e-money555-blog · 8 years
     Just last week our class had a debate on the law “The Right to Be Forgotten”. The right to be forgotten is the concept that individuals have civil right to request that personal information to be de-linked from search engines. 
       Now the University of California (Davis) is under fire for paying $175,000 to hide a student protest (that took place in 2011) from internet. The  student protesters were pepper sprayed in the face by police during a peaceful protest.
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e-money555-blog · 8 years
Bezalel Smotrich, an Israeli lawmaker has suggested that maternity wards in Israel should become segregated, keeping Jews and Arabs away from each other even at birth. His proposal has sent outrage across the country. In my opinion this is completely absurd and people shouldn't be segregated based on their race,ethnicity,religion, or class. Hospitals should be safe haven for all people who need help.
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e-money555-blog · 8 years
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1UPL Article
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e-money555-blog · 8 years
I got the opportunity to interview renown direct/ producer Abby Ginzberg who recently released a new documentary called “Agents of Change” I was published in the 2016 Spring Edition of 1UPL
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e-money555-blog · 8 years
Space Race:Tron and The Matrix
Tron (1982) and The Matrix (1999) have many theatrical elements in common. Both films start out with our protagonists who both have incredible computer skills. Both movies had the plot that made the protagonist physically go into the computer world because they are the best in their field. Again once both films include similar plots, when the main protagonists enters the computer world they are faced with internal antagonists that are competing to rule their computer world. No matter how hard or impossible it may seem both protagonists from Tron and The Matrix prevail and accomplished their goals.
After watching both films I realize that not only are their plots very similar to each other but they both can help the audience understand the world of the internet, personal computer, and World Wide Web. I feel that both films’ plots are parallel to the space war with Soviet Union. Though in real life Russia is not an antagonist but just a competitive country that had the resources to bring their, American propaganda made Russia seem like it was a villain that was winning the space race. Not only did it strike fear into the American citizens but it brought fuel for innovation.
A race against  started when Sputnik 1 in 1957 was launched by Soviet Union (Russia/foreign power) with years and years of  challenging with each other the peak of the race finally came. On July 20th 1969 the United States had the first landing of humans on the moon. This space race sparked increases on education and pure research, which led to beneficial spin-off technologies.
One off these spin-offs was the ARPANET (advanced research projects agency network) it was an early packet switching network and the first network to implement the protocol suite TCP/IP. Both technologies became the foundation of the Internet.
In both Tron and The Matrix the protagonist and antagonist are at this constant race for power which is why the films can help us understand the rise of technology, internet and its repercussions.
With the internet being found the rise of the personal computer came into play and another race started. That was a race between Steve Jobs (creator of Apple) and Bill Gates (creator of Microsoft), two innovators who changed the world as we knew it. They made personal computers that gave us access to a door of new opportunities.
Even the personal computer inspired a new creation. It inspired a creation that could be used on the personal computer. That creation was the World Wide Web, which is in information system on the Internet that allows documents to be connected to other documents by hypertext links, enabling the user to search for information by moving from one document to another
Watching both Tron and The Matrix helped me realize the domino effect of the Space War. Without the technology we have we probably wouldn’t even have the movies Tron and The Matrix because they use heavy computer graphics. It makes me wonder what our world would be like without the Space Race. Would we have internet or the World Wide Web? Would Mac or PC, even be up for debate?  Would cellphones even be the phenomenon that they are today? Now that I think of it,DMD wouldn’t even exist.
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e-money555-blog · 8 years
Many people believe Greeks were the inventors of theater but there is proof that it was in fact the Ancient Egyptians that may have beat them to it.
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e-money555-blog · 8 years
The relationship between social media & journalism is growing more and more everyday
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e-money555-blog · 8 years
Journalism is not a crime; it is a badge of honor, it is a public service.
Secretary Kerry in his remarks at the Washington Post.  (via statedept)
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e-money555-blog · 8 years
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e-money555-blog · 8 years
Is it good or bad?
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e-money555-blog · 8 years
Blogging has always been a form of expressing one’s thoughts and feelings about a specific subject. It’s different from a “comment” or a “feedback” in a way that, people do not post blogs just to criticize or inspect a subject. Blogging has always been similar to a diary, where the writer can say whatever and write however style they prefer. Especially today, blogging has been in many forms like videos, photos and audio files…maybe even a website of their own!
Writing a blog takes skills! Because, not only are you trying to express yourself and your thoughts but also keeping the interest of your readers with your post (unless you’re actually a famous person known for your personality). Some bloggers are natural, where their posts just sparks interest for everyone. THAT IS SKILL! A secret that can never be told…
But blogging has always let us relate to one another and make connections and learn a thing or two about each posts at least. Then maybe…just maybe…people can then comment their thoughts about them blogs! Maybe you can comment on this post…maybeee…
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e-money555-blog · 8 years
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e-money555-blog · 8 years
Interesting fact that the 1st blog was made in 1994
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