echo-of-starlight · 1 year
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echo-of-starlight · 1 year
I've been running through all 8 class stories in relative "chronological story order". Jumping between characters is allowing me to see the full combined story play out as if it's all actually happening at the same time/progressing through the overarching timeline. It has been really cool to watch how one class's story affects another, and how that impacts the full story going on within the galaxy. It's also been really fun to play through some of the class stories that I haven't been through in a very long time (maybe because *cough* I keep playing through *cough* the jedi knight storyline *cough* *cough*). Anyone else tried this method of game play? Found a guide online that I've been following in order to accomplish this.
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echo-of-starlight · 2 years
Life Day on Odessen
Theron “reasonably cheery” Shan has some sort of passive-aggressive sweater, like a gingerbread wookiee that says “bite me”.
Koth is all over the new (to him) holiday and has to try all the festive foods.
Vette goes all-out decorating the entire Alliance base, with assistance from C2-N2, of course.
Torian and Qyzen go hunting the week before and bring back all sorts of traditional roast meats from around the galaxy.
Gault catches Hylo under the mistletoe. Hylo is having none of it, and takes up Kaliyo’s suggestion to start MistleFoe, where you fight whoever is under the decoration. Lana quickly puts an end to this.
Arcann and Senya spending their first enjoyable holiday together.
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echo-of-starlight · 2 years
Star Wars: The Old Republic Developer Story and Cinematics Talk Star War...
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echo-of-starlight · 2 years
Tell us about Phaneia !
Thanks so much for the ask @swtorpadawan! It was a little hard to decide how best to answer this. I quickly discarded any thought of bulleted points and eventually ended up using more of a narrative form to summarize the jedi knight storyline from Phaneia's perspective. Obviously going into detail about all of the story content we have available would have ended in a ridiculously long post (and this is already wordy enough as it is)... so I only took things up to a point - which I think gives a good enough characterization of her basic outlook. I'm of course happy to answer any more specific questions!
Phaneia always knew she wanted to help people. At a young age she was found to be force sensitive and even then she understood that this gave her a unique ability to be able to do just that. She also understood the grave responsibility that would be placed on her if she chose to follow the ways of the jedi. She didn't hesitate to walk into that life. She was not afraid to stand up for what she believed was right. And she was not afraid to put herself between those who needed protection and the evils of the galaxy. She studied and trained hard, never wavering from the jedi code, and quickly became one of the youngest padawans to earn the rank of jedi knight. Her rapid rise in the ranks of the order did not diminish her humility or the compassion in which she viewed those around her. She tried to see the good in people and gave everyone she could the chance to turn back to the light. Her skills with the force, ability with her lightsabers and diligence to help restore peace to the galaxy earned her a key role in many dangerous and critical missions. It wasn't until her first encounter with the sith emperor that she had ever known failure. And oh how far she fell. Her beliefs were shaken to the core when the lofty goal of redeeming the emperor was shattered along with her mind. He forced her to commit unspeakable acts in the name of the dark side of the force and it was only through the help of her old master that she was able to find her way back to the light. After breaking free of the emperor's hold she slowly picked up the pieces and tried to mend what he had broken. She continued to do what the council asked of her even if she had doubts that she was the right jedi to lead on her assigned objectives. And through it all she wondered if she would ever do enough good in the galaxy to make up for the crimson stain that tainted both her lightsabers and her heart. When the Jedi Order asked her to face down the emperor a second time, insisting that she was the only jedi strong enough to resist his power, she couldn't deny the uncertainty she felt and the crushing weight of responsibility that had been placed upon her shoulders. She wasn't afraid to sacrifice her life, but she was afraid that she would be made to serve the dark side again. Knowing that she might be the only jedi strong enough to stop the emperor; however, she hardened her resolve as she knew there would be no peace until he was gone. Even if she couldn't defeat him she knew she couldn't walk away without facing him again, and this time she had no hopes for redemption. She trusted the force to work through her to finally bring balance and peace back to the galaxy - and overcame. The Jedi Order was quick to recognize her actions and soon she became their poster child - a role she would rather not have. Phaneia led when necessary and wasn't going to back down from her responsibility to the Republic and Jedi Order, but she didn't enjoy spending time in the spotlight. She continued to serve, now as a jedi master, facing hopeless odds and achieving impossible victories.
The emperor's seeming defeat gave her hope for a better future, but if she was honest with herself she still felt broken. It wasn't until the force ghost of her jedi master appeared to her on Rishi that she finally understood how to become whole again. She realized that the fragmented pieces of her heart and soul would only be mended once she had the courage to forgive herself. To finally forgive herself...of the guilt, the shame, and all the horrible acts she committed while under the influence of the emperor. Things changed for her on Rishi, but it wasn't the only thing that changed. Her unwavering adherence to the jedi code unraveled after a certain SIS agent was captured by a group of Revanites. In that moment she knew she would tear the place apart to get him back and the sudden realization of her attachment and even possible feelings for this man was overwhelming and unsettling at best. She admired his commitment to the Republic and his borderline obsession with his work. But if she was being perfectly honest, it was more than that. She enjoyed the flirty banter, the snarky remarks, and couldn't deny being attracted to his physical attributes as well. Throughout her time spent working on the revanite conspiracy she and Theron quickly realized that their mutual feelings for each other were more than just a passing fancy. Given their histories with the Jedi Order; however, both of them were well aware of the implications and risks of pursuing that sort of a relationship. Phaneia should have been hesitant. She wasn't a rule breaker. But she found that everything seemed to be more complicated when trying to make decisions where Theron was concerned. Maybe all of Theron's dangerous, thrilling and risky tendencies were rubbing off on her, but she found she was more than willing to continue the relationship in secret until they figured things out. And admittedly...she was falling fast.
Phaneia's new relationship wasn't the only thing that was mildly alarming in her life. It was brought to light that the emperor she thought she had defeated was not actually dead, but in an immaterial state. All of her fears, doubts, and failures were suddenly thrust upon her again and threatened to overwhelm her sense of self. But as terrified as she was at this revelation she also understood that the force kept bringing her back to this place. If this was her destiny - to challenge and attempt to defeat the emperor again - then she would face it head on, no matter the cost to herself. A call to the outer rim changed everything in an instant.
...Five years later she awoke to find the galaxy in chaos. The Zakuulan Empire was destroying both the Republic and Sith Empire alike. Worse, the former sith emperor was alive...using her own body as a vessel. And everyone was looking to her to fix it. She didn't know if they should place their trust in her. Every time she faced off with the emperor he seemed to find a new way to demonstrate his immortality. Regardless of her misgivings, she accepted her new role as alliance commander. The only constants in her life were her lightsabers, her deep connection to the force, and those who stood alongside her -  her steadfast companion T7, surprising ally sith lord Lana Beniko, and former SIS agent Theron Shan (who despite her worry, had never been able to break free of her spell). Their trust in her and support would be invaluable in the next stage of her life. Despite any lingering disquieting thoughts, the commitment she made so many years ago to uphold justice, to protect, and to find a way to bring peace to the endless turmoil that engulfed the galaxy was just too strong to ignore...
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echo-of-starlight · 2 years
In full disclosure...I'm new to tumblr and still figuring out how it works so please bear with me. I've been following many of y'alls pages for a while now and have been enjoying your SWTOR related posts. I have especially loved getting to know some of your OCs through your incredible writing and art. I realized; however, that although we share a love for the game, the NPCs, and have similar feelings for the content, that you all don't know anything about me or my characters. I finally decided to make a tumblr to join in the community and to support some of your creative works! As a mainly solo player in recent days I have missed having interactions with other players and getting to share experiences and conversations about a game I really love. You all don't know, but you guys have really had a positive impact on me over the last few months, and through your posts about your gameplay and OCs I have felt less alone. I hope to be able to reach out to some of you personally now that I have a better ability to comment and interact than through an anonymous post. I have so many things to say about your lovely art and fanfic! I have already received a request to share some more information about my jedi knight, which I will be answering soon! Thanks again to @theoasiswinds for the lovely portrait of my favorite jedi knight and to @queen-scribbles for graciously responding to a prompt for her spy duo Jaaide and Theron. I couldn't stop smiling reading your response! I absolutely love them and your portrayal of Theron is always spot on!
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echo-of-starlight · 2 years
Thanks so much to @theoasiswinds for this beautiful rendition of my jedi knight!
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Commission for the lovely https://echo-of-starlight.tumblr.com/
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