elintseeker · 1 year
Yep, after a long time, I am back in tumblr to post this new thing I made for the Singapore Biennale last year.
Release info:
On the invitation of Singaporean artist Ong Kian Peng, I performed live for the first time in several years. The performance was on opening night of the 2022 Singapore Biennale and was intended as a presentation of his superb and visually beautiful six-channel film installation work titled The Viscous Sea. It explores the Dead Sea as a site of ecological disaster and is the culmination of his time as Artist-in-Residence in Jordan. With a minimal setup and very little practice on my part, we performed together with Kian Peng remixing his footage on the fly and me reacting by improvising to it. I had a great time, and it built up quite a bit of musical energy in me after the show. Feeling inspired, I promised Kian Peng that I would replicate whatever I could remember playing from that performance into recording so that it's not wasted. I started recording the things I could recall doing during the live performance but as this was going on, I had the opportunity to view the installation again and think deeply about the artwork for weeks. New musical ideas started to sprout in my head, and I realised that purely recreating the live performance was rather uninspiring, insincere and lazy. I decided to scrap everything I've done and follow what the music is telling me to do, which is to write a sort of "soundtrack" inspired by Kian Peng's film instead. These three tracks are the end result. I hope they successfully translate the things I imagined for the film, the feeling of intense heat, the dry and dusty desert air and wind, and coolness and calm of the Dead Sea while it slowly dies as time goes by.
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elintseeker · 2 years
Ten years ago, I released this album. For it’s 10th anniversary, I re-released it again. This time, in deluxe format. 
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elintseeker · 3 years
Long time no see.
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elintseeker · 4 years
Had to come in to update the password. Hope y’all been fine. Might as well post a tune as well. Let’s hope for a better 2021.
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elintseeker · 7 years
elintseeker - Gerwalk Modes.
Following the highly acclaimed album ‘Geography of the Heart’ (2015), Fuzz Lee aka Elintseeker from Singapore is back with a beautiful soundscape album which he describes as an ‘accidental album’.
The source material was recorded as a documentation of random ideas in preparation as well as a form of improvisational practice for a live performance art and sculpture event, which none of the material ended up being used. This album at its core is formed from improvised guitar loops, drones, phrases and lines from several hours of recordings, rearranged and reimagined into atmospheric pieces and songs. It is also an album that celebrates the spirit of fun in music making, the beauty of collaboration, a love for 80s animation soundtracks and sound effects, the naturally dreamy production and sounds of 80s pop music and paying homage to the things we loved in our childhood that continues until the present day.
Guest musicians appear throughout the album such as Stelios Romaliadis (Lüüp) and Andy Chia (SA) on wind instruments, Eswandy Sarip, Tim Martin (@Maps and Diagrams) and Mark Kuykendall (The New Honey Shade) on synths, Jason Shanley (cinchel) and Alexius Cai (PIBLOKTO) on guitars, Daisuke Tanabe on programming, Ferri on piano and vocals, and Victor Low (Affixen) on drums, bass and programming. Artwork by 攵. Mastered by Stephan Mathieu.
Purcase here: https://naturebliss.bandcamp.com/album/gerwalk-modes-plop20
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elintseeker · 7 years
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New album in 2017. 
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elintseeker · 8 years
Listen/purchase: Imperfection by PIBLOKTO
My pal Alexius aka Piblokto has released his new album...and boy, what a beauty.
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elintseeker · 9 years
Made it to #98 on FORPE/The Silent Ballet’s top 100 albums of 2015. Not too shabby, methinks.
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elintseeker · 9 years
Didn't know this track is on youtube. Anyway, some background story: this was the first song I recorded when I returned from my travels (as you can tell from the intro, stylistically, it picked up where 'By The Sea' left off) but was the last track to be completed. I came up with this melody at where the title says (the confluence in Belgrade), partly inspired from a Zvonko Bogdan concert I attended the night before. The lovely Jessica Bailiff accompanied me on vocals for this one and Scott Cortez provided additional texture on his bowed guitar. Having these two together on the same track is a dream come true. I remember thinking a long time ago, after hearing Jessica's dreamy ambient swells and restrained floaty vocals on her first album Even In Silence and Scott's masterful ambient guitar noise on lovesliescrushing's Xutevyn...someone had to put these two together on a song. And I am glad that I did it for them.
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elintseeker · 9 years
Warning: long 'thank you' post.
Well, 2015 is coming to an end soon and it has been a great year for me especially, with my third release 'Geography Of The Heart' finally seeing the light of day after working on it since 2011 (around the same time as the first album). It's only my third release as elintseeker but it has proved to be the most difficult thing I've made so far, which is funny, because the songs sound so simple. Experimenting or being "experimental" is easy in some regards but merging it with songcrafting and a strong focus on melody is no easy task indeed. I see every album as an interesting failure but this particular failure is one I am very proud of.
I'd like to take this chance to thank every stranger and friend that bought/listened to the album, all radio stations that played the tunes, all the reviewers that reviewed the album, all media that featured the album and all the distributors and shops that stock the album. Also, my test listeners.
Special thanks go out to: All my collaborators on the album (Jessica, Genoveva, Ferri, FJORDNE, Junya, Darren, Vics, Scott,  Noël and Charlie). I've made a plain landscape painting, but you guys put in the clouds, trees and other wonderful things for me. This is your album as much as mine. Mr Stephan Mathieu, a wonderful, patient, wise man with good ears, for the great job on mastering. My best pal, Shelli, for assisting me in many ways. Much love to you all.
Kyo Ichinose, who helped me 'nail the coffin' when it came to finalising the order of the songs when I was stuck.
My label boss Nao san, and his wonderful staff (Teru san especially) from Nature Bliss/Plop for giving the album a wonderful home, and for organising the first ever elintseeker show at the Ethnorth Gallery in Tokyo. It was great to perform in Tokyo again and it is a great honour to have my work on your label.
Anyway, I'll be starting on new music in January onwards. Not sure how long it'll take this time and how it will end up sounding, but I hope you will look forward to it. And with that..Happy New Year and lets have a great 2016 everyone!
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elintseeker · 9 years
elintseeker Strasswalchen in November feat. Ferri 
Special Live Show for Geography of the Heart album. Date: Saturday 12 September 2015, Time: 7.40pm Venue: the ETHNORTH GALLERY, Tokyo, Japan Organizer: NATURE BLISS INC. More Info: http://ethnorthgallery.com/event/elintseeker
【日時】2015.9.12 (土) 【時間】19:40(開演)
今年6月に当音楽部門より全世界発売されたelintseekerによるアルバム「G­eography Of The Heart」を記念して、スペシャル・ライブを行います。アルバムにも参加している日­本の気鋭女性作家ferriさんも登場!エレキギターを駆使した極上のアンビエントラ­イブをお届けする予定です���で、是非ご参加ください。また本作は、音による旅のスケッ­チ集で、彼がポーランドの古都クラクフの端っこに佇む古城、コペンハーゲンの平穏な墓­地、東京郊外の路地裏等の旅情を元に彷徨することの楽しみや記憶と感情の欠片を十二の­楽曲に集結した作品で、永遠とかけっぱなしにしておきたくなるくらい心地よい作品です­ので、下記のリンクから聴いてみて下さい!
elintseeker(エリントシーカー)プロフィール:シンガポール在住ファズ・­リー(Fuzz Lee)によるソロプロジェクト。楽曲構成、サウンドデザイン、音の静寂、即興的なギ­ター奏法、音響操作、グリッチノイズ、フィールドレコーディング等は、彼の日常生活に­おける様々な感情を明瞭に音楽で表現している。小さな一筆で絵画を制作する画家のよう­に、その美しい楽曲は制作されている
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elintseeker · 9 years
elintseeker Improvisation 2
Special Live Show for Geography of the Heart album. Date: Saturday 12 September 2015, Time: 7.40pm Venue: the ETHNORTH GALLERY, Tokyo, Japan Organizer: NATURE BLISS INC. More Info: http://ethnorthgallery.com/event/elintseeker
【日時】2015.9.12 (土) 【時間】19:40(開演)
今年6月に当音楽部門より全世界発売されたelintseekerによるアルバム「G­eography Of The Heart」を記念して、スペシャル・ライブを行います。アルバムにも参加している日­本の気鋭女性作家ferriさんも登場!エレキギターを駆使した極上のアンビエントラ­イブをお届けする予定ですので、是非ご参加ください。また本作は、音による旅のスケッ­チ集で、彼がポーランドの古都クラクフの端っこに佇む古城、コペンハーゲンの平穏な墓­地、東京郊外の路地裏等の旅情を元に彷徨することの楽しみや記憶と感情の欠片を十二の­楽曲に集結した作品で、永遠とかけっぱなしにしておきたくなるくらい心地よい作品です­ので、下記のリンクから聴いてみて下さい!
elintseeker(エリントシーカー)プロフィール:シンガポール在住ファズ・­リー(Fuzz Lee)によるソロプロジェクト。楽曲構成、サウンドデザイン、音の静寂、即興的なギ­ター奏法、音響操作、グリッチノイズ、フィールドレコーディング等は、彼の日常生活に­おける様々な感情を明瞭に音楽で表現している。小さな一筆で絵画を制作する画家のよう­に、その美しい楽曲は制作されている
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elintseeker · 9 years
elintseeker Improvisation 1
Special Live Show for Geography of the Heart album. Date: Saturday 12 September 2015, Time: 7.40pm Venue: the ETHNORTH GALLERY, Tokyo, Japan Organizer: NATURE BLISS INC. More Info: http://ethnorthgallery.com/event/elintseeker
【日時】2015.9.12 (土) 【時間】19:40(開演)
今年6月に当音楽部門より全世界発売されたelintseekerによるアルバム「G­eography Of The Heart」を記念して、スペシャル・ライブを行います。アルバムにも参加している日­本の気鋭女性作家ferriさんも登場!エレキギターを駆使した極上のアンビエントラ­イブをお届けする予定ですので、是非ご参加ください。また本作は、音による旅のスケッ­チ集で、彼がポーランドの古都クラクフの端っこに佇む古城、コペンハーゲンの平穏な墓­地、東京郊外の路地裏等の旅情を元に彷徨することの楽しみや記憶と感情の欠片を十二の­楽曲に集結した作品で、永遠とかけっぱなしにしておきたくなるくらい心地よい作品です­ので、下記のリンクから聴いてみて下さい!
elintseeker(エリントシーカー)プロフィール:シンガポール在住ファズ・­リー(Fuzz Lee)によるソロプロジェクト。楽曲構成、サウンドデザイン、音の静寂、即興的なギ­ター奏法、音響操作、グリッチノイズ、フィールドレコーディング等は、彼の日常生活に­おける様々な感情を明瞭に音楽で表現している。小さな一筆で絵画を制作する画家のよう­に、その美しい楽曲は制作されている
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elintseeker · 9 years
Very pleased to find out that Geography Of The Heart is reviewed on Textura magazine and also happens to be one of the 'albums of the month' for the September issue!
"One of the most unexpected and surprising things about Geography of the Heart—even if the title does offer a preliminary clue—is how sensual its music is. Not surprisingly, the vocal settings are suffused with warmth and tenderness, but the instrumentals are also delicate, a quality enhanced by the music's oft-acoustic emphasis. The material is in places so soothing, it suggests the kind of music that would be playing in a dimly lit bedroom as two lovers lie in a state of post-coital bliss. In keeping with that sensuality, Geography of the Heart is very much a painterly album, one enriched by tiny details and open-hearted feeling."
There is also a small segment where I was asked some questions about myself: http://www.textura.org/reviews/questionnaire_iv.htm
Thank you Textura and Ron!
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elintseeker · 9 years
Jorge Guillén + Fuzz Lee
Los días transcurrían, trabajados, veloces, espaciosos, confusos bajo el sol, hacia el sol justificante: alza de juventud en claridad sin término previsto. Los días transcurrían, el río discurría entre las glorias, las historias visibles. Sol ya de libros, puentes, monumentos.
Y la paz: aquel juego de las horas a la luz confiadas aquella irisación de regocijo y rayo. Y una espera continua que recoge el esbozo de un ser en juventud, en malestar, en avance torpísimo de anhelos todavía sin meta.
Y sobre la ciudad y sus estatuas y sus escaparates, entre rumor y olor de abril gozado, desde el silencio o tras los apogeos de música, un encanto de voz y de sonrisa que emite un solo ser, tan femenino: más y más convincente perfil ante mis habituales horizontes.
Y un día, un día de sosiego sin presagios en círculo de tarde soleada, un día…
Estallando de pronto se impuso abrupta crisis no deslumbradora, una luz convertida en pensamiento. Ineludible mundo con ímpetu de acción sin existir aún abalanzaba su aplomo. Futuro necesario me invadía a mí, ya su invasor.
Ningún plan. Ni la sombra de un deseo. Todo se ahincaba, todo —bajo esplendor de sol irrefutable— firme ya para siempre
Entre ser y querer no hallaría cabida ningún surco de pena. La realidad manaba realidad, y en torno ya asentándose me declaraba centro verdadero de un orbe para siempre salvado. Nacíamos nosotros en nosotros: Amor.
Un existir común y desde siempre, y tiempo, tiempo, tiempo sin límites, sin filos de parcelas, don total en caudal por su mansa indivisa, y siempre, siempre, siempre como furia sin furia confluyendo, creciendo, perdurando, tú conmigo en nosotros.
No vida nueva. Vida en absoluto. Con las más implacables seducciones triunfaba.
Algo en mí sucedía jamás por mí querido ni pensado. Fuera de toda argucia, sin apoyo en apartes de monólogo, algo surgía, súbito fulgor, de no se sabe dónde, ignoto subterráneo que violentamente me inundaba de bien, abría la conciencia.
El hombre era teatro. Yo contemplaba, frente a mí tan dentro de mí, la situación tajante de un terible querer: el mío. Afluía a los ojos una brusca dulzura incontenible. Sobre la tarde se combaba el cielo.
Del relampagueado amanecer nacía doble en un aquel destino. No se azoraba el corazón vidente, no jugaba con riesgo ningún naipe. Futuro necesario me imponía creación necesaria, feliz no, más, real: nosotros más allá en universo ennoblecido, vida parala vida perdurable.
  [Jorge Guillén, “Una iluminación”, Obra poética. Antología, Alianza, 1970]
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elintseeker · 9 years
Very small show (which I prefer) in Tokyo this September.
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elintseeker · 9 years
Japanese review by Kenji Terada san of Pastel Records. I can't read Japanese obviously, but even so, reading it in translated form via Google translate, I can see that he took the time to listen to my first two releases and even mentioned the collaboration I did with Pillowdiver and Le Berger (as Faures). It seems very poetic. Thank you Kenji san!
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