elysianstudyin-blog · 7 years
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Hi, everyone! I’m a new studyblr looking for some people to follow & befriend. I’ll try to follow and message the studyblrs that reblog this.
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elysianstudyin-blog · 7 years
this is helpful 💕
The ultimate masterpost
**This is a list of helpful sites pulled from multiple masterposts. I will be updating this as I find new things.** 
**If something doesn’t work let me know.** Thank you!
**If something belongs to you and you want credit let me know. I tried to make all the links go to a specific site. But I’m happy to give you credit if you see something that connect back to you.**
ACT Masterpost FREE MATERIAL Vocab
AP’s Non-Specific 
For every high school student studying an AP test  FREE MATERIAL (some SAT/ACt stuff too) Study guides
AP’s Specific
Art History Smarthistory: a multimedia web-book about art and art history Course-notes Barrons pdfs
Biology AP Biology Exam Guide Chapter Review Giant Review Sheet Crash Course 
Calculus AB & BC Cheatsheet (AB & BC) Stuff You MUST Know Cold for AP Calc (AB) If you see that, do this (AB)
Chemistry AP Chemistry Notes Podcasts Quick Review Periodic Table
Comparative Government and Politics Government Comparisons Cramsheet Study Sheet (opens as word doc)
Computer Science Review: Part 1 English Language Rhetorical Strategies AP Language Review
Environmental Science Vocab to Know Tips APES Review
European History STUDY GUIDES Exam Review Sheets Tom Richey 
French Language Cram packet
Human Geography Course-notes
Macroeconomics Every Graph You Need To Know (YouTube) Cram packet
Microeconomics Study guide
Psychology  sparknotes study guide hella good review sheets ton of flashcards woah mind map of social psych rough outline of the year psychologists to know crash course ~ hank green intro to psych post free textbook resources study playlists help u bunch of review materials very good cram packet lots of notes from a post outline of erikson’s theory mind map of disorders how to stay motivated!!
Physics B & C Equations (C Mech) Unit Notes © Unit Notes © Equations © 
Statistics Cram packet Inference Procedures AP Stats formulas
U.S. Government Cheat Sheet Review Materials Tom Richey 
U.S. History Cram Packet: part 1, part 2 The Giant AHAP Review Unit study guides Quizlet sets The Comprehensive AP US History Study Guide The man that saved me Part 1 Part 2
World History Cram Packets and Review Sheets Cram packets by era Course-notes
General Subject’s
English Help Cliffsnotes Sparknotes No Fear Shakespeare How to Write a Essay (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) What makes a good Essay How to Edit Yourself Editing Checklist Trouble Reading? Tips (X) (X) (X) Writing Masterpost (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) Other things to help your Writing  (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X)
Languages  Duolingo Achieving Proficiency
Math Help Mathway (type in your problem and it solves it) Square Root Calculator Cube Root Calculator Expression Simplifier Helps you with Math Easy unit converter Any calculator you need Algebra Solver Scientific Calculator  Cheat Sheet 
Science Help All about space Guides for more than 5,500 animal species Improve you Geography knowledge vast collection of historic images and videos Symbols and their meanings Comprehensive site for genetics and evolution Lectures  Lab Write Ups
Writing Help Free Microsoft Word Equivalent Writing Software Master post Cant Remember A Word? Bibliography Maker Social Media Citation Guide Earn A Cute Picture Of A Kitten For Writing Writers Block? Check Your Writing for Spelling and Grammatical Errors Coffee Shop Sounds Essay Structure Guide Want To Know Who You Write Like? Remember the Word Alternatives to Said Great Inspiration Getting Inspired Free Microsoft Word alternative Dealing with writer’s block Lay vs. lie When to change paragraphs Music for writing Research and reading How to write a kickass essay with ½ of the stress How to write an essay Guide to writing a basic essay Essay writing: the basics What makes a good essay? How to google? (1) (2) Writing tips Harvard Writing Resources Synonyms Masterpost can’t find the right word? Hemingway an online editor (It’s awesome)
Other Useful Stuff 
Citing Bibme Son of Citation Machine Owl Purdue How to write Bibliography
College tips make a to do+doing+done board (I just did this and it is very helpful) print sources nicely (1) (2) recipes based on ingredients - recipepuppy popular new headlines - newsmap.jp ted.com speed read - spreeder.com white noise - simplynoise.com plan sleep time - sleepyti.me google like a boss - png / jpg planetebook.com/ebooks  readanybook.com prezi.com  collegepackinglist.com Tips for college freshman Know before college  Preparing for a lecture
Productivity  30/30 (app) Essential productivity apps for any student* Top 5 productivity apps for iOS (video)* Top 5 productivity apps for Android (video)* StayFocusd Time Warp Self Control (mac) blocks websites The science of productivity (video) The science of procrastination and how to manage it (video) 7 brain hacks to improve your productivity (video) The simple science of getting more done (in less time) Productivity tips About power naps How to pull an all-nighter effectively
Studying (Currently long but I will sort through at a later point) Answering multiple choice questions Apps for students Basics for Efficient Studying BBC Bitesize Calculators Check spelling and grammar Coffitivity- sounds of a cafe Convert Anything To Anything Cornell note taking method Coursera- Online courses for free. Create flowcharts, network diagrams, ect. Creating Effective Exam Cheat Sheets Defeating Procrastination Essay writing Exam survival tips Finals Help Guide Finals survival guide Flashcards Free Flashcards Study Helper Free online courses Google books for research Grammar Check Guide on punctuation Homework Help How to answer exam questions How to Read a Textbook How to Review in Less Time How to study How to survive finals How to take notes Masterpost How to Underline/Highlight Effectively How to write an essay Inkflow Visual Notebook Khan Academy- Learn anything. Learning how to study Making a good study guide Memorizing dates Momentum- Be motivated and organised. Note taking like a pro Notetaking Strategies Online calculator Online Ruler open2study- Free online study for everyone. Presentation Zen- A blog that helps you with your presentations. Productive Study Break Tips Pull an All Nighter & Do Well On Your Exam Quizlet- Make flashcards and test yourself. Reading Review, Highlighting, and Underlining Research & Reading Tips Scholarpedia School survival guide Science simplified Simple and Not So Simple Proven Ways to Sharpen Memory Solving Problems vs. Practicing Them  Studyblue  StudyBlue- Make online flashcards. Studying for an important exam Study Playlist  Superb Study Guides and Mini Moleskines Taking Notes Effectively and Practically Test-taking Strategies Test your vocabulary The Benefits of Active Notetaking The “Secret” to Doing Well in School Thinking & Memorizing Tips Time management Tips and trick to help you get good grades Triaging Your Assignments Useful websites Website Blocker- Remove temptation. What NOT To Do When Studying Wikiversity Wolfram Alpha for research  Youtube Crash Course “Academic Disaster Insurance” “Big Idea” Flashcards
Textbooks Free textbooks Text Book Nova Textbooks Textbooks   Ebookee Reddit BookFinder Medical Textbooks Cookbooks to Text Books Science/Math Textbooks Business Textbooks Tech Books Greek and Roman Text in English Art Books Historical Fiction History Books Project Gutenberg Bookbyte Free Ebooks Books Books Books Books Classic Books Classic Books Classic Books Classic Books Classic books and Reference and study guides Classic books Free Textbook Download Masterpost Textbook Guide
Organization My Study Life - It’s a planner to help you remember when your homework is due and stuff like that Free printable planner To do list How to make a study schedule Class folder organization “Study Cove” Organization Making a Detailed Study Schedule The Work-Progress Journal Quick Tip for Flashcard Organization Scheduling Organization College Plan Spreadsheet Template Organizing Your Notes Getting Yourself Together in College with Mental Illness How to Organize Your Workspace
Stress Reliefs/Relaxng stress analyst - relaxonline calm.com distract yourself self-care tips self-care for overstimulated nerves softest legs feel better Thoughts Room Panic & Anxiety Masterpost Guided Relaxation Stress Relievers Chill Playlist Cute Videos The quiet place project Feelings Masterpost
Useful Stuff plan, budget, and manage daily finances How to take a Standardized Test How to Master Excel Fact check politicians Back to school Masterpost What you didn’t learn in high school
IDK what to put these under but they're helpful too Check The Safety Of Any Website Download From 8tracks Print Webpages Without the Clutter Is This Website Down For Me Or Everyone? Self Defense Tips Chrome Extension Tells You Which Tab Is Playing Music Prevent Hangovers Bookmark Online Videos 1 Month Free of Amazon Prime Netflix Recommendations Becoming An Adult Masterpost All The Audios You’ve Ever Reblogged Stream/Watch Free TV/Movies Never Hit A Dead End With A Broken Link Downloadable PDF To-Do Lists Watch Musicals List Of Universities On Tumblr Summer Studying Back to School
Scholarship Masterpost
8/17/2015: Updated some parts. Alphabetized the study section and added in new links. If at any point you want something added in that isn’t here just send me an ask or submit it in the submit box.
6/1/2016: Currently working on the issue of the links disappearing. Hopefully I’ll have it fixed 
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elysianstudyin-blog · 7 years
this is helpful
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Bullet journal essentials ^.^
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elysianstudyin-blog · 7 years
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planning out movies to watch if rewatch 💕
0 notes
elysianstudyin-blog · 7 years
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Hey guys, so I was going through my tag and seeing so much content that should honestly be getting more credit than it does because they’re gorgeous! I think it’s such a shame small studyblrs can’t get exposure and I definitely can say it was because of bigger blogs helping me out that I’m not exactly a “little studyblr blog” anymore!
So for my “little studyblr of the month”, it’s pretty simple: 1. Must be following me (this is for my followers man, I’m featuring them!) 2. Must be under 1.5k followers 3. Reblog this post! 4. I’ll announce it at the beginning of the month (or maybe a bit later since April already has started, but it honestly depends on how many people reblog this)
What you’ll get: - A follow from me! - I’ll queue from you - Mini shoutout of your blog to many people - That’s about it I’m sorry I can’t think of incentives
Thanks guys, I’ll reblog again before I choose!
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elysianstudyin-blog · 7 years
i am going to start this, so if any of you want to do it with me message me 💕
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This summer if you have the time off maybe try picking up a completely new language! The challenge lasts for however long your summer break lasts and you;
1) pick a completely new language you’ve never studied before
2) make a realistic goal for what you want to achieve out of this time (e.g. reading a beginning book in your target language, maybe having a short conversation with a native/advanced speaker, finishing a Duolingo tree etc)
3) commit to practicing it for a allotted time everyday (it could be 20 minutes to 2hrs everyday what matters is that you stick w/ it!)
4) immerse yourself in that language; listen to music and podcasts, watch movies and tv in your target language, change your tech to the target language-really surround yourself w/ the language
If you decide to take on this challenge make an intro post describing;
 who you are
 your target language
why you are choosing that language
what your goal is
how long you have for break/summer
tag it with #summer language challenge
Then every week
post abt something related to your target language (e.g. good movie you watched, cool words, accomplishments you made, vocab you learned etc)
post something in your target language (it can be anything)
progress on your goal(s)
tag it with #summer language challenge
At the end of your break make a post abt how you did. Hopefully you’ll have exceeded your expectations and gotten a solid foundation in your target language while having a series of posts that document your journey!
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elysianstudyin-blog · 7 years
this is adorable and all of you need this 💕
a random assortment of life tips
by me, 20 year old who is so clearly great at adulting. (not really, but i’ve been living on my own for a couple years so i sorta know how this thing works.)
coconut oil is the solution to everything - dry skin, frizzy/dull hair, cooking, removing makeup…everything.
be nice to people working service jobs.
change your pillowcases every week if you have bad acne. hell, you should change your pillowcases every week even if you don’t have bad acne.
don’t put regular dish soap in the dishwasher.
carry your school ID with you when shopping and always ask stores if they give student discounts.
sleep naked. trust me on this.
put a damp paper towel over your pizza before you reheat it in a microwave so that the crust will still be soft, not chewy.
you don’t need to color sort your laundry if you put the washing machine setting on “cold”.
drink a glass of cold water after a long cry - it’ll make you feel better.
despite what others might say, you can be friends with your exes.
make sure “find my iphone” is set up and turned on.
save your loose change and deposit it into your savings account at the end of every month. over time, a little change makes a big difference.
it’s okay to call your parents and ask for help. they probably know how to get that stain out or remedy a sore throat better than you do.
air drying (as opposed to tumble drying) your sweaters helps the fleece inside stay soft and fuzzy longer.
always double knot your running shoes.
emergency sewing kit. get one.
flavored condoms are for oral sex, not penetrative sex. 
carry a small notebook and pen with you wherever you go. write when you feel inspired, even if no one will ever read it.
never underestimate the healing power of cute animal videos on youtube.
learn how to say “no”.
be the kind of person you need in your life: support yourself. accept yourself. comfort yourself. love yourself.
be open minded, question everything, challenge yourself, and learn to look at things from different angles.
you are the most important person in your life - act like it. put yourself first.
growing up isn’t about getting your shit together - it’s about learning to accept the fact that your life will never be as perfect and put together as you’d like it to be.
screw the idea of “unconditional love” - it should always be conditional. your love is valuable as fuck; don’t give it to people that don’t deserve it.
remember that you are under no obligation to remain the person you were yesterday. allow yourself to grow.
challenge your limits, say yes to things that scare you, be open to new experiences, and live fully.
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elysianstudyin-blog · 7 years
dealing with mental health and school
take time for yourself
when you’re dedicated to school, you don’t want to take a step back. it’s hard to think about not working for most of your free time. but, sometimes you have to. you have to realize that it’s okay to take a step back and take time for yourself. you can’t always be perfect and that’s okay. it isn’t a crime to practice self care.
let your teachers know
let’s be real, no one wants to open up about mental health. you don’t want to admit you’re struggling. but, sometimes it’s best to do that. depending on who the teacher is, they may give you an extension, a break, or even advice. teachers care about how you feel.
don’t bite off more than you can chew
if you’re already feeling bad, don’t take on extra credit assignments. although they usually don’t have a due date, they may be too rigorous or take up too much time (refer back to 1). don’t overwork yourself or else you will feel even worse if you can’t finish what you already have. i can’t stress this enough.
talk to someone
this is the best method i know to dealing with mental health in school. someone is always available to talk. it could be a teacher, friend, counselor, or even a stranger. find someone who will listen and talk about your stressors as needed. it will help you immensely and possibly make your mental state improve!
realize that you are not alone
it’s always hard to remember this. it seems like you are the only person in the world who deals with this, when it’s the opposite. there are millions who feel the same way and it is better to just embody that fact. soon, it will be okay again. we will all be okay.
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elysianstudyin-blog · 7 years
I'm posting every hour 💕
Following Studyblrs!!!
Hello! I’m Glory, and I’m a new studyblr looking to find more people to follow! Please like or reblog this post if you are a…
🌸 Studyblr
🌸 Psychblr
🌸 Medblr
🌸 Langblr (Esp. Spanish!!)
🌸 Mathblr
so that I can follow you and reblog all your pretty posts . My messages are always open if you want to chat or are looking for a friend, and I hope everyone has a lovely day!
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elysianstudyin-blog · 7 years
Hi!! I was wondering if you had any advice for a newbie studyblr / bullet journalist ?
Hello there, lovely anon!! ♥ I actually joined the studyblr community pretty recently (just this month!) so I hope I can answer your question well /// !! Since I’m pretty new, there’s still quite a bit I have yet to learn myself! 
➸ advice for a new studyblr
Don’t be afraid to just start. 
Honestly! There’s no need to feel insecure about your posts, spreads, handwriting, picture quality, stationary - everyone in the studyblr community is so sweet and positive and helpful I begin to feel spoiled. I hope you do to!
Don’t feel self conscious about anything. You’re beautiful, wonderful, and perfect just the way you are. There is no better you than you!
Stop comparing your posts and blog to other people’s. There’s a lot for you to learn, and it won’t all come immediately. Notes, followers - it takes time. 
Reach out to other studyblrs!! 
Say hi, send asks, make friends! Make comments on other’s posts, send compliments or help where you can. Just being active in the community can help you get attention but also give you a wonderful time. A studyblr is to help you grow, and this is a great way to keep you motivated in doing so.
Along the same line, try to find ways to interact with your followers!
Tags, Tags, Tags! 
A lot of studyblrs will track a tag and will often reblog your content if you tag your original posts with it! You can find out what tag to put by checking out a studyblr’s page (for example, I track #studyfeather). You can make a list for yourself if that helps! (: But try not to be too overwhelming or overuse it. Maybe switch up which tracked tags you use from post to post. 
Make a tag for you to track! It would make sense that if you’re using tracked tags to make one for yourself to spread the love. 
Have a tag that is specific to your original content (mine is #featherpost)!!! It will make it nice and easy for those who come across your blog to find what you’re posting about. Having original content helps others have more interest in your blog!
A lot of what you are reblogging can serve as a resource for yourself. I like to reblog posts that inspire me, or have spreads I might try, masterposts, etc. If its important for you to find what you’re reblogging for later, make a tag system for yourself. For example, heres @ / studypetals’ tags page or @ / studyquill’s navigation page if you need any ideas. This is a great idea if other people begin using your blog as a resource as well. 
Take advantage of all the information you see. 
There are so many posts that address procrastination, time management, stress, note taking, school - anything at all - that is made available to you. It’s one thing to see the information, but it’s another to make use of it. (And don’t be afraid to share your knowledge either!) You can even make posts about trying out different advice if that helps motivate you to try something out.
Make an introductory post!
Help others get to know you better by putting together an introductory post! It’s never too late to make one, so don’t worry about making one if your blog has been up for a bit.
From what I’ve discovered, introductory posts tend to have the following information (not every one has ALL of this, it’s up to you what you’d like to add): name, age, school year, why you started a studyblr, your classes, some of your favorite studyblrs, other blogs you have (and other sites you’re on), any anything else you’d like to say/add. 
If you use tracked tags or tag studyblrs you love, it can help get your blog noticed! (:
Post original content!
I touched on this earlier, but this is so important. One of the best ways for your studyblr to succeed is posting your own work and sharing it to the community. You never know how many people will love it, be inspired by it, follow you from it, or contact you because of it.
Be fairly consistent in posting original content. I try to post at least once a week even though I’m pretty busy. It helps motivate me to keep my bujo and studyblr going! You can try out the 100 days of productivity or some studyblrs put together monthly study challenges you can keep up with. As an example, here’s a May Study Challenge I might try out!
In posting original content, make sure you link information you’re referencing to help others that much more!
Queue your posts!!
A great way to keep your blog active is to queue your posts. I have my posts queued at 10 each day and try to keep at least 20 posts in my queue at all times, in case a couple of busy days keep me from adding more. Some people unfollow inactive blogs - and this can be a way to prevent it. 
The only thing I don’t queue are original posts and asks, but it’s up to you if you decide to use the queue system or not!
➸ advice for a new bullet journalist
Real quick!! I would advise taking a look at the bullet journal’s official website to help understand the basics of bullet journaling. 
It’s designed to be quick and customizable way for you to keep information and tasks organized. A great way to make use of this (that I’ve found) is to make a key for each of your logs. You can see my key here. You can also search tumblr for bujo keys to see what others have come up with. If you do want to make a key, make it so that it works for you!  It can be as simple or detailed as you want, with or without signifiers, etc. If you don’t like this system, that’s just fine!
Discover different journal options and where to find them.
There is no set journal to use, however there are popular choices among the studyblr community: Moleskine, Leuchtturm1917, and Muji journals - but it is NOT limited to these. Working with a regular notebook works just fine as well! 
It’s one thing to find and purchase something online - but I like being able to find what I’m looking for in person. It saves shipping + handling costs, and I get to it immediately. And, sometimes, they can be cheaper too! I found my moleskine journal I’ve been using at Barnes and Noble, and have also seen Leuchtturm1917 journals at my school’s book store. (The temptation is real every time I walk past OTL) 
Your bullet journal is for you, so let’s make it that way.
A big part of having a studyblr is to help yourself in becoming more productive in learning and improving a lifestyle (or this may just be how I see it). So! There is no set format for you to use a bullet journal. It’s up to you to figure out what works best for you.
You can take inspiration from other people’s post to help experiment with different spreads and layouts. (Be sure to credit/tag if you do! Just to be safe.) 
You can find out different things that you can add to your bujo! Habit trackers, daily/weekly/monthly/yearly spreads, lists of things to keep track of (books to read, tv shows and episodes to watch, shopping/wish lists, bucket list, etc), anything you’re interested in. Depending on your interests and areas you wan’t to use a bujo to help you with, this can vary. If you want, you can test out different ideas to see if you like it or not. It will take time to find what you like, so don’t stress about it in the beginning. You’re just starting, after all!
There is always something for you to do, it’s just a matter of finding out what that is. If you need any help of finding something to do, feel free to message me! (As long as you don’t mind me asking a bunch of questions haha.)
Don’t be afraid to use pencil first when making your spreads.
Me being me, trusted myself to use pen right off the bat. Boy, do I regret that XD It got to the point where I purchased an erasable pen but I’m finding nothing can beat pencil before pen. But before you erase the pencil - make sure the pen has dried. I can’t stress this enough. I’ve gotten impatient multiple times and go ahead to erase, and instantly wished I hadn’t. You can try to find pens that prevent this from happening, but waiting is the best alternative. Something you can do is make a spread at night, and wait to erase when you wake up in the morning. You can keep your bujo open to the page you worked on for it to dry better.
You don’t need any fancy or expensive stationary.
Seeing the pastel highlighters, wide variety of pens and miscellaneous tools it’s easy to think you need to have it all but … you don’t have to have any of it. Especially if you are low on funds, don’t worry about getting anything new. Just work with what you have! I have been using pens I’ve owned for years and have hardly touched to see what I can do with them and am pleasantly surprised! I have a bunch of supplies that I have gotten for school that haven’t been used that I plan on finally putting to use. 
Your basic school supplies with notebooks, highlighters, pens and pencils, post it notes, can take you as far as you wish!
Having a difficult time coming up with a spread? Here’s some ideas! 
Try out different hand written fonts. This can include headers/titles and subheaders/subtitles. Try headers, banners, and dividers too! Here’s some different ideas: x | x | x | x
Give your spread a theme. Disney, movie, music, history, art, cartoon shows, books - anything at all! This can help with finding art to fill in blank spaces to give your spread some more interest. Here’s a post with a bunch of ideas you could use.
Colors! Try out different color combinations! Being an art student, I’m overly conscious of colors. They can help set a mood, evoke certain emotion, some colors work best with others (be smart when using complimentary colors), etc. Here’s a site that covers basic color theory. But … this is me being nerdy. This can take quite a bit of thought - but you honestly don’t have to (: !! It’s best if you stick to one or two colors within a page not to overwhelm what others are seeing, especially if you’re wanting to keep things minimal. If you want me to go deeper into this, and talk more about contrast and whatnot … I can make a separate post as not to clutter this one ♥
Make goals for yourself! This can be included in a habit tracker, but doesn’t need to be. They can be as small as going on a 20 minute walk each day during this week, being sure to stay hydrated, doing something with a family member or friend, completing or starting a big project or assignment, etc. 
Find some quotes and add them! Here’s some quote masterposts I’ve come across: x | x | x | x
When taking pictures, be conscious of lighting.
The best kind of lighting is natural lighting. Taking pictures outside (or inside) during the day will help your image quality! I know before I said picture quality doesn’t matter much, but this can be a simple and easy way to help improve your posts. 
If natural lighting isn’t helping you the way you want, you can take a look at different apps with photo editing capabilities or filters. I have a horrible app finding ability, and just use Photoshop (you can get PS CS2 for free here) or Clip Studio Paint to edit my photos. My favorite tool to use is the tone curve. However you can see this post to look at other options, like apps (it also links to other posts you can look at)!
Have a good time!
Honestly, I feel this is what it boils down to. As long as you are enjoying what you’re doing and continue to have a passion for studyblr related content, you’ll succeed. Don’t stress about it and take one post at a time.
I’ll start putting together a post of how I started my studyblr in case that may help as well! Thank you for asking, anon! Hopefully this helps, and that I was able to cover everything! T o T Sorry I kinda went on a bit of a tangent in some areas.
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elysianstudyin-blog · 7 years
Reblog if you’re a writeblr / poetblr / booklr or studyblr
I’d love to find some blogs that post similar stuff to me! So if you post spilled ink, studyspo, poetry or anything along those lines reblog this so we can find each other. I’ll check out your blog and will be looking for people to follow on my main blog so I can get some awesome new stuff on my dash (and feel free to do the same though no obligations).
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elysianstudyin-blog · 7 years
if anyone would like to be my long distance study buddy, i would appreciate it. most of my friends aren't as school oriented as me.
Shoutout to the Studyblrs
who dont have a bujo who dont have fancy midliners or pens who dont have the perfect desk or room for those aesthetic pics who have messy handwriting who dont get noticed who are too shy to talk to other studyblrs who dont have studybuddies you dont need all this stuff to have a studyblr. Decoration isnt as important as education. I have gel pens, normal pens and pencils and a weekly/monthly planner. I dont have neat handwriting, or a aesthetically pleasing room. I dont have a study buddy either. But im making it through my grades and learning just the same. :>
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elysianstudyin-blog · 7 years
a ton of these apply to me and most likely to you 💕
Here’s to the ones who:
aren’t sure of what they want to be when they grow up
don’t know what course they’re gonna take
know who they want to be but also know that their parents/family would not approve
don’t exactly have their life put together [and feel depressed when everyone around them look like they do]
feel lost, tired, and alone
are looking for their purpose
need a break every now and then
want something but don’t know what that something is
haven’t found inspiration
are under-appreciated
feel like they aren’t enough
turn away from their reflection
stare off into space
fidget in class
have mental illnesses
[add more]
Because you deserve as much recognition, love, and respect as anybody else. Chin up, darling~ (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
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elysianstudyin-blog · 7 years
cute little thing for you all 💕
bullet journal page ideas!
year overview
month overview
week overview
To Do Lists
movies & books
habit tracker
sleep/water log (i use app on my phone for this)
money, savings
School Related
yextbooks you Use
upcoming tests
teacher Information
math formulas
grammar terms
handwriting Practice
Fun Things
polaroid collection
collages (i print out picture from tumblr)
poems/short stories
favorite foods (recipies)
excersize routine
practice layouts
Other Important Things
weekly horoscope (this could be daily, monthly as well)
level 10 life
morning/night rountine
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elysianstudyin-blog · 7 years
lil list of questions
to get to know me 💕 1. pick one: roses, sunflowers, lavender roses, i am aware that it may seem a tad bit cliche but they're beautiful. 2. what animal would you be? i would have to say a duck, specifically a duckling because they're awkward and fight for their food. the only difference is that ducklings are adorable. 3. what song describes you? i would have to say 'hollywood' by marina and the diamonds because of how much society has effected me. 4. fave time to study? in the afternoon, usually right before dinner 5. art hoe, literature hoe, music hoe, videogames hoe or stationery hoe? music or stationery hoe 6. pick one: ruby, sapphire, amethyst amethyst 7. what question do you get asked too much in real life? now after i shaved my head, it's why i did it. 8. pastel or minimalistic? minimalistic 9. describe your favourite childhood memory when i was younger in my old house in minnesota my older sister and i always snuck out of our shared room to the playroom and watched the only thing of tv at that late at night, wwe, and played doctor with my play doctor's kit. 10. favourite smell? cinnamon 11. how much time do you spent on tumblr? i just got a new one, so who knows 12. if you could tell every single person on this earth one thing, what would it be? that it cost nothing to be kind to others {although most won't listen} 13. how will life look a month from now? i will most likely be preparing for my mother's birthday and packing for my trip to los angeles and san diego 14. dawn or dusk? dawn, because it shows the beginning of a new day 15. how do you spend a free day with no obligations? studying and most likely rewatching grey's anatomy 16. favourite quote? when it rains look for rainbows and when it's dark look for stars 17. how do you motivate yourself? listening to upbeat pop music or watching inspiring multifandoms 18. what impression do people normally have of you? that i am an over achiever from my personality and that i am as people say 'alternative' from my looks 19. what books are on your to-read list? there's an uncountable number of books on that list, but currently it's sapphire blue 20. favourite playlist? i don't have a playlist love, riley
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