elliacm · 4 years
Mr.Ma’s Delivery Service
Prologue - Truth Be Told
'Hardwell Special Academy locations are everywhere! From America, South America, Europe, East Asia, and Africa! The exact locations? That's only disclosed to our future attending students and staff! This is to ensure the privacy and safety of our students'
"How lovely, and if they die that means no one can find them, verrry well thought out." A sharp sarcastic tone rolled off the tongue of this lonesome thirty-four-year-old man. Busy indulging in a brochure that held confusing cryptic details about Hardwell Academy, It wasn't exactly surprising, the school housed child spies, it was best to keep the details made out of exaggerated anagrams.
Puffs of smoke escaped his mouth, the strong whiff of cigarette smell carried throughout the space he dwelled in. The frustrations that occupied his mind began to be soothed by the 'oh so addicting' nicotine. He was sitting in an empty classroom, the layout was odd. Of course, it fit him perfectly as a teacher since he was quite the peculiar fellow. He was a thirty-four-year-old without a license or degree, authorized to teach children. Questions should be directed towards who hired him. The only perks his resume had were the skills of a top assassin and the deaths of the people he legally murdered, kind of...
The classroom was built like an Auditoria Lecture room, the walls were painted a cream white, draped with fake vines and flowers.
Surely one would say that it didn't represent this sarcastic judgmental smoker, once again if any have forgotten, he was indeed a teacher.
His hand reached over to smush the cigarette in his fancy ashtray, clean as well as new.
"Mr.Ma, already breaking school policy I see.."
A tall fair-skinned man in a sharp blue suit stood near the open doorway, leaning against it casually. For a moment subtle silence encapsulated their space awkwardly. The man had a fierce glare that was locked on Mr.Ma, who then forced a bright smile. "If it isn't my best employer! Me? Breaking school policy? Nooooo, you must be mistaken" Mr.ma's hand swiftly knocked the ashtray into the trashcan, it was located on the right side of his desk.
"You must be confused with someone else.." His jaw moved fairly slow to make a sly crooked smile. Mr.Ma knew it was obvious that he had been smoking, the smell, the dust particles, and once again, the smell.
The man in the sharp blue suit scoffed, "Indeed, I must be, but I would hope that you wouldn't make the same mistake correct?" Of course, the man wouldn't back down. He happened to be in charge of this whole institution and having no backbone would have stripped away his authority. Mr.Ma's smile disappeared with haste, his expression held a dull lifeless stare, he rolled his eyes and spun in the rolling chair he occupied.
"Ahh...You're no fun...What are u here for anyway Brooklyn" Mr.Ma's pupils followed the painting while he continued spinning, he had it placed in the back of his classroom, it was an abstract painting meshed with mostly dark tones and hues.
"Evans betrayed the association"
Mr.Ma's coffee brown loafer was pressed against the end of his desk which made the spinning stagnant. It wasn't exactly shocking to him as many would expect. Evans was what some would call a 'close friend' to Mr.Ma. It was only considered that way because they were constantly placed on the same missions.
He then pushed his foot against the desk more, propelling him back against the whiteboard behind him. "And? That's nothing new, I'm sure they're having trouble killing the fella" His voice wasn't playful as it was before. "Seems that's why they sent me here, afraid I might be in cahoots, just great, I hate being surrounded by you guys" It was adherently obvious about this whole placement that the organization was keeping a very tight leash on Mr.Ma's freedom.
Brooklyn's hazel eyes just watched Mr.Ma's movements while the man got out of his seat quite annoyed "I don't care, but I expect you to teach your students while you work here, oh right, they might call you in for a lie detector test, and taking truth serum"
Mr.Ma's face scrunched with disgust, "Truth serum...they are trying to torture me"
"Brynn I feel like we wasted our GAP year, maybe we should've saved it for Year Three.." These words escaped the mouth of a solemn teenage girl, her head was laying on a plush watermelon pink pillow staring at her Blonde haired friend fold clothes and place them into a suitcase. Technically you can't necessarily take a GAP year for high school, but since both of their parents were spies and they had aced the experience exam, attending regular high school another year was a gift.
"Jack it wouldn't have worked anyway, we should be more excited and optimistic! We're finally becoming spies!" Brynn's lemonade pink eyes landed on Jack who still pouted like a baby.
Excited? Who in the world would be excited to attend a school that trained you to spend your life being extra careful of what you know? This was a reoccurring thought that lingered on Jacks's mind for the past year. As a child being a real spy always seemed to be so exciting to her. Although after actually gaining common sense and knowledge, her opinion switched drastically.
"Haha..yeah" The left side of Jacks' face was smooshed against the pillow as her arm reached out to grab a picture of her and Brynn off the bedside table.
The two of them were the age of seven when the photo was taken. It was at a park in North Carolina, the weather was cool and warm, but awfully humid. Jack's hair was dark brown and extremely short, it was cut into a pixie cut, while Brynn's hair was in two long pigtails. They smiled happily in the photo not showing a care in the world.
Brynn snatched the photo out of Jack's hand, her fuchsia eyes widened and she looked up at the Blonde. "You are thinking way too much about school, we haven't even gotten there yet...Calm your nerves Jack"
Brynn was right, and Jack hated that. A whole year passed by so quickly and all that lingered on her mind was 'becoming a spy'. It wasn't like she didn't expect her life to turn out this way, I mean for goodness sakes her mother and father were top espionage, it's in her blood. The real question was what would she become besides a spy? She hadn't thought of any other career, even further she hadn't thought about what TYPE of spy she would become, there were so many majors and options. At this point, Jack was super stressed.
Jack sat up on Brynn's bed still holding the plush pillow close, Brynn placed the picture in her suitcase as it was the final item she needed to complete her packing.
"Finally donneee..." Brynn fell back onto the dusty light brown carpet, her eyes focused on the white ceiling as she relaxed. "Do you think Kei is excited?" Brynn's eyes shifted back over to Jack who was now sitting up dazed.
"Of course he is..all he does is talk about 'I'm gonna be better than Shiro!' All that nonsense" She yawned covering her mouth.
Kei was another childhood friend of the two, they formed a trio and practically spent their whole life together. Which was something Jack cherished deeply. Kei always liked to fight with his brother over everything since he was lacking in areas that couldn't ever compare to Shiro.
Shiro was already a third-year attending Hardwell academy, rumors traveled across each institution that Shiro was one of the top students across ranks. So of course, Kei wanted to outrank his brother and reach the top just as quickly.
Knock Knock!
"Is it safe?"
Jack's lips cracked into a smile after hearing the voice from the other side of the door. Brynn sat up quickly bubbling with happiness. "Come in! We were just talking about you"
Opening the door promptly after hearing reassurance, Kei scratched the back of his head nervously.
"I haven't been in here in ages, it's all so yucky now" Kei teased as he ogled at the different shades of pink. Brynn's face full of happiness shaped into a frown.
They did see each other all the time, but the time spent together was either in Jack's downstairs lounge, Brynn's living room, or Kei's bedroom since he had the largest one out of the three. The last time Kei even entered Brynn's room was roughly two years ago, even then it was just to alert her to come downstairs.
"Shut up! It's cute.."
Jack hopped off of the bed still gazing in Kei's direction.
"So are you ready to head out? I'm sure Shiro is eager to see you"
Kei's ocean eyes narrowed whilst his expression became pouty after the mentioning of his brother. His arms folded over one another "He's just gonna smother me in love, I want to ignore him as much as possible, he'll tarnish the image I'm going for"
Brynn's eyebrow raised, her elbow was resting on her knee as she looked up at the two. "And that is..?" Brynn inquired genuinely interested in what her friend was going for now.
"Independent and Mysterious"
Jack turned away quickly attempting to hide the sour look on her face that came from trying not to burst into laughter.
Brynn cleared her throat also denying the urge to laugh.
"What's wrong with that?" Kei's brows wrinkled taking glances between the two. Jack coughed turning back towards the fellow.
"I mean really? Mysterious? That's so cliche, Shiro is going to ruin that so quickly you know" Jack's finger poked into Kei's cheek as he stood there concealing the anger that was boiling. Brynn got up chuckling at the sight.
"She's right you know, Shiro isn't as laid back as you, you know he'll make fun of you just as much as we're doing"
Kei smacked Jack's finger away from his face as he sighed in defeat.
They weren't lying, it was most definitely true that his loving older brother would tease him non-stop for the whole semester, better yet, the whole year.
"I just won't mention that then.." Kei scratched behind his head again, aiming his gaze at the ceiling to hide his light pink cheeks. He couldn't admit out loud that he was embarrassed, or the fact that he expected Jack and Brynn to agree with him.
"Now that's more like it, logical thinking is critical, we're attending Hardwell Mr.Mysterious," Jack said with a sly smile, her feet guided her towards the entrance and exit of Brynn's bedroom.
Brynn snorted covering her mouth with her hand attempting to hide the wide grin on her face.
"Mr.Mysterious.." Brynn repeated the nickname Jack came up with to tease Kei, he glared at Brynn rolling his eyes.
"You two are just as bad as my brother" Kei turned around to face Jack as she stood out in the long open hallway. Her finger waved in the air back and forth as if it was disagreeing with Kei's statement, which she was.
"Be lucky we only torment you lightly, compared to Shiro, he's an ace"
The light happy words that slipped out of Jack's mouth regarding Hardwell earlier only seemed to register in Brynn's mind just now. Her eyebrow raised as her hand landed on one hip as she gazed at Jack from inside of her room.
"I'm glad you're suddenly feeling better about attending Hardwell"
Kei's eyes widened with a gentle tad of surprise on the side, whilst Jack's nose scrunched in annoyance.
"Just because..well..whatever Brynn"
Ding! Ding! Ding!
Round 1 - Jack 0 - Brynn 1
Jack couldn't dare to make up some whiny excuse now, Brynn completely had her in the palms of her hands. What made Jack slightly bit more frustrated was the fact she had to say it in front of Mr. Passionate future spy.
"Were you thinking about not doing it Jack?" Kei's tone of voice was serious as ever, it was the tone that Jack didn't like when he talked to her, the one that always ended up making her feel down.
"Not exactly that, just-,"
"Jack was thinking about not doing what?" The rhythm of her voice ripples through all of their ears like a crushing destructive wave. The pressure it ensued sent shivers down all of their spines, mostly Jack, since the one who was asking the question, was her mother.
Brynn nervously hurried out into the hallway to clear up the big misunderstanding she seemed to have caused by revealing information regarding Jack's feelings.
"Not doing the Operations Major!" Brynn's voice cracked, even the aura radiating off of Jack's mother made her want to shrink back into a corner.
Hallie Sun, code name 'Sun' was Jack's mother. Regarded as most possibly the best spy in the field, engrossing at least five hundred thousand per job she was offered. Even small little jobs like getting bits of info from someone, she was still paid that full amount. As a mom she wasn't a bad one, she was emotionally available, loving, and fair. Although when it regarded the topic of being a spy, it was something she'd never let up on, and that's when the loving mother Jack cherished, slipped away into a void.
Jack felt a slight bit of relaxation enter her heart after Brynn's quick effort to deter the conversation.
"Yeah, Kei was talking about Majors, and for a while, I thought about doing Operations but now I'm not interested" Jack didn't even attempt to shift her eyes in the direction of Kei, her mother would catch on immediately unless, she already did.
Kei's urge to scratch the back of his head became strong, it was a dead giveaway that he was anxious or contemplating something, rare occasions when he did, it showed that he might be lying.
Hallie shifted her direction toward Kei, her glare sharp as a rose thorn. His palms began to sweat feeling the heavy tension of the conversation on his body. He quickly shoved his hands into his pocket disregarding the itchy feeling to scratch his head.
"Yep, I told the two that I would join whatever Major they decided to join, and I got comfortable with the id-"
The Fuchsia eyes located in Hallie's sockets rolled disappointed, she took in a deep breath and released scratching her left cheek
It was a thought that resided in all three teens as the suddenly intensified heaviness dispersed in an instant.
"If you're going to lie as a group, do it right you three, being able to counterfeit information for your benefit is a key job as a spy and you all did terribly"
Brynn chuckled nervously looking everywhere but in the direction of Hallie, Jack frowned slightly placing her hands on her hips.
Of course, she was testing them, which made Jack quite irritated, the mentioning of anything spy-related just made her emotions fluctuate like the temperature in spring.
"Well, would you do us the courtesy of telling us what exactly we did wrong?"
Hallie smirked boastfully as if she was waiting on permission to correct them.
"The rush Brynn made out of the room and the fluctuation in her voice was clue one, the shakiness in her hands and eyes signified that she was nervous and most definitely hiding something. Jack, you were clenching your fist quite tightly before Brynn said something regarding her efforts to cover up what you all were talking about and as soon as she had a ruse your hands loosened and you became relaxed. Now finally Kei, the fact that you pushed your hands into your pockets just sealed the deal for me, it's obvious you wanted to suppress the urge of scratching your fluffy hair"
The three of them stood there, not amazed, shocked, or embarrassed.
It was the feeling of frustration that was coddling their mind.
"Now, be a doll and tell me what they were talking about Jack?"
Jack flinched as her eyes met with her mother's. She turned away not being able to face the sharpness of them.
"I just...I just had been having hard feelings about attending Hardwell"
Hallie strung in closer invading Jack's space, she gently took ahold of Jack's chin making her look directly at her.
"And you're thinking about not doing it..?"
Brynn and Kei watched nervously from the sidelines not even taking one breath, the tension that left swiftly came back just as fast.
"No, I was just worried that's all.."
Hallie released her chin and backed away with a light smile. "Well then! Just came to say there is pizza downstairs so come eat" She walked backward as she eyed the three soon turning forward to strut down the hallway that leads to the stairs.
Brynn and Kei let out their breaths as if they'd been underwater for a long period. Jack shifted her gaze to the two ignoring her trembling hand.
"Why is your mom so scary.." Brynn made sure to whisper afraid there was a possibility that Jack's mom had super hearing too. Kei went in and drew Jack in close for a hug.
"You should've told us sooner that you had those thoughts"
Jack pushed her head into his chest hiding every inch of her face, right now she could feel the heat rising from her cheeks but the painful expression she had with it wouldn't do her any good. She was already aware that the hug she was receiving was nothing more than a brother-friend like gesture.
"It wouldn't have done anything, I still had no choice but to attend" Jack's voice was muffled as she attempted to speak as loudly as she could.
Brynn swooped in and joined the two holding them tightly.
"Let's do our best guys...after all..this is our future"
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elliacm · 4 years
Can I Travel Across The Books I Love?
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I’ve written a LOT, but this story is one that sticks out from the bunch. It is one of the most complex out of all of my others, writing it is hard, but it’s worth it.
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elliacm · 4 years
Practice Makes Perfect #1
Writing Prompt 31 - 40
Just some excerpts of writing prompts I decided to do in order to improve my writing!
"I'm not very good at putting my feelings into words. That's why people misunderstand me."
I didn't expect for those words to form into such a broken solemn sentence. Maybe I did, maybe I was looking for pity from that small fragment of what I call a thought. The eyes of my captor stayed the same, his eyes watching me so closely hurt. Each time a second passed with those dull lifeless pupils strayed on my face I could feel my skin being peeled from the cold dices of air that was prominent in this secluded place.
"You're right, you're so hard to understand...Why aren't you asking more questions, this isn't fun for me."
Fun? Did he just say fun? How am I supposed to make something like this fun for him? It was such a cruel thing to say.
I could feel my toes fill with an uncomfortable heat, a burning sensation that came from the unbearably cold atmosphere. I shifted my body slightly to the left to rid of the uncomfortable ache that came from me putting most of my weight on my right side.
"They say not to ask questions and do as your told if you get kidnapped...Plus I said I'm not very goo-"
Pain struck my skin hotly, warped throbbing sensations tingled on my cheek as is became hard to breathe. It hurt so bad, the fresh cool air attacked the open skin on my face as blood trickled down the side of my neck.
I began to wonder why this was happening to me.
Why did he have to kidnap me?
Even now I'm not a very good hostage, I couldn't scream, rather, I refused. Either way no one would come to my rescue.
Ah...what a bad day..
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