eddiemunsonlovesme · 2 years
What if Chloe feels like her and Eddie are falling out of love?
The night was cold and empty.
Despite the freedom of being able roam the streets without having to study, something in my chest made my heart sink to the ground. The ominous pain of grief and non-acceptance lurked the depths of my emotions, drowning the serotonin that I once had before.
The glee of being with Eddie Munson, yet now the doubt that the boy I grew closer to is now pulling away.
I tried not to think of it too much for obvious reasons, but during a late night walk in the middle of the road with pouring rain, there’s nothing better to ponder. My hoodie was already soaked and so were my ripped jeans, as well as my hair that drooped sloppily over my face. The only things that weren’t wet were my waterproof Doc-Martins and my glasses. They were still imprinted with water stains which made it unbearable to see, yet my thoughts restrained me from wiping them.
What if Eddie found someone new? When we first began to date, it was I who was insecure. Not because of me, but how I was able to get someone as wonderful as Eddie. It was him who reassured me and taught me to love myself.
You might be wondering, why does Chloe have her doubts?
He’s been distant. There’s been our last year of senior year and we both had tonnes of work, but Eddie has never been the one to study. Even if he was, wouldn’t he have time to… say hello?
Those rare chances that he has talked to me recently, they were brief and he was trying to be loving. I considered there might be something going on at his home…
…so that’s where I’m headed.
After a few minutes of nothing but empty thoughts, I arrived at the familiar trailer of Eddie’s. Wayne, his uncle, works the night shifts at the power-plant. It always gives Eddie and I time to hang out, but those sweet and unplanned moments have faded into the past. With a little luck, I might renew those moments to come to life again - but this time; forever.
I walked up the elevated stairs and knocked on his door softly. After a few moments of waiting in the cold, the door opened. Eddie’s face went from normal, to confused, to panicked.
“Chlo!” He yelled. “Please, come inside. Why were you in the rain?”
“Least of my concerns. Kiss me.”
“What?” He questioned.
“I said…
…kiss me.”
He stared at me once again in confusion, before cupping my face and planting his lips on mine passionately. There was still lots of love and compassion packed within the kiss - perhaps I was wrong about him falling out of love.
Once he broke the kiss, I began to explain. I assumed he would be confused about the sudden gesture.
“I came here to ask you something.”
“What’s that?” He asked, grasping my waist.
“Do you still love me?”
There wasn’t a moment of hesitation or confusion before Eddie replied.
“I love you with all my heart.”
“Then why have you been distant lately?”
“Oh love, I’ve been studying a lot.”
“But… you never study?”
“I know, but I’ve been trying my hardest to graduate. I have been studying as much as possible because I want to be the one to throw my hat and catch yours. I want to carry you home and rejoice our last day of high school. I want to go to the same college as you and be able to come home everyday to see you with me. I want to be a better boyfriend.”
I didn’t expect such an answer. I didn’t think he would recite a whole paragraph to explain himself. He was adorable in that way, and a part of me felt I should have been so much more understanding.
“I’m so sorry. I thought…”
“What?” He asked.
“I thought you fell out of love.”
“What?! I would never. You can’t get rid of me yet, even if you wanted to.” Eddie said with a smile. I smiled in response.
“Then, let’s study together. Maybe I could tutor you.” I suggested. I could tell he liked the idea when he took my hand and lead me to his room which had multiple textbooks shrouding the floor, almost making it impossible to walk in.
“Wow, you really took the study thing on board.” I laughed.
“True, true. Which subject first?”
“History. I would love to teach you about ancient China!”
“Of course, darling.”
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eddiemunsonlovesme · 2 years
So I was thinking, what if Eddie took care of Chloe when she was sick?
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Warnings: kinda cringe, no smut, minors approved, no 18+, all good. Follow me for more appropriate content :).
Character name: Chloe
Traits: gold round glasses - brown eyes - mixed skin - black short hair.
Status: alive, Eddie Munson’s girlfriend, no status of parents.
“Sweetheart…” the soft whisper seemed to echo the room of Eddie’s trailer. I groaned in response. All over my body hurt after my love passed on his illness to me. Curse my immune system.
“Darling, I’m sorry…” he whispered again. I was turned over to face the wall away from his gaze. No way he could see me like this, he got over it fairly rapid.
I hummed this time, almost to approve and say it was ok. Right after, I felt a warm hand on my back and the dent he had made in the mattress as he was now sitting next to me.
“It’s ok…” I managed to get out. My voice was raspy and rough, and he could tell my words were limited.
“Please turn over.”
I turned over, my body aching even more. I was now facing him with my eyes shut and my cheek buried in his pillow. I could tell he was appreciative of my effort to… well, turn over.
“I love you, remember that, ok?” He assured. I smiled a little bit and attempted to open my eyes.
“Ow!” I yelped. “My eyes! They burn like the pits of hell.”
“Good, your humor’s still intact… for now. I’ll go get the medicine, love.” He said. With that, I shut my eyes again and felt the mattress turn cold and empty without him sitting beside me. After a few minutes, I felt his presence. I heard the liquid washing around in the bottle that he was shaking - the medicine.
“Do I have to?” I complained, now sitting up against the head of the bed. He laughed and poured the chemical into the syringe, filling it up all the way.
“Yes, sweetheart. It will be over soon.”
“Doesn’t seem like it. I can’t even open my eyes.”
“I know, I’ll treat that after this. Please? For me?”
I knew he was putting on his famous puppy-dog eyes without even looking at him. I giggled at the thought of the sight and then felt a syringe into my mouth. I swallowed the bitter liquid, gagging at the taste. He laughed again before putting the medicine back into the box.
“Not really. Thank you though. I love you.” I said. I could feel the relaxing warmth of the mattress now that he was sitting beside me again.
“I love you too. Now, time to disinfect those beautiful brownies.”
I chuckled in response while he left to go to the bathroom. When he came back, he instructed I’d sit on the edge of the bed. I did was I was told as he applied warm compress underneath my eyes to soothe them and stop the burning.
After about 5 minutes, I was able to open my eyes again.
“Hey.” He said, as if to welcome me.
“Hey. Nice to see your adorable face again.” I teased. Eddie giggled while still dabbing the towel on the edges of my eyes sweetly.
“HELLO!” Dustin cheered as he bursted through the door unexpectedly.
“Seriously, dude?” Eddie judged.
“Oh, sorry, am I interrupting something? And why are you strangling Chloe with a towel?”
“I’m fine, Dustin. Just a little sick and Eddie is helping me.”
“Little?” Eddie laughed.
“Come see my slug!” Dustin beckoned.
“Sorry, I’m taking care of Chlo-“
“Eddie.” I deadpanned.
“Right. Got it.” He responded. He and Dustin left the room to go and attend the slug Dustin wanted him to look at. I giggled under my breath and stumbled over to the shower to wash and refreshen myself from this.. unbearable state. I turned on the shower and immediately hopped in to savor the cold water before it turned warm. After my 4 - minute shower, I got dressed in the bathroom and washed my face again with a towel. Only then did I notice my dark circles in the reflection in the mirror.
Despite the good sleeps I get with Eddie, last night was uncomfortable and fitful. It was pre-effect of his sickness that caused this lack of sleep. I think I got about 2 hours at most.
Instead of covering it with concealer or something, I just left them to be exposed. There was no special occasion to wear make-up, especially when I’m in the comfort of my boyfriend who loves me for who I am. In fact, he doesn’t like it when I wear make-up. Eddie will drag me to the bathroom and wet my face if he has to, all in a playful manner.
“Honey, you there?” I heard outside the door. It was Eddie who probably managed to escape from the gruesome presence of Dustin’s slug.
“Yeah, just washing my face.” I said, opening the door. I still had a wet towel in my hand.
“Do you feel any better?” He questioned. He gently grasped my wrist and pulled me out from the bathroom.
“I feel better now. Thank you.”
“No need. I’m sorry.”
“No need.” I teased. He smiled while I rested my head around his chest and his warm hand crept around my waist.
“Don’t you need your glasses?” My love asked.
“I can see you fine as long as you’re next to me.” I smiled.
“You won’t ever leave me, right?” Eddie asked.
“Love, you can’t get rid of me yet.”
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