#hyuk scenario
saidrabbles · 1 year
soo-drabble ♡
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"ah my lips feel dry" he says as he looks at you, putting some lip balm on your full pink lips. "give that to me when you're done". you look at him, with a teasing grin slowly creeping on your face.
"why're you looking at me like tha-" he couldn't finish the sentence as your lips was on his. you slowly moved your lips, sucking on his lower lip. he sighed into the kiss, feeling your warmth and moving closer to you.
after a few minutes you backed away, and smiled in victory. "perfect. your lips are now fully moisturized" you giggled. he feels himself laughing along, his heart beating too loudly for his own good.
your laugh was suddenly muffled due to his lips devouring yours. he kissed you feverishly, and you felt light headed. he backed away slightly and sighed as he looks at you. "i don't think my lips are soft enough just yet." he smirks at your dumbfounded state and kissed you again, deeper this time.
[a/n]: sorry i've been ia for so long, but here's a little smth for you. thank you for giving love to my writing !
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oraclekleo · 10 months
[Interactive Stories]Painting - Part 02
Lee Soo Hyuk Story
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Part 01
(Lee Soo Hyuk Story)
Part 02
Soo Hyuk turned to the gallery owner and told her he would like to buy the painting. The sparkle in her eyes was a clear sign she was about to skyrocket the price. Hyuk didn’t care. He couldn’t bear the idea of someone hanging this very intimate painting in their living room and showing it to guests debating about the investment and how the value of the painting will only grow when the artist is dead. Amateurs and dilettantes staring at the poor woman and discussing her enormous suffering while munching on single bites and sipping champagne. Hyuk had to give that painting some decent place to stay off public eyes and in privacy and peace.
As expected, the gallery owner handed Hyuk her calling card with a sum scribbled on it and it was even more than he would ever imagine. His better judgement was telling him it’s foolish to spend such money on a painting he knows so little about. All his instincts were screaming ‘Buy it’. It wasn’t his habit to listen to instincts over cold logic but this time he nodded and asked the gallery owner to prepare papers for signing. The woman smiled gently but her eyes glistened with greed and she left to prepare everything needed in her office. Hyuk remained by the painting and looked at it once again. It was impossible and yet it seemed to him as if the woman in the painting looked slightly relieved.
“You've been staring at this painting ever since we came, my friend.”
Hyuk only nodded and didn’t even look at Hong Jong Hyun. “I just bought it.” Hyuk said bluntly.
Jong Hyun looked at the painting. “Why?” He asked. “I mean, you’re not really a fan of figurative art if I remember correctly. You only have all those modern art pieces at home where I can’t tell what it is. Here it’s pretty clear what the painting depicts. And I would guess the lady isn’t even your type.”
“You are right about everything. And yet I bought it.” Hyuk handed Jong Hyun the calling card.
Jong Hyun’s eyes popped: “How much? Are you insane?”
“It seems so.” Hyuk pressed his lips. “I can’t explain it. All I know is that I have to have this painting. I have never done anything this reckless in my life.”
Jong Hyun gave the calling card back. “I guess we all need to do something purely intuitive once in a while. So! What’s the story of this painting? It looks like it’s gotta be intense.”
“I have no idea. The author is dead, he didn’t even give the painting a name and you can notice some details are unfinished. He clearly died before completing the painting. The model is an unknown woman. Although I wish to know who she is.”
“A mysterious art piece with dark unknown history, irresistible and invading your mind. That sounds like a great movie plot. Are we going on a quest to find out who’s the woman and if she’s real, are we going to track her down and meet in person?”
Jong Hyun clearly meant it as a joke but Hyuk just realised that this is exactly what he’s called to do. It felt as if the painting was incepting those thoughts in his brain. “You don’t have to help me but I’m going to find out who the model is.”
“For real?” Jong Hyun asked, slightly surprised. “Man! That one got under your skin fast. Alright then! What kind of a friend would let you investigate a possibly cursed painting on your own? I’m in! It’s not like I had anything better to do this autumn anyway. Let’s sniff that lady out!” Jong Hyun called but he bit his lower lip. “That sounded way weirder than in my head.”
The gallery owner came to invite them to her office. The formalities were handled quickly and Hyuk was promised to receive the painting the next morning. The gallery offered him an installing service for free. For that price they could also give him a free stay in Italian Venice.
“I would like to know something about the painting and the artist, some history of the piece.” Hyuk told the gallery owner.
“I’m afraid there’s not much to be told.” She quickly typed something on a keyboard and the printer next to her desk started buzzing. I’ll give you the full description we received with the painting.” She waited for the printer to be finished, put the loose papers in an aesthetic file with a gallery logo on it and handed it to Hyuk.
His first instinct was to open it and read it here but it didn’t feel polite. He waited till it was acceptable for him to leave the gallery. Jong Hyun was the driver tonight and Hyuk’s lift back home.
“What does it say?” Jong Hyun asked as they got stuck in a traffic jam.
“Nothing much, to be frank. The artist was a Swiss man named Basil Van Paar. He used to be a war zone journalist and photographer but then he dropped that and became an artist. He painted several members of European noble families. He lived alone, no wife, no kids. He was found dead in his apartment in Geneva 6 months ago. Cause of death was a heart failure. This painting was found on the easel covered with a cloth. Clearly he was about to start working on it when his heart stopped. His sister, who lives in Vienna in Austria, found a journal where Basil noted down various information about each of his paintings and all were covered there but this one. They couldn’t find a single note or a sketch for this painting. It looked like one day he started painting without any prep. Nobody knows who the woman on the painting is or whether she’s real or just some sort of a fantastic character, a mix of several people Basil put together in his mind.”
“Oh! So the quest might actually lead nowhere if the painting depicts only a fictional character?” Jong Hyun asked.
“Exactly.” Hyuk whispered and closed the file. They finally got through the jam and Jong Hyun stepped on acceleration.
Jong Hyun licked his lips. “But you are still determined to seek her.” It wasn’t a question.
“Yes.” Hyuk agreed.
“What’s the first step?” Jong Hyun asked.
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Check out Lee Soo Hyuk tarot readings:
Lee Soo Hyuk Kinky* Reading
Lee Soo Hyuk Relationship Role
Lee Soo Hyuk Ideal Partner
Lee Soo Hyuk - Love is a Battlefield
Lee Soo Hyuk - Shadow of the Moon
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missbangtangirl · 1 year
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I’m so tired of seeing and hearing y’all continuing to bash this man and his band members over analyzing everything they do on social media, including their Instagram stories some of y’all that claim to be army we’re pissed that you thought because he posted the song life goes on and thought it had something to do with that incident that’s happening in Türkiye in Syria right now but once it came out in the news, mind you J-hope and Jimin donated money. Y’all were cool all the sudden today he goes live and told you what happened to on his neck that was a CrossFit issue and even if it wasn’t they are all almost in their 30s they are grown men they are not innocent teenage boys anymore. I don’t get why BTS gets held to a higher standard than any other idol or a celebrity or western celebrity at that. They are human being people that love music like making us happy that they’re afraid of losing their own fans they claim to be fans with fake ass support like if you guys really do not like details or do not trust their heart then maybe this group is not for you because it’s tiring you don’t get tired of people saying the same things to you all day in and day out we know snippets of these men’s lives. If it is not on camera, we do not know anything unless they say something and I actually pray that they never reveal that they have a significant other if y’all are acting like this, we do not deserve these men because the way you talk about Namjoon and the other members when you think they’re less than perfect is ridiculous. Stop with the delusions of thinking these are your boyfriend or husband’s it’s ridiculous. Some of y’all act like children mind the business that pays you. It’s really simple if you don’t got nothing nice to say keep it pushing and moving, some of y’all have conditional love for BTS and it shows it really does 🤦🏾‍♀️
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markiv3 · 10 months
haechan bf texts
warnings: none? being very silly i guess
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blu-joons · 2 years
When He Apologises To You After A Fight ~ Vixx Reaction
Your eyes widened as you watched Hakyeon walk through the front door, two bags in his hands. He placed them in front of you, allowing you to peek inside both of them.
“My favourites,” you commented, recognising a few of your favourite things.
Hakyeon nodded proudly as he took a seat down beside you, “I thought they might be a good start in trying to say sorry to you for the argument earlier.”
“I guess buying my favourite chocolate does sweeten me up a little bit,” you agreed, reaching in and pulling your favourite bar out to start enjoying.
“You have to listen to me though Y/N, you can’t just eat that now.”
“I can do both,” you retorted, “plus I like the chocolate more than I like you right now.”
“I can’t argue with that,” Hakyeon shrugged back across at you, “but I would like you to at least pay attention enough to know that I’m sorry for what I said to you.”
Your head nodded as you looked up in Hakyeon’s direction. “This apology better be on a par with the chocolate otherwise I won’t be listening.”
“Y/N, shh,” Hakyeon laughed, “I’m trying to be serious, stop messing around with me now.”
“Sorry, I promise I’m listening.”
A sigh came from you as you heard the door to your bedroom open, knowing that it was Taekwoon by the clearing of the throat that came from him as he approached you.
“I’m not interested,” you immediately called out, but Taekwoon didn’t listen.
Instead, he perched down on the bed just beside you. “I’m not here to cause another argument Y/N, I’m here because I want to say sorry for what happened.”
“It doesn’t change what you said earlier on,” you stubbornly replied, catching Taekwoon nodding in agreement with you out of the corner of your eye.
“Let me try and make it up to you at least, you shouldn’t be here.”
“I want to be here,” you corrected, “I’d happily be anywhere if it was away from you.”
“Y/N,” Taekwoon whispered, resting his hand against the top of your leg, “I’m trying here. I can’t say sorry enough but you can’t just ignore me forever and not talk to me.”
You shuffled slightly so that you were looking across at Taekwoon, “I’m listening,” you bluntly whispered, not letting him off quite so easily.
“Thank you,” he calmly responded. “I am really sorry for what I said, you know that, don’t you?”
“Yeah, I know you are Taek.”
The sound of a knock at the door brought your eyes up, smiling weakly as you saw Jaehwan stood in the doorway, holding up the bag that was in his hand to show you.
“What are you doing here?” You asked, pushing your laptop away.
Jaehwan took that as a sign to walk into your office, hovering beside your desk. “It’s a bit of a peace offering, a guilt lunch for causing the argument earlier.”
“You’ve brought me lunch to say sorry?” You smiled back across at him, unable to stop yourself from being touched by Jaehwan’s sweet gesture.
“I’ve not been able to stop thinking about what happened.”
“Come on,” you spoke, beckoning him over, “I can’t say no to a free lunch anyway.”
“I’ve got a few more things that I thought might make you like me again,” Jaehwan informed you as he took his seat and started to unpack the bag.”
Your eyes rolled as he did so, “no matter how much we fight Jae, it never stops me from liking you. These things just happen in relationships.”
“You’re right,” he mused, “I guess sometimes I worry that I push things a little too far with you.”
“You definitely like to test me.”
Your eyes glanced away as soon as you noticed the front door opening, hearing Wonshik walk through the house and take a seat on the sofa beside you.
“What?” You questioned, feeling his eyes staring across at you firmly.
A sigh came from Wonshik, expecting you to still be annoyed with him. “I just wanted to talk to you Y/N, try and at least explain myself a little bit.”
“What’s there to explain?” You challenged, “you made your opinions quite clear this morning about what you think of me, I’m just stupid to you, aren’t I?”
“That’s not true, I didn’t get my words right at all earlier, that’s all.”
“Is that you explaining yourself?” You groaned back at him, “blaming your words?”
“Can you just let me finish?” Wonshik asked of you, running a hand through his hair. “I’m trying to put things right, even if you’re still mad with me.”
Your head nodded as you took a moment to calm yourself back down again, “I guess I could listen to what you have to say for yourself.”
“Don’t sound too disappointed,” Wonshik joked, “don’t you want to stop arguing with me?”
“Sometimes I’m not so sure.”
A figure appearing brought a smile to Sanghyuk’s face, watching as Jaehwan peered down and took a look at what it was that he was doing on his phone during their break.
“For Y/N?” Jaehwan asked, watching as Sanghyuk browsed a selection of flowers.
His head nodded as he clicked one of the options, “I messed up pretty bad this morning, sending her a bouquet of flowers feels like the least that I could.”
“Did you really muck up that much?” Jaehwan couldn’t help but laugh, throwing his arm across Sanghyuk’s shoulders. “You don’t think just a sorry will cut it this time?”
“I’m too embarrassed to even tell you what I said to her earlier on.”
A hum of surprise escaped from Jaehwan, “you better find something expensive.”
“Since when were flowers so expensive,” Sanghyuk grumbled as he clicked to check out, “I can’t dig myself that big of a hole again just for the price of the apology.”
Jaehwan’s head shook as he listened to him, “at least hopefully if you send her these you’ll get Y/N talking to you again, isn’t that what’s most important.”
“Of course,” Sanghyuk agreed, “I think it might get me a few points remembering her favourites too.”
“Don’t get too ahead of yourself.”
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sadfragilegirl · 10 months
I'm really sad that they don't write for VIXX anymore...I mean there's no new VIXX scenarios on Tumblr and it disappoints me very much.
Like, Tumblr users who wrote for VIXX are either inactive for a very long time while others deactivated their accounts.
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bysmeraldo · 1 year
"We met, we fell in love. It was a commendable melodrama, with a pretty good ending..."
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ghostie-galaxi · 2 years
Omega X when you fall asleep on their shoulder
Was watching you trying not to fall asleep anyways so he brought on into his shoulder
You didn't have the energy to fight it so you just let him
Keeps his hand around your waist, rubbing his thumb gently
Occasionally brushes hair out of your face or pulls a blanket up higher
Just the gentleman that lets you sleep
Thinks it's cute when you fall asleep on him
Probably wraps both his arms around you just to hold you there
Also probably finds a blanket to wrap around you
Forehead kisses™
Leans into you too and falls asleep with you
Similar to Jaehan he just makes sure you're comfortable
Tells you how cute you are
Eventually might just pick you up and carry you to a bedroom to sleep
If you don't wake up he'll just just tuck you in and kiss your cheek
But if you do he might stay and spoon with you for awhile
Honestly probably just going to bother you the entire time
Pokes your side occasionally just to see you jump
Teases you about how cute you are also
Eventually leaves you alone to sleep
Secretly kisses you while you're sleeping because he's just in love with you
Probably doesn't realize at first that you laid on him
Until he looks over and sees you asleep
Smiles at you and leaves you to sleep
Might forget you're there and accidentally wake you up
Apologies before taking you to bed to sleep
As soon a your head makes contact with him he's already blushing
Really hoping the others aren't going to say anything which luckily they don't really notice
He turns to look at you and his nose brushes against yours
Thinks it's cute so he rest his forehead against yours with your noses touching and he falls asleep
Wakes up to days of teasing from the others
Also teases you a bit first
Mostly just whispering things to you to bother you
Doesn't drag it out that long though and just let's you sleep
Also one to rub your side or shoulder while you sleep
Death glares anyone that accidentally wakes you up
Giggles cutely when you lay on him and tries hard to sit still and let you sleep
Probably fails since he's too fidgety
He's just happy that you're comfortable with him
You giggle at his excitement and wrap your arms around him
He does the same you both fall asleep together like that, but not without him kissing your head first
Knows you laid on him but didn't realize YOU LAID ON HIM
Forgets you're there and becomes super shy
Doesn't want to kick you off though so he just waits it out
Eventually when you wake up he'll take you to go sleep in the bed
And then the member tease him for following you
He wouldn't even hesitate to just pull you into his chest when you start leaning on his shoulder
Doesn't even let you go after you woke up
Honestly probably just wants to smother you in affection even if the others are around
Could take you to the bedroom for more privacy
Probably just cuddles you more if you're still tired
Feels you lean into him and leans back into you
You giggle at his cuteness as his head rests on top of yours
Both of your probably end up falling asleep together
And wake up to a bunch of pictures of you both sleeping like that
Probably has one as his lock screen which embarrasses you
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witchakyeon · 2 years
Vixxtober 2022
This will be my first time participating in something like this + bc of circumstances I am starting later than most folks in other fandoms & doing things a bit differently! Translation: I apologize in advance for the person I am about to become & the mess that will ensue as I attempt to pull this off. I have a plan but I also have a life, so if you notice that I skip around or anything, no you don’t <3
Most of these works will contain smut. Please read the content warnings!
Pairings will basically be announced on an update-to-update basis. I’m not really the plan in advance type (I usually write whatever I’m in the mood for when it comes to shorter works) + if anyone else decides to do this they too can pick whatever pairings they want!
Works will be posted on my ao3 + tagged on this post ·ᴗ·
❦ Week One (10/1-10/8)
— Overstimulation ❧ Ken, Leo, Hyuk (explicit)
— “Tuck in your shirt” ❧ Neo (general)
❦ Week Two (10/9-10/15)
— Aftercare ❧ Chabin (general)
— Creature scenario ❧ Chabin (explicit)
— “Come to bed” ❧ Kenvi (general)
— “Spread your legs, sweet thing” ❧ Chasang (explicit)
— “You have the sweetest smile I’ve ever seen” ❧ Hyuken (general)
❦ Week Three (10/16-10/22)
— Spanking ❧ Sanghyuk solo* (explicit)
— Shower sex ❧ Luck (explicit)
— “Hey, kiss me?” “You’re bleeding on my carpet” ❧ Hyuken (general)
— “Sounds like a you problem” ❧ Hyukbin (general)
❦ Week Four (10/23-10/29)
— Lingerie ❧ Keo (explicit)
— Creampie ❧ Chaken (explicit)
— Morning sex ❧
— “You know I’m not real…don’t you?” ❧
— “What are you doing to me?” ❧ Kenbin (explicit)
❦ Week Five (10/30-10/31)
— ot6; Hongbin-centric ❧ Hongbin solo* (explicit)
— “Do you believe everything you read?” ❧ Chabin (general)
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neardestruction · 8 months
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syoung-gifs · 1 year
Make Me Love You
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The strobe lights and people passing by me are making me dizzy.
I knew it was such a bad idea that I drank 3 shot of vodka before coming into this place. But without any alcohol on my system, I won't be able to do the things I on my lists.
I look at dance floor. Most of them are still in their 20's dancing like there's no tomorrow. I envy them. When I was at their age, I was stuck at home doing nothing. And now that I turned 34, I realize I'm missing a lot of things. That's why I am here. I want to get wasted and lose my virginity.
I slowly made my way through the mass of people. I notice some guys are eyeing me. I smirk to myself. I knew I picked the right dress for this. It fits me perfectly, hugging my curves. This the result when you're a homebody and got nothing to do to kill time but exercise.
I close my eyes and starts to slowly move my body to the rhythm of the music. Running my hands through my long hair and then the sides of my breasts, my waist and my hips. It feels good to let myself out like this and not feel embarrassed. All thanks to alcohol. The music reverberates throughout my body as I dance. I am so lost in the moment when I feel a hand slowly slipping on my waist. I open my eyes and look over my shoulder. It's a guy, and he's taller than me. I glance up to see his face but I am so drunk he looks blurry to me.
He pulls me closer to him and starts dancing with me. He is so close I can feel his body heat radiating from him. I lean back against him. A gasp escapes my lips as he starts leaving butterfly kisses from shoulder, to my neck until he reaches my earlobe and softly bit on it. My breath hitch.
He buried his face on my neck, slowly nuzzling my skin. I can feel his hot breath and it's sending shivers all over my body. Something sparks in me, causing a wildfire across my body. Making me want more. My hand makes its way over to his head, grabbing his long hair and pull him closer until his lips touch my skin again. He growls and gently suck on it, making me moan.
"Come with me." the guys whispers on my ears, taking me by the hand. 
I want to complain why he suddenly stop. But I'm so drunk I can't even make words or stop him from dragging me. I don't know where he's taking me. I don't even know where we are. All I know is these movements are making me feel nauseous and only goes away whenever he stops to kiss me.
He stops walking, it made me stop too. My head is spinning. And then he starts kissing me again, this time aggressively. His tongue graze over my lips, teasing me to open them, so I did. His breath smells like mix of alcohol and cigarette and watermelon. 
I bit his tongue because I never like guys who smokes. He groan and stops kissing me. I purse my lips and look at him, at his face but I can't really see it. It's too blurry. His hand slowly glided along my dress, down the side of my hips to my thigh and carry me without a warning. So fucking hot. 
I cup his face and starts kissing him hungrily. His hands squeeze my butt. He manage to sat on the bed without breaking our kiss. And then his lips starts to move down on my jaw onto my neck and suck hard on it. He's breathing heavily and then I feel it. Something hard is poking between my legs.
I push him down the bed. It caugh him off guard. I began pulling down the strips of my dress, slowly revealing my body. His eyes are on me, intently watching me.
"Fuck." he said breathlessly, looking at my naked breast. His hand reach for it, giving it a squeeze. His thumb slowly grazing over nipple, doing it in circle. I arch my back as I moan at the new sensation I'm feeling.
I want more. I need more.
I stop his hands and put it up above his head. And then I position myself on top of him and starts straddling him. Pressing and rubbing, up and down on his hard and still fully cloth shaft. He closes his eyes, his teeth sinking into his lower lip. His hands cup my butt and guides me to move faster.
"Ahhh." I moan loudly. This m is so intoxicating, electrifying every part of me. It's too much but "Ahhh!"It's feels fucking good. My body starts to tensed up, a pressure building up on my lower belly. So I move even more faster and didn't stop until I reached my climax.
We are both catching our breath after. I feel tired, so I lay my head on his chest.
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saidrabbles · 2 years
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pairing: lee soo hyuk x reader
warnings: none
genre: fluff
it was a sunny day, the sunlight urged you to leave the house. you decided to take this opportunity to go out, since you're always at home or the studio, working. you decided to go the newest exhibition, showcasing one of your favorite artists' work.
"(y/n) !!!" you heard someone screaming your name. you look to the side, and see a tiny figure running towards you with open arms. as he comes closer, his face becomes clear. it was soon-young, a member of the k-pop group seventeen, but to you, he's a close friend.
"youngii !!" you gasped in surprise as he engulfs you in a warm hug. you pull away, both smiling at each other. "what brings you here?" he asks you excitedly. "alone, at that" he ponders.
"i gave myself a day-off, and i wanted to spend it by myself, gathering my thoughts" you laughed at his attentive expression. but then you realize a tall, built yet slim figure, standing beside him. you hadn't noticed him when soon-young was causing a commotion running towards you.
soon-young turns to look at what youre looking, and he remembers his friend that he came with. you knew well who he was, but you were surprised to see him with soon-young. "a-ahh !! i got carried away and forgot to introduce you to one another" he awkwardly scratched the back of his neck.
you smiled awkwardly, feeling embarrassed that you had been blabbering away together to notice him. but what you didn't know, was that he had his eyes on you the moment he saw you. he was in awe, too immersed in his thoughts to bring attention to his existence.
he knew who you were, as you were a famous artist in the music industry, taking the nation's hearts and love. he had heard about your beauty but he had to admit, the photos don't do you justice. you were absolutely breathtaking in real life, with a very charming aura surrounding you.
"hello, im lee soo-hyuk" he extended his hand first. "im a fan of your music." you were taken aback. you had no idea that he liked your music, let alone listen to it. you felt your heart flutter at his compliment. "(y/n)" you put your hands in his slowly, feeling his soft yet rough hands. "i'm a fan of your works as well." you smiled at him.
he felt his heart warm up when he knew that you were aware of who he is, and even seen his work. he gently squeezed your hand, making your heart flutter yet again. he was smiling tenderly at you. your hands seemed to linger, holding one another. you had to let go, before it got weird.
soon-young was eyeing the pair, a knowing look on his face. he smiled deviously. you both slowly pulled your hands away from one another, feeling the cold air hit your warmed hands. "im going to take a look at that piece over there, there's quite the walk so the both of you can wait here !" soon-young broke the silence. "im going to take a few pics though, so it'll be quite the wait... you can wait for me at a nearby cafe"
you looked at him, panic visible in your eyes. he's leaving you alone with soohyuk??? you felt like you were going to explode. "i saw a quiet café at the other side of the street" you laughed as you caught on his plan. "you don't happen to know the location as well, do you?" you teased. "actually, i do" you burst into laughter. he was truly unbelievable. soohyuk found himself laughing at soon-young's plan as well, he had to admit, he's so precious.
you and soohyuk gave up and made your way to the café. you both knew how stubborn soon-young can be, and you weren't complaining. you both felt attracted to one another, you wanted to know more. you found a more private table in the café, to avoid fans and paparazzi. soohyuk ordered tea, while you ordered an iced latte.
you were thankful that soohyuk was patient with you. being shy in nature, you took time to open up to others and he understood. you eventually started talking more, and you were surprised to know how many things you had in common. soohyuk found himself wanting more of you. he loved your way of thinking, how you viewed the world, and how well of a listener you were.
he found himself falling helplessly in love with the person sitting across of him, silently wishing that you'd feel the same. you spent hours with one another. the sun had set down, and the nightlife shined on the both of you. it got late, and as much as you disliked it, you decided it's time to go home.
"is it okay with you if i drove you back home?" soohyuk looked at you as you left the café. you gazed into his deep dark brown eyes. "it's quite late, and dangerous to go alone." he insisted. "well, if you don't mind" you smiled at him, and he cheered inside his head. he got to spend more time with you.
it was a fairly silent ride, and you liked the silence, it was a comfortable silence. but you decided to play some music from your playlist. "hey, can i connect my phone to your car?" you turned to him. his side profile is out of this world, you almost gasped. he smiled as he told you on how to connect it.
you played one of your favorite artists, "the weekend" newest album. soohyuk's eyes widened as he immediately recognized the song. "you like him too?" he briefly looked at you, happy that he found one more thing that you both share. "yeah ! this album might be my favorite...it's truly a masterpiece" you continued talking about why you liked his music and this album, and he found his heart melting at your cuteness as you spoke with excitement.
you reach your apartment, and you both feel sad to separate. "thank you, soohyuk-ssi. you truly made my day." you smiled at him. "i could say the same thing, i really enjoyed my time with you." he returned your smile. you hesitantly left the car, because you've been meaning to ask for his number. but you were hesitant.
what if he's just normally nice like this to everyone? then it'll be just embarrassing...how would I know if he's actually interested in me...
you were lost in your thoughts as you walked up the stairs of your building entrance, when you heard your name. "(y/n) !!" you looked back, knowing it was soohyuk. he ran up to you, and stood just a few feet away from you. he scratched the back of his neck nervously. "i was wondering...would you give me your number? i would love to meet up with you again sometime." he nervously looked at you. you stood there dumbfounded. "i thought you'd never ask" you breathed.
he looked at you, clearly feeling happy. you exchanged numbers and he was leaving, for real this time. before he turned to walk away, you stood on your tiptoes and pecked him on the cheek. he felt his cheek embrace a rosy color, feeling his heart beat quicker than it normally would. you smiled at him, feeling nervous yourself, and ran to your apartment.
he stood there, baffled as he put his hand on his cheek. it was warm, where you kissed him. he knew that you're becoming someone special to him, and he loved everything about you. he looked at your figure as it got smaller, and smiled.
"i think i owe that jerk alot, probably alot more than i can imagine."
a/n: i've been missing soohyuk so much after tomorrow ended, and when he posted today, i felt breathless when i saw his blurry selfie <3 i was having a writers block but he just inspired me to write this so i think im back ! <33
(haven't proofread)
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oraclekleo · 10 months
[Interactive Stories] Painting - Part 01
Lee Soo Hyuk Story
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(Lee Soo Hyuk Story)
Part 01
Lee Soo Hyuk was standing in front of a painting in a gallery. Initially, this was only one of many similar events he was getting invitations to every week. He got himself smartly dressed and arrived at vernissage, struck poses for photographers and spent an hour or two looking at art pieces he would never ever put on display in his own home.
This evening was exactly the same until he spotted this one painting. It caught his attention immediately and he couldn’t look away from it. He was fully immersed in the scene it depicted, observing each tiny detail, discovering something new every minute. The painting looked nearly as realistic as a photograph, only certain aspects were clearly done by the hand of the artist. It depicted a young woman sitting on some sofa, her naked back exposed to the artist, her face turned so she was looking right at the audience. Her right arm was loosely placed on the sofa, exposing the wrist. Hyuk probably wouldn’t notice such a woman if he met her on a street but in this picture… It was a powerful and heartstopping image.
The woman was barely more than skin and bones, her back suffered severe burns a long time ago, her wrist carried marks of razor cuts. Two fingers on her hand seemed weirdly crooked as if they were broken and the bones healed in a wrong way. There were cigarette burn marks on her arms and legs. But the most disturbing was a scar on her neck. It looked as if someone slit her throat with a knife but the wound pulled together and only left a nasty scar there instead of killing her. The woman had the face of a broken angel. Her eyes were baby blue but there was so much pain and sadness in them. Hyuk felt as if his own heart started to bleed for this poor person who clearly suffered way too much.
He closed his eyes in an attempt to detach from the image but it remained in his mind. He opened eyes again only to see the eyes of the woman on the painting. Her lips remained pressed but Hyuk could hear her call for help in his mind. He gulped with difficulties and stepped a bit closer to the painting to read the description. It said that it’s the last work of a now deceased author. He died before finishing it, the painting wasn’t even given a name. The model was an unknown woman. Hyuk felt an unexpected stab of disappointment. For some reason he wanted to know her name or at least have a clue who she might be. Is she still alive? Is she feeling better now? Does she have the kind of care she needs? Author died, the painting had no name, the woman was unknown. Hyuk had no leads to follow at the moment.
“It’s an impressive piece, isn’t it?”
Hyuk turned to the woman standing next to him. She was the owner of this gallery. She surely noticed his interest and spotted an opportunity to do some business here.
“It emits a lot of sorrow and pain.” Hyuk said and had to turn back to the painting as if the model was demanding his attention.
“She must have been beautiful before all that happened.” The gallery owner mentioned, clearly referring to all those scars.
“I think she is beautiful. She endured such torment…” Hyuk stopped and had to blink quickly. He was never an overly emotional person but this painting was just too much for his self composure.
“You’re not the only one who thinks so. I have received offers from two potential buyers already.”
Hyuk blinked slowly. She was clearly bluffing… but what if it’s true? What if some creep buys this painting to hang it in their living room and let all their guests ogle the pain and suffering of a woman in the picture?
Check out Lee Soo Hyuk tarot readings:
Lee Soo Hyuk Kinky* Reading
Lee Soo Hyuk Relationship Role
Lee Soo Hyuk Ideal Partner
Lee Soo Hyuk - Love is a Battlefield
Lee Soo Hyuk - Shadow of the Moon
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cherrysarchives · 1 year
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•┈•┈•┈•┈•┈•┈••✦ ❤ ✦••┈•┈•┈•┈•┈•┈•
🔞 - sᴘɪᴄʏ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ
Ships ꘎
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capricornwriter5 · 2 years
Always on time - Chapter 7
Pairing: Jooheon x female OC
Genre: childhood friends to enemies, enemies to friends, friends to lovers, smut (later chapters), fluff, angst, slow burn, idol AU!
Warning: mentions of mental health issues, mentions of workaholic disorder, curse words
Words: 5k
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Chapter 7
Jooheon and Minhyuk arrived at the dorm around 7:30 at night. They hadn’t said much on the way, especially since Jooheon couldn’t get Jules' image out of his head. She was... angry? Sad? Disappointed? All the above?
Pfff, why didn’t I say something? Jooheon reproached himself, how hard is it to ask if she’s okay? God, Jooheon, wake up. You can’t fall for the same thing as Changkyung.
Minhyuk noticed that his friend was not in the mood for a conversation and was still trying to figure out why he had volunteered to help him with the exhibition when Jooheon got bored only hearing the word "art". It obviously had something to do with the curator, Seo Julianne. Minhyuk remembered that was also the name that came in the invitation of the reunion of Jooheon’s high school class; he still remembered the way in which the rapper had jumped out of bed after hearing that name. However, there was also the detail that Jooheon was on a hiatus, he was not working, and had to go to therapy... Would it be a good idea for him to take on a project like this? True, it had nothing to do with music and it would keep him busy, it wouldn’t have to be counterproductive, right?
"Jooheon-ah" Minhyuk told him as they both entered the dorm. "Be honest, why did you volunteer to help me with the project?".
"I want to help you, hyung," Jooheon replied a little surprised by the sudden nature of the question. "This exhibition is something you’ve wanted to do for some time, not to mention the Monbebes have been waiting for it. I don’t want you to lose your motivation for lack of time and, well, I may not know how to paint, but I have plenty of time right now, you know? And I know you well enough not to do anything tasteless".
"And Julie-ssi?" Minhyuk asked. "She has nothing to do with it?"
Jooheon was quiet for a while.
"Hyung, Jules... I haven’t seen or heard from her in years, hyung," Jooheon began. "She was... very important in my life and, at a certain point, during the madness of this idol life, I forgot about her. Remember the pictures my mother sent at our last concert? Jules was in most of them," Jooheon recalled as a smile appeared on his face. "At that moment, all my memories of us cascaded back and I started thinking about her again. I even thought about calling my mother and asking her what happened to Jules, and you see, I just... I just found her".
Minhyuk had never seen his friend talk like that about anyone and, although Jooheon did not notice, his eyes screamed the words that the rapper did not dare to articulate. Well, Jooheon has never disappointed me, Minhyuk thought, it would be nice to give it a try.
"Okay, Jooheon-ah," Minhyuk said in a determined tone, "you are in charge of the exhibition. Tomorrow I’ll sign the papers and I’ll put your information so you can be my spokesman".
"Hyung, are you serious? Are you serious?" Jooheon asked excitedly.
"You better do a good job. Monbebe has waited long enough," Minhyuk said.
"YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH" shouted Jooheon of excitement as he raised Minhyuk in a bear hug.
Once he put his friend on the floor, Jooheon hurried to the door of the apartment and began to put on his shoes hastily.
"Wait, where are you going?" Minhyuk asked. "We just arrived, and you know I don’t like to dine alone".
"I’m sorry, hyung" apologized Jooheon opening the door. "I have a lot to do... to read. I have... I have to go. See you later!" And with that goodbye, he exited the dorm and slammed the door shut.
Jooheon ran down the stairs and before reaching the first floor collided head-on with Shownu and Kihyun, who were returning from their activities.
"Woah! You all right, Jooheon-ah?" Shownu asked as he held Jooheon before he fell to the floor. "What’s up?"
"And Changkyung? Where is he?" Jooheon asked, ignoring Shownu.
"Changkyungnie? Well... he went to his apartment, I think," Kihyun replied. "Is everything all right? Why the rush?"
"Yes, yes, yes, everything is fine, but I have to go," said Jooheon hastily.
The rapper ran down what was left of the stairs and disappeared through the front door of the building.
"That was..." Shownu began without finding what to say.
"At least it’s a change," Kihyun said with a shrug. "Come on, he’s not going to tell us anything while he’s in that state. Maybe I.M. will tell us later, it seems that Jooheon needs him for something".
Thirty minutes later, Jooheon was in front of I.M.’s apartment. Without thinking twice, he inserted the code into the digital lock on the door and let himself in.
"Changkyung!" Jooheon shouted.
Indeed, the maknae was in his apartment... but he was not alone. Liv was with him, and Jooheon had trouble processing the image of both of them, together, on the couch watching a movie as a normal couple. However, he recovered quickly enough to annoy the youngest member of the group:
"Hyung? What is it? Is everything all right?" I.M. asked with concern as he got up from the sofa. The truth is that the slam-door, plus Jooheon’s scream, plus the crazy face he had was not a very reassuring image and I.M.’s mind could only imagine the worst scenarios.
"Ah? Me? Mmmm, and what about you?" Jooheon asked in a naughty voice. Now the rapper was suppressing the laughter and the urge to bother Liv and I.M. "Do I interrupt your night? Your night alone?"
"AISH, HYUNG!" shouted I.M. "Get serious. You can’t just walk into people’s homes. I have neighbors, you know?"
"Yaaaaah, our Changkyungnie is a family man, eh?" Jooheon continued, raising an eyebrow.
"Hyung, why are you here?"
"Kyun, calm down" intervened Liv before the two rappers began to argue. "Jooheon, is everything okay? You scared entering like that".
"Ah, yes, I’m sorry," Jooheon apologized. "Everything is fine. I didn’t know Changkyung had company, but... I need a favor and it’s urgent".
"A favor?" asked I.M. "Tell me, hyung, what do you need?"
"Tell me everything you know about art... and philosophy... and those deep things you always talk to Kihyun and Minhyuk".
"Sorry?" asked I.M. stunned. He didn’t understand what was going on with Jooheon.
"You heard me. Give me a couple of intensive classes on what I need to know... ah, and I have about... three or four days? Yes. So make it short, okay?"
Neither Liv nor I.M. knew what to say. This was a pretty radical change in Jooheon’s attitude of the last few months and, while Liv hadn’t seen him much, she knew from I.M. the hard time Jooheon was going through. The two hoped that he would soon be his old self again, but neither imagined that old Jooheon would resurface with such a... impossible request.
"Hyung, that’s impossible," sighed I.M. "I mean, what you’re asking me... I wouldn’t even know where to start and..."
"It doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter" Jooheon cut it. "You just talk, and I take notes. Believe it or not, I can pay attention when I intend to".
"It’s not that... it’s that..." Changkyung didn’t know how to make Jooheon understand that what he was asking was simply impossible. Besides, Jooheon hadn’t told him why he wanted to sum up centuries of art and philosophy in a couple of days. "Anyway, why do you want to know? And what’s the rush?"
"I have a new project and I need to know art, philosophy... maybe a little history could help".
"What is the project about?" asked I.M.
"Pfff, well art, obviously. What else could it be about, Changkyungnnie?" replied Jooheon. "God, I thought you were not so slow anymore. Careful, Liv is here, you still have to make a good impression on her".
"YAH!" shouted I.M.
Liv just laughed and got off the couch.
"Well, I guess it’s going to be a long night for both of you," Liv said. "I’m going to go get something to eat. Do you want anything special?"
"But..." started I.M., but Jooheon cut it off.
"Anything’s fine, Liv. Thank you".
Once Liv had left the apartment, I.M. turned to Jooheon to claim his intrusion. However, he could not even say two words because Jooheon started talking before he could:
"Don’t you start whining at me," Jooheon said sharply. "First of all, I know it was you who changed the passcode on the digital lock of my, MY, studio, don’t think I’ve forgotten. Second, I’m partly responsible for the two of you getting back together back: it was me who put some sense into that hard head of yours and it was me who had the idea of leaving you alone after your presentation a few weeks ago. And we all know that’s when it got interesting, don’t we?"
Jooheon paused dramatically waiting for I.M.’s response, but the maknae blushed so much with that last comment that he forgot how to speak.
"That’s what I thought," Jooheon said with a mocking smile. "So, long story short, you owe me not one, but two. But the most important thing of all, which brings me to my third point, is that the project is not mine specifically, it is Minhyuk hyung’s".
"Minhyuk?" asked I.M. "Did he finally decide to do something with his works?"
"Yes, but he doesn’t have time to organize everything," Jooheon explained, "and right now, time is all I have left. Although if someone would give me back my studio..."
"Okay, hyung" I.M. jumped before Jooheon made a bigger drama about the passcode. Changkyung felt guilty enough about it and the last thing he wanted was to be constantly reminded of it. "I don’t know if I can help you much, though".
"Sure you do!" Jooheon assured him. "I still remember when you read Socrates before a concert. It was so strange to see... But anyway, we love you. So, I’m in your hands, tell me everything you know".
When Liv returned with food, she found Jooheon and I.M. in the living room with several books around them and, although Liv had arrived with food, neither rapper gestured to get up and eat. The only thing that told Liv that they both knew she was back, was a little greeting from I.M. Other than that, the two rappers were focused on their discussion/art class or philosophy or whatever I.M. was talking about.
Liv thought it was good for Jooheon to try to look for other hobbies and other activities with which to be distracted. Although I.M. hadn’t told her the whole story, Liv knew that Jooheon had been struggling with stress levels at work and hoped this would help him release some energy. Besides, it would give the two of them another subject to talk about...
"That’s ridiculous," Jooheon said. "What’s more, it’s so obvious it’s ridiculous".
...or not.
"Yes, well, hyung, try to put yourself in his shoes," I.M., explained, "at the time of Aristotle there was no one who had talked about the things he was explaining and the literature was not as developed as today. The definitions that today seem obvious, for them were new".
"Still," Jooheon continued. "It’s just that... look at that definition: 'the beginning is everything that is not preceded by anything but is followed by everything. I mean TELL ME SOMETHING I DON’T KNOW. HERE I WAS, THINKING THAT THE BEGINNING WAS AT THE END".
"Hyung, look..."
It’s going to be a really, really long night, Liv thought laughing at herself as she prepared the dinner plates and watched the endless discussion of the two rappers.
On Monday the following week, Julie thought for the first time ever about calling in sick. On Friday, she was told that she would be starting with the development and organization of Lee Minhyuk’s project today and that Lee Jooheon would be the customer’s spokesperson.
I don’t want to, thought Jules turning off the alarm. I don’t want toooooooo.
However, after throwing the tantrum of the week on her head, Julianne kicked the sheets and got out of bed. An hour later she was ready to leave, convinced that today would be a day like any other.
"But look at you!" Rei said as soon as Julianne walked into the office. "I love that dress, is it new? And that lipstick! Someone got pretty dressed up today," concluded her friend winking. "Tell me, Julie-ah, excited to work with an idol?"
"Calm down, Rei," said Julie. "The dress is not new, and the lipstick was bought by my mother a few days ago, that’s all".
"Mmmm, right" Rei said not very convinced. "And the fact that today comes a famous idol has nothing to do with your choices".
Julianne didn’t bother to contradict her, she didn’t want to continue that conversation, so she just went to her office and started working. She still had a couple of hours before she had to meet Jooheon. The previous Friday, her boss and Minhyuk agreed to a meeting for that Monday at 10:30 in the morning at the studio where Minhyuk had kept most of his paintings. The idea was to make the first survey of all the works available for exhibition and from there establish the concept, history, or aesthetic line to follow.
At 8:30, Julianne had finished all the administrative tasks she had pending and did not know what else to do to kill time. She asked Rei if she needed help with anything, but she told her she had everything under control. It was still too early to receive visitors and the few people in the gallery at that time of the morning were being looked after and guided by junior curators.
Having nothing to do, Julie decided to do some research on Lee Minhyuk. Perhaps she could find some of the singer’s works and see more or less what his aesthetic line was, like that, she would not arrive completely empty-handed to review the paintings. She tried to filter the web results in order to look up information only about Minhyuk and not the whole group, but after several minutes she realized that that would be impossible, as the activities of all the members of Monsta X were really interrelated and even if they had different agendas, they did not miss the opportunity to mention each other.
Julie hadn’t really followed Jooheon’s career after the end of reality where he debuted, so she didn’t know what kind of music or performances Monsta X had. However, she only needed to listen to a couple of tracks to recognize Jooheon’s influence on the band’s discography.
"You’ll see, Jules," Jooheon said as he hung from the rail. "One day, I will be on a stage and people will sing my songs".
"Would you get off at once?" Julie said worriedly. "If you keep hanging, you’re going to fall because your greasy hands and you can’t be famous if you break your face".
"Pffff, have you ever seen anyone break their whole face?" Jooheon asked, mocking Jules. "Besides, I’m already nine, I’m stronger and this game is a joke to me. Want to see?"
"No, no.... Jooheon-ah, go slow. Jooheon-ah!"
"Ta-da!" Jooheon shouted as he landed safely on the floor after jumping down from the railings. "See, it’s nothing, Jules. Don’t worry... I know you can’t live without me but calm down and... AH!" shouted Jooheon when Jules hit him in the arm. "Why was that?!"
Jules didn’t answer. She just stared Jooheon in the face before turning to go home. She was also nine years old, but she didn’t do so many stupid things. Pfff, boys.
"Julie-ah," Jooheon said behind her back.
"Julie-ah!" Rei’s call pulled Julianne out of her memory. God, what was that about?
"Ah? I’m sorry, Rei," Julie said. "Do you need anything?"
"Are you okay? You were like in another world".
"I’m fine, sorry," Julianne repeated. "Tell me, what’s going on?"
"Ah, right. You have visitors" Rei reported. "Lee Jooheon is here".
"What?!" Julie jumped out of her seat. "But... we were to meet in the studio in an hour".
"Mmmm, yeah, well, he’s here. He’s in the main hall, looking at some paintings from the exhibition," Rei said. "Should I tell him to come in?"
"No" answered Julianne almost immediately. "I’m going out. I’m with him in five minutes. Thank you, Rei".
Julie took a couple of deep breaths and shut down her computer’s search engine. He was glad that Rei had not seen the screen, it would have been difficult to explain why Julianne was watching music videos during working hours.
When Julie arrived at the main hall, she saw that Jooheon was indeed there. She took a deep breath once more and walked towards him.
"Jooheon-ssi" called him.
"Ah, Jules" Jooheon greeted her as he turned following her voice. "Wow, you look great. How are you?"
"I’m fine," replied Julianne with a professional smile. "I thought we’d meet at Minhyuk’s studio in an hour. Did anything happen?"
"Ah, no, no, not at all" Jooheon reassured her. "I just thought it would be a good idea to come and pick you up and go together. Minhyuk’s studio is hard to find and it’s easy to get lost in that area".
Confusing streets? Really? That’s what a GPS is for, Julianne thought annoyed for no apparent reason.
"I appreciate the gesture, Jooheon-ssi" Julie began, "but I think it would be better to go in separate cars. I have other commitments today and I don’t want to be a bother".
"No bother, Jules," Jooheon said. "I would have no problem being your personal driver for a day," explained the rapper, "but if you feel more comfortable like that, we can go in separate cars, just make sure you follow me. The streets are really tricky in that neighborhood, and you could end up driving in circles. Believe me, it happened to me once".
"Okay, Jooheon-ssi" replied Julie. "I don’t know how tricky a street can be, especially with a GPS, but I understand".
"Great," Jooheon said with a smile. "I’ll wait for you, then. If we leave now, we arrive just in time".
Julie saw the time on her watch and realized that Jooheon was right. It was 9:45 in the morning and the journey would take about 40 minutes, depending on traffic, so Julianne went quickly to her office to pick up her bag and went out with the rapper to the gallery parking lot.
The traffic was not very heavy, so they soon reached the residential area where the building where Minhyuk rented his studio was. All along the way, Julie stayed less than a car away from Jooheon’s vehicle, however, as she exited the main road and entered the adjacent streets, Julie got distracted at a stop sign and when she saw the road again she had about four cars between her and Jooheon.
Julianne then decided to turn on the GPS and follow the system’s instructions, but soon realized that Jooheon was right: the area was a maze. It was probably one of those neighborhoods that were "remodeled" through urban programs; the problem was that the maps had not been updated in navigation systems, so the names of streets and establishments in the system did not match at all with what Julie had in front of her. Se even ended up a couple of times on dead ends!
After about ten minutes of wandering around, Julie realized her cell phone was vibrating. The incoming number was unknown, so she decided to ignore it until the call was cut off, but immediately afterward, it rang again. This happened two more times until Julianne relented and took the call:
"Jules! You finally answer," said Jooheon’s voice on the other side of the line. "Where are you? Are you lost?"
Julie hesitated whether to answer or not. Her pride was a little hurt and she didn’t want to accept that she was indeed lost.
"I’m almost there. Give me five minutes".
"Jules, tell me where you are" Jooheon said. "I told you these streets were complicated. Tell me what you see and I’ll go to you".
"You don’t have to do that, Jooheon-ssi. I’m almost there, I’m close, I’ll see you there" and with that Julianne cut the call. Part of her regretted it because she had no idea where she was. But her rational side made her calm down and park the car on the side of the street to check the map on her phone.
Julie confirmed what she already knew: the streets on the map did not correspond to the new layout of this area of the city. However, there were sections that were the same and Julie had a memory good enough to remember where she had already been.
She was about to decipher the route she had to follow when some knocks on her window made her jump on her seat out of fright. As she turned her head, she saw Jooheon smiling on the other side.
"What are you doing here?" Julie asked lowering the window.
"Well, since you didn’t want to tell me where you went, I called the owner of the restaurant on the corner and asked her to tell me if she saw a car like yours running around all over the place," Jooheon explained. "The guys and I order a lot from that restaurant when we’re in Minhyuk’s or Shownu’s studio. But anyway, she told me you were here".
Jooheon said it like it wasn’t a big deal, and it wasn’t, but Julianne was upset. She knew that what really bothered her was the fact that Jooheon was right, the fact that she got lost in the middle of the city, and the fact that Jooheon had to come looking for her like a little girl. Julianne was upset because she was embarrassed, although she knew she was being childish and that there was nothing to feel embarrassed for, but that only made her feel even more upset.
Within seconds, Julie’s head was about to explode, so she just took a deep breath waiting for Jooheon to get away from the car window. Bad idea. As she was getting air, Julie smelled the cologne that Jooheon was wearing. It’s the same as always, she thought, but before her head developed on that thought, she shook her head and set out to start the car’s engine.
"Well, anyway, now I know where the studio is," Julie told Jooheon as she held the steering wheel. "You don’t have to guide me anymore".
Although Julianne was trying to keep a neutral face, she was failing, and Jooheon was two seconds away from bursting with laughter. From a young age, Julie had the knack of wrinkling her nose whenever she felt embarrassed, and that was just what she was doing at the time. Jooheon endured the laughter but could not help the half-smile on his face as he recognized his friend’s gesture.
"Don’t worry, Jules, it wouldn’t be the first time. Don’t think I forgot the time of the maze" the rapper replied as his smile widened.
"Are you still not over it?" Julie said in a bit of a huff.
"How could I? Your nails left scratches and marks along my arm!" Jooheon jokingly told him. "I helped you out and you thanked me like that".
"Yah!" Julie cut him off. "Don’t be a liar, you scratched yourself when you fell trying to get on the bus with your eyes closed. I never took your arm".
"Yes, well, I’m sure my mother remembers a certain new shirt that on the first day had the collar completely stretched".
"In any case" interrupted Julie, "see you there".
"I’ll be right behind you," Jooheon said with a wink.
The rapper walked away from Julie’s car and headed to his. In the back of his mind, Jooheon hoped that Jules would get lost again just to see her frustrated face; however, in a matter of ten minutes, they were both parked on the street of Minhyuk’s studio.
Both entered the building and went up to the third floor, where was the place rented by the singer. Apparently, Minhyuk had been able to arrive after all, for when they arrived at the apartment, they found the door open, and inside was Minhyuk circling everywhere.
"Hyung" Jooheon greeted.
"Ah, hello, Jooheon-ah" Minhyuk greeted him. "Julie-ssi, you are just in time".
"Minhyuk-ssi, I see you were able to join us," Julianne said.
"Yes and no," Minhyuk replied with an apologetic expression. "I had a commitment on the area that ended earlier than expected and I decided to come here, but in... 10 minutes, more or less, my manager will pick me up. I just came to try to explain a little the disaster you see".
"Hyung, this is awesome," Jooheon told him. "I didn’t know you had done so many things".
"Yes, well, it’s therapeutic," continued Minhyuk. "Well, you see, I use this place more as storage than as an apartment. There are three bedrooms, plus the living room and kitchen, but only one of the rooms is furnished. Basically, the works are sorted by technique and in turn by color palettes that..."
Minhyuk continued to speak, but Jooheon stopped paying attention to what he was saying and set his sights on the amount of neatly ordered canvas in the room. Only there could be about 30 or 40 paintings of different sizes, colors, themes... it was impressive. The more works he saw the more excited Jooheon was for his friend. It was time for him to realize how great he was.
"Anyway, that would be it" concluded Minhyuk. "I hope it’s not too much information at once".
"No problem," answered Julianne. "This is my specialty, after all. In fact, it’s a very good organizational system and I think it can serve us well. I assure you that I will have the greatest care to leave everything as close as you have it now".
"Thank you" sighed Minhyuk more relaxed. "Well, I leave you, I have to run. In case you must ask me any questions personally, here’s my number" continued the singer handing a business card to Julianne, "but Jooheon knows me well enough to make decisions for me, so just tell him".
"Relax, hyung," Jooheon told him as he accompanied him (pushed him) to the exit. "See you later in the dorm".
Minhyuk took one last look at Jooheon and then went down to the first floor to go to his next meeting. Jooheon re-entered the apartment and saw that Jules was walking among the paintings trying to see what else was there.
"Well, where do we start?" Jooheon asked.
"Well... the first thing is to analyze each work separately. I see that some have a paper with what looks like a title, but that’s not true in every case. We have to decide on a generic naming system that allows us to identify the works by technique, color palette, or general theme. Later, we can use it to group the pieces according to different criteria and according to the concept of the exhibition" explained Julianne. "We also have to take photographs of each work to be able to assemble a digital catalog that would allow us to make decisions without having to be manipulating each piece without need. I’m going to go to the car to get the camera from the gallery. Meanwhile, go counting the paintings to get an idea of how many pieces are here in general".
Julianne left the apartment for her car before Jooheon could respond. Although it wasn’t like Jooheon had anything to say. The rapper had no idea what he was doing there. In his head, the logistics of this exhibition were not going to be complicated, but, again, Jooheon had no idea how many paintings Minhyuk had made over the years. If he had gone there alone, he would not have known what to do, but Jules knew in two seconds and that filled Jooheon with tranquility and admiration... And maybe a little pride. After all, Jooheon always knew that Jules was going to be excellent at whatever he set out to do.
Well, Jooheon-ah, let’s count, he thought to himself.
As Jooheon recounted the paintings, Julie got into her car and opened the back door to pull out the photographic equipment that would help her make the catalog. As she checked it, something vibrated in the front seat and Julie noticed that she had left her cell phone in the car. Luckily it was just a message from Rei telling her that the prints for the current exhibition brochures had arrived. Julie answered and when she was going to block her cell again, a notification caught her attention: 4 missed calls from an unknown number. Julie knew the number was Jooheon’s, but how did the rapper know what number to call if she had never given it to him?
Julie had not realized that, in fact, she never gave her personal number to either Jooheon or Minhyuk. They had the gallery contact, so how the fuck did he call her?
Julie went back up to the apartment with that question in her head, so when she walked in, that was the first thing she said to the rapper:
"Jooheon-ssi, how did you get my cellphone number?" inquired Julie.
"Ah?" asked Jooheon distracted with some paintings. "Ahhhhh, that. Well, since I didn’t see you anywhere, I called Director Kim and asked him".
Sure, it makes sense, Julie thought. They probably exchanged numbers when signing the contract.
"Yah, Jules, don’t tell me you realize that until now," Jooheon teased her. "Don’t tell me you still get distracted around me. I still blush easy, you know?"
"You never blushed easy," Julie said in a whisper as she rolled her eyes and put the camera on the kitchen table.
"With you I always did," Jooheon replied. That remark upset Julie a little, she thought she had spoken low enough so Jooheon wouldn’t hear her, but apparently, she was wrong.
Indeed, Jooheon had heard it, but he did not know where that answer had come from. Just... He just said it, as in automatic, and now Jooheon was worried about his comment having made Julianne uncomfortable. So, the rapper chose to act as if nothing had happened and go ahead with what they had to do today.
"Well, in the living room there are a total of 37 pieces, I’ll check the rooms and I’ll tell you the total," Jooheon reported.
"Okay, when you’re done, we start taking the pictures," Jules continued without looking at the rapper.
Yah, Jooheon-ah, are you an idiot or what?, the rapper reproached himself in his mind.
You had to have less than one functional neuron to not realize that Jules was... uncomfortable, cautious, around him. Jooheon didn’t take it personally, Jules had always been a little shy and it had been years since they last met and talked, so the curator could perfectly feel that she no longer knew him. Jooheon was willing to prove to her that their friendship still existed, or could exist, but comments like that were not going to gain him anything.
Jooheon-ah, focus, he thought. It’s easy. First, don’t say any more stupid things, second, focus on the paintings, hyung deserves it.
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blu-joons · 2 years
When They Take Care Of Their Pregnant Partner ~ Vixx Reaction
Your head shook as Haknyeon walked across to you with another cushion in his hand. “I don’t need any more you know.”
He placed the cushion down beside you anyway, tucking it into your side. “It’s better to have it here just in case you start getting uncomfortable with the bump through the night.”
“I can’t move for cushions all around me Haknyeon.”
He looked around your frame, nodding in agreement with you. “Maybe I might have grabbed a couple too many cushions for you to make you cosy.”
“You think,” you chuckled, “there’s hardly any room for you too.”
“I just want to make sure that you don’t get disturbed,” Haknyeon sighed softly, dropping down beside you. “I know what you’re like, you don’t like to say when you’re struggling.”
“How about we leave them just beside the bed?” You suggested, “that way if I need one, I can just reach for it?”
“If you want one, wake me to get it,” Haknyeon corrected, “other than that, I agree with you.”
“I reckon I can work with that offer.”
Your eyes glanced back, sighing to yourself as you noticed Taekwoon just behind you. “Are you following me around?”
His head shook, although as you came face to face with Taekwoon, your head shook too. “I’m not following you, I guess I’m just making sure that you’re alright instead.”
“I’m pregnant, I can walk around just fine.”
A sigh came from Taekwoon too as he studied you closely. “I know now that you can, I just always feel better being with you, just in case anything happens.”
“Nothing will happen,” you smiled, “I’m being careful too.”
“You can never be one hundred percent certain though,” Taekwoon couldn’t help but reply, unable to shut the part of his brain down that was constantly worrying about you.
“Take a breath,” you instructed Taekwoon, “you know that if I feel like I need your help, then I’ll ask you for it too.”
“I guess I just want to be around,” he shrugged, “I always feel like I can be helpful for you.”
“And you already are too Taekwoon.”
As another groan came from you, Jaehwan stopped what he was doing and looked at you. “I’m alright,” you told him.
His head shook as he walked across to where you were laid out on the bed. “You’re obviously not alright if you’re making that noise, what’s going on? What’s wrong?”
“The baby is just a bit restless right now.”
Straight away, Jaehwan laid down beside you, wrapping his arm around your waist. “I’ll try and get them to calm down and let you rest for a while.”
“You’re busy,” you told him. “You don’t need to do this.”
“I do if it helps you out Y/N,” Jaehwan quickly corrected, “what I’m doing isn’t really that important anyway, definitely not as important as the two of you are to me anyway.”
“Thank you,” you whispered back to Jaehwan as his hand moved around your tummy in circles to ease the pain.
“Anything,” he hummed in response, “you know that you can always count on me, don’t you?”
“Of course, you’re the best Jae.”
Your smile was wide as Wonsik got out of the bed and walked across to you. “Thank you,” you chuckled across to him.
His hands reached out and intertwined in with yours, “you’re lucky you’re pregnant otherwise I’d be so mad about you waking me up right now just to help you up.”
“It’s a hard job to do with a huge baby bump you know.”
“I know,” Wonsik agreed, counting down from three before pulling you up onto your feet so that you could get out of bed and head over to use the bathroom.
“Thank you,” you told him again, “I really appreciate it.”
“Do you need anymore help?” Wonsik asked you as you began to walk around the bedroom. “Do I need to wait in case you need some help getting back into the bed as well?”
“Getting back into bed is the fun bit,” you joked, “I can just drop down and roll onto my side and I’m tucked back in.”
“You’re impossible,” Wonsik grinned, “you’ve still got to be careful just dropping down Y/N.”
“Don’t worry, it’s all under control.”
You couldn’t help but allow your smile to grow as an arm moved around your waist. “Are you alright?” You looked to Sanghyuk.
His head nodded in reply to you as the two of you walked, “I’m just holding onto your bump, it’s a bit busy around here and I don’t want for anyone to end up knocking you.”
“I’m pretty good at moving out of the way.”
Sanghyuk carried on nodding in agreement with you, “even if you can move, it’s better to be safe than sorry and have me holding onto your bump.”
“You’re cute,” you grinned, “you care so much about us.”
“Of course,” Sanghyuk smiled in reply to you, “you’re heavily pregnant, and you’ve got our baby in there too, there’s no way that I could just leave you to fend for yourself Y/N.”
“I appreciate it,” you mused back to Sanghyuk, “even though I probably like to be a bit stubborn sometimes.”
“It’s hard,” he agreed, “having to struggle and accept the help of others all of a sudden, right?”
“Exactly, it’s all so different.”
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