regularlyirregular · 13 years
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regularlyirregular · 13 years
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50 Greatest Lord Of The Rings Moments
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regularlyirregular · 13 years
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everytime you see fuzzy caterpillars, you think of Martin Scorsese’s eyebrows.
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regularlyirregular · 13 years
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regularlyirregular · 13 years
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regularlyirregular · 13 years
Pretty good, my friend shared this on facebook, I decided I should plop it on Tumblr too. We just got to work through it and we’ll be there.
Excellent, inspiring advice.
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regularlyirregular · 13 years
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regularlyirregular · 13 years
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regularlyirregular · 13 years
Liiiiiiiiz Lemoooooooooooon
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regularlyirregular · 13 years
Back when I was greasy, pimple-faced adolescent, I developed an odd obsession: an obsession that has dominated my taste and judgment to this very day. You see, instead of testing the boozy, sexy waters of teenage recklessness, my friends and I would spend our Friday nights engaging in an exceedingly more innocent though far more embarrassing activity: watching schlocky, late night cable programming.  
Although cable television is often noted for its original, groundbreaking primetime shows, many ignore what these channels choose to air between the hours of 1 and 5AM. For us though, these hours were golden. After sifting through soft-core adult programming and reruns of Arli$$, we would always stumble upon something truly magical. Enlightening, even. What was this magic, you ask? What hypnotic wonder could possibly have distracted a group of hormonal teenagers from the glory that was Skinemax? 
C-Grade horror films.  Oh yes. Real bottom-of-the-barrel cinema. These ugly beasts had faces a mother couldn’t love. But we did. While these films lacked quality, production values, and comprehensible storytelling, they more than compensated for these flaws with plentiful bloodshed. Now, when it comes to things teenage boys are titillated by, sex gets the first prize trophy with violence coming in as a close second. Hell, oftentimes the films would even combine these juicy, torrid elements together, giving an impressionable, young lad all he desired. 
While the blood and boobies were great, our fascination extended far beyond that.  No, there was something much deeper going on. Something underneath all the breasts and entrails and terrible dialogue. A certain level of honesty existed within these films. Though we loved all types of cinema, few mainstream movies exhibited the same genuine naivety that made these trashy movies so endearingly charming.  Sure, these films were unsavory and poorly made, but it was always clear that a great deal of love and effort was put into each and every terrible little moment.  People labored for days, months, hell… maybe even entire years of their lives just to fund, produce, and develop these atrocities. And for that, these schlocky movies were respectable.
Of course we laughed at these films, as it was pretty hard not to. However, we enjoyed these films with every single tiny particle of our being, and not in any sort of mean, ironic way. Instead, we were truly, sincerely entertained by these films, and valued them as much as any Citizen Kane or Apocalypse Now the film industry had to offer. We understood and appreciated these movies because they shamelessly captured that side that each and every one of us has: a side that many choose to hide. I’m referring to our tasteless side.  The side that slows down to observe mangled car wrecks on the highway, the side that becomes enthralled with gossip and hearsay, the side that eavesdrops on domestic quarrels, and ultimately, the side that contributes to sensationalized news reports of destruction and murder. We are all born with this disgusting side.  Schlocky horror simply capitalizes upon and captures this side we have, but then filters it all through an innocent, harmless lens, effectively creating a venting spot for all of our uglier tendencies. These trashy horror films craft fake people and fake, absurd situations  that would never take place in any form of reality. It’s acceptable to laugh at the misfortunes of these characters because they’re fictional people and the mediocre level of writing, acting, and production only highlights the fiction of it all.  It isn’t a real person being butchered, eaten, or crushed to death. Those aren’t real brains splattering onto wallpaper. Gary Busey didn’t really turn into a murderous gingerbread man. That isn’t a real death bed and it doesn’t eat real people. It’s just trash, but it’s trash we need and trash that I love. 
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regularlyirregular · 13 years
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A little known fact about Mark Zuckerberg.
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regularlyirregular · 13 years
The Cat Daddy:
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The Shuffle:
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The Single Ladies Dance:
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The Stanky Leg:
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The Cyclone:
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The Dougie:
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The Fresh Prince Created...
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regularlyirregular · 13 years
A little comic I drew last night for a Mindspill post about an upcoming appearance at the San Diego Comicon.  That actually happens to me, so it’s not really funny so much as it is painful.
Check out the post if that’s your sorta thing.
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regularlyirregular · 13 years
Do it, mkah? A lot of blood and sweat went into this project. You can tell too, because the images are in high-resolution. I'm going to attempt to get this published by Slave Labor Graphics or some other comic book publishing company. Enjoy!
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regularlyirregular · 13 years
Akira Made and submitted by TheRandomFactor
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regularlyirregular · 13 years
Ron disapproves of abstract art most of all, especially when it comes to pictures of him.
(thanks, artismagistra!)
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regularlyirregular · 13 years
The Dark Knight Rises by Adam Juresko
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