elina-bnhagirl4 · 2 months
Honestly, I truly can't believe that My Hero Academia/Boku No Hero Academia was ending so soon!!! I'm really sad that I found about it just 3 years ago.
I couldn't explore much of the episodes and mangas but it has took my heart, brain and every part of my body.
Bakugo Katsuki was the first character I found when I discovered this anime and somehow, I gave my heart to Midoriya Izuku at first sight. I find it hard to find someone like him.
Despite the ending, I hope nobody forget about this anime and ships that everyone fights over and the funny comments on social media.
I know I wouldn't forget about it for the rest of my life.
I hope Horikoshi wouldn't complete the anime and surprise us with maybe some new movies, OVAs or even another Alternate Version of this anime in the later years.
I'm buying myself to ignore that this anime is ending and sometimes remembering it, brings endless tears that even my parents are getting concerned over.
Ok, I'll stop my rant but still, this anime is my whole life and no other thing can beat this out of my mind.
I have started a new book on AO3 today with Midoriya Izuku and my OC right off the bat.
You can read it as Reader too if you want.
It's my first mature rated one but it still felt embarrassing to use explicit words. But still, Enjoy.
The link is the underlined sentence above.
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elina-bnhagirl4 · 3 months
First Meeting
Today was the end of another month and the month's Conference day. The parents were one by one leaving the Conference after having the personal talk with the teacher about their student's performance.
Toshinori was pacing back and forth gazing at the parking lot frequently, already ready with his signature yellow backpack.
"What's wrong, nerd? Worried that your parents gonna know about your creepiness?"
Hearing the voice behind him, he turned to see Ayaka giving him a smirk of triumph. But that faded away when she saw a sneaky grin stretched across his lips as he eyed her smugly.
"Nah, I got this charm from my one and only father. I just want to see the look on your face once you'll see how supportive he'll be of us"
"Tch, there's no us and there never will-"
"So, I suggest keeping her temper in check for sometime. And you'll have to return these papers checked tomorrow somehow"
She was cut off when the door to their classroom opened. The two saw their amazing teacher giving several papers to the blushing blonde who rubbed his neck in nervousness.
Ayaka knew that her father felt attracted to her teacher but she couldn't think of her being her step-mother. Not because she's abusive or anything. She's the best teacher in the whole damn world, but having a teacher as a parent did not feel right for her.
Katsuki nodded, "I'll just send these by the brat's hand. I have a meeting tomorrow so I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to come"
Y/N nodded, "That'll work too"
She hugged the remaining papers to her chest as he flattened his leather jacket, "Thank you for taking care of her. I don't trust her with others so I'm glad you became her teacher once again"
She gave him a smile, "It's no problem"
Katsuki nodded with a small smile while forcing his daughter's head to bow, who muttered after a small shout of protest, "Have a nice day, Teach"
"You too, Ayaka"
After the father-daughter duo left, Y/N looked towards the remaining student, who was twiddling his fingers, "Toshinori, is your mother busy today?"
His bright green eyes looked at her and stuttered, "A-Actually, about that. My father will be attending the m-meetings from here on out. But he's a little busy-"
Y/N didn't ask further and didn't have to as he cut himself off seeing a familiar ride arrive at the front.
She looked to see the Pro Hero frantically exiting the vehicle. He's quite famous, not only for his career but also his stature. Almost at 6'5", Deku's body is drool worthy no matter how embarrassing that is. He could crush a car with his bare hands only and it's not an exaggeration.
Even though Y/N haven't met him before, his praises were enough to make anyone enamored by him. But alas, he's married obviously. Then again, just like him, she's also different.
Izuku jumped out of his car, already feeling guilty that he was late for his first Parent Teacher Conference. He didn't realise how difficult life is without a female figure until now. He doesn't even know what happens in the meeting itself!!!
He jogged towards the entrance where he see two silhouettes, one obvious by his wild bushy hair and the other having short/long (H/C) hair holding a clipboard.
As he neared them, he bowed his head slightly, already muttering apologies under his breath which made the female shuffle in her place awkwardly.
Izuku looked at his son in question, "It's okay. You're busy, I get it. Anyway this is my teacher, Ms. L/N"
Midoriya was already used to the sultry glances thrown at him by the ladies who near him during patrol or those who use the excuse of their child wanting an autograph.
So when he looked down at his teacher, he was genuinely surprised to see the awkward smile on her face, probably weirded out by his mutters.
He cleared his throat and introduced himself, stretching a hand politely, "Ah! Sorry for that. I'm Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Toshinori's father. It's a pleasure to meet you"
She shook his hand for a moment, "It's nice to meet you too. I was surprised when Toshinori said you'll be attending the meetings from here on out"
He rubbed his neck, "It's a long story"
She nodded, "No worries, but I'm expecting for you to atleast not leave your son alone at the school property this late"
He smiled apologetically, "My bad, I'll follow the schedule strictly"
"Great. Anyway, these are his reports for this month. If you don't know, as much as Toshinori is talented, he's also fickle minded. Especially when him and Bakugo Ayaka create a scene atleast everyday"
Izuku couldn't help but admire the beautiful teacher before him. It's been so long since anyone talked to him normally other than his mom and his friends. It's certainly refreshing seeing someone who don't stare at him like he created their life.
His heart already started to beat rapidly, seeing the twinkle in her eyes but snapped out of his reverie hearing the last part. He took the papers and interrupted her, "Oh sorry, that's probably my fault. I developed that weird habit for a while and couldn't stop him from copying me. I'll try to get him out of this habit"
A sweet laugh, that already made him feel like he has diabetes, resonated the quiet hallway, "It's not that much of a problem, if you ask me. It's funny to watch him trigger Ayaka's fight response and him getting slapped everytime"
Toshinori whined silently, "Teach..."
Izuku chuckled, "Then I'll make sure to improve him so that you can get your daily entertainment much easily"
Y/N blushed at his response, "Well, I still don't encourage that behaviour especially during classes but you do, I guess. Anyway, you have to submit this tomorrow so make sure to go through it properly"
Izuku nodded, "Okay then. Uhh... Thank you for taking care of him"
Toshinori held his father's hand before waving, "Bye Teach..."
He dragged the 6'4" man behind him, his father waved slowly at his teacher, who gave a single nod before going inside the room adjacent to her.
Y/N closed the door, leaning on it sighing before giggling, "Silly Hero"
The boy stopped before turning to his father, who stared off into the distance ahead of him.
"So, Is she pretty?"
Izuku shook his head before turning it to his son, who looked up at him a small smirk.
"T-Toshi, what are you-?!"
"Oh, come on Dad. It's so obvious you're ogling my teacher. I bet you haven't heard half of what she says"
But Izuku was his father after all.
"Just like how YOU don't listen to Ayaka even when she threaten and actually blow you up"
Toshinori turned red in embarrassment, "Dad, you can't one up me like that. It's not fair"
Izuku chuckled before following his son to sit inside the car, "Life is not fair, my son. You know that, don't you?"
Toshinori pouted and sulked beside him. Seeing the look, Izuku patted the boy's shoulders after putting the papers inside his previous bag.
He started the car engine after admitting which made Toshinori beam in positivity, "Yes, you're teacher is gorgeous"
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elina-bnhagirl4 · 3 months
DILF! Izuku Midoriya Multi-shot
Experience the most precious moments and chaos with the now famous bachelor Pro Hero Deku.
Chapter 1: Prologue
Chapter 2: First Meeting
Chapter 3: Second Meeting
(Under Construction)
You can request what you want to see in the next scenerios. I'll find a way to complete it whenever I could fit it. Also I'll stick to some specific options for a reason, so feel free to choose or add your own.
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elina-bnhagirl4 · 3 months
Abbreviations here:
Y/N: Your name
L/N: Your last name
I have written the character as a female, but you can change the gender and related words to the one's you'd like to read in.
Also, I have taken inspiration from one of my favourite writers @gglitch1dd so do check out her works if you haven't already. Some of the information here belong to her.
And because I've came across so many works that the Shonen of this anime doesn't have much works compared to other characters even older men. So, I've taken a step to change that.
DILF! Izuku Midoriya Multi-Shot
Y/N work at a middle school which is known to be prestigious because most of the teenagers have Pro Heroes as parent(s).
Albeit having a non-impressive quirk, she has enough of the smarts to surpass her fellow colleagues.
Y/N loves working with children, especially handling the chaoticness of students similar to their bearer.
For example, the headlines was always on Bakugo Ayaka and Midoriya Toshinori.
Those two are known to be the perfect match, since Toshinori always looked at Ayaka like an angel blessed down to earth. Her fellow teachers jokingly says that he is wearing heart glasses all the time not realising he is being glared down from the blazing ruby eyes metamorphically.
With her experience, Y/N can certainly conclude that she is mostly embarrassed by the unwanted attention unlike her father.
However, she bursts out in a flurry of shouts with some colourful words here and there, popping small explosions whenever he hold her hand teasingly, even going as far as blasting his smug grin off his face.
Y/N loved her students and her students cherished her. The fact that nearly 90 percent of students in the class are from a Hero Family, it made her famous because she has been their homeroom teacher ever since they joined this school.
Y/N take amusement especially on the day of Parents Teacher Conference, occuring once in a month. The male heroes get hit on by the rich women who tries to flirts with them only to get disappointed.
The funniest one being the indifferent stare of Frostblaze and frustrated glare with gritted words of disapproval of Dynamight.
She were mostly acquainted with them and they actually tolerated her after meeting several times. But her life took a complete turn when she met the Number One Pro Hero, Deku for the first time.
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elina-bnhagirl4 · 4 months
Not me starting my first post with my first husband. It's an example of my current writing.
Abbreviations here:
N/N: His nickname for you
Y/N L/N: Your official name
H/N: Your nickname for him
F/I: Favourite Ice Cream
F/B: Favourite Beverage
B/S: Body size (All of you are beautiful no matter what size you are, remember that 🥰)
Bold! Izuku Midoriya Boyfriend Headcannons
• He'd definitely pray to God that he got a girlfriend/boyfriend/Significant Other as youself.
"Oh heavens, I pray to thy self..."
You raised a brow at his kneeling figure, having head bowed to the ground, "Izuku, what're you doing?"
"Praying to whatever deity is out there who have blessed me"
"With what?" "You"
• He won't believe that he'd get a gorgeous/handsome/amazing partner like you. Even though, he knew you'd retaliate saying otherwise.
"Like, how did I get so lucky to have you? Maybe having a bad past was worth it after all"
You chuckled nervously feeling the stares around you due to his continuous rambles, "Izuku, sometimes your mentality makes me question myself"
• He'd everything in his power to make you happy such as weekly dates, late night calls and even skipping his plans if you'd ask him to.
"Izuku, are you sure you don't have any plans?"
He replied back sweetly as if he didn't had his one hand covering Denki's mouth to stop him from making fake kissing noises, "It's no worries, N/N. I didn't have anything to do all day"
• If you're in the same high school as him, he'll immediately introduce you to his friends and even invite in their sleepovers, parties or just in general.
"Hey guys, this is my partner Y/N L/N"
"Wow, you look so cute!"
"It is my pleasure to meet the significant other of our fellow friend"
• He'd tell you about his past after he got to know you a lot better. And I mean very very well. It's a very sensitive topic afterall.
"Izuku, are you sure you want to tell me about this now?"
He raised an eyebrow at your worried look, "Do you want to talk about yours?"
"No... I don't think it's the right time"
He shrugged and held you closer while continuing, "So, you know these guys, they made me..."
• He'd do his best to cheer you up when you're feeling down. He'd also immediately know when you are sad, depressed or in a bad mood.
"Hey, are you okay? Do you want to talk about it? Who made you sad? I just need a name. I think I have F/I and F/B in the mini fridge. Do you want them?"
He quiet down feeling your body slump on his. He held you close feeling your murmur, "I need peace and quiet"
He hugged back gently before laying on his bed comfortably, "Okay"
• Even though you warn him about not being self sacrificing, he exactly does that.
"H/N, I told you to not be so reckless everyday!"
"But N/N, this is the only way to improve myself to be the hero I aim to be"
"Izuku, getting admitted in the hospital three times a week is not in the quota of being a hero!"
• If someone both of you may or may not know implies to leave the other, you'd get defensive to prevent the other for being self conscious.
"Hey, cutie~ How about you and me ditch your plain boyfriend and spend quality time together"
The person began sweating feeling the invisible daggers digging in the body from your stare, "You got a lot of nerve to insult my boyfriend right in front of me. If you want your body intact, I suggest you leave right this second"
"Hey, handsome~ What do you even see in that B/S person, anyway? I bet I can make you feel much better"
She got a nasty glare with deep voice oozing in hatred, "One, get your chest away from me. Two, I dare insult my partner one more time and you won't have any less than 5 bones to be mend after I'm done with your B.S."
The girl flinched back before scurrying away without a glance.
• If he's sure, you're his one and only, he'd introduce you to his mother after the 3rd date.
"Mom! Look who I brought!"
"Sweety, is that you?!"
"Yes, Aunty Inko"
• He'd propose to you after 3 years of becoming officially together, which is 1 year after debuting as a Pro Hero. He's sure in his life that there is no one else for him other than the love of his life.
"Y/N L/N, will you make me the happiest hero in the world by being my Mrs. Midoriya?"
You stood speechless staring at his sheepish expression while he held a small box having the most beautiful emarald ring in it.
Your eyes watered and you nodded not finding any words in your brain right now, just the grin on his face and him putting the ring on your figure.
Ignoring the clapping sounds echoing around you, you knelt down and hugged him tightly while sobbing quietly.
He hugged back just as tightly while murmuring soft words of how gorgeous you look right now. He definitely knew he made the right decision by choosing for a life together with you.
(⁠つ⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)⁠つ⊂⁠(⁠・⁠﹏⁠・⁠⊂⁠) ✧⁠◝⁠(⁠⁰⁠▿⁠⁰⁠)⁠◜⁠✧✧⁠◝⁠(⁠⁰⁠▿⁠⁰⁠)⁠◜⁠✧
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elina-bnhagirl4 · 4 months
Requests are Open!!!
You can request anything you'd like in this post. It could be anything as follows:
• Prompts ☺️🪷
• One-shots 😉🌸
• Fluffy fluff 🤗🌹
• Fluffy Angst/ Angsty Fluff 🥹🥀(Whatever it's called)
• Angst 🥺🍂
• Spice 🤭🌷(Both light and somewhat heavy)
• Headcannons 🤗🌺
• Alternative Universe 🤔💐
• Yandere and those shits 😖🪻
• Maybe series too or different scenerios 😎💮
It shouldn't be any of the follows unless it's a series cause I find these quite uncomfortable:
• Heavy mature content 😳🌼
• Deep Violence 😟🌻
• Death situations and like that 😣🏵️
Please don't disrespect the content and other people in the message section. If you're dissatisfied, you can message them on the notes and I'll try my best to improve in those situations.
Other than that, you can freely chat with me anytime. Like said, I'll try my best to be here in my free time.
Also, I have an OC having different last names in different universes. If you have checked my profile on the platforms I'm in, you'd know who I'm talking about. You can make requests with her as the character if you'd like too.
Till then!
Ta-Ta, Lovelies!!!
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elina-bnhagirl4 · 4 months
Hello Lovelies!
I am a Tumblr user now too! I write mostly about My Hero Academia (BNHA) and Demon Slayer (KNY). I am also present on WattPad and AO3 under the username Elina_BNHAgirl.
You can check out my stories there if you'd like. I'll take requests of mostly one-shots or any prompts you'd like to ask here.
These are the platforms I'm currently in.
I'll take requests anytime you want unless stated otherwise. If I would be busy, I'll take the request in the free time I'd have.
My Masterlists:
Izuku Midoriya x Reader:
Bold! Izuku Midoriya Boyfriend Headcannons
DILF! Izuku Midoriya Multi-Shot: Experience the most precious moments and chaos with the now famous bachelor Pro Hero Deku
Katsuki Bakugo x Reader: Currently Unavailable
Shoto Todoroki x Reader: Currently Unavailable
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