elysiumscenarios · 6 years
Fairy Tale [Jin]
    “Which one do you like better...this one or this one?” Seokjin held two paint samples up to the wall, staring back at you expectantly.
    “Jin, they look exactly the same.”
    He let out a huff and playfully glared at you. “Sometimes I think I’m the only one who cares about the wellbeing of our baby. What if she grows up in a room that’s the wrong color pink and she hates us forever?”
    Easing yourself slowly into the chair, you grinned back at him. “I’m sure she’ll survive.”
    Jin threw his hands up and left the room, muttering to himself about impossible people.The smile lingered on your face as you surveyed the nursery. It was becoming all the more real by the day that you were about to be parents. As nervous as you were, though, Seokjin had been an absolute angel throughout the entire process. You had both decided to find out the baby’s gender early so that you could prepare and start thinking about names, and Jin had started buying everything and anything pink that he could find for his little girl. It had started small; a pair of tiny pink socks, a pink stuffed bunny, a few pink onesies. Now he was completely redecorating the nursery so that it would fit in with the pink theme. You found it endearing, really, that he was so dedicated to matching everything together, and it gave him something to do besides fuss over you all the time.
    Now, it would be really hilarious if your daughter ended up hating the color pink.
    Humming a little tune for yourself, you glanced up as Jin rushed into the room again, his eyes aglow.
    “I’ve got it! Fairy Tale Pink!” he exclaimed triumphantly, holding up another paint sample that looked exactly the same as the last two. “It has a cute name and is a shade that should be pleasing to the eye and not too bright.”
    You gave him a soft smile. “Sure, it’s perfect.”
Seokjin grinned at you, then held out an arm. Pulling you to your feet, he motioned towards the door. “Now, let’s get shopping! Look at this catalogue. There’s a sale on baby clothes going on right now, and there are little bows on the onesies! And we’ll have to go and pick up the paint, too, and while we’re out we can go get-”
You groaned and buried your face into his shoulder. “How are those onesies any different than the 30 we bought already? Can’t we just stay home and relax today?”
Jin pursed his lips and shook his head. “Our little girl will be the cutest baby on the planet, no doubt about it. And that means she’s gotta be the best dressed, too.”
And so you found yourself sighing and grumbling alongside Jin for the rest of the day. He put up with your whining admirably, always cheerful despite the fact that you leaned on him constantly, and you couldn’t help the small smile that made its way onto your face and stayed. He would be an absolutely amazing father, and your family was going to be perfect. You couldn’t wait for the next stage of your lives.
Yo a soft n sweet one for today~ also i just got into ikon so be expecting some ikon content probably soonish lmao
- Admin Syne
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elysiumscenarios · 6 years
Cloudburst [N]
“A single gentle rain makes the grass many shades greener.” -- Henry David Thoreau
    You sighed as you heaved your bag onto your shoulder, pushing the door to the office open and stepping out. A sharp crack from above your head shook you out of your thoughts. The rain was positively pouring down, a small river running through the parking lot.
    “That’s really the icing on the cake, huh?” you groaned to yourself, shifting your feet awkwardly. It had been a rough day; everyone seemed to be in a bad mood and wanted to take it out on someone else. Namely, you. And the rain definitely wasn’t helping you to turn your mood around.
    Taking a deep breath, you positioned your bag above your head and decided to just run for it. Splashing through the deceptively deep puddles, you ran straight for the bus stop which was, luckily enough, covered. Ducking under the multicolored shelter, you shook your bag to try and get the water off before sitting on the seat with a heavy sigh.
    A hint of movement made you look up. There was a guy sitting on the other side of the bench, his head hanging as he clutched a bouquet of flowers. There was something positively sad about the way his shoulders were slumped, making you think that you might not have been the only one to have a bad day.
    “Err, hi. Are you okay?” The question slipped out before you could even think about whether or not it was a good idea. The guy raised his head and stared at you. “Umm. Those are nice flowers.”
    He gave you a thin smile and stared back down at the flowers he was holding. “I’m not doing great, actually. These were supposed to be for my date, but...I kind of got stood up.”
    “Oh, that really sucks. I’m sorry.” The awkwardness in the small space felt almost unbearable. “What’s your name?” you finally asked, thinking desperately of anything to break the tension.
    “Cha Hakyeon.” The guy finally smiled again as he stared into the rain.
    You nodded. “Well, Hakyeon, would you like to talk about it? I’m here waiting for the bus anyways, so if you wanted to rant…”
    And, to your surprise, Hakyeon took you up on your offer. He told you about the girl (pretty, flirty, maybe a little bit out of his league) and the proposed date (to the movies, then to a nice dinner), slowly becoming more and more animated as the story went on. It was fun to listen to him talk about how they’d met and why he thought she was cute, but maybe she wasn’t anymore?
    “Well, anybody who stands someone up for a date probably wasn’t the nicest person in the first place,” you offered, stretching your arms above your head. Hakyeon laughed at that, nodding in agreement. His laugh sent a little thrill through your chest. It was quite a nice laugh.
    “I think you’re right. Hey, why don’t you take these?” He held the bouquet out to you, and you grasped it delicately. “I don’t really have any desire to keep them.”
    You smiled as you lowered your head to sniff the roses. “That’s completely understandable. Thank you.”
    Just then, the bus rolled up to the stop with a squealing of the brakes, sloshing muddy water. You stood and grabbed your bag, gesturing towards the bus.
    “That’s my-”
    You stopped as Hakyeon said the words at the same time as you, also standing and gathering his things. With a smile and another laugh, you both climbed the steps onto the bus and sat down together as the bus peeled away.
    Maybe rainy days weren’t so bad after all.
Dang it’s been a hot minute since I’ve written anything, but that’s what happens when you’re bored at work lmao. This is technically a v old request that I’ve finished up!
- Admin Syne
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elysiumscenarios · 6 years
Picking Up the Pieces [N]
You sighed into your coffee cup for the umpteenth time, aware of your best friend’s eyes boring holes in the top of your head. The judgement rolled off him in waves, and you knew that it was definitely well-deserved.
“It’s been four whole months.” Hakyeon took a loud sip of his tea and stared at you across the table. “I know that he was your first love and everything, but you didn’t even date. He just said that he wasn’t interested in you. Isn’t that better than being in limbo, not even knowing if he was into you or not?”
Groaning, you let your head bang on the table. “I know. But he’s just so cute, and when he smiles it’s like all the clouds clear up, and he makes me laugh…” All of the reminiscing wasn’t helping. Hakyeon shifted across from you, and cleared his throat. “...do I not make you laugh?”
It might be your imagination, but he sounded a little hurt. You raised your head and stared at Hakyeon. “Well, of course you do. But it’s different,” you tried to explain. Hakyeon was your friend, someone you cared about, but he wasn’t your crush. You didn’t get that fluttery feeling in your stomach when he smiled at you, for example. Hakyeon chewed his lip thoughtfully.
“Okay, regardless. I have an idea.” His eyes were suddenly shining, the way they did when he had a (potentially bad) idea. “Let’s finish our drinks and get out of here.” You sighed, knowing it was pointless to resist, and began sipping your now cold coffee.
After a day of nonstop shopping, browsing, and sampling, you finally begged Hakyeon to let you sit down and take a break. He seemed to have boundless energy, as usual, but he wasn’t generally so insistent on dragging you to every single store in the mall. He sat down next to you with a frown, complaining about all of the other places that he wanted the two of you to go, but gave in and went to buy the two of you some snacks. As you leaned against the back of the bench, bags gathered around you, you idly wondered why Hakyeon needed to buy three very similar white shirts as he returned.
“Smoothie and chips for my lady,” he mock bowed as he offered them to you. Shaking your head at his antics, you snatched them out of his hands and began to eat. The chips were your favorite flavor, you noticed absently, and just as you had settled in to eat you felt a strange tickling sensation on your back.
Whipping your head around, you came face to face with a soft, pink, fuzzy belly. “Hi there! Are you my new friend?” Hakyeon was speaking in a squeaky falsetto voice, and just the sound of it made you crack up. He pulled his hands away from your face to reveal he was holding the pink teddy bear you’d been thinking about buying earlier. Setting it down in your lap, he gave you a shy smile.
“You looked like you wanted to buy it earlier, so...I thought you might like it.” Hakyeon scratched his head awkwardly as you ran your hand over the bear’s fuzzy head.
“Yeah...thank you,” you replied, a fond smile settling on your lips. “I really like it.” Hugging the bear to your chest, you let Hakyeon pull you back to standing so that you could continue the shopping spree. The rest of the day passed in a blur, but the comfort and peace that settled over you was something you hadn’t felt for a long time. After such a long time, you could finally feel the cracks in your heart beginning to heal, your first love far from mind.
Maybe, just maybe, you could start to move on.
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elysiumscenarios · 6 years
Peridot [Ken]
“I wanna be with you / Always from a step behind you / Don’t forget there’s a person who will protect you” -- VIXX; Love Letter
Stifling a yawn behind your sleeve, you fanned yourself slowly, squinting into the bright spring sunlight. Knights on horses meandered slowly around the training yard as flags were hung in place. It was the day of the annual tournament, something that your parents had always “encouraged” you to attend. Though the food was good, and it was nice to see your friends again, you had always found the actual sports fairly dull. A waste of an afternoon, if you were asked, spending time watching old men on horseback try to stab each other. You would much rather stay in your nice cool room and read the novel you’d secretly gotten your hands on.
Your mother’s firm finger in your side reminded you to sit up straight, which you did with a slight grumble of disapproval. Every year brought several middle-aged knights asking for your favor on the tournament field, and you had declined every year. It was always awkward saying no, and this year wasn’t looking any better. Sir Gregory was looking in your direction already. You awkwardly turned your head away. As you did so, you saw something unusual. A new competitor, from someplace further away; he had a coat of arms that you couldn’t recognize. Curiosity piqued, you watched as he led his horse into the tournament arena and bowed to the stands. Your mother nudged you, and you joined in clapping politely. When he removed his helmet, though, you felt your breath catch in your throat.
He was young, for one, which was unexpected for a knight. His silky hair caught the breeze effortlessly, and the smile he offered up was brilliant, albeit a little shy. He began introducing himself to the nobility around you, but you only caught his name (Ken) before you completely zoned out. It was so rare to see someone new in your kingdom, not to mention someone young and handsome. The number of people around your age was dismally few, and they were mostly women anyways. Sitting up straighter, you tucked a stray wisp of hair behind your ear. This tournament had suddenly become a lot more interesting.
“...lady? My lady?” Flushing, you realized that Ken had been trying to catch your attention for some time.
“Y-yes? What is it?” you returned quickly, pursing your lips as you felt the stares of the people around you.
Ken gave you a shining smile. “I hope it does not offend your lady if I ask for a small favor of yours that I might wear during the tourney.”
The flush on your face deepened as a tittering started up around you. Knights generally asked for favors from the ladies of the kingdom, but Ken was an outsider, someone you hadn’t met before today.
But it was also the chance to get to know someone new, and to have some change in the status quo of your otherwise dreadfully boring life. Taking a deep breath in, you unwound the ribbon holding your hair in place and stood up, holding it out to the knight below. Ken winked at you and tied it around his wrist, sauntering off towards the center of the field. The other knights were watching him as well, some in admiration, some in confusion, and some in envy. There were also eyes on you. As soon as you sat down, a hand dug into your shoulder.
“Oh my gosh. He’s so cute! I can’t believe he asked for a favor from you, lucky girl,” your best friend babbled excitedly into your ear. You gave her a shy smile, facing forwards again just as the trumpets blared. It was time for the start of the tournament.
The first few bouts were boring, the same old knights fighting the same old battles. Everyone clapped politely, of course, but there was an underlying current of tension that erupted only once Ken’s horse pranced into view. A chorus of whispers started up amongst the audience, particularly when Ken dismounted and took his helmet off, shaking out his hair in the sunlight. He bowed in your direction, your ribbon bright against the silver of his armor.
Your breath hitched as Ken remounted his horse and took up his position opposite his opponent, Sir Merrick. Though the lances had blunted tips, they could still inflict some amount of damage if they went in a dangerous direction. And Sir Merrick was a seasoned jouster, if nothing else.
The trumpets sounded again, and the horses took off at a mad gallop towards each other. You let out a shaky breath, unable to look away. There was a mighty smash of shields and lances, and once the dust cleared, Sir Merrick was on the ground, looking quite disgruntled. The crowd roared in approval, the nobles around you clapping in delight. Ken rode to the edge of the field and dismounted, bowing to the crowd. He was clearly basking in his victory and the spectators were loving it.
The sun was beginning to set as you stepped carefully around the upturned soil, heading towards the castle. There was to be a great feast tonight to celebrate the ending of the tournament, and you were already imagining all of the incredible food that would be served there, your mouth watering. As you continued forward, an arm grasped your elbow and spun you around.
“Who-” you could barely get the words out of your mouth before you stopped. Ken was in front of you now, having changed out of his armor and into a fancily decorated tunic. He was holding your ribbon in his left hand.
“My lady, I believe this belongs to you,” he murmured, holding it out. You stared at it for a couple of seconds before deciding to do something bold.
Shaking your head, you stepped backwards. “It is yours to keep.” Ken’s eyebrows shot upwards in surprise, but he grinned and tucked it into his breast pocket.
“I will treasure it, then.” He gestured towards the castle. You started off in that direction, Ken following behind you; your heart was pounding in your chest. It was thrilling to be able to make a new friend, at least, and you had the distinct feeling that Ken might turn out to be someone even more precious to you than you could know. For now, it would be enough to feast and be merry, and enjoy the company of who would fight in your honor.
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elysiumscenarios · 6 years
Of Cocoa and Crushes [Mark & Youngjae]
Absently pressing the buttons of the coffee machine, Mark found his eyes continuing to wander to the guy seated in the corner of the coffee shop, his back hunched and his eyes glued to the laptop screen in front of him. Rolling his eyes, Mark grabbed hold of the mug and slammed it on the counter with more force than was really necessary, thanking his lucky stars that it didn’t spill. “Hot chocolate!” he called out, turning his back to the guy who was walking up. Don’t stare at him. Dooon’t stare at him.
It wasn’t Mark’s fault that he was a naturally curious guy, right? And it wasn’t his fault that this particular regular came in at least three times a week to not interact with anybody and drink only hot chocolate. He only knew this person’s name (Youngjae) because he’d had to give it one busy evening, but other than that Mark knew nothing.
He was a cute guy, this Youngjae, his tousled hair managing to look artful and not messy. If Mark had to guess, he was about his age, probably a student at the university next door. He spent multiple nights a week at this coffee shop, always coming in after 9 PM. Youngjae only ordered hot chocolate. Either he had an insatiable sweet tooth, or he was particularly set in his ways and was a person who hated changing up a routine. Mark had also never seen him interact with anyone else except other servers. Even then, he’d exchange only the minimal amount of words needed before retreating to “his” corner.
Chewing on his lip as he absently poured new coffee beans into the machine, Mark stared at Youngjae out of the corner of his eye. He was looking at the screen with an intense expression, obviously absorbed in whatever he was tapping away at. Mark found himself wondering idly what it would be like to be on the receiving end of that expression...and pinched himself immediately. It wouldn’t do him good to start thinking things like that. Youngjae was just a stranger, someone who came into the coffee shop frequently. And for as much as Mark liked to think he knew about him, there wasn’t actually very much he knew about Youngjae.
Sighing quietly to himself, Mark felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned slowly to see the frowning face of his boss. “I’d like it if you paid attention while you worked, please.” His employer had a way of talking that made his “suggestions” sound vaguely threatening, and this was no exception. With a gulp, Mark looked over to see that he’d poured too many beans in, and they were busy bouncing around on the countertop.
“S-sorry, sir.” Mentally cursing Youngjae, Mark set about cleaning up his mess, aware that the person who’d caused this grief was staring at him from across the room. That is not what I meant when i said I wanted him to look at me.
The rest of the evening dragged on as Mark was left to close up, his boss leaving early to go to some family event. Sighing as he reclined against the counter, Mark shot a glance at the only remaining customer. He kind of wished that Youngjae would leave so that he could close up and go home, but there was still thirty minutes until official closing time. Youngjae had his headphones in, his empty mug pushed to the opposite edge of the table. Stretching his arms above his head, Mark decided to go ahead and take the cup, so that maybe Youngjae could take the hint.
Crossing over to the other side of the store, Mark snatched up the cup and saucer, the ceramic clacking together. Youngjae didn’t move. Irritation growing now that he couldn’t even get the guy to pay attention to him, Mark frowned down, completely intending to start telling him off. Just as he opened his mouth, a couple of tears slipped down Youngjae’s cheeks.
Mark was so startled he almost dropped the saucer he was holding. “U-um, are you okay?” he asked tentatively, moving closer to the other man. Youngjae didn’t respond, instead holding a hand up to his mouth and tearing up once again. Mark swallowed the lump in his throat. What if there was something bad happening? Shuffling even closer, Mark moved into a position so that he could see the computer screen.
Dog videos. He was crying over fucking dog videos. Mark let out a loud groan. “I thought something genuinely bad had happened, you fool!” he said, voice heavy with exasperation. Youngjae turned around suddenly.
“But....they’re so beautiful,” he whispered, meeting Mark’s eyes. Mark found his face heating up inexplicably at the eye contact, and decided to turn away instead.
“Okay, yeah, dogs are cool. But are they worth crying over?” he muttered in return. Youngjae’s facial expression said yes. The earnestness in the other man’s eyes somehow made Mark feel even more self-conscious, as if it was weirder to not cry over puppies. Clearing his throat, Mark looked into the half-darkened coffee shop. “I have a...dog at home. Since you seem to like them, would you...like to see her sometime?” His stomach squeezed uncomfortably. Fuck. What am I doing? We’ve never even spoken before today. Running his free hand through his hair nervously, Mark glanced down at Youngjae.
Youngjae’s eyes were practically sparkling. Mark felt his heart jump, just a bit, and nodded shakily. “So I’ll leave my phone number with you, yeah? Text me when you’re free.” Scrawling the number down on a random napkin, Mark set it down on the table and walked stiffly away, his heart starting to beat more quickly. He couldn’t force his face to turn towards Youngjae even if he wanted to.
A light hand landed on Mark’s, a hot breath against his ear. “I’ll text you.” Before he could react, the door jingled shut behind Youngjae. Mark watched him head into the night, his breath puffing out in the cold air, and allowed himself a small, gleeful smile. He might not know what the fuck was about to happen, but he would at least have fun with it.
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elysiumscenarios · 6 years
Moonstone [Hyuk]
“I’m going to turn the ground into a galaxy / So I can see the stars no matter where I look or go” -- VIXX; Shooting Star
You shivered slightly, pulling your hat more firmly on your head as you blew on your fingers to warm them. It maybe wasn’t the best time of year to come stargazing, but you were prepared. You hoped, anyways. Unscrewing the top off of your thermos and pouring yourself some hot chocolate, you stared up into the sky, a smile playing around your lips. It had taken a short hike to reach this hill a little further away from your house, but it was definitely worth it. Drinking in the peace and quiet of a night filled only with frogs croaking, crickets chirping, and the bounty of the sky above you, this was really one of your favorite ways to relax. Finishing the cup of cocoa, you put the top back on the thermos and laid down, staring up into the face of the moon; it was a beautiful crescent tonight.
Shifting your attention to the stars, you traced the most familiar constellations: Orion and the Big Dipper. Just as you started to piece together the zigzag pattern of Cassiopeia, you heard rustling behind you and froze. Panic began racing through your mind; you were still in the city, so there wouldn’t be anything dangerous nearby like...bears or something, right? It might be a dog. But dogs could be dangerous, too. A drunk person? A gangster? Your heart began hammering in your throat as you laid absolutely still, not sure whether making your presence known was a good idea or not.
The crunching and snapping of twigs finally stopped behind you, and you took a breath to steady yourself right as something tumbled headfirst onto your blanket with an ungainly “Oof!” Your jaw dropped open in surprise as a guy about your age sat up and shook his head furiously, freezing as soon as he saw you. “Err-”
“Umm...what are you doing here? Who are you? And where did you even come from?” The words tumbled out of your mouth as you scrambled to understand what was happening. The guy rubbed his head sheepishly.
“Well...it’s kind of a weird story. But I decided to go stargazing today. Oh, and my name’s Sanghyuk, but you can just call me Hyuk. Everyone does, anyways. And I came...from the street? But I got lost and it was dark and there were trees…” he mumbled, looking embarrassed. You couldn’t help the amused giggle that bubbled up from inside you. He looked like a lost puppy or something, especially with his hair all fluffed up from the fall.
Patting the blanket on the side of you, you offered Hyuk some hot chocolate. “I’m actually stargazing tonight, too. You can join me if you want.” As he enthusiastically agreed, you found your heart warming up to what seemed like a genuine guy. The two of you chatted as you stared up into the heavens, slowly opening up to each other. Hyuk talked about how he got into stargazing (a romantic drama, surprisingly, turned him onto the idea) and how his friends made fun of him for enjoying what they thought of as a “girly” hobby. It turned out that you both went to school nearby, though he lived in the next neighborhood over. He’d seen this hill on a jog one morning and decided he wanted to try and come back another time to stargaze, and that was how he’d ended up tumbling on your blanket. In return, you told him all about how you got into stargazing and how you’d been preparing for a perfectly clear night like tonight.
As you shared the hot chocolate and laid back to look into the heavens, a moment of quiet settled over the two of you. There was something inherently peaceful about just staring into the cosmos. After a moment, Hyuk finally spoke up. “Isn’t it nice to think that no matter where you are, you’re looking into the same sky as someone you love?”
Stifling a laugh, you turned your head in his direction. “Except if you’re in a different hemisphere.”
Hyuk made a small frustrated noise, and you liked to imagine he was pouting at that moment, though you couldn’t tell in the dark. “You know what I mean…”
Stretching your arms out above your head and to the side to get the kinks out of your joints, you accidentally brushed against Hyuk’s hand. “Ah,” you both said at the same time, and you immediately stammered out an apology as you pulled your hand back as quickly as humanly possible. You thanked heaven that it was so dark you basically couldn’t see, as your face was definitely brilliantly red. The feeling of his soft skin was still burning against your fingertips, even as you cradled your hand to your chest, too worried to put it next to yourself again. I sure hope he doesn’t think I’m creepy for that. Worrying your lip between your teeth, the silence hanging in the air suddenly felt much less peaceful and more awkward.
“Ummm...would you...want to go stargazing together at another time?” You started, surprised that Hyuk was the one to speak first. It wouldn’t have shocked you if he’d left without saying anything. You sat up on the blanket, turning in his direction in the dark. “I-I’d love that. Really.”
There was a shifting sound, as if he was moving around, and suddenly you felt warm fingers slowly slide across the top of your hand before giving you a small squeeze. “Great,” he whispered shakily. “Maybe we can swap phone numbers so we can...coordinate a time to meet?”
The light of your phone screens was blinding after spending so much time in near-darkness, but as you both exchanged numbers and shy smiles, something started to flutter in your chest. Packing up and heading your separate ways, you grinned as you stared up into the velvet sky. The night hadn’t turned out like you’d imagined it would; somehow, it was even better. You’d gained a new friend who had the same interests as you, and you could feel that it might be the beginning of something exciting. After all, weren’t both of you under the same sky?
Lorddd it’s been a hot minute since I’ve written any scenarios but bear with me? of course I decided to start a new series since i love to suffer LMAO
- Admin Syne
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elysiumscenarios · 7 years
Bubble Pop [V]
“My boy, my heart for you is already big like a bubble / Bubble bubble bubble pop!” -- Hyuna; Bubble Pop!
The timid class secretary poked her head into the meeting room and motioned for you to come outside. Rolling your eyes, you stood up and pushed the chair under the table, muttering to the vice president that you’d be right back. You had a strong suspicion you knew what she needed you to do.
“What’s up, Sunhee?” You asked quietly, shutting the door to the makeshift student government office behind you. She grimaced and leaned in.
“He’s on the roof again…” she whispered, looking uncomfortable. “And he’s scary-looking and doesn’t listen to anybody else but you…”
You pinched the bridge of your nose and let out a deep sigh. “Don’t worry, I’ll go take care of it. Again. Tell the others not to wait up for me.”
You quickly climbed the stairs to the roof and pushed open the door, ignoring the “DO NOT ENTER” sign in large red letters. You could already see him leaning against the building, a large pink bubble inflating between his lips. It popped suddenly all over his face, and he swore quietly, picking at the sticky pieces of gum. It was only when you walked over to him that he looked up, brushing his floppy bangs out of his face and grinning widely.
“Taehyung…do you really have to do this every other day? Would it kill you to go to class for once?” You sighed, gesturing for him to get off of the ground. Taehyung stood and wrapped his arms around you in a tight hug, practically bouncing up and down.
“My honey is so responsible!” he cooed, and you rolled your eyes.
“I’m the student council president, if I’m not responsible then nobody would be.” You gently unwrapped his arms from around your body and flicked him gently on the forehead. “Besides, we’re at school to go to class. Stop making life hard for your teachers and go to class, dummy.”
Taehyung pouted, nuzzling his head against your face. “But it’s boring, and plus I know all of the material already. I get good grades.”
You frowned and stroked his hair gently. “That’s not the point. Try to be a little nicer to your poor teachers, alright? It’s hard for them and for me if you’re always skipping. Plus, I don’t know how you always manage to convince people that you’re a scary delinquent when you’re basically a hyperactive puppy, but try not to scare Sunhee anymore, either.”
Taehyung stuck his tongue out at you and bounced towards the door. “Fine, if it would make you happy…”
You followed him, shaking your head. “It’s not about what would make me happy, it’s about getting a good education so that you’ll have choices in life…” You immediately started your usual spiel as the two of you strode down the hallways back towards classes. Taehyung at least acted like he was listening attentively, nodding his head along to the points you were making, but stopped suddenly as you reached the front of his classroom.
“See, I’m going back in now. I’ll see you after school so we can get ice cream!” Taehyung leaned in suddenly and gave you a sweet peck on the lips, causing you to flush red and wave your hand at him.
“Don’t do that here! We’re in school! Get into your classroom,” you hissed, covering your mouth with a hand. He smirked and blew a kiss at you before sliding the door open and heading inside. You leaned against the wall and closed your eyes, steadying your breathing and waiting for your heart to stop pounding. If he was an idiot, well...so were you. You both knew that you’d do this song and dance again tomorrow, but in some ways, you couldn’t bring yourself to care. Smiling to yourself, you headed back in the direction of the student council room, a slight skip in your step. The end of the school day couldn’t come soon enough.
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elysiumscenarios · 7 years
😭😭😭😭 im crying uglyly because reading your newest fic about Youngjae gahhh he was my ultimate bae in B.A.P and seeing him soo empty it broken my kokoro... huhuhu great job love
Ahhh sorry it made you sad! I’m glad it can provoke an emotional response though! :) Thanks for reading!
- Admin Syne
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elysiumscenarios · 7 years
100 [Youngjae]
“You can’t always deny it / It’s time to wake up from your dream / (Even chasing after your dream / Became a waste of time) -- B.A.P.; Dystopia
His circuits sparked and fizzled, and his eyes opened slowly. There wasn’t enough battery left in his system to be able to move anything other than his head. Turning his head to the side, he saw that he was still in the same place as before. Arm bent at an unnatural angle, legs half covered in debris and trash. A rat skittered across his chest, and he turned his head back the other way. His other arm was detached and lying a few inches away from the socket, and he could barely make out the etchings along the upper arm.
Model 01203, Youngjae. Property of me <3
Youngjae closed his eyes, directing some of his battery power into his memory bank and pulling one of the videos she had recorded for him.
The video was fragmented and jittery, but he could still make out her face and her brilliant smile.
“Heya, is this thing on? Hi there! Youngjae, you’re my...adopted child, I guess? Can you believe they were just going to throw you out? But I’ve fixed you right up and you should be running like normal now! But…” Here she held a finger up to her lips. “We have to be really careful with you. I don’t need to be upsetting the wrong people.”
He hadn’t known that they would come for her. He hadn’t been prepared that day when they’d charged through the door and shut him down. The final thing his camera had recorded was her screaming, crying face as she reached out to him as they dragged her away. And it was all because of a tiny, tiny thing. That one locked folder on his CPU that, no matter how hard he’d tried, he couldn’t delete. He didn’t tell her about it, because it hadn’t seemed important at the time. But it ended up being the most important thing.
She had brought him back to life, restored him to functionality, and given him new purpose. He hadn’t been able to do anything for her but get her taken away from him.
Youngjae stopped the recording and opened his eyes again, staring up at the sky between the gritty brick buildings. Grey clouds were rolling over above him, and he could almost feel the humidity gathering. Rain was coming, one of his true weaknesses. As soon as the first few drops hit, his circuitry would be fried forevermore, possibly even irreplaceable. Eventually, over time, his parts would be stripped by the urchins that roamed the alleyways looking for anything valuable. He would be left as a pile of useless junk, rusting in the stinking refuse.  
He wanted to see her again. See her smile, listen to her talking endlessly about the food she’d eaten, the movies she’d watched, the research she’d conducted. Closing his eyes again, Youngjae brought up the remaining movies he still had on the undamaged parts of his memory bank, running through tape after tape of her talking. Despite the fact that he couldn’t feel emotion, there was a sense of emptiness inside that worried him. He wanted to see her again. He wanted her to come back. To get him and take him home and tell him that everything was alright, that they were safe again. But it had been weeks, weeks without seeing another person, unknown or not. Youngjae had a foreboding sense that she wasn’t safe, but there was nothing he could do and nobody he could ask for help. What a useless hunk of metal he was.
The first drop of rain landed with a light “plip” against his chest, and Youngjae couldn’t do anything but stare helplessly at it as it slid slowly down his torso. Leaning his head back fully against the rubble, he closed his eyes and tried to ignore the ominous rumbling of thunder overhead.
Please be safe. Please be alive. Please...come back.
Ahhh the final installment of my series!! It’s been a while since I started it, but I hope they weren’t too out there. Next I think I might work on a Harry Potter inspired one :)
- Admin Syne
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elysiumscenarios · 7 years
Mid-February [Hyunsik]
“So, babe, what do you think about...February?”
Hyunsik looked up from his laptop and tilted his head, confused, his floppy hair falling to the side. “It’s a short month? Uhhh...why do you want to know?”
You waved your hands in front of your face. “No reason, no reason…” you mumbled, biting your lip in thought. February, huh? Hyunsik had already returned to his work, typing quickly away, seemingly innocent of all the thoughts racing through your mind. You and Hyunsik had been dating for less than a year now, and this would be your first Valentine’s Day together. You’d hoped to do something special together, but...that was if Hyunsik cared about Valentine’s. You slid off of the chair as you walked back to the living room to think, mumbling to yourself as your mind ran through potential plans of action, not noticing Hyunsik watching you leave.
A week had ticked by and you were getting increasingly worried. You’d left Hyunsik several hints (some incredibly not subtle) by wearing pink three days in a row, slowly increasing the amount of flowers around the apartment, and leaving heart-shaped chocolate laying on the table. Hyunsik had simply raised his eyebrows and noted that you were very ready for spring before grabbing the chocolate off of the counter and scarfing it all down. You swore you were ready to pull your hair out in frustration. How could one person be that dense?!
It was time for Plan D. If this didn’t work, you were going to give up and just resign yourself to the fact that your boyfriend just wasn’t interested in Valentine’s Day. After all, there were only three days left before the holiday itself.
The next day, you bought a cute little teddy bear and brought it back to the apartment, setting it very obviously on the middle of the dining room table. It was holding a red heart and would say “I love you” if you pressed its tummy. It was freaking adorable, and most importantly, was obviously a Valentine’s Day gift. Even Hyunsik couldn’t mistake it for anything else, right?
By the time Hyunsik got home you had made him a nice, warm meal of spaghetti in meat sauce. You could tell that he’d had a frustrating day as he rubbed his eyes and kicked off his shoes, but as soon as he saw you and the dinner you’d prepared, his face broke into his signature grin. Hyunsik walked over and wrapped you in a hug, kissing you gently on the top of your head. “Thanks for cooking tonight, love. It’s been a stressful day.”
You nodded and pushed him away gently. “Eat now before it gets cold! We can hug later!” Hyunsik laughed and sat down, and as you ate, he surveyed the bear sitting in the middle of the table.
“Is that for me?”
You nodded and pushed it towards him. “A present for you!”
Hyunsik picked the bear up and patted its head. “Aww, what’s the occasion? I know…”
You held your breath in anticipation, waiting to hear the V-D words coming out of his own mouth.
“...it’s an early birthday present! Aww, babe, you didn’t have to. There’s still less than a month to go!”
You couldn’t help but let out a sigh of defeat, mentally throwing your hands in the air. “Do you like it?”
Hyunsik grinned and nodded, placing it on his lap for the rest of the meal as he practically slurped up the spaghetti. You ate slowly, feeling your excitement dwindle away. You were lucky enough to have the day off on Valentine’s Day, which meant you could sleep in, eat chocolate, do a face mask, and watch a romantic movie by yourself. Hyunsik apparently had no interest, but that wouldn’t stop you from enjoying the day yourself.
You awoke groggily on the morning of the 14th, feeling Hyunsik sit up besides you. Grumbling to yourself, you pulled the blankets back around your body as he got out of the bed.
“I’m heading to work, honey. Don’t you want to kiss me goodbye?” Hyunsik leaned over and put his body weight on you. You groaned in response.
“Let me sleep! I barely ever get a day off...I’m spending this one relaxing.”
Hyunsik chuckled and pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead. “Have a good day off!”
After Hyunsik left, you slept in for another hour and a half and slowly got out of bed, tossing on your most comfortable day-off clothes. You grabbed the box of chocolate you’d hidden on top of the refrigerator (away from Hyunsik’s grabby hands) and plopped down on the couch, choosing one of the cheesiest romantic comedies you owned.
After finishing that movie, you stretched and stood up, looking for some ramyun to make for lunch. After opening all of the cabinets in the kitchen, you groaned as you realized that Hyunsik had eaten the last pack yesterday. Sliding on your shoes, you grabbed your wallet and headed to the nearest convenience store.
You mumbled a greeting to the clerk at the checkout desk as you shuffled into the aisle with the ramyun, seeing your favorite brand right at the end. Squatting down, you reached out to grab the nearest pack, something small fluttering off of the top as you did so. Raising your eyebrows, you grabbed the small slip of folded-over paper that had your name on it.
Look at the back of the store for the roses <3
You narrowed your eyes suspiciously and flipped the paper over, but there was no indication of who had left it. Standing back up, you headed to the back of the store and immediately spotted a red rose with a ribbon and a piece of paper tied to its stem.
Go two blocks down the street to the little cafe, and show them this rose. Don’t worry, I already paid for the rose ;)
You snorted, shaking your head. Half of you was definitely suspicious of whomever was leaving you messages, but the other half of you was curious enough to go with it. Paying for the ramen and heading out the door with the rose, you found a small cafe about where the note had said it would be. Entering, the worker at the counter bowed and pulled a box out from behind the counter, handing it to you
“This is for you, I believe.”
You thanked them slowly, staring at the box in curiosity before sitting down at a nearby table. Pulling the note off of the top, you read it as you opened the box.
A sweet treat for a sweet person :P
You giggled to yourself as a beautiful slice of cake was revealed, immediately grabbing the plastic fork inside the box and digging in. Even if this “mysterious” person wasn’t who you thought it was, there wasn’t a high chance that they’d poison you, right?
You took the first bite of cake and closed your eyes in happiness, savoring the sweetness against your tongue. Suddenly, hands slid over your eyes. You barely managed to stifle a squeak of surprise, and panic quickly ran through you as you thought about how to get out of the situation. However, the hands felt warm and familiar, and you relaxed slowly.
The hands dropped from around your eyes and you tilted your head back to meet his eyes. He smiled a wide, gummy smile and pressed a kiss to your forehead.
You shook your head in mock disappointment. “You’re not supposed to scare your girlfriend half to death, dummy.”
Hyunsik scratched the back of his head awkwardly and took a seat across from you. “Err...sorry? You knew it was me, though!”
You aimed a gentle kick at him under the table and took another bite of cake. “Not at first, though! You could’ve been anyone! Also, I thought you had a photoshoot today?”
Hyunsik shook his head. “I have the day off, actually, so I thought I’d spend my Valentine’s Day with you.”
You narrowed your eyes at him. “You knew.”
Hyunsik laughed into his hand, his eyes curving upwards. “It was pretty hard to forget, with you reminding me every second and all…”
A flush ran over your cheeks as you stuffed another bite of cake into your mouth. “I thought you were just exceedingly dense!”
The next few seconds passed in a peaceful silence, you eating cake and Hyunsik watching you, chin resting on his linked hands. Once the slice was finished, Hyunsik stood and held a hand out to you, pulling you up to him.
“Are you ready to see the rest of your presents?”
As you slid your fingers between his and headed out the door, you smiled to yourself and decided that he wasn’t half bad, after all.
probably should’ve written this in February but ehhhh welllll I didn’t lmao
- Admin Syne
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elysiumscenarios · 7 years
Yayy its me again, back with new request /shamelessly walksin/ im gonna request for Daehyun again since B.A.P cmeback is near, the plot is the continue for my first request if i can... everyday Daehyun give her a flowers with a special meaning after two months of getting know her, Daehyun finally reveal his true colour if she really love him or not after that is up to you~♡ thank you, hope my plot not confuse u^^
I'm so excited for this continuation! Don't worry the plot's not confusing at all. Thank you so much for requesting and I hope you like this one as much as the first one! ~Admin Key
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elysiumscenarios · 7 years
Unfledged [Sungyeol]
“New month, new intentions, new goals, new love, new light, and new beginnings.” -- April Mae Monterrosa
The first thing Sungyeol saw was a halo of brilliant light that wreathed a head of dark, beautiful hair. She was sitting across the classroom in front of the window, hands clasped on top of her desk. People milled about all around the classroom, but Sungyeol couldn’t tear his eyes away from her. It was the first day of school in Sungyeol’s senior year, the early buds of an azalea opening in the courtyard. A day of firsts.
Then her head turned, and her eyes met Sungyeol’s gaze. He immediately turned his head down to his desk, squeezing his eyes shut.
Palms sweaty. Heart pounding. The heat of the early morning sun creeping, creeping across the classroom. The chatter of conversation flowing through the classrooms and hallways. Old friends and new friends. New...new? The feeling of something deep, deep within his chest beginning to unfurl tiny, delicate wings.
Sungyeol peeked up out of the corner of his eye. The girl was still watching him, but soon turned her head back towards the warmth outside. Sungyeol let out a long, near-silent breath and focused his eyes on his hands. He slowly let his eyes slide shut as he contemplated the tiny, warm, living feeling that was fluttering around in his chest. He mentally tried to cup his hands around it, but it slipped through his fingers and danced just out of reach. Sungyeol reached out his fingers. If he could only just touch it, just once…!
A hand clapped him heavily on the shoulder, breaking Sungyeol out of his reverie. The fluttering thing disappeared, curling its wings around itself and winking out of sight. Biting back the urge to curse at whomever had disrupted him, he turned around to see a couple of his friends waiting expectantly for him to accompany them to the school store. Of course, he’d forgotten.
Sungyeol stood up abruptly, his chair scraping the tiled floor with a nasty screech. He pushed it back silently and followed behind his friends, only hesitating at the doorway of the classroom. He stared back at the girl, still seated at the window and staring outside, and there was the barest movement from deep within his heart. Stifling a smile, Sungyeol caught back up to his friends with a few hops and fell in stride. Whatever this was, Sungyeol had the feeling that it would soon reveal itself to him.  
Emerging into the bright spring sunshine, Sungyeol cupped a hand above his eyes and looked up at the azalea tree by the classroom, its early buds waving in the breeze. Beyond that window, a girl sat, surrounded by light. It was a new year. A new class. A new light. A new beginning.
For my own writing sanity I needed to write something a lil more artsy haha...I need to get back into my own style a little more :)
- Admin Syne
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elysiumscenarios · 7 years
Sweeter than Sweet [Daehyun]
Over the years Daehyun had become disillusioned. Blood and carnage had stained his world view crimson, tinting everything red. He’d grown to hate the color and the light pink that the water would run as he cleaned himself of the blood of those that had crossed him. Being a Mafioso was hard work. At times it left him drained and lamenting his lack of innocence. Though he was young he had been in this life for the majority of his time on earth, having been brought in when Yongguk and Himchan decided to take the scrawny ten year old under their wing. Needless to say, he had lost his innocence long ago.
Now he sat in his office, looking after some unfinished business Yongguk had left for him. He rubbed his eyes tiredly as he fought back a yawn; it wasn’t too late in the evening, but he’d gone for too long without sleep. Himchan usually nagged him about his sleeping habits, but with a big shipment of guns coming in from a business associate at the end of the month the older member had understood the necessity of forgoing sleep. Everything needed to be perfect. Daehyun felt sluggish; normally he would’ve worked through it, too proud to take a break. However, the columns on the excel spreadsheets had begun to meld together.  
With a sigh Daehyun resigned himself to the inevitable reality he was facing: he needed to take a break. He leaned back in his office chair with a sigh, his stiff neck creaking slightly as he did. His eyes were drawn to movement in the window near his desk. It faced the street, giving him an excellent view of not only pedestrians but also the bakery that had just opened recently. It was small, but well trafficked despite having had its grand opening two months ago. It had gained a rather fervent following of loyal customers during that time. They frequented often enough that Daehyun had begun to recognize their cars and faces. Originally the gang had been concerned about the traffic, the bakery could have very easily been a front for a rival gang. However, Yongguk upon going to the bakery and meeting the owner had decided to adopt the apparently sweet and demure young woman. Daehyun smiled fondly remembering the lecture Yongguk had given the members of B.A.P. about keeping her safe; Himchan had laughed outright and called their boss a softie. Yongguk had cuffed him upside the head and barked at everyone to get back to work.
Daehyun sighed and leaned forward, resting his elbow on his desk and his cheek in his palm as he stared wistfully out of the window. The bakery’s owner came into view briefly, smiling and waving at a customer as they left the store with a box in hand. Daehyun’s smile grew, he knew what was in the box. The bakery’s owner had built her entire reputation on her phenomenal cheesecakes. Though everything else the bakery made was always amazing the cheesecakes were the star attraction. Every day the bakery case was lined with a large variety of them; each cake equal parts decadent and comforting.  The cheesecake, and curiosity, had originally been what brought Daehyun into the shop, but he had stayed for the owner. From having seen her he knew she was beautiful, but when she was working in the bakery she looked positively radiant while doing what she loved. She had smiled at him that day and it had immediately alleviated his bad mood. Before he knew it Daehyun had developed an affection for her, a “crush” that Youngjae had routinely poked fun at him for. Despite his frequent trips to the bakery he still hadn’t had the opportunity to talk to her; she’d retreated to the back and left her assistant to handle the orders shortly after he’d walked in.
Daehyun glanced down at the papers, he’d decided he’d given up. He needed a break and stood up abruptly. The chair dragged across the floor, creaking slightly. He adjusted his gun in its holster and put his leather jacket on. The jacket concealed the firearm from view and clung to his shoulders. He left the office without bothering to wake up Jungup who was sleeping near the door. The evening ari was crisp, a cool breeze blew through as soon as Daehyun stepped outside. He walked quickly across the street and into the bakery, waiting to say hi to the owner and maybe try and get her phone number. She still stood in the front of the shop when he walked in. She was smiling brightly as she handed the customer their plate of cheesecake. She glanced over at him and he smiled at her, wanting to appear less intimidating. She smiled shyly, almost hesitantly back at him. He glanced at the case of cheesecakes as he started to approach the counter.
He’d had the lemon one last time and it was delicious. He’d heard Yongguk rave about the dark chocolate fudge cheesecake before. Zelo and Himchan were both partial to the raspberry while Jungup had recommended the passionfruit. Youngjae had nearly gotten shot by Yongguk because he wouldn’t shut up about the salted caramel crumble.  He decided on the dark chocolate and looked up, ready to order.
However, instead of seeing the woman that had occupied his thoughts since he walked in here the first time he saw the assistant. He was a younger man, still in his teens whose fringe fell in front of his eyes. He smiled kindly and took Daehyun’s order. Though pleased to get his cheesecake, Daehyun was disappointed. He took his cheesecake and sat in a booth, fully intending to drown his sorrows in cheesecake. We took a bite of the dark chocolate treat and found his eyes slipping closed from bliss as the taste spread across his tongue. He opened his eyes to see her back in the front of the store, glancing at him out of the corner of her eye. He smiled at her and she ducked back into the kitchen.
Daehyun frowned a little bit and returned his attention the cheesecake. At least it could console him. He finished the cheesecake quickly and returned to the office in a slightly better mood than when he left. Jongup was wounded that he hadn’t woken him to get cheesecake; Daehyun chuckled at the younger man and cuffed him on the back of the head affectionately, telling him to get back to work.
The next night Daehyun was in a downright foul mood. Zelo had gotten injured during a deal, an addict had thought they could get the maknae to give them extra if they jumped him. Zelo had stumbled back with a black eye and a sore jaw; the addict had not walked away from the encounter without assistance. Himchan had nearly gotten arrested for something mildly stupid and Yongguk had spent the afternoon in Daehyun’s office chewing him out for not getting enough info out of the man they were holding in the basement. He had been tired and covered in the rival cartel member’s blood when he emerged from “interrogating” him, only to be met with Yongguk’s slightly panicked wrath.
So Daehyun cleaned himself up, grumbled that he was going out to Youngjae and went to the bakery. He took a deep breath before he walked in; he didn’t want to look like he was about to kill someone even if he currently felt inclined to do so. He walked in with a somewhat forced smiled on his face, hoping that maybe he could finally speak to the owner. She took one look at him, squeaked audibly and nearly ran into the back. Daehyun frowned, puzzled by her behavior. He glanced at his reflection in the glass case, he didn’t think he’d missed a spot of blood but it wouldn’t hurt to check. Sure enough, his face was blood free and he just looked confused. The assistant smiled at him as he was unceremoniously shoved out of the back by the owner. He was chuckling slightly as he did. He held a plate of cheesecake in his hand and placed it on the counter in front of Daehyun. The Mafioso looked at the teen in confusion and glanced down at the plate. On it sat a large piece of the coffee cheesecake, drizzled with chocolate.
“Noona said to give you this, on the house.” The assistant said, still chuckling lightly.
Daehyun thanked the kid and picked up the cheesecake, still very confused at what had just transpired. He walked over to his usual booth and took a seat, staring wistfully at the cheesecake. He wondered why she had avoided him yet again; the attempts to get around him had become increasingly obvious and Daehyun felt dejected. He wanted to talk to her but it seemed as though she was scared of him. Rightly so given his profession, but it hurt the young man nonetheless. He wondered how she might’ve figured out that he was in the mafia; Yongguk hadn’t said anything to her about being the boss of B.A.P. when he was in the bakery for the first time and none of the members had done anything to imply they were not law abiding citizens. Daehyun sighed and continued to stare at the cheesecake, as if the free slice of dessert could offer any insight into the owner’s behavior. In his intense staring contest with the cheesecake he didn’t notice the woman he had spent so long admiring being shoved towards his table by the assistant, a mischievous look in his eyes. The woman squeaked a little as she was unceremoniously brought before the Mafioso, who had yet to look up.
The assistant gestured for her to say hi, and she shook her head, face slowly heating up as she stood near him. The assistant rolled his eyes, utterly done with how childishly his boss was acting and cleared his throat, loudly. The sound attracted the attention of Daehyun, who turned just as the assistant dove behind the counter out of view. The owner smiled at him timidly and Daehyun blinked in confusion before he processed that he finally had the opportunity to talk to her.
“Hi.” She said timidly, a blush adorning her face.
Daehyun thought it was the cutest thing he’d ever seen and he smiled at her. “Care to sit?”
She shook her head vehemently, and Daehyun sighed a little, eyes downcast. She wanted nothing to do with him. A soft “oh no” escaped her lips as Daehyun looked down. He pulled his gaze back up to see her looking at him with a fond look.
“S-sorry…I…” She stammered. She took a deep breath and composed herself and smiled at him once more. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you look so sad…”
Daehyun chuckled and shook his head. “It’s nothing really, I just wanted to compliment you on your wonderful cheesecakes but I’m sure you’re busy.”
             “Oh no I’m not that busy.” She remarked off handedly, trying to regain her composure.
             “I just thought you might be since you seem to avoid me.” Daehyun retorted. He had wanted to call attention to the fact that he’d noticed, not embarrass her. However, the comment seemed to have caused a deep blush to appear on the young woman’s face.
             “I—“ Before she could explain she was cut off by the cackle of her assistant who was watching them from behind the counter.
             “She’s not busy, she’s just thinks about you naked too often to look you in the eye!” The younger man cackled, nearly doubled over with laughter as he watched his boss turn a deep scarlet.
             “Yah! Jeon Jungkook!” She shouted at the cackling boy.
             “Sorry Noona.” Came the melodious, laughing reply as the young man left to go into the back of the bakery, leaving the two alone.
             “So…you think about me naked?” Daehyun asked, chuckling.
             “I…he…it’s your fault!” She yelled, clearly flustered by the revelation.
             “You moan every time you put a piece of cheesecake in your mouth and it sounds like you’re about to have an orgasm you delinquent!”
             Daehyun paused, blinking as he considered her words. A wolfish grin spread across his face as he eyed the cheesecake placed before him. The young woman glared at him and then dessert, she snatched it from in front of him and he laughed.
             “You’re so cute when you’re flustered.” Daehyun admitted, watching her with a fond look.
             She blushed deeply and slammed the plate back onto the table. Daehyun laughed and caught her hand as she looked around to see if she could try and make her escape.
             “Can I buy you dinner?” Daehyun asked gently, standing up from his seat.
             She nodded gently, blushing and hitting him gently in the chest. “Only if you promise to stop moaning whenever you come in here…”
             Daehyun laughed and nodded. “I think I can manage that.”
Sorry this took so long! I hope you enjoy! 
~Admin Key
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elysiumscenarios · 7 years
Numerative [Hyunseong]
“Once you start counting calories, it takes away from the joy of eating.” -- Mireille Guiliano
    “...chicken breast, 110 calories.” You put the cap back on your pen and sat back, looking in satisfaction at the neat list of meals for the week. Everything was sorted by calorie count and meal, and there was no way that you’d go over the daily calorie count.
    As you looked across the table at your boyfriend, he stared back at you, something akin to pity in his eyes.
    “What’s the deal, Hyunseong?” you asked, closing the cover of your notebook. He shrugged.
    “Just thinking about how you’re refusing to eat my cupcakes because you’re doing this diet.”
    You let out a sigh, leaning across the table and patting his hand comfortingly. “You know I love your baking...maybe a little too much, though. I’ve put on some weight lately and I need to get rid of it!”
    Hyunseong frowned. “I think you look fine.”
    Rolling your eyes, you leaned back and stood up. “Of course you do, honey.”
    You knew that the first meal would be hard, but perhaps you underestimated exactly how hard it was going to be. As you stared down at your plate of a plain chicken breast and steamed spinach, you closed your eyes and tried your hardest not to stare longingly at the galbi on Hyunseong’s side of the table. His incredulous “you don’t even want a bowl of rice?” question echoed in your head, and you winced.
    No! You shook your head and picked up your utensils. I’m not going to be beaten. This is for the best.
    The spinach went down easy enough, but the chicken, seasoned only sparingly with salt and pepper, was a different challenge. Despite how good of a cook Hyunseong was, even he couldn’t fix the blandness that was that chicken breast. You went slowly but determinedly, ignoring Hyunseong’s slightly amused stare from across the table. You could do this, damn it.
    You’d managed to survive three days on small portion sizes and barely flavored food before the real challenge came. Before the diet, you and Hyunseong had a routine of ordering pizza and watching movies on Wednesday nights. However...tonight you’d planned to be eating steamed fish and zucchini. Hyunseong had looked pretty skeptical when you’d asked him to make that for you on pizza night, but he’d done it anyways. Just as you settled in front of the tv with your steaming plate of food, Hyunseong returned with the pizza, and you froze.
    It smelled like heaven. You suddenly seemed to develop some kind of super-smelling power, because you swore you could smell the cheese, the hot tomato sauce, the yeasty crust...everything. The plate of food in your hands seemed so colorless and unattractive now.
    Hyunseong seemed to know what you were thinking (and you probably looked a lot like a ravenous hyena right about then) as he smirked and set the pizza box on the table, opening it and grabbing a slice. You nearly moaned in frustration. Why did God have to make all of the most delicious things the most unhealthy?
    Stabbing a piece of zucchini in frustration, you stuffed it into your mouth and nearly gagged on it. Compared to the warm, beautiful pizza just feet away from you, it tasted like pure nothingness. Your chopsticks hovering right above the pale white fish, you finally sighed and set the plate down.
    “Fine! I give up. You were right, I couldn’t do it. I love pizza far too much…” you groaned, throwing yourself towards Hyunseong and the pizza. Winding an arm around his, you gave him the best puppy-dog eyes you could muster. He laughed and stroked your hair briefly.
    “I was willing to support you as long as you wanted to do this, but...I think it’s much better when you can eat the food you want to eat.” Hyunseong pressed a kiss to the top of your head and offered you a slice of pizza, which you eagerly grabbed and sat up to eat. Your eyes rolled back in your head as the taste of salt and cheese hit your tongue, the flavors you’d been missing the past few days making it an emotional experience. As you chewed, you thought about how good food was, and how much you’d really taken pizza for granted.
    “I think...I’ll start going to the gym everyday instead! Then I can still eat the pizza!” you declared through a full mouth of food. Hyunseong chuckled uneasily and muttered something about “not lasting long” under his breath. You glared at him in mock-anger and turned away, already starting to form your schedule in your mind. After all, it was simple. You’d only have to do cardio on Monday, Wednesday...
what this has nothing to do with hyunseong’s character in gogo ikemen 5 pshhh
- Admin Syne
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elysiumscenarios · 7 years
143 [Himchan]
“Even your heart / That revealed the hidden me / I want to check your love / This feeling that you’re giving me - B.A.P.; Body & Soul
Click. Whirr whirr whirr. Beep.
System booting.
Light flickered into existence behind its eyes, and there was a sharp intake of breath that the microphone picked up. Suddenly, half of the light disappeared and a clunk was heard. Swiveling, the eye tried to train itself on the face in front of it, which quickly disappeared.
“Ahh, shit! That’s okay, that’s okay. I just need to put it in better.” The face reappeared, dusting off a round orb, and hands reached up to put the other eye back in. The light appeared once more, and the face’s mouth curved upwards.
Turning, the human grabbed a recording device off of the table and pressed a button, talking fast. “October 15, trial number 129873 is successful, finally! Prototype 01, nicknamed “Himchan”, is fully operational! There was a...slight mishap with one of the eyepieces falling out, but it has been resecured. All systems are online, and there are no bugs yet. I think...I might’ve done it.”
The human set down the recording device and let out an odd noise, something Prototype 01’s system catalogued as “excitement”. It turned back towards Prototype 01, and its mouth moved upwards again. A smile, Prototype 01’s database answered quickly. You should replicate the motion.
Prototype 01 replicated the motion, its synthetic skin moving into a smile. The human seemed pleased with the action. “Himchan, I guess you’re working alright! Was that a reaction to my own smile? I tried my best to make a system that would learn from human actions and customs, but...it’s been hard to test without you working yet.”
“Himchan…?” Prototype 01’s mouth produced sound and enunciated the syllables of the foreign words.
“Yes, that’s your name. Refer to yourself as Himchan, and tell others to call you that, too.”
Himchan nodded in understanding. The human looked pleased. “Now we’re doing to conduct a series of tests to make sure you’re working properly. Raise your left arm...yes. Alright, now can you move every finger individually…?”
Himchan’s internal clock informed him that 2 hours and 13 minutes had passed since the beginning of the tests, and the human was typing tirelessly away at her computer as he sat there. Since he had been activated, she had put in a large amount of information into his system, and it was then that he understood that he was to be sent into space in order to perform maintenance on machinery there. Data flooded into his mind as he was informed about the exact dimensions of the spacecraft, problem areas, the kind of material it was made of, and approximately 1,294 other sets of information.
Data entry complete, the human stood and stretched, looking back at Himchan with a happy smile on her face. “I’ve been struggling for the past couple of years to make a working prototype, and now I have you. I love you, Himchan.”
The words entered Himchan’s database and bounced around. “Love?” It was a word he had a definition for, but his definition also stated that it was a complex feeling humans experienced. “What does your ‘love’ mean?”
The human laughed and rubbed her head in a manner that translated to “awkward”. “It means I have a great deal of affection for you, Himchan. After all, you’re the product of my endless research and many sleepless nights. So, I love you.”
Humans enjoy it when their feelings are returned, Himchan’s database chirped. “I love you too,” he returned simply. The human laughed, and laughed, and laughed, though Himchan could see nothing funny about what he had said.
She walked over to him and rubbed him on the head. “I’m sure you’re going to be great with the astronauts you’ll work with. You’re going to do amazing things.”
The conversation was confusing and not logical, but Himchan nodded regardless and catalogued it within his system so that he could refer to it in the future. “Then, if I do amazing things, they will thank you for having created me, and everybody will love you.”
The human made a musical tone in her throat and looked pleased. “Perhaps. But this might be the start of a new scientific age, and you, Himchan, are the future.”
I apologize that my writing’s all kinds of a mess right now, as I’m still getting back into it and I haven’t quite found my groove yet lol. But that just means I’ll keep doing it until I do!
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elysiumscenarios · 7 years
My Revelation [Hyunseong]
“Lo! Who walks by yonder garden wall?!”
“It is...I, the great, uh, master thief?”
The script was snatched out of Hyunseong’s hands, a quiet protest escaping his lips.
“No, no, no! That’s not how you do it at all. You’re the best thief in the world, and you’ve been all around the globe stealing the most valuable artifacts. You’ve got to be confident, and sassy, because you’ve never been caught and you don’t believe you will be anytime soon,” she scolded. Hyunseong sighed as she continued her monologue, her hands flying everywhere. His eyes wandered over her face, taking in her lively eyes and soft pink lips. He flushed suddenly as he became aware of his own staring, looking down at his hands and pulling his sheet music closer to him.
“...and that’s how you act the part! Got it?” “Drama girl” puffed up with pride at her own explanation, and Hyunseong just laughed awkwardly.
“I...don’t think I’m good at this whole acting thing, honestly,” Hyunseong muttered. She looked incredulous.
“Wh-what?? Anybody can be an actor! Though, you’re a bit more stiff than most are...but it’s okay! We can practice.” The confidence in her voice made Hyunseong smile slightly, but he shook his head nonetheless. “C’mon...please?”
Hyunseong pulled his composition notebook in front of him and pointed at the cover. “This one is what I’m good at. I’m really just...happy to watch you act.” The sudden confession surprised even him, and he felt his face redden as he realized what he’d said. Luckily, drama girl was off in her own world, contemplating something, and Hyunseong let out a sigh of relief as he started working on his composition.
Waving goodbye to Donghyun as he stepped into the piano room, Hyunseong nearly ran straight into drama girl as he turned around. There was a sparkle in her eye that signalled some sort of plot, and Hyunseong felt his heartbeat speed up.
She grabbed his hand in excitement. “I have a great plan! You see, I’m working on writing a play that’s set in the early Joseon Dynasty, and you’re a traditional music major! Isn’t that perfect?”
The words she was saying barely registered as the heat of her hand travelled through Hyunseong’s arm and, seemingly, straight into the core of his being. Lightheaded, he simply nodded. She grinned and started talking animatedly about something, but Hyunseong couldn’t focus on the words, closing his eyes briefly as he enjoyed the warmth filling his chest, bright and clean as the sun.
The next few days were a haze to Hyunseong; all he could remember was the frenzy of composition, the notes that poured from his mind to his fingers to the page. He composed at all hours of the day, even during his other classes, something that earned him a stern talking-to from Mrs. Kim. Donghyun just laughed at him and said he was “whipped”, but Hyunseong shrugged and kept going. He could see it already: the happy smile and enthusiastic praise that would rain down on him when he was finished, the hug that he would receive.
Hyunseong composed the entire soundtrack in a week. As the last strains of music faded from his head and his hand stilled, he leaned his head back and let out a long sigh. Rubbing his wrist, Hyunseong smiled tiredly and stared up at the ceiling. He felt completely drained but entirely content. Slowly gathering together the pile of papers, Hyunseong made his way back to the piano room he’d been avoiding for the past week.
She was sitting there as usual, chewing on a strand of hair and studying a playbook intently. As Hyunseong shut the door behind him, the slight click made her look up.
“Hey, I haven’t seen you around. Doing well?” she asked, tucking the hair behind an ear.
Hyunseong wordlessly held the stack of papers out to her. She looked intrigued and confused, but accepted them and began leafing through.
“Wow, this is...wow. Really good stuff. If we could have this playing here, and put this piece there…” she murmured, eyebrows raised. She looked through the papers for another second before setting them down carefully on the piano. “Thank you,” she whispered, and suddenly launched forwards and caught Hyunseong in a hug.
He almost fell backwards with surprise, but righted himself and awkwardly held his arms above her body. Was it weird to hug her back? Would it be okay?
After a few seconds of drama girl not letting go, Hyunseong let his arms slowly come to rest around her torso. “Umm, you’re welcome. I hope it’s okay…” he muttered shyly, trying not to get too close to her face. She looked up at him, a brilliant smile spreading across her face.
“It’s perfect! Everything I could’ve wanted and more. I knew I could count on you, traditional music boy.”
Finally, she let him out of the embrace, the heat of her body still lingering against Hyunseong’s bare arms. He coughed slightly and started edging out of the doorway, the embarrassment catching up with him. Drama girl had already begun working again, tapping the pencil against the piano as she got lost in thought.
Hyunseong had almost left the room when a small bud of light blinked to life in his mind. “Umm, hey. Would it be okay if...you let me compose some more music for you in the future…?”
She turned her head to look at him. Hyunseong almost felt like shrinking under that unyielding gaze, but forced himself to stay still. Finally, a gentle, almost loving smile worked its way across her lips.
“I’d love that.”
So uhh I kind of wrote a sequel to My Inspiration, and it’s not as good as my original but here it is anyways :’)
- Admin Syne
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elysiumscenarios · 7 years
Uhm are your request box is open? If its open can i request scenario for Daehyun? The plot is what if he was a mafia who fall in love with the girl who bake cheseecake across the street everyday he eat those cake not only because its delicious but also because he want to meet her but one day she start to avoiding him, he thinks the reason she avoiding him is because she knows he was a mafia and after that is up to you^^ thx, hope my plot not confuse you ;) thank you very much~♡
The request box is open darlin~ Welcome! I will be taking this request and I’m really excited for this! The plot didn’t confuse me at all, it was perfectly clear. Thanks for requesting!
~Admin Key
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