Gotta love those little hidden tricks!
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Short Comic! Might do more if you guys like it! Parker has a pocketbook where he writes down triggers and suggestions he's given people... who knows what else is in it?
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Welcome to my little sanctum
I am Ellie Lobelia and this is my sanctum. I am a hypnotic vampire who happens to enjoy varied artistic endeavors. This space is not for minors, so do keep clear of it.
This Tumblr will serve as my rambling grounds. I will post past, present and ongoing stories I am working on. I will share tidbits of creative ideas that pop in my mind.
I am a creative mind. I will not hide it; I love attention. This is why I consider myself an entertainer. While I am a writer, I am also a storyteller, a hypnotist, an actress. I wear many hats, but they all converge in a single purpose; the need to entertain.
I hope you enjoy your stay in this vampire's sanctum, for she may well keep you here for all eternity~
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Entrancing Fae
As I stand up from my desk, a wide smile on my face, you notice that sound and motion around you are non-existent. You only hear and see me. My long black hair, my pretty green eyes. My mouth...there was something there...
Those were...beautiful emerald green eyes. Lots in the gaze. The job interview was...the...what? These eyes are so beautiful, aren't they? As I sit on my desk, right in front of you, you forget everything but my eyes. And while you do, your mind is ready...
"You cute little thing...your mind belongs to me now. You belong to me now. I am sure you will perform...admirably...once I've done away with all that garbage inside your head. You don't need any of that. All you need to do is obey Mistress, don't you?"
You nod. That made sense. There wasn't anything else to worry about. Mistress...that didn't sound right. What about the job inter....beautiful eyes. Mistress can think for you...
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