edxnian-a · 1 year
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----& i'll not INHERIT your cruelty.
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edxnian-a · 4 years
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                              Words will heal your heart.
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edxnian-a · 4 years
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           Now you will see the extent of my power!
                                            indie | private | selective                                              rp blog for raphael sorel                                                   from soulcalibur                                      blended new and original timelines                                                   written by leesh
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edxnian-a · 4 years
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[ @edxnian // I’ll make your muses in artbreeder! ]
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edxnian-a · 4 years
kaediisa​ :
[ @edxnian | s.c. ]
          ❝ I am fine. We accomplished our mission regardless of my failure, did we not? You do not have to come here to check on me, princess. I’m sure you have better things to do. ❞
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"You did not fail, Skarlet. If anything, the risk you took was what created the opening for our success. We both earned the victory, and we both deserve the credit for doing so. The very least I can do is ensure that you are recovering well.”
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edxnian-a · 4 years
amepcrdue​ :
⚔ @edxnian​ has crossed paths with 𝖗𝖆𝖕𝖍𝖆𝖊𝖑 ⚔
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new blood, fresh blood. something powerful. he could damn near sense it the instant the power reached his domain. few things got him to so swiftly leave the darkness that he so often found himself drowning in. his movements were swift, as he moved through the shadows of the castle to the valley below, anxious to greet whomever held such delightful power. with a swiftness he descended upon the stark empty streets, darkening the dirt roads beneath him. a woman, the source of such strange energy, inhuman and nothing of earth he had ever experienced. oh, he must know more. it didn’t take long for him to move himself to appear before her.
                                   ❝ on which kingdom’s behalf do you trespass in these lands? ❞     
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As the ruler of these lands--lands which smacked of something unsettling in its darkness, haunting and eerie and lost in a way that made her ache for Edenia’s green and gleaming lands--bore down upon her position, Kitana herself was advancing with caution. The Edenian’s considerable senses were on high alert as she took one light and cautious step after another, sticking to shadows whenever possible. Shao Kahn would have insisted upon her being more brash and assertive were he present, but his adoptive daughter knew the value of discretion--and such needed to be her guiding hand here rather than thoughtless aggression. Still, though, the sudden appearance of Raphael before her had her reflexively tensing, fan blades summoned forth entirely out of instinct--and as she beheld the male who spoke in honeyed tones?
“The realm of Outworld.”
That urge to be cautious, to ready herself for self-defense only grew.
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edxnian-a · 4 years
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edxnian-a · 4 years
@cryomistrss​ asks ‘ ❛ i want you. and the thought of anyone else having you is like a knife twist in my dark soul. ❜ //THIS SOUNDS SO EDGY BUT FITTING JDBFD ‘
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That declaration of not only desire, but possessiveness had the Kahn turning her head to affix Frost with penetrating gaze, an ebon brow raising in silent question. To say that their shift in relationship from antagonists to paramours was new was like saying the Outworld’s sun could be hot at the height of summer--a vast understatement--so for Frost to confess such a strong feeling of ownership (albeit slant with poetic language) was surprising, to say the least. On some level, Kitana was far from surprised. If anything defined Frost, it was her ambition and how such drove her to live entirely within the extremes of emotion... a rather impressive feat, considering how much of her was machine versus mortal, though she had to give the Cyber Lin Kuei credit where it was due in how seamlessly the two blended together.
(Would restoring flesh to Frost be an achievable feat, a return to Edenian blood? Were those rumors even true? Something to consider later.)
“Is that so.”
The statement--for there was no need for it to be a question, not when the Kahnum was well aware of the answer!--left her in a tone which was almost flat with amusement, an azure-wrapped arm raising before her hand turned upward, fingertips extending toward the cryomancer as the air around them both subtly ebbed and flowed with the tension that was so easily called forth. On one hand, for anyone to even consider owning Kitana when she was no one’s property was a galling concept, one which smacked of the barbed whispers of past manipulations. On the other, however... the idea of being held down and claimed by Frost was an appealing one, one which had subtle smirk revealing itself.
“Then prove that no one else deserves the privilege of having me, Frost. I command it.”
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edxnian-a · 4 years
thesestrxxts​ :
@edxnian​ said: Face a mask of regal poise, the Kahn stepped up in front of the hired gunman who had become a trusted member of her inner circle. The subtlest of glances from one side to another and she was reaching up, a fingertip lifting the brim of his hat enough to allow her to rise up onto her tiptoes and press a quick, almost cheeky kiss to the corner of his mouth before she allowed his hat to fall back into place. “…as you were.” The faintest hint of a playful smile.
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It’s always cute to him. How one minute, she’s quiet, stern, her gaze sharp enough to send any lesser man bleeding. Yet the next, she’s standing on her tip toes, pushing his hat back just enough to give him the most coy of kisses. It makes him happy, to get to see this side of her. There’s not many people who’d feel safe alone somewhere with Erron Black. For what it’s worth, he’s glad she’s part of that small percentage that does.
Before she can get too far away from him, he wraps an arm around her waist to pull her close to him, her back against his chest, smiling ever so fondly.
“No, don’t think you can just give me just one and be done with me, kitten.” His lips fall on her shoulder, to her neck before ending their path on her cheek. “You know that just the faintest bit of you just leaves me wantin’ more.”
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Erron had best be careful about using that ‘c’ word in regards to the Kahn--he was liable to be frowned at quite firmly if anyone was within earshot. There was an image to be maintained, after all, a tightrope to be walked in keeping the careful balance between being a compassionate leader and a fearsome enough foe to scare those who would usurp her away from even the mere thought of attempting a coup. It was an exhausting thing to be certain, and only a select few were allowed to be aware of such... and the gunslinger happened to be within that number. For all that his own reputation preceded him--and that she publicly reinforced as needed--the truth of the matter was that Erron Black could be loyal without pay being involved.
All one needed to do was treat him as a person, not a weapon to be used against one’s foe.
The feeling of being restrained by his arms and brought in close to his chest was met with no resistance, the Kahnum allowing him to draw her nearer in the name of sweetly drawled-out words and gentle affections most would assume Erron incapable of giving. Kitana turned her head, that kiss intended for her cheek instead being claimed by her own lips as the softest of chuckles bubbled forth--and when she responded, it was with a gentle teasing that was graced with a hint of something she knew he couldn’t resist.
“I am well aware of such, Erron. You’ve made that clear numerous times.”
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edxnian-a · 4 years
Send me an “I follow you because:”
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edxnian-a · 4 years
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                         i’ll not inherit your cruelty.
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edxnian-a · 4 years
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edxnian-a · 4 years
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Kitana by Nikita Volobuev 
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edxnian-a · 4 years
amepcrdue​ :
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He held his blade out a few moments longer, gauging the woman before him and only then lowering his weapon when she spoke so calmly to him. Raphael had prided himself in his cold and calculating nature, but even he could be a wounded animal poised to lash out when the situation was dire enough. His blade stayed by his side, but no longer pointed at her, his shoulders squaring as he stared from behind loose strands of silvery blond hair. His focus no longer lingered on his wound for the moment, even if he was ever mindful of it.
“Safe passage. I’ve yet to have a straight answer on what this place even is. I was brought here against my will, sought after as nothing more than a guardian, a tool. You are not a servant of Kronika, or whatever that cyborg called her, are you?”
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As that blade lowered, some of the remaining tension drained away from elegant frame as Kitana allowed the stranger to stand down, quiet the nerves which were still on edge--and for good reason, it turned out. When that accursed name left his lips, he could see dark eyes subtly narrow, a hostility not aimed at him making itself evident before she was shaking her head decisively. What was that old Earthrealm proverb... the enemy of my enemy is my friend? It certainly seemed such was about to be proven accurate.
“You are in Outworld--and I am servant to no one. You may call me Kitana. I am the Kahn of this realm.”
The bow she offered was formal, respectful--but brief. Time was of the essence when it came to getting that wound treated, after all.
“Come, my camp is not too far off. Your wound needs attention. Please, allow me to assist.”
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edxnian-a · 4 years
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Wind Princess - Kitana From Mortal Kombat
(I know I should be posting Mileena fanart right now but first let me put her sister here)
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edxnian-a · 4 years
That moment when a song comes on and you just desperately miss one of your writing partners.
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edxnian-a · 4 years
@heamatic​ asks  “ ❛ did you touch yourself ? ❜ [ from Cassie owo ] ‘’
It was difficult to tell just what made the Kahn shiver at that question being posed--the words themselves, the playfully seductive tone in which they were murmured in her ear, the feeling of hot breath against delicate skin, or if it was some combination of the three. Regardless of what the explanation was, Edenian cheeks were flushing a faint pink, a furtive glance given to their surroundings. Of all the times for the blond to be posing such an obscene question... it just had to be when they were about as far from being alone as they could get. Was this part of the fun for the Cage bloodline’s scion, trying to make the Kahn’s composure crack in front of so many people?
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The deep, slow, careful breath she took gave away how close Cassie was coming to succeeding.
Sparing a glance over her shoulder, Kitana caught just enough of bemused expression to darken the color upon her cheeks--and once she was aware of the growing heat of that blush, she swore it only grew more intense. A hard exhale and she was turning her head enough to bring her lips close to Cassie’s cheek, a furtive glance to assure that not too many were seeing this colorful display of royal flusterment before she was murmuring her own response... fully aware that she was poking the proverbial bear in the process.
“...and if I did?”
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