eeioul-blog-blog · 9 years
Everyone craves love, but I don’t think people want love. I think they crave acceptance for who they are, and they often mistake acceptance for love because it usually comes in the form of love.
artistiquue  (via wordsnquotes)
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eeioul-blog-blog · 9 years
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eeioul-blog-blog · 9 years
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Dau Voire
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eeioul-blog-blog · 9 years
It's such a shame that we play strangers No act to change what we've become Damn, it's such a shame that we've built a wreck out of me Oh, calamity
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eeioul-blog-blog · 9 years
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eeioul-blog-blog · 9 years
Inspirational Typography By Kyle Robertson
Kyle Robertson was asked to design a series of typographical prints for a creative agency who wished to decorate their office space with inspirational quotes pertaining to design, technology and the business sphere. Featuring popular icons, such as Mark Twain, Albert Einstein, Steve Jobs, Alfred Hitchcock, M.C. Escher, Bill Gates and more, Robertson’s design is elegant, modern and effective. 
By giving each print a few allocated typefaces and maintaining them in black and white color, Robertson creates harmony and inspiration in the workspace. Bold and clean, each poster displays its individual characters and behaves as a relevant tool for creativity. 
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via Kyle Robertson
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eeioul-blog-blog · 9 years
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eeioul-blog-blog · 9 years
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eeioul-blog-blog · 9 years
Escaping reality is still seductive and comforting to me, I suppose.
Selina Su  (via wordsnquotes)
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eeioul-blog-blog · 9 years
I feel trapped. I want the touch of your hand. The soft brush of your fingers on mine. Not a wild touch. Not primal. Not sexual. A human touch. Your warm body laying next to me. No words needed to convey the sense of connectedness. Just us. I need the silent reassurance you bring. The stability that keeps my world from caving in. The knowledge that someone is there. Emotionally. Physically. There. I want the lingering looks as I leave the room. The sly sideways glances when you think I’m not looking. Everyone deserves that kind of love. I want you. I need you. Even though I’ve never met you, I need you. I look for you. Every day. When I go out at night I search the crowd for your face. Could this one be him, I think. Maybe that one? I look for you when my friends introduce me to people. In every time I make eye contact with strangers, sometimes with friends. I can never find you though. Will I ever? That thought scares me. Both that I will find you, and that I won’t.
morris-the-cat (via wordsnquotes)
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eeioul-blog-blog · 9 years
What The Signs Want.
Aries: A fight.
Taurus: A long ass nap.
Gemini: Lower college tuition.
Cancer: A hug.
Leo: Attention.
Virgo: World domination.
Libra: For bae to sleep over.
Scorpio: Just a shit ton of money.
Sagittarius: All of the above.
Capricorn: World peace.
Aquarius: To get turnt.
Pisces: A life without anxiety.
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eeioul-blog-blog · 9 years
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eeioul-blog-blog · 9 years
How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.
A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh (via wordsnquotes)
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eeioul-blog-blog · 9 years
I can be as deep as the sea and as shallow as a river. I can be the faces you like or a thousand others.
alvirakhan  (via wordsnquotes)
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eeioul-blog-blog · 9 years
You will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory
Blue Valentine (via psych-facts)
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eeioul-blog-blog · 10 years
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Cogito ergo sum
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eeioul-blog-blog · 10 years
(adjective) An obsolete word, yonderly is defined as being emotionally distant, gloomy and reserved. It has connotations of portraying an absent-mind and melancholic disposition. Although the word “yonder” may be used to describe a faraway travel, yonderly lies in the mental disconnection a person creates between them and the exterior world.  (via wordsnquotes)
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