eddieeeeeeee · 2 years
Kinda have to
Reblog if you're not homophobic
Every url that reblog’s will be written in a book and shown to my homophobic dad. 
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eddieeeeeeee · 2 years
Reblog this to give the person you reblogged it from a bear hug. (they might just need it)
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eddieeeeeeee · 2 years
Part 3 of Omega Will (Halstead) and Alpha Connor (Rhodes).
It had been the seventh time Will had puked this morning, not counting when he woke up out of the blue and puked over the bed sheets AND had to wake Connor up because he didn't want either of them lying/sleeping in a puke covered bed.
Connor just kept rubbing Will's back and comforted him. Will was on the verge of crying, not just because the puking was beginning to become painful; but something felt wrong.
'Will?', It was Connor. Will realized he had probably spaced out between puking episodes.
'Are you okay?'
'Yeah.. No, No I'm not. Something feels wrong I- I don't know where but something is wrong.'
Will shuddered as a cold shiver ran down his spine, 'Can we get up now? Cuddle on the couch maybe?'
Will looked at Connor with his big brown puppy eyes; not that he needed to do that, Connor would have agreed either way.
After they had both left the bathroom, Connor Bridle-Style carried Will to the couch and sat him on the furniture.
'Con.. If I'm thinking right and this sickness could be something else...'
'Do you want to take the test Will?' Connor asked, knowing exactly what Will was thinking.
'Yes, that's precisely what I want to do. What if it's negative and I'm just sick?'
Connor sighed , 'We'll find out when that "What if" happens, Okay?'
'Yeah, I hope you're right Connor.'
'You say that too much.'
They both laughed. Realizing how much Will had said that in the past few months.
Will almost screamed.. If that was good or bad he didn't really care, he'd taken the test and it came back - POSITIVE - He was ready to start crying right now.
He didn't know how he was going to tell Connor, considering Connor was at work because Will had told him he was being a "Hover". Connor was reluctant to return to work at this point in time, but he agreed - because y'know it's Will you can't say no- he left at 5am and would be coming back at 8pm.
Will was contemplating telling Jay (and Adam because they were a couple, about time really). So Will picked up his phone and dialed Jay's number.
!~~! Phone Call
'What did you do?'
'Hello to you to Jay, I was wondering-'
'Are you dying?'
'Wha- No! I'm not dying!'
'Oh okay, what's up?'
'So, before you rudely interrupted me. I was wondering if you and Adam have any time to hang out.. like today?'
'No we don't... But we can go into another room so you can tell us what you want to say in private.'
'That would be good, where are you by the way?'
'Uhhhhhh.. Crime scene?'
'Oh my god- Jay! Call me back when you get home or the District, but it has to be before 7 tonight, okay?'
'Ha. Alright little brother, I'll call soon.'
'2 years Jay Michael Halstead. 2-Y-E-A-R-S. But fine, We will talk soon.'
!~~! Phone Call Ended
Will got the call back around half past 6 that night. Having already curled into bed feeling sick the second time that day. He rolled over onto his stomach and picked up his phone and answered the face time from Adam.
!~~! Facetime
'Hey Will! Oh you look pale like more pale than usual, are you okay?'
'Yeah, I'm good at least I'm not dying.'
'Okay good!'
'Hey where's Jay?'
'Oh! He's in the shower' - Adam looked behind himself - 'He should be out soon.'
'Alright. Hey Adam, Omega to Omega - Man to Man, I wanna tell you first and see how you think of it.'
Will got up and took his phone with him, went into the bathroom and sat on the vanity making sure not to knock anything off.
'I'm-' Will picked up his positive pregnancy test - 'Pregnant!' - He showed the camera the test and Adam's face lit up with joy.
'Omg! Wait, you're not pranking me are you?'
'Of Course not Ads! Why would I?'
In the background of Adam's call Will heard the shower turn off, the next thing he heard made both he and Adam laugh out loud;
'What's all the yelling for, what are you two conspiring?!'
'Better come quick Jay! Before we finish our plans to ruin your reputation!'
Will was sent into another bout of laughter at what Adam had said.
Jay came out in a black shirt and black track pants, climbing onto the bed and laying on top of Adam.
'Hey! Get off!'
'Yeah Jay got off him, I want another brother by the end of the year!'
'Oh, you want another one?! I might just get rid of him just to rub it in your face!'
Adam and Will both yelled in unison 'NO!'
When they had all stopped laughing and wheezing Jay finally asked -
'So? what's up?' - He'd gotten off of Adam and the couple were both sitting up against the headboard of the bed and cuddling.
Will let out a breath and looked down to study the hidden test in his hand. He didn't know how Jay would react, with genetics and all...
'Jay... I- I'm pregnant.'
He once again held up the test.
'*gasp* That's amazing Will! Congrats. Have you told Connor?'
'No. I haven't, I took the test after he went to work. I wanted to tell him after.'
'He left you at home!'
'Adam.. I MADE him go to work, he didn't leave me here.'
'okay good.'
Will heard a door open, then checked the time.
'oh shi- I gotta go, keep this a secret please.'
'Of course little bro.'
'Of course Will.'
'Bye guys, I'll see you around!'
Jay and Adam spoke in unison;
!~~! Facetime ended
Will hid the test in his back pocket, and trudged downstairs to see Connor putting his favorite takeaways and the kitchen counter.
'I love you Connor Rhodes.'
Will walked over to Connor and stood beside him with his arms outstretched for a hug. Connor turned to Will, he didn't embrace Will instead he wrapped his arms around Will's waist and pulled him in for a kiss. Will reacted by wrapping his arms around Connor's neck and deepening the kiss.
'What was that for?'
'I wasn't ready to leave you alone. I couldn't think when I didn't know if you were safe or not.'
'That reminds me, why are you home early?'
'Maggie sent me home, apparently she could "sense my distress".
'Hmm okay.'
 During dinner Will was reminded about the test in his back pocket he had to show Connor. So, Will plucked up the courage and stood up in front of Connor.
'Everything okay, Sunshine?'
Will opened his hands and pushed them towards Connor. Connor looked between Will and Will's hands.
'You're pregnant?'
'Yeah.. I found out this morning. I told Adam and Jay..'
'That's okay, I'm glad you told me tonight instead of tomorrow.'
Will chuckled and hugged Connor, clinging to him.
'Connor Rhodes, carry me to bed.'
'Yes of course, your majesty.'
Part 4 and angst coming soon :)
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eddieeeeeeee · 2 years
Part 2 of the Omega Will and Alpha Connor Fic.
(Note: In this one Connor and Will are engaged.) @kitthekazoo you helped you should see it :)
'Connor~~' Will pleaded,
That was the only answer Will was getting at this point, only because his fiance wasn't going to come with him into a nursery store.
Will let out a small whimper which gained Connor's attention,
'Alright.. fine.' Connor sighed, 'But if anyone see's us-'
'- I will let them know that if I was pregnant I would only be in the hospital because I was in labor, considering I've been there all week.' Will cut in, smiling like a kid with an ice-cream cone ready to go wherever possible.
Connor let out a held breath as Will led him though the multiple isles of the store, stopping abruptly Connor looked up from he feet to see Will looking though racks of newborn clothes.
'Awww, these are so cute Con! I can't believe we haven't had kids yet!'
In all reality Will knew exactly why they hadn't had children yet, not just because of work at the hospital; Will had inherited the unlucky the trait of infertility (Jay was a lucky try and Will came after numerous failed attempts and three miscarriages).
Connor sighed, coming up behind Will and wrapping his arms around his fiance's waist, rocking him slightly when he heard his significant other sniffle,
'we'll keep trying Will, it will work.'
Will's breath hitched, clutching tighter onto the small piece of clothing in his trembling hands that read "My Daddy's Amazing!"
'God Con.. I hope you're right.'
Will had indeed bought the tiny piece of clothing, wanting so badly to feel as if he had done something right in his life at this point. Connor had paid for it, keeping one hand laced with Will’s to make sure both of them stayed grounded and didn’t burst out crying. There had been no weird looks from other couples or cashiers (in which Connor was grateful for) and he and Will walked silently back to the car.
The car ride had been very quiet apart from the sound of Will rubbing the pad of his thumb across the soft fabric of the newborn onesie. Finally Connor spoke up;
‘Will, what do you think about taking a week off and dedicating that time to.. y’know trying for…’ He trailed off to wait for Will’s response to the question, keeping his eyes on the road instead of looking towards his soon to be husband. 
Will stopped his motions with the material and looked out the window, watching the highway become the road towards their shared apartment as Connor turned the car.
‘It sounds like the best idea if we want to do this, I think it’s a great idea, we can call Ms. Goodwin in the morning and ask for some time off. We both have about two months of off time built up.’  *~~~~~* Time skip 4 weeks and 3 days had passed since Will and Connor had taken 2 months' leave, they’d been trying the whole time to get pregnant but they’d stopped after the 3-week mark. Will had been too scared to use one of the tests sitting in the bathroom cabinet, afraid it would come back negative.
He promised himself he would take the test in a week, otherwise, he knew he would probably have a breakdown if he didn’t know if he was pregnant or not by the end of the month. He’d sat on the toilet seat with his head in his hands rocking himself back and forth in order to try and not cry. Connor came into the room and knelt in front of Will, placing his hands on Will's face making him look up, ‘ Will if you stay here you’re going to turn into a skeleton.’ Will chuckled wetly understanding what Connor had meant. ‘ I’ve eaten every meal you’ve given me Con, I’m not going to starve.’ ‘Still.’ ‘Okay, I’ll meet you in the kitchen. And, Connor Rhodes I’m not a super-human, it will take you a few minutes.’ ‘Of Course my love, a few minutes.’ Connor exited the room, leaving Will to his own devices.
Will got up from where he was sitting and knelt in front of the cabinet below the sink and mirror, opened a jar, and sucked in a breath before opening it fully. He saw the test, packaged in its’ box ready for him to open it up.
He quickly closed the door, flinching slightly at the slamming sound that echoed in his ears.
‘Will!? You okay?’ Connor yelled from downstairs. He sounded genuinely concerned in Will’s ears, Will only thought like that because of past relationships.
‘Yeah! I’m okay, I’m just a bit out of it.’
Will traveled downstairs quietly, confused by the sudden silence that emitted from the rooms. He walked into the kitchen without a sound, something Jay had taught him because Will had been curious about how Jay could be so quiet.
*~~~~~~* Flashback
‘It’s not that you’re not quite Will, you just have this thing… When you’re barefoot, I can hear your feet pad against the floor. Like when you were small.’
Will huffed, ‘apparently... I picked that up from mum, she thought it was cute!’ Will was always sassy after a heat, he wanted to learn to be quiet going through the apartment or hospital without a sound, with or without shoes.
‘ It was cute Will, but you’re an adult now.’ Jay wore a small smirk. He stepped towards his little brother and placed his hand on his shoulders, Will looked up into his brother's eyes which matched both his parents something Will envied very much. *~~~~~~* End flashback FIN ----------------- Part 3 coming soon. Thanks, @kitthekazoo for helping me figure out how I want Will's pregnancy to go! :)
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eddieeeeeeee · 2 years
Random Fic about Omega Will and Alpha Connor.
(Note: Will knows some Spanish. *...* means spanish).
'*Bitch*' Whispered Will, cursing to himself after he saw Connor (his boyfriend) flirt "accidentally" with Natalie.
April came up behind him, 'Dr Halstead, No swearing please.' She asked sarcastically. Will just grumbled about forgetting that people spoke Spanish in the hospital before walking away towards an on call room and disappearing.
'What's wrong with him?' Asked Connor as he jogged up to the nurses desk, putting his tablet down on the counter before he looked up at April with a questioning look.
'Saw you flirting aimlessly with Dr Manning over there.' April quipped. Smirking ,Connor basically skipped towards the on call room Will entered only minutes before.
'Will?~' called Connor quietly not wanting to be to loud incase anyone here was asleep. He heard a grumble, instantly able to identify his boyfriend. Connor went over to Will and sat beside him,able to see him in the dim light of the hospital filtering in.
'Alpha...' It was bearly a whisper but Connor knew Will was tired, just to stubborn to go home.
'Humm?' Connor didn't know why Will was like this when he was tired so he just answered quietly, just loud enough for Will to hear him.
'Why... What - where you doing with Nat?' The question was quickly followed by a yawn and then Will rolled on his side to look at Connor with glassy eyes.
Connor smiled just a little, 'Harmless flirting Will, I didn't mean any of it - Alright?'
'Hmmm' That was all Will said before he was out like a light, shifting slightly towards his alpha.
Waking up was a bit of a struggle for Will but he managed to open his eyes, instantly alarmed by the fact that he was not at the hospital anymore.
'Shhhhh Will, you're at home. You're okay, Shhhhh.'
It was Connor, Will calmed down immediately turning on his side and seeing his alpha's face made him even calmer.
Shifting forward Will buried his nose in the crook of Connor's neck, smelling his sent and falling limp in his arms slightly.
After at least half an hour of silence, Will finally looked up at Connor.
'Yeah babe?' He asked.
'Have you ever... ever thought about having, having a baby?' It was quiet, almost too quiet for Connor to hear.
It took him a minute, looking over Will's face to see if he was joking or something.
'Yeah.. Yeah I have.'
'Good.' Will muttered nuzzling into Connor again. '*Good night Alpha*...'
'Good night Will.' Connor chuckled, knowing full well it was the middle of the afternoon.
《~~~~~》 The End.
My next fic might be about Will having a pup.
I don't really know, I'm bored.
Have a good day/night or afternoon.
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