eliminatie · 5 months
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eliminatie · 5 months
Getting top surgery next week and ngl, I think its gonna be a huge weight off my chest
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eliminatie · 5 months
Ending love, ending dreams, ending hope, ending ...
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eliminatie · 10 months
“Words are so powerful. They can crush a heart, or heal it. They can shame a soul or liberate it. They can shatter dreams or energize them. They can obstruct connection or invite it. They can create defenses, or melt them. We have to use our words wisely.”
— Jeff Brown
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eliminatie · 11 months
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eliminatie · 11 months
Vibes right here...
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kryswanders - I’m definitely not a millionaire, monetarily, but I do feel pretty filthy, rich on experiences.
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eliminatie · 11 months
i don't really see a lot of support for genderfluid people, so here's to every genderfluid person
here's to every genderfluid person whose gender changes throughout the day or day by day, here's to every genderfluid person whose gender rarely changes, here's to every genderfluid person who identify as gays and lesbians, here's to every genderfluid person who have just a few genders, here's to every genderfluid person who has many genders, here's to every genderfluid person who identifies with other terms like multigender, genderqueer and nonbinary, here's to every genderfluid perso with weird genders, here's to every genderfluid person who's never a man or a woman, here's to every genderfluid person who refuses to "simplify" their identity for everyone else.
every genderfluid person is amazing, and experiencing fluidity in gender and presentation is a beautiful way to walk through life
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eliminatie · 11 months
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