fictionaffliction · 7 days
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— Arthur Miller, The Crucible
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fictionaffliction · 7 days
This is deeply concerning in terms of reading comprehension and the ability to understand and participate in rhetoric. Not only are they missing valuable context, but how can they expect to absorb beautiful prose if they run from long passages?
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Do they know that reading is not mandatory? Nobody is forcing them to read?
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fictionaffliction · 7 days
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fictionaffliction · 7 days
The pharmacy: you can't get these without jumping through several hoops because you might abuse them.
Me: Bitch, I literally forgot to get it filled.
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fictionaffliction · 7 days
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fictionaffliction · 7 days
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so so SO glad i spent several days drawing something that is too big to share with anyone without it losing its quality 😔
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fictionaffliction · 20 days
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compilation of this type of post
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fictionaffliction · 20 days
Combat log: The effect Ibuprofen has ended.
Me: *instantly ragdolls*
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fictionaffliction · 26 days
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fictionaffliction · 26 days
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fictionaffliction · 26 days
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fictionaffliction · 28 days
I love soulmates but also this-
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fictionaffliction · 28 days
By the way, you can improve your executive function. You can literally build it like a muscle.
Yes, even if you're neurodivergent. I don't have ADHD, but it is allegedly a thing with ADHD as well. And I am autistic, and after a bunch of nerve damage (severe enough that I was basically housebound for 6 months), I had to completely rebuild my ability to get my brain to Do Things from what felt like nearly scratch.
This is specifically from ADDitude magazine, so written specifically for ADHD (and while focused in large part on kids, also definitely includes adults and adult activities):
Here's a link on this for autism (though as an editor wow did that title need an editor lol):
Resources on this aren't great because they're mainly aimed at neurotypical therapists or parents of neurdivergent children. There's worksheets you can do that help a lot too or thought work you can do to sort of build the neuro-infrastructure for tasks.
But a lot of the stuff is just like. fun. Pulling from both the first article and my own experience:
Play games or video games where you have to make a lot of decisions. Literally go make a ton of picrews or do online dress-up dolls if you like. It helped me.
Art, especially forms of art that require patience, planning ahead, or in contrast improvisation
Listening to longform storytelling without visuals, e.g. just listening regularly to audiobooks or narrative podcasts, etc.
Martial arts
Sports in general
Board games like chess or Catan (I actually found a big list of what board games are good for building what executive functioning skills here)
If you're bad at time management play games or video games with a bunch of timers
Things can be easier. You might always have a disability around this (I certainly always will), but it can be easier. You do not have to be this stuck forever.
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fictionaffliction · 28 days
So I’ve never actually watched The Princess Bride with closed captioning. All the copies I own/have owned didn’t come with that option. Well, it’s on Disney+ now, and it DOES have captions. I decided to watch it tonight because apparently half of my coworkers haven’t seen it and that made me sad.
I now know ALL of Fezzik’s rhymes from the boat.
I know exactly what fighting moves Westly and Inigo were saying in that EPIC fight.
I can understand what Fezzik is saying when they break into the castle (I love Andre the Giant, but his accent is so hard for me to decipher)
Apparently I have missed something in the twenty years I’ve been watching this movie. When Inigo is drunk in the Thieves’ Forest, a member of the Brute Squad comes around the corner of the building after Inigo proclaims this is where [he’ll] stay, that he will not be moved.
“Ho, there!” he says.
Now. I always assumed Inigo just repeated the man’s phrase.
Oh no. The closed captions read as follows:
“I do not budge. Keep your Joder.”
Because he’s a Spaniard, in the movie it is pronounced exactly like “Ho, there.”
Joder means fuck in Spanish.
So when the guy comes around the corner, I can only assume Inigo’s sloshed brain just heard him shout “fuck” at him, and THAT is how he responded.
NO ONE I KNOW realized this for nearly FORTY YEARS!!!!!
Closed captioning, y’all. It’s not just because you can’t make out what they’re saying. It’s also for recognizing jokes people were slipping into movies and past censors from before you were born.
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fictionaffliction · 1 month
ok so i do have adhd but i feel as though this somehow transcends it. I just made a cup of tea 10 minutes ago. Im in a very small room. It has disappeared. I didnt leave the room. It just escaped. It is gone. It never was. Wheres my tea. It couldnt have gone anywhere and yet it has. Did i drink it and eat the cup and forget? Where is my tea. I miss her. This is fucked
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fictionaffliction · 1 month
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fictionaffliction · 1 month
Two days ago my husband said "...and he was pissed" and I said "don't say that around the kids!" so he corrected himself to "and he was liquid angry" and I've been laughing since
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