echoicbursts · 8 years
echoicbursts -----> echoiccraft
im still going to come back on this account bc ive got other stuff i do on here, but other than that im mainly on my new account
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echoicbursts · 8 years
i think i might finish switching everything over soon...ill probably keep this account to just not have to redo everything for the blogs im a part of :V
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echoicbursts · 8 years
Anti-Nightmare Pouch
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Warning: this will not help cure illnesses such as PTSD, this isn’t a replacement for therapy. However for typical nightmares, it’s intent that makes a spell work. Try not to doubt yourself! If you do, I recommend grounding yourself first before every spell you do!
Pouch or Jar (I put my pouch in a jar bc the ashes came through my pouch so make sure your bag isn’t permeable!)                                                               Metal bowl or cauldron (to burn safely)                                                       Ashes (possibly of sigil or just charcoal, add more paper to the sigil u burned so there’s more ash to work w)                                                                Rosemary (improves health & love)                                                                  Pink Himalayan Salt (purification, Self-love, promotes healthy lifestyle)              Bloodstone (healer)                                                                                          Lighter or match (to light candle)                                                                        5 or more drops of black candle wax (protection)
Optional:                                                                                                               Dried or fresh lavender (promotes tranquillity, incense works too!)             Nails (preferably iron but any are okay, these are for more protection)
1) Add the ash, salt and herbs                                                                                 2) Add in your cleansed bloodstone                                                                       3) Drip in your black candle
Leave it in your bedroom while you sleep. Preferably on a windowsill, under the moonlight. Then bury the pouch somewhere far, where you don’t go too often and let go of it. Let the negativity go. You may get rid of the bloodstone or cleanse it with the rest of your gems. Good Luck! And get rid of your nightmares, repeat if needed
(Optional: find a cleansing bath you like to help rid more negative energy/ intrusive thoughts if you feel the need to)
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echoicbursts · 8 years
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echoicbursts · 8 years
Date a boy who you can Skype with and just smile and stare gayly at each other for an hour
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echoicbursts · 8 years
Hetalia Canon-Finders Net
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Bonjour! I’m mod Francis from Hetalia canon-finders net. We’re a Hetalia kin group, all from the same canon, trying very hard to find our canon friends and loved ones. 
The Members page is HERE. We have our Alfred and Matthieu, we just haven’t added them to the page yet. 
reblog/like the promo post
be nice and respectful towards other members
this blog is not TERF/Truscum/anti-feminist friendly.
do not call anyone fake.
don’t apply if you ship problematic ships UNLESS its for coping reasons.
if you wish to leave at any point, please take it up with a mod.
if anyone makes you uncomfortable/there are any issues at all, come to a mod about it.
being mutuals with all the members is not mandatory, but it is encouraged.
do NOT invite anyone to the skype chat unless you have asked a mod first and they have okayed it.
be 15-18 years old
be kin with/have a fictive of a hetalia character in your system
follow this blog and Mod Francis
have a tumblr and skype.
Go ahead and send us an ask if you have any questions. If it helps any, we’re looking for APH Scotland, APH England, and APH Spain the most right now, but finding anyone would be amazing. 
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echoicbursts · 8 years
me: has had 2 good days in a row
my brain: It’s Time
me: for what
my brain: It’s Time
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echoicbursts · 8 years
You’re the reason the ghost won’t come visit us
Echo @ me after i licked a hat. (via official-zeppeli)
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echoicbursts · 8 years
i have to cleanse the fucking board because of you.
Echo (via official-zeppeli)
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echoicbursts · 8 years
Touch the plant shit and i will kill you
Echo (via official-zeppeli)
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echoicbursts · 8 years
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my gay boyfriend horace
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echoicbursts · 8 years
echo said beltigre is hot
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echoicbursts · 8 years
angel is so cute i fucking cant
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echoicbursts · 8 years
Panic! In front of the cute boy
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echoicbursts · 8 years
i know it is man
Did you know, im really gay and that i want horace to choke me while midorima falcon punches my dick
holy shit thats gay
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echoicbursts · 8 years
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Pretty Boy.
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echoicbursts · 8 years
ii jusut wantn to fiinsd mmm yy horoace annd maaybbe stpoo disicaccotingn
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