electropeach · 1 year
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A young Jinna and Fennel for the prompt a smell of rain from the RLBB event
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electropeach · 1 year
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Serene and ghost Galen for the RotE Ladies Big Bang 2023 event. Prompt: Pulse
I haven't drawn or painted anything in so long and it shows, but this was a nice and well spent morning.
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electropeach · 2 years
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Narcheska and Sacrifice
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electropeach · 2 years
RLBB2023 approaches!
It’s almost time to go!
We are fast approaching April 1st and the beginning of our Rote Ladies Big Bang month! You may have started creating already, but if not, here are some pointers and prompts for you. Remember that while you’re welcome and encouraged to start working on your creations immediately, posting them starts on April 1st!
You are also perfectly welcome to use prompts from the lists for 2020 or 2022, found here!
1. Choose one of the following:
A) Pick a prompt, or several, and get creating! There are 30 prompts, but you’re not expected to fill them all (although you can, if you wish!), or indeed any of them at all, they’re there just to help people with ideas. You can choose as many or as few as you like, or make several fills for the same prompt. See a prompt you like but someone already filled it? That’s fine, multiple fills are absolutely welcome!
B) Can’t pick a prompt? Message us and we’ll choose two for you!
C) Got ideas of your own? Run with them!
2. Create! Go wild!
3. Between April 1st and April 30th 2022, post your work on your preferred platform (Tumblr, Instagram, AO3…), and remember to post/link it here in Tumblr, too, under the tag #rote ladies big bang 2023 and/or #RLBB2023 for everyone else to admire and love!
4. Have fun! 💜
Here be the prompts (for those of you who want them):
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As a reminder, there are only two rules:
No character hate! Not everyone likes every character and that is perfectly ok, but we ask you to keep any hate out of the tags. Instead we encourage you to redirect that energy into creating something for a character you do love!
No AI created images. This fandom is full of wonderfully talented artists and we don’t support companies stealing their hard work.
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electropeach · 2 years
RotE Ladies Big Bang 2023
Hello everyone!
It’s almost time for round three of RotE Ladies Big Bang, the Realm of the Elderlings fanworks event celebrating the various and glorious ladies in this series!
In May 2020, my friends and I talked about how much hate Molly and the other ladies in The Realm of the Elderlins get in some parts of the fandom, and how we found that incomprehensible because this series is just wall to wall full of gorgeous, multi-faceted and well-written female characters. As a result, RotE Ladies Big Bang 2020 was born, and we encourage everyone to take a look at the tag #rote ladies big bang 2020 or #rlbb2020 as well as #rote ladies big bang 2022 and #rlbb2022 because we have been blessed with lots of truly fantastic fanworks.
So once again, we’re proposing a Rote ladies appreciation month: 30 days of fanworks and meta starring the lovely female and female-presenting characters of the Realm of the Elderlings! The event is super casual: there’s no need to sign up, and you can contribute as much or as little as your time and energy levels allow - even if it’s just a sketch, we’d love to see it. 💜
This time we have two mods, and you are welcome to contact either @electropeach or @alloysius-g if you have any questions.
WHAT: RotE Ladies Big Bang 2023, 30 days of celebrating these amazing characters being badass and sweet and strong and vulnerable and everything inbetween
WHEN: You can start creating immediately or and keep going all through April, but posting for the event happens April 1st to April 30th 2023! This is a kick-off post; we will make another post with prompts shortly
WHY: Because complex and interesting female and female-presenting characters in fantasy literature deserve more love!
WHO: Anyone, everyone! Especially you!
HOW: Any way you wish. Fanart, fanfic, podcasts, podfics, meta, crafts, moodboards, scrapbooks, photo edits, gardening done like Patience would do it... Anything goes! Giving everyone else’s works some love is also a valid and extremely welcome way to participate. 💜 We’ll offer a set of prompts for those who want them, but there’s no need to use them!
There’s only two rules:
1. No character hate! Not everyone likes every character and that is perfectly ok, but we ask you to keep any hate out of the tags. Instead we encourage you to redirect that energy into creating something for a character you do love!
2. No AI created images. This fandom is full of wonderfully talented artists and we don’t support companies stealing their hard work.
Have fun everyone! <3
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electropeach · 2 years
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time to post this!!! from at the feet of the sun by victoria goddard, i wanted to keep it in monochrome to push the idea that this isn’t like, of the world but rather the sky ocean. anyway!! enjoy~
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electropeach · 2 years
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for best experience you should fullview the images to tab through and listen to alan doyle’s “take us home” while reading!
in any case–started this in august, i think? for, obviously, my favoritest book ever, The Hands of the Emperor by Victoria Goddard. my scanner was very unkind to me, so if you notice any inconsistencies in tone it’s because i had to go through and manually adjust all the levels /sigh. but i’m very happy overall with how it all turned out, especially kip on the tui-tanata :D
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electropeach · 2 years
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Finished Fool’s Quest the other day, wanted to paint Lady Amber as I imagined them :’) (with bit more fancier dress because why not)
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electropeach · 2 years
one of the things i love about the hands of the emperor is that both the setting and cliopher himself is batshit in very subtle ways. absolutely funniest possible pov character for these events. cliopher has such strong Just Some Guy energy that he had to mention that one time he was stuck in a thousand-year fugue state doing paperwork like three times before i realize "oh he actually literally means he's over a thousand years old." he's like "oh it didn't feel like a thousand years while we were doing it haha" and i was like "haha sounds legit" and it was only later that i was like "wait what? a THOUSAND years??" the crisis of the first part of the book is trying to take his boss on a vacation. he legitimately could get executed at any point if he does this wrong but he looks at a guy whose whole schtick is to be god on earth and is like "gosh that guy seems like he'd like a vacation" and not only was he right he also didn't do the sane thing which would be to bury that thought six hundred feet deep and throw away the map. no. he said well if my boss seems like he'd enjoy a vacation i guess i'll give him a vacation. he got the job that made him the most powerful man in the world by cracking a joke in front of a guy that previously wouldn't have been able to help burning cliopher's eyes out if they made eye contact. the relentless competence is def a big thing but the relentless normalcy is i think his real superpower. he's like hi yes my boss would like to book a vacation bungalow for the week. yes the whole week. well he's the god-emperor of all seven worlds so he would really like a place where he could get away from it all, you know. i mean yeah implying that he's human enough to feel things like "work stress" is high treason and i could be killed for this but he looked kinda tired so what's a man supposed to do but take him to the beach.
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electropeach · 2 years
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electropeach · 2 years
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electropeach · 2 years
the fact that at the council of elrond glorfindel is like “just throw the ring into the ocean” is so funny to me after reading the silmarillion just because it feels like the subtext is him being like “yeah let’s try maglor’s patented and tested method: Just Yeet The Accursed Fucking Thing Into The Water”
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electropeach · 2 years
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"There will be an eclipse of the moon in a fortnight's time, Serenity."
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electropeach · 2 years
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Main POVs of the Queen’s Thief 
I am completely ready for the feels Return of the Thief  will give me 🙌
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electropeach · 2 years
It's the final day of RLBB2022! I'm sad I didn't have the time to create more, but overjoyed at all the content we got - and I haven't even had the time to properly see them all! A huge heartfelt thank you to everyone who created something or participated by commenting and liking everyone else's works!
(Psst: if I haven't showered you in love over your RLBB work, please throw me a link!! I'm not on Tumblr enough, and the tag algorithm is messing with me and not showing me everything, and I dearly want to see all of it 💜)
Rote Ladies Big Bang 2022 ends today, so here's a quick Alise sketch! Might clean it up and recolor it some day, but for today I figured that messy Alise sketch is better than no Alise drawing at all, because hello I love this oblivious bookworm
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electropeach · 2 years
Rote Ladies Big Bang 2022 is still going on, even if I’ve been busier than I anticipated and haven’t been able to participate as much as I would have liked. But here’s another fic from me, this time for prompt 17: Queen to queen!
Title: Queen to Queen
Tags: Nettle Farseer/Malta Haven, First Meetings, Pre-Relationship, Dream Queen Nettle meets Elderling Queen Malta, Dreamsharing, Post-Rain Wilds but before F&F
Summary: That gave Nettle pause, because this was not how her dreams usually behaved. Her dreams bent and curled obediently around every flick of her mind, the slightest flicker of her imagination. They did not talk back or question her. Something was wrong.
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electropeach · 2 years
Hi guys! Rote Ladies Big Bang 2022 is halfway through, and I have successfully sabotaged my own participation by choosing a month during which I'm stupidly busy. This means that I haven't had time to draw or write as much as I would have liked, but also that I haven't had the opportunity to follow the tags as closely as I wanted to (especially since it looks like Tumblr isn't showing me all the posts under the tags), so please, if you've created something for this event and have yet to get a reaction from me, for the love of our lady and savior Amber, let me know! I absolutely want to see it!
RotE Ladies Big Bang 2022
Hello everyone! I’ve been MIA from a lot of fanworks spaces for a while, but with everything that’s going on in the world, I feel like it’s time for another round of RotE Ladies Big Bang. What’s that, you say? Only the second coolest event in the Realm of the Elderlings fandom (the first being, of course, the fantastic Winterfest gift exchange)!
In May 2020, my friends and I talked about how much hate Molly and the other ladies in The Realm of the Elderlins get in some parts of the fandom, and how we found that incomprehensible because this series is just wall to wall full of gorgeous, human female characters. RotE Ladies Big Bang 2020 was born as a result, and I encourage everyone to take a look at the tag #rote ladies big bang 2020 or #rlbb2020 because we were blessed with lots of truly fantastic fanworks.
Last spring I was too mired in real life business to do a repeat, but this year we’re back with vengeance! So once again, I’m proposing a Rote ladies appreciation month: 30 days of fanworks and meta starring the lovely female and female-presenting characters of the Realm of the Elderlings!
Last time I went into hosting an event without any prior knowledge of how to do so, and I continue to go into it absolutely clueless, so bear with me. As that implies, this is a super casual event: there’s no need to sign up, and you can contribute as much or as little as your time and energy levels allow - even if it’s just a sketch, we’d love to see it. 💜
WHAT: RotE Ladies Big Bang 2022, 30 days of celebrating these amazing characters being badass and sweet and strong and vulnerable and everything between
WHEN: You can start creating immediately and keep going all through June, but posting for the event happens June 1st to June 30th 2022
WHY: Because complex and human female and female-presenting characters in fantasy literature deserve more love!
WHO: Anyone, everyone! Especially you!
HOW: Any way you wish. Fanart, fanfic, podcasts, podfics, meta, crafts, moodboards, scrapbooks, photo edits, gardening done like Patience would do it… Anything goes! Giving everyone else’s works some love is also a valid and extremely welcome way to participate. 💜 Below is a set of prompts for those who want them, but you can work outside them, too!
1. Choose one of the following:
A) Pick a prompt, or several, and get creating! There are 24 prompts, but you’re not expected to fill them all (although you can, if you wish!), they’re there just to help people with ideas. You can choose as many or as few as you like, or make several fills for the same prompt. See a prompt you like but someone already filled it? That’s fine, multiple fills are absolutely welcome!
B) Can’t pick a prompt? Message me and I’ll choose two for you!
C) Got ideas of your own? Run with them!
2. Create! Go wild!
3. Between June 1st and June 30th 2022, post your work on your preferred platform (Tumblr, Instagram, AO3…), and remember to post/link it here, too, under the tag #rote ladies big bang 2022 and/or #RLBB2022 for everyone else to admire and love!
Here be the prompts (for those of you who want them):
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