elxvrr · 2 years
boat adventures
**Hey! Thank you for reading this bucky barnes x reader story! Please comment if you want me to make a part two for this. Enjoy! Using your house key, you twisted open the rusty door knob to your friend Sarah’s house. You two had been friends ever since you ran into her brother, Sam, on a mission where you two were both coincidentally after the same guy, and he dragged your ass to his home after you got shot by some revengeful sidekick. 
You and Sarah quickly bonded over your lack of patience with Sam's tendencies to jump into fights even though he was just a human, and your caring and loving nature that you liked to show by occasionally baking pies together to share with the neighborhood family.
 You had grown up far away from this nurturing neighborhood, in a HYDRA base in Russia. They had experimented on you while you were a baby, which resulted in you getting Atmokinesis, a really fancy way of saying that you could control the elements. When you were 4, you had lost control over your powers after a guard pushed you too far, and you burned the base to the ground. You never knew if there were any survivors, since as soon as the chaos of the fire caused a distraction you turned and ran out of the base. Your powers allowed you to grow food and gave you access to water so you never had to worry about survival. Instead, you taught yourself hand to hand combat which was proven a blessing when you turned 16 and decided to use your ability for good, dedicating your life to saving people.
You were never interested in joining the Avengers even though you had all the necessary skills for it. Instead you watched them do the hard stuff and did your part under cover. You had learned to cover your tracks over time, and made sure that no one ever knew you were there. 
However, after meeting Sarah and Sam, you decided to put your guard down a little. Sam already knew that you had enhanced abilities after watching you kick ass on the mission he met you at, and promised to keep his mouth shut. Telling Sarah was probably the most nerve racking thing you’ve ever done. Thankfully, she and her kids accepted you with open arms. Quickly, you became Aunt Y/N to them.
  To your relief, Sam kept your secret to himself, after your many kind refusals to join the Avengers. When Thanos happened, you were away on a mission in Romania and couldn’t help them since you had no idea what was going on. You had blipped along with Sam. 
  Shaking your head, you opened the door, balancing a basket of cookies in one hand, and a box of brownies in another. AJ and Cass immediately came running towards you. You laughed as you used your magic to manipulate air, blowing a wind that gently carried your baked goods to the floor. As soon as your items were set down, the kids jumped into your arms. You hugged them tightly and pulled Cass closer when he tried to inch back to the football they had dropped when you arrived. 
 You finally let them go, and they provided a loud exhale. You supposed that being a skilled assassin made your hugs a little tighter then they were used to. 
 AJ beamed at you. “MOM”, Cass called out for you. You shook your head at his lack of sound control and put a finger to your lips.
 “I was planning to sneak attack her” you whispered to them. They nodded in understanding and looked back at the football.
 The two made eye contact and you instantly knew what they were going to ask. 
 “Can you play w-“
You glared at them. Even though you were a master assassin, and could probably murder somebody with a butter knife, you still had an irrational fear of football, especially with the boys. They had a habit of teaming up with you.
They snickered at the look on your face and you rolled your eyes affectionately. “Go play,” you said at a normal volume to them, ruffling up their hair. “I’ll see you in a bit”. They didn’t need you to say it twice and raced each other back to the backyard. You started walking to the kitchen, brownies and cookies in hand, scoffing when you saw Sam’s pathetic attempt at keeping Captain America’s shield secured. You almost wanted to cry when you saw it tied in a potato bag of all things, with the knot failing at its job of keeping it closed open and the shield spilling out of the bag. Putting down your brownies, you twirled your index and middle finger in a circular motion, using wind to carry the shield back into the back and propping it on the floor, securing the knot. 
“I don’t suppose you're the new air conditioner?”
Thinking quickly, you spun around, lifting a knife out of your pocket and pointing it at the source of unexpected noise. 
A man with short brown hair and a metal arm met your gaze. You stared at him expectantly.
 “Oh right-“ he started. “I’m Bucky. Bucky Barnes”. 
You gave a small smile when he held out his flesh arm for you to shake, even though you were still pointing a knife at him.
“Y/N LN” You nodded, finally putting down your weapon. “I wasn’t aware that Sarah had anyone over. 
He only gave you a grin. “Mutant?” He asked. You nodded, looking at his arm. “Superhero?” You asked in return. He only shrugged. Your moment was interrupted by Sarah’s voice ringing from across the house.
“Y/N L/N, I know damn well you did not just come into my house and go to Sam before m-“ She cut off when she entered the living room to you and Bucky standing suspiciously close. He noticed and quickly stepped away, averting his gaze. 
“Seems like we had a little misunderstanding,” she raised her eyebrow excitedly at you, misreading the room. You stared at her, as if she could read your mind and figure out what just happened.
 “You two, carry on”, she added teasingly, shooting you an oblivious grin. You wanted to cry, really.
“No, no, I was just introducing myself,” you said, watching Bucky blush slightly from the corner of your eye. Sarah’s face fell slightly.
You took this as your cue to loop her hand through yours, pulling her towards the doorway and grabbing your brownie box. You turned around slightly to look at Bucky. “See you around” you added slightly flirtatiously. You saw him raise an eyebrow before replying in the same tone.
As soon as you had exited the room, Sarah was on you like a duck to bread. “What was that?!” She said excitedly. You laughed at her enthusiasm. “I was fixing Sam’s mess and he surprised me. “Ialsokindapointedaknifeathim” you added the last part quickly.  She stared at you. “We really need to talk about that habit,” she muttered. She headed onto your arm tighter. “Well, I personally think that you two would be very cute together.” She added pointly. 
“Last week you told me that I’d be cute with that bald grocer from across the street.” You tilted your head teasingly.
 “How was I supposed to know he was a 3 incher?!” The older girl protested.
You deadpanned. “He was the ugliest man I have ever met in my entire life. He used a 3 in 1 shampoo and conditioner, how could you no-“ you cut yourself off when you realized that you were using your hands to animate your point. She laughed in amusement. “You were saying?” She raised a perfectly plucked brow at you. 
You rolled your eyes and looped your hands once more. “I’m just saying-'' Sarah started. You glared at her, but she was unwavering. “Maybe you two could be good for each other. You’d definitely look good together,” she winked at you and you laughed, slightly nudging her. “Maybe,” you mused, and she squealed excitedly. “As far as men go, he wasn't that bad. Appearance wise,” you added, trying to keep the heat off your face. She laughed loudly, tugging you toward the backdoor. 
You two were unaware that Bucky could hear your entire conversation through his superheating.  He smiled slightly to himself as he changed his shirt. “Y/n”, he tested, liking the way your name sounded on his lips. 
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elxvrr · 2 years
love language Teaser
*Authors Note* 
I’ve been having this idea recently about a Bucky Barnes x Romanoff!/black widow!reader and decided to take one for the team. Should I continue this?
Immediately after you close the front door to the apartment that you shared with your little sister, you felt the presence of a unrecognized person with you. Silently closing the door, you gripped the gun that you had hidden in your boot, and checked your surroundings for escape routes and made note of all the weapons you could use, worse comes to worse.  You quietly made your way up to the living area. Then, so quick that no normal person could ever see, you cocked your gun and pointed it at a back of flaming red hair. “Who the hell are you?” You spat.
The woman turned around slowly, raising her hands. As soon as your eyes met, your grip on you gun faltered, and you felt shock run through you. There, standing on your slightly bloodstained carpet was Natasha Romanoff, or as you knew her, Natalia Romanova.
Your big sister.  
She gave you a weak smile and glanced at your gun, obviously not surprised by the display of power. You scanned her up and down, quickly figuring out that she had a blade attached to the inside of her shoe, and a gun in her back pocket. You also noticed a familiar small blade hidden in her jacket pocket, a small detail that she had never stopped using in the years you knew her.  “Long time no see,” she said making you snap your eyes back up to her. Cautiously, you put your gun into the back of your utility belt, not fully disarming yourself but not threatening her. “I was hoping it would stay that way,” you said coldly, not showing her any vulnerability. The smile on her face dropped and she stiffened up. “I’m sorry,” was all that she could say, her green eyes pleading into yours. You knew that she really did feel bad but you couldn’t find a way to forgive her. You just couldn’t.
“Why are you here?” you asked, ignoring her apology. She signed sadly, looking down.  “Something happened, and the world could use the help of the worlds most powerful assassin.”
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elxvrr · 2 years
Odd one out 
*authors note* please don’t republish my work anywhere without crediting me. For this story, imagine reader having powers like Agatha Harkness or Wanda Maximoff!
You raised your hands, emitting purple energy to flow around you before you directed it towards the hydra soldier that had attempted to sneak up on you on your left. Blasting him with energy, and knocking him out, you turned towards your fellow teammates to see them all fighting individually. From the corner of your eye, you noticed that Sam was being shot at by a man who held a gun that looked significantly more deadly than normal. 
    Running towards him, you used your magic to slow down the bullets, dropping them towards the floor. You faced the man. “Y/N I had that covered…” you heard Sam mutter. You signed quietly, flicking your wrist and taking the Hydra workers gun from him before using the gun and aiming towards his accomplice. Using your magic to disarm him too, you levitated him, then shoved him and his friend together, knocking them both unconscious. You turned to Sam. “Those bullets weren’t normal, I could see energy coming out of them.” 
 Sam rolled his eyes, and said something that sounded suspiciously like “smartass” under his breath. You pretended not to hear him, instead deciding to keep yourself occupied by disarming as many people as you could around you, making sure to avoid killing them since you were aware that some of them were young and didn’t know what they were doing. As you fought, you kept thinking about how many times the team had been hostile to you since you joined The Avengers. You were recruited by Nick Fury in 2015. You didn’t even intend on joining SHIELD but they had Marken make quite an effort to convince you after seeing what you could do. On a late Thursday in October, 2015, you had a breakdown after having a hard day that was only fueling the stress you had, trying to contain your powers . You were aware of your magic ever since you were a kid, but controlling them was hard especially since they could be fueled by your emotions. You knew you could probably help people, but you kept them hidden after seeing what happened in New York in 2012, deciding that magic like yours was dangerous and not to be used by ordinary people like you. But your panic attack had a lot of stress behind it that you were holding in for years trying to keep yourself hidden and manage your personal life while holding up everyone's expectations of you , and you unknowingly released a lot of energy that got on SHIELDS radar. They sent Maria Hills to investigate it, and she found you, curled up in a ball and telling everyone who came near you to stay away for their safety. It took time for you to trust SHIELD, but when you did and you were trained enough to use your magic for good, they requited you to the Avengers. The team had never been very welcoming, but you had played it off as trust issues. I mean could you blame them? You couldn’t imagine what they had gone through saving the world that many times. But that didn’t make it hurt any less when months and slowly years passed by without any more progress.
  Slipping back into reality, you raised your hands and brought down 7 people in a energy induced chokehold. Signing, you talked into your earpiece. “I’m on the third floor, it’s all clear. Captain, did you retrieve the stone?” 
 You didn’t exactly know what “the stone” was, but the rest of the team refused to give you any background info on the mission and you weren’t comfortable enough to press them for any so you let it slide. When you didn’t get a response, you felt a slight inkling of worry overtake you, until you heard Captain America's gruff voice respond.
  “I secured the stone. Meet at the quinjet, and try to avoid chaos on your way there. Don’t want to bring in any unwanted attention.” You heard brief agreements, before you started floating, using your magic to lift you above the ground, and flew through the window that had broken when several soldiers misfired at you. You couldn’t get shot by guns anyway, since your magic simply deflected the bullets without you having to put in a effort, but they still tried. As you landed on the ground, you stumbled a bit. You didn’t miss the shared glances between Natasha and Tony at that, but raised your head and continued walking into the Quinjet. Everyone started quieting down when you entered, giving you the hint that they were talking about something that you weren’t trusted enough to give input about. As Natasha started flying the jet, you were thinking. When had the Avengers ever actually been kind to you? You remembered that one time, a few months after you joined the team when Natasha was sick, and the rest of the Avengers were on a mission that you couldn’t help with. You remembered how you spent 2 hours getting groceries and making soup for Natasha, while setting up a relaxing hot water bath for her to ease her stomach and already overly tense muscles.
  When you tried to give her the soup, she refused and said that she wasn’t hungry with forced kindness. You shrugged it off as the pain talking. You offered her the bath, but she just gave you a tight lipped smile and muttered a “thank you.” You quickly got the hint and left the room. When you came back later to restock her bathroom with fresh towels, you noticed that the water was still in the tub, not drained and freezing. You couldn’t deny that it strung, and you cried into your pillow for a while. You skipped dinner that night. And to think that wasn’t even the worst interaction you had! You scoffed about how mistreated you had been, but couldn’t bring yourself to do anything about it. How could you? No one would side with you anyways. But, you knew that you were valuable to the team. You also knew that Nick Fury had a spot at SHIELD for you, one that could be bigger then your role at the Avengers. As Natasha landed the plane, you had decided to give the Avengers one more chance, and prayed that they didn’t blow it. You absentmindedly floated out of the quinjet, caught up in your thoughts. On your way, you accidentally pushed Bucky. Gasping at the impact, you quickly landed and began apologizing repeatedly. Again, you didn’t miss the shared glances of the avengers as Bucky gave you a tight smile and a “don’t worry”. You smiled shakily, and walked away. As you walked away, you heard Sam whisper “what a bitch” to Bucky. Suddenly, you saw red. You turned around, and felt your eyes turn purple to match the energy that was now dusting around you. You marched up to Sam. “What was that?” You snapped at him. Steve walked up to you and put a hand between you and Sam. “Y/N, calm down,” he said, authority lacing his tone. You pushed his hand away. “Stay out of this Rodgers,” you snarked. Sam gaped at you, but kept up his cockyness. “Listen grapevine, you aren’t as bigshot as you think. We’re all about that superhero thing here, and frankly, your attitude is way too much for a girl who can lift things. 
 You snorted, feeling Tony and Natasha’s hesitant eyes on you. Natasha stepped up. “Listen Agent L/N, what Sam is trying to say is that maybe you could chill on the attitude a little, you know?” You started laughing. Sam looked at you. “I’m not joking you know..” he muttered. You stopped and walked backwards so that everyone could see you. Using your magic, you conjured up a plant.
 “I'm not just good at lifting.” Was all you said, before blasting energy at the plant. They all looked unimpressed. 
 “Yeah, we all know you can do that by now,” Tony said, amused. 
“That?” You said with a smile. “That was the power stone.” You relished in the look on their faces before using your magic to grow the plant back, erasing all traces of it being destroyed. “Soul stone,” was all you said, before making the plant grow and bloom, despite being created mere seconds ago. You paused to face them. “Time stone,” you said simply. You focused on the plant, creating a new version of it, teleporting the old version behind your back so that it seemed like nothing happened. You walked up to the new version of the place, and waved your hand through it. When your hand simply went through it, you brought the solid, original version of the place from behind your back and the fake version disappeared. “Reality and space stones.” You spit out.
 You stood back and admired the shocked look on the face of all the avengers. You turned to Sam. “So, I can lift things huh?”. 
Steve was the first to speak. “Y/N, perhaps we misjudged y-“ you cut him off. “First, it’s Agent L/N” to you, and second, zip it. I’m talking. Thirdly, I want to address how unfairly you’ve treated me when all I was to you was kind. I wouldn’t wish this on anyone else, but hopefully you’ll learn from your mistakes before my replacement joins you because I quit.” 
They all stared at you, guilt in their eyes. But you had nothing left to say for them. And so, with that note, you used your magic to cast a portal and stepped out, leaving them flabbergasted behind you. But yet, you noticed how not one of them tried to stop you. As you exited from their view with a simple flick of your wrist, Tony spoke as the purple magic around them faded.
“Well shit
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