.
When combined, these ingredients in Patriot Power Protein help you rebuild muscle mass, burn more fat, increase bone density, and increase energy. This supplement can also help you with your memory and vision. You Might Also Like: Patriot Health Alliance Review: The Best Health Supplement Company for Women of All Ages?
Many Products to Choose From
Patriot Health Alliance has many other products which may help your health and wellbeing. You can take your time and figure out which ones are best for you, to help you with your health journey in the New Year. It’s important to note that all of Patriot Health Alliance’s products are backed by their 100% Money Back Guarantee, so you can try their supplements worry-free.
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drlanesebring-blog · 5 years
Health And Energy For A More Powerful Life
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A lot of the time it's not that people do not want to eat healthily, it's actually more to do with the lack of time and energy they need to prepare healthy food to eat. Let's face it, in today's manic world, most adults are overwhelmed with responsibilities -- wake up on time, get ready for work, prepare the kids for school, eat a hasty breakfast, drive the kids to school, commute to work, work for eight hours, take the kids to extra-curricular activities -- and that's just Monday!
It's no wonder that people are finding less and less time to shop for the nutritional superfoods they need to keep healthy. In spite of their hectic schedules, most people try to cook nutritious meals for most days and opt for fast foods or quick one-pot meals on the others -- leaving their bodies with a shortfall of the nutrients they need for optimal health and energy.
A powerful solution
When faced by these scenarios, many people turn to nutritional supplements for help in supplying the full complement of what the body needs.
Patriot Power Greens has been a stitch-in-time nutritional lifeline for thousands of people needing a critical boost in their body's health and effectiveness. Many have come to trust this powerful  support system in their efforts to have more energy, help keep their body working at an optimal level and to improve mental acuteness.check out other glowing reviews on Patriot Power Greens such as this review.
What is Patriot Power Greens?
Originally created to improve the health and vitality of seniors, Patriot Power Greens is a potent nutritional powder supplement that can be used by adults of all ages. It contains a wide range of leafy green vegetables, fruits, digestive enzymes and probiotic blend, designed and proven to provide all the nutrients, particularly the essential nutrients, that are lacking in the body. Its list of natural ingredients and enzymes, include:
Land Vegetables - Green cabbage, Broccoli, Spinach, Kale and Carrot Sea Vegetables: - Wakame seaweeds, Kombu, Organic Spirulina and Nori Fruits - Tomato, Apple, Beet, Blueberry, Raspberry, Strawberry Other ingredients (organic) - Amia fruit extract, Acai and Goji.berry
In addition to the main vegetables and fruits, superfoods including wheatgrass and chicory inulin, provide probiotics for intestinal health, while the inclusion of berries provide antioxidants.
How exactly can Patriot Power Greens help make you healthier?
Formulated with a precise blend of organic fruits and vegetables, plus helpful probiotics and enzymes, Patriot Power Greens aids in the body's improved ability to achieve and maintain good health. The blend of ingredients were identified and chosen to work in synergy for best results in each serving. They assist the body in achieving the following:
Help with weight loss
One of the main culprits of obesity is the body's state of chronic inflammation caused by acidity in the system. The use of Patriot Power Greens can flood the body to create an alkaline environment which that supports healthy body functioning.
Assists in stabilizing blood sugar levels
For those with Type 2 diabetes, this supplement could have significant benefit in controlling the glucose spikes that are characteristic of this ailment. It is also indicated in helping lower the risk of individuals developing Type 2 diabetes.
Relieves diarrhea, constipation and bloating
The inclusion of chicory inulin in this supplement, aids in boosting the level of good bacteria in the intestines. This helps reduce the occurrence of chronic inflammation, and a resulting restoration of the natural balance in the digestive system. This restored balance promotes improved brain health, reduced joint and muscle pain, healthy blood pressure, lower cholesterol levels and weight loss.
Pricing, serving size and safety
Apart from packing a punch when it comes to nutritional support, the ingredients in Patriot Power Greens are all organic, safe to use and should not have any adverse effects on the average healthy adult.
Its price tag at $49.95 for 30 servings, is also considerably lower than the average supplement in its category. To start experiencing the benefits of Patriot Power Greens, please click here.
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drlanesebring-blog · 5 years
Answering Frequently Asked Questions by Dr. Lane Sebring
My inbox is usually filled with a bunch of different questions from people all around the world asking about health. Every single person would love to be as healthy as possible and live a long life. While I sometimes get very specific questions, there are a lot of frequently asked questions that might be better addressed here.
As always, people are more than welcome to send me an email if they need assistance. That is where I can sometimes go into even more depth if necessary.
Where in Texas are you located, and why did you pick that location?
When I meet people all around the United States and even the world, they initially want to know where Wimberley, Texas actually is. Most people think of a clinic as being in an urban area in a big city, but I decided to go in a different direction. We are located pretty much in between San Antonio and Austin, two major cities in Texas where a lot of my patients reside.
I love the scenery and the overall location of the clinic. We have about 15 acres of land to work with, and it is just a nice and relaxing place for people to visit. Everyone who has stopped by has nothing but positive things to say, and what I have found is that people will come as long as you provide a great service overall.
Do you actually use the Paleo diet?
I have tried a number of diets out there, and none of them worked as well as the Paleo diet. It just felt really natural to me, and is the main reason why I fell in love with it so much. It was not very restricting, it just felt natural as far as food options are concerned, and the health benefits were there almost right away.
Can the Paleo diet actually work for any person out there?
There are always going to be exceptions to the rules, but there are enough foods that a person can eat on the Paleo diet to make it very beneficial for any person out there. Even if someone is allergic to a lot of different foods, they can still find at least a few things that properly fit into the diet without making much of a sacrifice.
I have always been a firm believer in sticking to a diet that a person can realistically follow. Every single diet is going to be a challenge, but if it is too challenging, there might be another option out there available. The great thing about the Paleo diet is that it is one of the easier ones to follow for a lifetime.
Will results come if the Paleo diet is followed correctly?
Eating healthy and smart makes a big difference when it comes to results. With that being said, a person also needs to be healthy and a variety of other ways to really get all the benefits. Staying active is a big part of the Paleo diet, and really takes very little effort to get out and move around at least 30 minutes each day. Staying away from drugs and alcohol also is clearly going to be beneficial for results.
Do you hate modern medicine?
This is a question sent to my email address pretty often, mostly because I am very big on natural medicine. With that being said, I know there is a time and a place for both types. I have been using both for over 20 years, and I will continue to use both in the future.
It is important to note that modern medicine is going to treat symptoms, while natural medicines will try to change a problem and prevent it from happening again. There is a time and a place for both depending on each individual.
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drlanesebring-blog · 9 years
A Diet May Be A Four Letter Word, But It's A Good One
It can be difficult to discuss weight loss with other people. There is a lot of conflicting advice which can make it difficult to choose which method will work best for you. Dr. Lane Sebring simple tips to lose weight and have it stay off.
One great tip to lose weight is doing your cardio workout right away when you wake up, instead of eating first. It's been proven that cardio can raise your metabolism so that your burn more calories throughout the day.
One easy way to slim down is to step outside and take a nice long hike. You can enjoy nature and fresh air while burning calories. If the hike is difficult, you will burn additional calories.
Avoid drinking anything other than water. Carbonated sodas, mocha lattes and sweetened teas contain a lot of useless calories. Water is cheap, has no calories, and can help you feel full.
Make sure not to refrain from your diet regimen when you attend a party of family event. Choose fruits and vegetables and steer clear of high-calorie snacks. Doing this will allow you to take part in the festivities while sticking with your diet plan. Don't make it a huge ordeal; just do it.
A good way to lose weight is to drink plenty of water. However, if that water is cold, it can even boost your metabolism! The cold water makes your body increase its temperature, which boosts your metabolism.
Try self hypnosis as a wieght loss method alone or with other techniques. Hypnosis can help you to make changes in your life that may otherwise be very difficult.
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Whole grains are a great addition to any weight loss plan. To find out the best way to go about this, you can either do your own research or get advice from a dietician. Words like refined and enriched should set off a red flag. You will find buying whole-grain products is not difficult with a little research. When their product includes whole grains, most manufacturers are eager to advertise the fact.
Before leaving for work in the morning, allocate some time for breakfast. When you are in a hurry, it is easy to grab a convenient breakfast pastry on the way to work. However, these foods contain empty calories. If you consume oatmeal and fruit for breakfast, there will be no reason for you to get a high-calorie pastry for breakfast.
It is good for your health to spread your meals out over the day. On the whole, five smaller meals spaced out evenly are better for you than three big meals. That way your metabolic rate will stay high all day.
Skipping meals is something that should be avoided in your goal to eat better. You might think that skipping meals makes you thinner but in fact, your body is going to store as much fat as possible in case there should be more skipped meals. Even if you are not really feeling hungry, eat something little and healthy at least three 3 times a day.
Try keeping track of the foods you eat that make it harder for you to lose weight. Journal what you eat, the portion size, and how you felt before, during and afterwards. This can assist you in figuring out what you're doing to start overeating so you can change things in the future.
If you are concerned with calories, then consider your alcohol intake. Instead of drinking high-calorie alcoholic drinks, drink something with low calories. It causes your judgement to fail and you may end up breaking your diet, too.
Before going to a party, be sure to eat a large healthy meal beforehand. Having a full stomach will help to keep you from eating much of the high calorie foods at the event. Instead of drinking high calorie beer or mixed drinks, sip a glass of red wine.
The early part of this piece discussed the trouble many people have finding solid techniques that really work for weight loss in the long term. Armed with the knowledge from this article, you are now more prepared to lose that weight and lead a healthier lifestyle. Stick with it and don't be afraid to revisit this article for motivation and inspiration on your weight-loss journey.
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