elainemunsalud · 2 years
Orlando ‘Dondon’ Dinoy one of the thousand journalists who were shot and killed in the Philippines
By Elaine Evita Munsalud
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Attacks and threats against Philippine media and journalists continue to rise under the administration of President Rodrigo Duterte.
Red tagging has been used by the Duterte administration to threaten, harass, and, in the case of Cumpio, imprison journalists. After serving a six-year term, Duterte is constitutionally prohibited from seeking for office again.
According to Human Rights Watch, red tagging is particularly risky in light of the Philippine military's reported involvement in extrajudicial executions and the torture of suspected communists.
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Orlando Dinoy was a well-known broadcast journalist in Davao Del Sur and he was gunned down inside his apartment with unidentified gunman on Saturday October 30, 2021.
Dinoy was also a former correspondent of Sunstar Davao and the Philippine Daily Inquirer.
Mr Dinoy was the 21st journalist killed since President Rodrigo Duterte took power in 2016, the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines said.
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elainemunsalud · 2 years
Twice Nayeon looks gorgeous and captivating in her teaser photos for her solo album “IM NAYEON”
By: Elaine Evita Munsalud
On June 7, Nayeon dropped the first set of concept photos for her first solo album 'IM NAYEON.' In the new concept photos, Nayeon looks like a princess as she displays her glamourous charms. Nayeon was wearing elegant pale pink dress, princess vibe, complete with a tiara.
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Meanwhile the second concept photos follow a cowboy concept as she was wearing a giant adorable pink hat. She had a cute braids hairstyle and the cherry at the top is a diamond choker. The giant pink hat and purple outfit is such a perfect combination.
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All Nayeon’s outfits are on point. Nayeon also displays her chic and lovely charms as she is wearing a bandana of square patterns matching which match her two-piece outfit.
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For the third set of concept photos, she displays a fresh looking and adorable which is perfect for summer vibes. She is wearing a customized yellow puffy dress and have a curly pigtails hairstyle with yellow ribbons to complete the look.
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ONCE was satisfied with the teaser photos and can’t contain their excitement for her upcoming solo album. Nayeon’s beauty shines a lot in every single teaser photo. At the same time fans are thankful for the hardwork and effort of the Idol. Everyone is looking forward for her solo debut since it looks like she has prepared tons of surprised for her album.
Which teaser photo is your favorite?
Have you watched Nayeon’s opening trailer for her solo debut? Click here to watch it! https://youtu.be/hSnMbXGSjwE
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elainemunsalud · 2 years
Thousands of vote counting machines glitches and malfunctioned on election day
By: Elaine Evita Munsalud
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The COMELEC updated as of 10:27 am 940 machines were jammed, 606 VCMs rejected ballots, 158 had problems with the scanners, 87 of the machines were not printing, and 76 VCMs had malfunctioning printers, Commissioner George Garcia said.
With over 1900 reported problematic machines, only 10 have been reportedly replaced. Technicians on site were deployed to assist and fix the problems of the VCM’s, Garcia added.
In addition to this, Garcia also stated the budget that was given to them for the vote counting machines was not enough which is the why they can’t afford to buy brand new machines and they just relied on using the machines that was used on the past elections.
“I think this is the last dance for our VCMs. We will not use them anymore in the 2025 (midterm) elections,” said Comelec Commissioner Marlon Casquejo, chair of the election steering committee.
“Even if they say the budget for the 2025 elections is small, we will insist that we would not use these VCMs for the succeeding elections. The VCMs have reached their limit, (their) life span, The machines are around nine years old, Casquejo added. exceeding the Commission on Audit’s (COA) allowed life span of five years for technical machines.
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Due to the situation some voters who also experienced problems with their machines on their respectively precincts expressed their frustration on social media. And some of the voters doesn’t want to leave their ballots behind since they are concerned that an electoral fraud may happen. A lot of voters were disappointed with the COMELEC because of what happened.
The malfunctioning and glitches of VCM’s have cause long lines, chaos at the voting precinct, crowded voters, and delays in 2022 poll. Compared with the past elections where it has also encountered common problems like this, the amount of VCMs that malfunctioned for this year Election is very overwhelming and insane. 
Commissioner Garcia explained that they have ‘no choice’ but to maintain the 10 persons per precinct limit and the voters who are already done shading their ballots should leave the polling place even if their ballots were not yet fed into the VCMs.
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elainemunsalud · 4 years
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Reveluv revival week 5: Wendy #OurSingerWendy
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elainemunsalud · 4 years
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Directions: Please answer the following questions by encircling the letter that corresponds to your answer.
1. What is your own definition of Love?
a.) Love is caring for someone deeply and unconditionally
b.) Love is when you can completely be yourself around another person in good times and bad.
c.) Love means giving 100% of yourself to someone who doesn’t have your blood but you love them like your brother or sister.
d.) Love means not settling for less than you deserve.
2. What do you feel when you start falling in love to the other person?
a.) You feel like you can’t get them off of your mind
b.) Your heart may skip a beat when you think about the one you love
c.) Thinking about him/her excites you and put a smile on your face
d.) When you’re in love the basis of your perception changes.
3. Are you willing to forgive someone who has hurt you?
a.) Yes, I am willing to forgive because it will be best for my own mental health
b.) Yes, because forgiveness lifts and settles my spirits whether I’m the one giving or receiving
c.) No, because they might abuse the forgiveness that I gave to them
d.) No, I am not yet ready to forgive when I am still in the process of healing
4. What’s the main reason you feel hurt by someone?
a.) When someone insulted my personality
b.) When someone ignored and just rejected my feelings
c.) When someone said harsh words to me that causes pain in my heart
d.) When my parents scolded me because of the wrong things that I did
5. How do you express your love to someone?
a.) I talk to them and tell them how much I love and appreciate them
b.) By offering help to someone in need it could be a close friend, a neighbor or just an individual.
c.) I focus on others and hear what they want to share because in this way I have the chance to understand their feelings
d.) I always make time for them, no matter what happens.
What is love?
When June was young this was the question that came to her mind, but as she grew older, she learned the answer to this question. It’s the month of August and the classes start the introverted June met a brave young man named Andrew, then they sat next to each other and eventually became friends. As day goes by, June and Andrew talk to each other everyday but June didn’t realize she was falling in love with him, June was so happy to be with him and she knows he felt that way too. So Andrew courted June and she happily said yes to him, their relationship was happy until Andrew made a mistake he ask for forgiveness and made a promise that he won’t do it again June forgave him for thinking that he would change and regret what he had done but Andrew didn’t change he still do it again and again and he keep on asking for forgiveness it hurts June’s feelings but even though it hurts she still accepts him. The day came when June asked herself if this was what love was like, does it really hurt that it seems as my heart was being crushed, is it tiring to love? is this really love? It took her a few days, she couldn’t eat well, she doesn’t have enough sleep, and she don’t have the energy to talk to anyone. And then one day she realizes that there are different kinds of love, Love of God, Love of Family, Love of Friends, Love for the things that you do and Love for a Loved one. But there was another kind of love she had forgotten it was a Self-Love. She was so distracted with the kind of love for a loved one and it seems she have been forgotten to love herself, she forgot that she should also save love for herself. Then the day came when June decided to value herself she broke up with Andrew even though she still have feelings for him, she knows what kind of love she deserves and she knows that there are people who are meant to stay and not stay in our lives because the one who’s not, just exist to teach us lesson then move on from and once you accept that it makes everything a lot easier. What is Love? There are so many different kinds of love and that’s what June have learned, sometimes we seem to forgot the other kinds of love and because of that we get hurt. We should give time to focus and learn to accept and embrace the other kinds of love, and that’s what sticks on June’s mind so now she’s living it and carrying it through every step of her life the lesson she had when she met that person who once passed through her life and left a mark.
Directions: Match the following questions in Column A with their corresponding works in Column B. Write the letter of the answer before each number.
1. What is the name of the young brave man June met?
2. Who was the first one to feel that he/she is falling in love?
3. What did June felt after Andrew hurt her feelings?
4. What did Andrew asked to June over and over again?
5. What did June realized after her relationship with Andrew?
6. What did June forgot when she had her relationship with Andrew?
7. June was so distracted with what kind of Love?
8. Even if it hurts, what did June made?
9. What did June learned after her relationship with Andrew?
10. What did June do when that day came where she decided to value herself?
a.) forgiveness
b.) Self-Love
c.) Love of Loved one
d.) accepts him
e.) broke up with Andrew
f.) June
g.) different kinds of Love
h.) her heart was being crushed
i.) Andrew
j.) accept and embrace the other kinds of love
submitted: 9:58PM April 21
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elainemunsalud · 5 years
ACTIVITY 4: Photo essay
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- My name is Elaine Evita Munsalud and I was born on the 8th of July, 2002 Growing up I had a very loving family. I don’t have any siblings but I have many cousins whom I used to play a lot. I remember very fondly the games we use to play, Especially in the afternoon we used to go outside the house and play with our toys each day we played different games, for example “langit lupa, tagu taguan, patintero,chinese garter and piko”. When I was a child there were no days that I felt happy there were no times that I felt boring because a simple things can make me happy back then. I am grateful because I felt childhood time that kids in this era will not feel that. It is indeed the best time of my life I don’t have to worry about anything else and I don’t have many responsibilities. I can say that no matter how old I get there is always a child within me.
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- At this point in my life, I feel like I am not a child anymore but I am not really a grown up yet. As a teenager I have a lot of problems, both small and big that I deal with everyday. To start with my body is changing as I am growing and getting older sometimes it can be irritating since it is something new for me. There have been instances where I feel inferior because of these changes in my body, I can’t help but compare myself to the way other teenagers look. I believe that it is during this stage of one’s life when a person is most insecure of his/her physical appearance. At this point I met different kinds of people and I lend my ears to them and I value their own views and opinions about life, I can say that I became more open minded, I also experienced a failures, rejections, heartaches and disappointments.
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-At this period of my life, the people and environment around us greatly affects the way we think and acts as a teenager. One of those people are my friends the presence of my friends makes my life worthwhile they are the one I knew I can always count on when I face challenges and serious problems, They are someone I knew they can always offer their shoulders to cry on in case something wrong happens. My friends have a major impact in my life and they don’t just influence my decisions in life but they can also alter my view of the world, change my perception and turn me into a different person for the better.
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-I cannot imagine living my life without my family by my side. Family is very important and valuable to me and is something that should never be taken for granted. Without my family a large part of my life and culture would be missing. And I am very lucky to have a complete family. My mother has been an extraordinary influence on my life and always will be, My mother has always been a very strong role model to me and growing up with someone like her to look up to has changed my life in many ways. She has helped me grow physically, intellectually and considerately. She taught me to always love, care and give back to the people. As well as my father has influenced my life in several ways, for staying in my life he has taught me about priorities and responsibilities. When my dad tells me things he does it in a unpleasant voice, he claims that’s just the way he talks but I think it’s so I can learn better from my mistakes. My dad can be short tempered at times but he’s sweet and fun to be with I always enjoyed talking to him about random things in that way I can learn and understand his own perspective in life. My dad’s still continuing to have a positive influence on me.
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elainemunsalud · 5 years
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elainemunsalud · 5 years
An epidemic is an outbreak of a disease that spreads quickly and affects many individuals at the same time. An outbreak occurs when there is a sudden increase in the number of cases of a disease, it generally describes and increase that was not anticipated. An outbreak can occur in a community geographical area, or several countries.
Epidemic is often used broadly to describe any problem that has grown out of control. During an epidemic the disease is actively spreading.
In order to survive in this kind of problem which is the epidemic all of the people should help and cooperate to prevent the spread of the infectious diseases, the people should follow all the rules which includes:
- Washing your hands often - this is especially important before and after preparing food and our hands is one of the most dirtiest part of our body so we need to sanitize it.
- Staying at home is one of the most important thing to be able to survive when there’s an epidemic disease out there.
- Avoid going to a crowded places and having a close contact with different people because you may never knew who’s the one who have the disease.
Date: March 17, 2020 Time: 2:25PM
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elainemunsalud · 5 years
Natural Disaster can happen at anytime, in any place most of these disasters can prove to be unexplainably devastating to those who become victims to it, There are different causes which may lead to these disasters, by being aware of what these causes are we can be better prepared for them.
One of the most common is an earthquake, is the shaking or vibrating of the earth. An earthquake can range sizes. As a result, some are so weak that they go unnoticed. But some are so strong that they can even destroy the whole city, Earthquake can cause disruption of the ground moreover the can also cause landslides, and Tsunami.
Tsunami on the other hand is the production of very high waves in oceans and seas. A tsunami can cause floods if it occurs near shores, a Tsunami can cause multiple of waves. More over these waves have a high current therefore it can reach coastlines within minutes. The main threat of a tsunami is if a person sees a Tsunami he cannot outrun it.
Natural disaster are becoming an increasing concern globally, they can be natural or man-made. The impact of disasters are tremendous ranging from destruction of lives and property, there is relatively less that we can do to prevent these natural disasters from happening, knowing about their causes and preparing well in advance can give us a better chance of survival.
DATE: MARCH 17, 2020 TIME: 2:25PM
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elainemunsalud · 5 years
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elainemunsalud · 5 years
1. Did the author actually interview Lee Gutkind? How was the piece formulated?
- Yes the author Donna Lee Brien have constructed to do the virtual interview through email conversation.
2. What elements of CNF makes this piece as such?
- The truth is another important element of the ‘classic’ creative non fiction form - and often a more personal one. A writer’s concept of truth may not be universally accepted and may even conflict with the facts as others understand or remember them. Good creative non fiction does not deny personal opinion; on the contrary it welcomes the subjective voice.
3. What is the central theme of the piece?
- The central theme of this piece is that it tells the readers how CNF is different from others and that CNF is not just a genre like fiction and poetry because the creative nonfiction writer is poised to present reality in such a way that it cannot be avoided.
4. Why is CNF different from fiction and traditional journalism?
- Creative non fiction is very story oriented; it is narrative That’s the style part - the creative part. Most of the best creative non fiction embedded information within the story, and it is a literary cultural and political movement. It is provocative and it has teeth because it is true and because it is true it can change lives and shapes opinion in ways that fiction has hardly ever been able to do. it has the potential to be dominant, mind breaking force. Creative fiction is not just a genre, it is a movement.
5. Why did the author use the question and answer form for this CNF?
- because the author wants to know the honest opinion of Lee Gut kind and that’s the point of CNF your answers have to be true and honest as possible to be able to call it a CNF, And the author may never really know what aspects of conversations, ideas or incidents will touch a nerve thats why she makes sure to use this kind of form.
DATE: March 14, 2020 TIME: 7:12 PM
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