me realizing that i finally feel mental stability coming back but it's going to be short lived cause soon i'll have the second half of bridgerton s3 AND s3 of the bear
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“Lolita isn’t a perverse young girl. She’s a poor child who has been debauched and whose senses never stir under the caresses of the foul Humbert Humbert, whom she asks once, ‘how long did [he] think we were going to live in stuffy cabins, doing filthy things together…?’ But to reply to your question: no, its success doesn’t annoy me, I am not like Conan Doyle, who out of snobbery or simple stupidity preferred to be known as the author of “The Great Boer War,” which he thought superior to his Sherlock Holmes. It is equally interesting to dwell, as journalists say, on the problem of the inept degradation that the character of the nymphet Lolita, whom I invented in 1955, has undergone in the mind of the broad public. Not only has the perversity of this poor child been grotesquely exaggerated, but her physical appearance, her age, everything has been transformed by the illustrations in foreign publications. Girls of eighteen or more, sidewalk kittens, cheap models, or simple long-legged criminals, are baptized “nymphets” or “Lolitas” in news stories in magazines in Italy, France, Germany, etc; and the covers of translations, Turkish or Arab, reach the height of ineptitude when they feature a young woman with opulent contours and a blonde mane imagined by boobies who have never read my book. In reality Lolita is a little girl of twelve, whereas Humbert Humbert is a mature man, and it’s the abyss between his age and that of the little girl that produces the vacuum, the vertigo, the seduction of mortal danger. Secondly, it’s the imagination of the sad satyr that makes a magic creature of this little American schoolgirl, as banal and normal in her way as the poet manqué Humbert is in his. Outside the maniacal gaze of Humbert there is no nymphet. Lolita the nymphet exists only through the obsession that destroys Humbert. Herein an essential aspect of a unique book that has been betrayed by a factitious popularity.”
— Vladimir Nabokov (tr. Brian Boyd), Apostrophes (1975)
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first as tragedy, then as porn
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Oil Paintings by Cindy Rizza
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Kat Kirilova
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I’m gonna say what I’m gonna say and it’s that I think Penelope and Eloise’s respective seasons of Bridgerton will be the show’s best simply because Pen and El are the most complex, dynamic (and best written) characters on the show.
Yes, I do think that El’s season is going to have to be pretty much Bridgerton fanfiction with how genuinely unlikeable Phillip is as he stands in the book. However, the bones of her love story can lend themselves to some fantastic angst and emotional highs, and they’ve already made major edits to his character in the show, so I trust the writers to take his character in a 2005 Darcy meets 1993 Edward Ferras direction.
All this to say; the same way Penelope is currently reaching her lowest before learning to heal and evolve past her spiteful vindictiveness - We are starting to see Eloise’s descent into her worst qualities ( her indigence and her superiority complex) being at the forefront of her personality.
I can go full rant mode if literally anyone is interested in this. Anyways, I love some morally gray female characters who learn to heal. Gotta be one of my all time favorite genres.
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Ella Fitzgerald, April 25, 1917 – June 15, 1996.
Photo by Georg Oddner.
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fiona zanetti, make up by lorélen coriton
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Matilda (1996) dir. Danny DeVito
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alive at the end of the world by Saeed Jones
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Les Diaboliques 1955 | dir. Henri-Georges Clouzot
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‘Double R’ Menu, from The Secret History of Twin Peaks
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Mourning jewelry- Locket, 1706, Brooch c. 1850, Tiffany & Co. Brooch, 1868
The earliest jewelry made and owned in America was of a sentimental nature, related either to courtship and marriage or to death and mourning. Rings were often presented at funerals to relatives and close friends of the deceased. Human hair and symbols of death were sometimes incorporated into mourning jewelry. (x)
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“The Love Witch” (2016) | Dir. Anna Biller 🥀
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It just occurred to me that Colin wants Pen to mirror his single minded focus on their love while Eloise wants Pen to mirror her desire to live independently.
Penelope’s journey is to look in the mirror and see both possibilities in herself—a devoted, blissful wife and an ambitious, successful rebel. In a way, Colin and Eloise represent the two halves of Penelope.
This show is not silly. It’s actually kind of brilliant.
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yes i have a thing for self-loathing fictional characters being loved and in the process learning to love themselves and no that does not imply anything about me personally as a person i swear
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