eastonwellington · 4 years
who do u like and why?
Jackson’s a real cutie pie but that’s never going to happen because he’s really into girls. Noah’s hot too though.
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eastonwellington · 4 years
“Thanks, it’s nice being again the sweetest ever” laughed the blonde with a wide grin on her lips. Those words just made the blonde smile every time that left her best friend’s lips, it felt good been seen a nice person, she was everything she wanted. “You’re the close second tho” she smiled. “You know I really love that agree to disagree thing” admitted Skylar after taking a long sip from her mug “It’s just perfect” she said letting a chuckle fell from her lips. “Oh, you can’t keep secrets away from me and you know it, tell me who is he” she said with a curious look on her face. “Oh, yeah” nodded Skylar, she knew Noah, they have talked a couple of times, but somehow she didn’t really like all the partying thing related to the male. “Well I will write that review down” laughed the blonde “I will leave that incredible kisser for you, I don’t really wanna steal it from you” teased the blonde.
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Easton couldn’t hide secrets away from his best friend. It was an impossible thing for him to do. He’d always been open with Skylar about every little aspect in his life. It was nice to have someone that he could tell everything too. He knew that the girl wouldn’t judge him either too.  “He’s a cool guy to hang out with and kiss. I’ve always thought that he was pretty cute too.” Easton thought a lot of guys at Monarch were attractive. He didn’t really have a solid type. Everybody could be attractive in different ways. It depended on how the person presented themselves to other people. A kind heart could get somewhere anyone when it came to Easton. “He’s not my boyfriend so he’s up for grabs. You know me. I’m here for a good time - not a long time - especially after all my relationships have gone down.” 
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eastonwellington · 4 years
Easton’s crush on Noah wasn’t something that he kept secret to anyone else around Monarch. Noah was attractive. It couldn’t be disrupted. “I’m pretty sure most people here think you’re hot.” He couldn’t point out anyone who didn’t have Noah Fynn as someone on their top ten people they’d most like to fuck at Monarch list. It’d be impossible to turn him down with all that charm. Easton’s fingertips grazed the hair at the nape of Noah’s neck as the other started to move. Another loud moan escaped from Easton’s mouth as Noah moaned around his length and then cupped his balls with his hands. He couldn’t help but buck up into the warm heart. “Fuck, Noah!” Easton bit down on his bottom lip to try and silence any more sounds from escaping his mouth. He watched as the other kept going until he was getting him closer and closer to his end peak. “I’m close. Do you wanna pull off or?”
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eastonwellington · 4 years
“I’m so glad to hear it”, Amber-Jade said, a pleased smile on her face. “Things are actually really good. He made sure that I wasn’t alone on Christmas Day and he told me that he loved me. I couldn’t say it back at first but I worked up the courage a few days later”. She knew that Easton would understand why that was such a big deal for her. Amber-Jade laughed when he commented on her fully stocked bar. “I’d like to say that it’s because I take my bartending jobs very seriously but I think we both know that’s only half true”.
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Easton’s Christmas holiday was something that made him feel all warm inside. He was surrounded by people that respected him and loved him for the person that he wanted to be. Easton couldn’t help but to smile at the girl  next to him as told him about her holiday season. “He told you that he love you? Woah. Look at you two love birds. I’m so fucking happy for you.” Easton knew it would be a big deal for Amber Jade to admit that she loved someone. It was a big step to make in a relationship. A scary one too. “I’m not complaining! It’s fully stocked in there.” Easton cracked open the drink in his hands. “Cheers to, um, love and friendship?”
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eastonwellington · 4 years
One of the things that she liked best about Easton is that he was completely understanding of her views and why she had formed them, even if they were completely different from his. Amber-Jade always felt comfortable talking to him because she knew that he would always treat her with respect. “Maybe we should figure out who is in charge of judging the competition and bribe them”, she jokingly suggested. “Really? I actually felt a little cool, I was planning on leeching off your body heat”, she laughed. 
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Easton and Amber Jade weren’t always on the same page but he wouldn’t ever pick apart Amber Jade’s views without listening to why she thought about something differently to him. Easton would have his opinion and respect the girls. It was nice to have that dynamic on things. “You want to cheat to win? I don’t think we have to cheat. I don’t think anybody’s going to do anything that’s going to blow our idea out of the park.” He turned to the girl and raised his brow. “What? Really? That’s weird. I thought you were the warm one. That’s why I’m leaning into you.”
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eastonwellington · 4 years
“I’m sure. All I ask is that it’s PG-13 when you tell me about it,” he laughed. “No more pizza shop supply closet stories,” he made a face, taking a seat across from Easton with their food. He didn’t actually mind it all that much. Jackson just didn’t talk about his own personal life as openly. “Thanks, man,” he felt himself relax a bit. He was glad to know Sky had someone like Easton in his life. Even more so, he was glad he had Easton in his life. “If she’s got you bugging her, I’m sure she’s got bigger fish to fry,” Jackson teased.
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Easton wouldn’t go into too many details. He didn’t want Jackson to know every little detail about his supply closet stories. “No? That’s one of the tame ones. You’d be shocked by all the others.” Easton was pretty open with his personal life. He didn’t really like hiding things away anymore. He wanted to live an authentic life with no secrets. His friendship with Jackson and Sky were different but he adored the both of them. It’s why he hadn’t wanted to take sides with whatever happened between the two of them. He knew it wasn’t going to be malicious and full od drama. “Hey! What’s that suppose to mean?” He was only kidding. He picked a pizza slice and slowly took a bite out of it. “I’m a great friend - thank you very much.”
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eastonwellington · 4 years
“I’m guessing that your hometown is the complete opposite of this place, then?” There were a lot of places in America that weren’t nearly as progressive as MU. “Do you have any embarrassing stories about Arden from when she was a kid?” 
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“Correct! Everybody’s a lot more conservative over there in comparison to everybody here.” Easton loved both places but the people were way more fun in California. He knew he could or be whoever he wanted over here without fear of judgement. It was a really nice place to be. “Oh? Do I? I remember the time she was turning seven or eight and she tripped over in her small kitten heels and fell first face into the birthday cake someone had gone through the effort in making. She had pink icing all over her face. I got in trouble for laughing so hard.”
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eastonwellington · 4 years
Arden found herself softening slightly when Easton said that all of his brothers were great friends to him. ‘I’m glad that they’re good to you, you deserve that”, Arden said simply. “I’ve watched every single season of that show and I still have no idea where I would even start with that kind of design project”.
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Easton couldn’t imagine living elsewhere. He was happy living with some of the other guys. “It’s like having a small pact of people that’s always going to have your back and while you call you out on your shit if you step out of line.” Easton grinned - nodding his head in complete agreement. “Same! I love that show. I don’t know how they do the concepts on paperwork and turn it into something beautiful.” He could talk about that show all day. “Who’s your favourite queen on there?”
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eastonwellington · 4 years
“I never thought that I’d love anywhere as much as I loved NYC but I will admit that California has a special place in my heart”, Lola agreed. “I think it’s nice that the two of you managed to build such a close relationship amidst the chaos of both of your families”.
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“California is different to everywhere else. I feel like I’m living in the future here.” It was so fun. Easton loved living in a place that was diverse. It was upbeat and unlike his hometown was. “Right? I’m lucky to have her life in my life. She kept me sane. I owe her one.”
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eastonwellington · 4 years
“We’re all newbies at sex compared to Noah. Don’t feel bad,” Jack reassured him with a laugh. Then again, Jack wasn’t the most experimental person. “From what she’s told me, it’s healed. But Sky’s the type of person who will cover up her own emotions for the sake of someone else’s happiness. I can’t tell if she’s actually okay with moving on from it or if she’s still hurt from it.”
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Easton didn’t feel bad about about being a newbie at sex compared to Noah Fynn. He was gaining experience as he went on. “I’ll learn and get better as I discover new things to like.” Easton wasn’t bad at sex at all. He was just new to it. He was learning as he was taught it all. Easton could agree with Jackson in regards to his best friend. She loved making sure that everyone else was happy. It was a good thing and bad thing all at once. It’s the reason he’d always get the girl to talk about her feelings with him. “I’ll check in on how she’s doing, okay? She’ll talk to me about anything. It probably hurts but she’s strong and deals with it.”
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eastonwellington · 4 years
“You deserve a prize for putting up with some of the more foolish brothers and their shenanigans”, Arden joked. “It’s exactly like that but most of us aren’t nearly as talented as the RuPaul Drag Race Challenge contestants”.
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Easton loved each and all of his fraternity brothers. He could agree that they could be foolish. “They’re all great friends to me. I know that they can be a lot sometimes but they’re really cool.” He wouldn’t have changed where he lived for the world. He felt so supported living with them. “That’s true. I don’t have any talent to make something from rags and scraps of old fabrics.”
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eastonwellington · 4 years
Easton knew he was more than supported by all of his fraternity brothers living with him. His relationships with every one of his brothers was different but he loved them all the same too. He’d never felt like he couldn’t tell them something. It was special to live in such a safe space. Easton leaned back on his elbows as soon as Noah started to pull away from the kiss with him. He watched him begin to kiss down his chest and stop long enough to get him out of his clothes. He’d never been insecure about how he looked. He went to the gym and kept in good shape. Easton was also decently sized. It wasn’t like he was new to hooking up with people by now. “Says you? Have you saw how you look?” That’s the moment that he noticed Noah’s tongue peek out from his mouth to swirl around his head. He was turned on now to say the very least. “Holy fucking shit.” His one hand reached forward as his fingers threaded through the hair at the nape of Noah’s jet black locks and the other went down on him. “You’re good at that.”
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eastonwellington · 4 years
“I don’t think there’s anything wrong with the way you think, though. I’m probably a little too cynical so we balance each other out”. It kept their conversations interesting, too. She always felt like she had a lot to learn from Easton and she was genuinely interested in the way that he viewed the world. “I should probably admit that I’m a very sore loser so if we don’t win a prize, I will be insufferable for the rest of the night”, she admitted, leaning into him as he put his arm around her shoulder.
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Easton found it cool with how they both had different takes and opinions about things. It kept things interesting between them. He couldn’t imagine dating someone who was like him. What would be the point in that? Amber Jade’s opinion opened his mind to explore new possibilities. “Yeah? I’m the same. I might be pissed if we don’t at least get something.” Easton loved to win. He’d always been competitive. He pressed the side of his against hers as the movie started playing in the background. “You’re really warm, babe. You’re like my own personal heater.”
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eastonwellington · 4 years
“Thank you”, Amber-Jade said simply. She had her fingers crossed too but she was also prepared for the worst as she didn’t want to be disappointed if things fell apart around her. “That’s amazing, I’m so glad that you had a wonderful Christmas and that you’re able to start making memories that don’t feature your shitty family”. Easton had really started to build a new family here and she was so happy for him. “No, it’s fine. I’m happy to just relax and have a few drinks with you. We have everything that you can possibly want in the bar so knock yourself out”.
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Easton’s Christmas holidays was spent with one of his best friends and her family who supported all of his choices. It was nice to be around people that wanted to get to know all parts of him. “Yeah! It was wonderful. How are things with Bryce going? Is he treating you well?” Easton was happy to spent moments away from his parents. It was nice to forget about them for a little bit. “I should know that you always come prepared with all the drinks. Let me go and grab one.” Easton moved over to the bar and grabbed some mixed fruits flavoured drink from back there - something with a bit of alcohol added into it but not too much. He didn’t want to get too drunk. “Holy shit, Amber Jade. You do have every drink under the sun in here, huh?”
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eastonwellington · 4 years
“Just in town?” Skylar took her hand to her chest dramatically “You hurt me, you used to say that I was the sweetest person in this whole world” she said as a laugh fell from her lips “I’m joking, It’s fine and you’re right, If I get angry at someone I just feel bad for anything I’ve said, you can’t imagine how bad my stomach hurts if I don’t try to solve that problem” admitted the blonde. “Yes, I was just wandering around and when I saw it just had to buy it” she said with a smile. “That was actually the kind of gossip I was really waiting to hear” she said taking a large sip at the chocolate before flashing Easton a curious look. “I know him, right?” she asked excitedly “Tell me who is the lucky one this time” she said as she placed her hand of her hand and looked at her with a warm smile on her lips.
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“I take back what I said! You’re the sweetest person in the whole entire world, Skylar Davis.” Easton knew he was going to be close to Skylar for a long time. She was nicest person that he knew. He didn’t understand how people didn’t want to be Skylar’s best friend. She was special to him. He couldn’t imagine being this close to anyone else. “I don’t feel like I get angry too much. I’m pretty level-headed when it comes to disagreement and end up agreeing to disagreeing.” Easton didn’t like confrontation. “Oh yeah? I was trying to keep it a secret but we both know that I can’t hide my secrets from you.” Easton nodded his head with a cheeky grin on his face. He loved gossip sessions with his best friend. “Yeah! I think that you know him. It’s Noah Fynn.” Easton looked into the girls eyes. “Let me tell you that he’s a fucker great kisser. 10 out of 10 would recommend if you ever got the chance.”
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eastonwellington · 4 years
“Which one is your favourite?” Whilst Lola had seen a lot of the world, she hadn’t actually done that much travelling within her own country. “That’s such a good choice, that real life Mario Kart is so much fun”, she agreed, a wide smile on her face as she thought of her memories of Japan. “Did you see much of Arden when you were growing up or did you guys only really get closer when you were a bit older?”
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“Ah damn! That’s a hard decision. It’s probably this state though. I have made more friends here than I have done back in Michigan or Washington. It’s crazy here but I love it being so crazy.” Easton would have loved to go to Tokyo to visit the SEGA arcade house or driving around the busy Japan towns one of the Mario Kart characters. It seemed like a real cool thing to do. “We saw each other at family events that happened every couple of months and whatnot and then we facetimed and messaged each other on social media if we were apart for a long time. We’ve got even closer now that we’re both adults though.”
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eastonwellington · 4 years
“It really is, although there’s a part of me that’s worried that it might all fall apart soon”, Amber-Jade admitted. “Fuck your parents. You don’t need them and they definitely don’t deserve you. Did you have a nice time with Sky and her family?” She really hated Easton’s family because of how they treated him but she was glad that he had other people in his life that were loving and supportive. “Shit, sorry. I forgot that you don’t smoke. We’ll have a few drinks instead, then. What are you drinking?” she asked, leaving the joints on the table and making her way over to the bar instead.
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“Fingers crossed that it keeps on going well for you then. You deserve to have a good time.” Easton knew how much Amber had been through with the past. It was nice that she was finally feeling a bit better and on the right track. “We’ll do whatever we can to get it going then, yeah?” Easton’s parents didn’t want to him know him anymore. He’d lost them when he first came out. “Yes! It was so nice. Her family are the sweetest. I can be who I am there with no judgement.” Easton was happy to have so may friends here that loved him. “It’s all good. You can keep on smoking if you want. Have you got any flavoured drinks? I’m in the mood for something tasty.”
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