em-dualism · 3 months
Pat was... still a little caught up in surprise. These two seemed to relax quickly, which helped ease his own worries, but... this raised plenty of questions. And he was also sure his own appearance raised just as many.
His posture had loosened as he tapped his fingers together, making his gauntlet come off as much less weapon-like. "I see... I kinda had a feeling when I saw what you had written there. Sorry for eavesdropping."
The question he asked caused the young EM human to get just the briefest glint in his eye. "Oh! No, but uh... I kind of help sometimes. Water them and stuff. Not that I think whoever does own this park notices me doing it. I just like being around here... and it makes me feel a bit protective of it." A quiet, sheepish laugh escaped him as he couldn't help but keep glancing at the werewolf.
The observer materializes so easily -- but despite that he looks surprised by what he's just witnessed. In what world is total invisibility easy but a werewolf surprising? The thought is derailed by how young the stranger appears, prompting some raised eyebrows from both halves of Alexander.
"Oh! Is that all?" A big grin is supplied by the human half, mirrored near simultaneously by the massive canine.
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...and some tail wagging to boot, now that it's clear there's no hostility.
Alex reaches to pat his other self, mostly to help ease how intimidating most found a literal monster. Treating himself like a giant dog usually helped. "Sorry if I had you worried there." As if on cue, the wolf hunches down, trying to make himself closer to eye level with Pat.
"Truth is, I wanted to study the flowers here. I make a lot of... uh, herbal remedies, I guess you could say?" That's the simple explanation at any rate. "Haven't seen ones like this before, did you plant em by chance?"
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em-dualism · 3 months
You boys seem so sweet, have some sweets!
*gives Pat flower marshmallows* *gives Rey hot chocolate*
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"...You think so? Well, aha... thank you."
He pauses. Thinking.
"Actually... Rey, why don't you have both?" The marshmallows are promptly dunked into the beverage, the allure of it causing Rey to front now.
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"Eh?? What, like I'm just gonna... take handouts..." He's eyeing it so hard. "Pssh. Better not expect me to owe you or anything, masked guy. You hear that? It's all mine!" Yeah, he'll be drinking this now on his own. Not gonna let an anon have the satisfaction of watching him be blissful in this moment.
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em-dualism · 3 months
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Does she think we have Mega Man on speed dial..?!
Well.... speaking with Geo more would be nice-
Never mind just remembered I hate this topic actually!
A tired sigh in response that was accidentally audible. Oops. He tried to cover by continuing, "I... don't think you'll have to worry about that, haha. But I'll keep it to myself anyway."
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“GAH!?” Someone was hearing her sing that?!
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“..O-Oh…” A sigh of relief. “It’s just you, Pat. Startling me like that, sheesh…” If no one did speak, she probably would’ve sung the entirety of that song!
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“…Don’t tell Mega Man I was singing something like that, alright..?”
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em-dualism · 3 months
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"...Still at it, huh Prez?"
She's in her own little world. Leave her to it and maybe she WILL be here all night! Now that'd be good.
Well... that'd be her own decision at least.
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“I need a Rockman~!”
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“I'm holding out for a Rooockman 'til the end of the niiight!”
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“He's gotta be strong, and he's gotta be fast and he's gotta be fresh from the fight!”
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“I need a Rockman~!!”
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em-dualism · 5 months
“My fear of being real, of being seen, paralyzes me into silence. I crave the touch and the connection, but I’m not always brave enough to open my hand and reach out. This is the great challenge: to be seen, accepted, and loved, I must first reveal, offer, and surrender.”
Anna White, Mended: Thoughts on Life, Love, and Leaps of Faith
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em-dualism · 5 months
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"Well... I guess that's true.
...Did they have to hit so close to home with the weaknesses, though?"
Tagged by: @pyonpyonpyon
Tagging: Steal it from me !
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em-dualism · 5 months
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"Ah? Really? Well, I'm glad you think so, haha.."
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And I'm glad he thinks so too!
🌋 //Geo at Pat and/or Rey?
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"For Pat, 'sweet.'
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"For Rey... 'scary...'"
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em-dualism · 5 months
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em-dualism · 6 months
☆ Put this star into the inbox of your favorite blogs. It's time to spread positivity!
//Much appreciated! I'm still a bit spotty here but that's mostly because I'm getting accustomed to having a work schedule now. I'm glad people still enjoy what I'm doing here!
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em-dualism · 6 months
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//First thing I did with aseprite is expression swap Pat and Rey's mugshots and now I'm making that everyone else's problem.
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em-dualism · 6 months
Pat has been visited by Welch Vineyard!
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"Here's a boop from the birthday girl! Boop!"
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"Whuh? I thought I redirected all the boops to Rey..!" He chuckles. "I'm only kidding. Thanks. And happy birthday! ...Seems more like a boop-day now, doesn't it?"
Leave it to this day to let him feel a little sillier than usual. A nice laugh was good for him.
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em-dualism · 6 months
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"Hey..! Is that the only reason you Wave Changed us?"
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em-dualism · 6 months
what do you feel nostalgic for?
a place you once knew
maybe it's somewhere you visited once, somewhere you go regularly, or somewhere you lived at one point. regardless, you long desperately to go back and just be. just exist there. is it the landscape you miss? the excitement of a city or the pleasant solitude of a small town? is it the people? do you need to make something right there? whatever it is, you need to go back. your heart is aching. you can't stop picturing yourself walking the streets, taking in your surroundings. did you know you'd feel this way when you were there? how could you have predicted this feeling when you had it all in the moment?
tagged by: @iiguess
tagging: I was a bit slow on this one so I'm tossing it out to anyone !!
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em-dualism · 7 months
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Was told there was a trend going on of drawing your comfort character in a t-shirt with a traumatic moment for them on it. I. Uh. I sure got left with a lot of options. I'm so sorry.
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em-dualism · 7 months
That gave him pause. Pat had flinched at her words, at a loss of his own. They did relate on this, didn't they? Or had he zeroed in on that thought so hard that he saw it as the truth even when it wasn't? No... no, this wasn't the time to doubt. Besides, he realized Izel wasn't arguing without fault herself.
"We were talking and she started that unprompted. That's initiating," he pointed out quietly. "You're right, I don't know you very well. But... you haven't acted that way to me." Clearly he was thinking through the most basic logic here as he was speaking. Nothing else came to him, no words of wisdom. Not that he'd ever have any. When it came to friendship, it was only recently he'd toned down on feeling hopeless.
"I don't have much in the way of friends. Sure, I've got plenty to think about. But I don't want to just worry about my life all the time anymore." He tugged at one of his gloves. "If you need time to yourself... I get it. But I just want you to know you can contact me if you want." When he said that, he could feel Rey's confusion. They would... definitely be having a talk about this later. Actively pursuing friendship like this had never been in the cards for them. All Pat knew in that moment was that he had to offer something, even if he wasn't planning on overstepping further.
If it wasn’t for the gravel they were walking on, she would have assumed she was alone given how quiet Pat was being. That’s fine, she needs a minute anyway. She shoves her hands in her pockets to prevent herself from tending to her injured hand again. It didn’t hurt as much but it did sting. Still, it is concerning Tsunoda got physical, that’s not her style. Her thoughts were suddenly abrupted, however, by Pat’s apology, causing Izel to stop but not look back. Taking another moment to compose herself before letting out a dry laugh, “Don’t apologize. This is just how girls talk.”
“…I know she is, it is the only trick she knows,” Doesn’t matter if it’s a school in a different country, the results are about the same. The only common thread is herself. That thought didn’t sit well with her but neither does dragging others into her own mess, “I just don’t know why you think you know me better than her when I can easily count the times I’ve met up with you in one hand.”
“We barely know each other. You don’t really know what happens between Tsunoda and me. Yet you assume I’m the victim and not the initiator,” Finally looking back at Sprigs, a blank expression is presented to the boy, “Why do you want to be friends with me? Don’t you have enough to worry about?”
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em-dualism · 8 months
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em-dualism · 8 months
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It's that day again!
Using Wave Change for the purpose of them both getting their preferred ice cream flavor. They deserve a moment to relax.
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