emalaya00 · 2 years
Ok so I just had a Percy Jackson themed dnd campaign idea right and the actual campaign can be whatever you want right but how you choose your godly parent is you role a d12, and whatever god corresponds with the number you rolled is your parent. Like ok say you role a 2, which would most likely be Hera, you role again, and if you role for Artemis, you’re a hunter (unless you’re a dude). Oh and then if you role for Hermes you can either choose to be an actual child of Hermes or be a child of one of the lesser known gods. Then if the campaign is set in Heroes of Olympus instead you come up with your own list (1-13 being the olympians +Hades) and you can use a d20 instead, so you can bring in like Nemesis and Iris. I just think it’d be neat
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emalaya00 · 3 years
He’s ugly and I support lesbians 💞
Ted bundy isn't ugly, you're just a lesbian
Congratulations, this is the worst ask I’ve ever gotten
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emalaya00 · 3 years
Who let me feel attachment to an anime with only three episodes, like do y’all know how much that sucks
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emalaya00 · 3 years
Tag yourself, I’m “I am LOOKING”
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cursed emojis that no one asked for but I don’t care
free to use!
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emalaya00 · 3 years
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emalaya00 · 4 years
https://archiveofourown.org/works/14299578 this one ?????
Can someone help?
I’ve been looking for this fanfic where Fury is just pissed at Team Cap and low key tracks them down in Waianae and tears them apart about their disrespect towards Tony Stark. I think it was on Ao3?
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emalaya00 · 4 years
So um, In the Pride and Prejudice musical when Darcy and Lizzie are having their first fight and when Caroline like breaks them up. And the spotlight hits and he’s just like. “Oh god! I like her eyes” that. That’s literally amazing
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emalaya00 · 4 years
Listen I’m reading this super cute fanfic about Padmé going into labor while the war is still going on but I just got destroyed cause Obi-Wan didn’t know shit about anything and then it was all spilled to him. And then when Anakin was going through the bond to sense his feelings he felt envy, because he wanted to be with Satine and have a baby with Satine and it made me so sad so I’m sharing
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emalaya00 · 4 years
I love Tony Stark.
Reblog if you do, too.
Like if you do, as well.
This is a wholesome post 😊 
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emalaya00 · 4 years
I loved these idiots so much
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Everyone changes the world, Luther. Everyone. And it’s scary but that’s kinda the deal.
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emalaya00 · 4 years
I’m gonna say it, Luther in season 2 was pretty great and I really liked his character. The guy was pretty stupid too and I respect that
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emalaya00 · 4 years
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You know what? Same (the fic is called Frosta is Trying Her Best by kaguwuyasama on AO3)
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emalaya00 · 4 years
This is fricking valid
I’m considering coming out to my family as non-binary, and so today I brought up the subject of non-binary gendering/transgendering with my Dad as a casual conversational topic. He’s told me that if somebody is born a boy then they “should stay a fucking boy” and not trans to a girl or be a boy some days/girl other days/genderless other days.
I told him that I think gender identity should be something one can choose for themselves, and he says that nobody thinks like that and anybody who is trans/non-binary will just be shunned by every member of society they meet. He doesn’t think that people support n-b/t communities, because he doesn’t. He says to me that not staying one’s natural gender is wrong and against the point of being born a boy/girl.
Every person who reblogs this will have their URL written in a full-size writing book and when it is full I will show it to my father to illustrate to him the amount of people who believe that being non-binary is a valid gender identity.
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emalaya00 · 4 years
As big of a Star Wars nerd I am, and as much as I love it, the one thing I can’t f*cking stand. Is that fact that only a handful of characters got a ending they deserved and I will forever be petty about that. Like Obi-Wan did not f*cking need to be killed by the man who used to be his brother. Han Solo did not deserve to be killed by his son. Like Rey’s ending? Bittersweet, but I’ll take it. Leia’s? They did that in a good way even though it was pretty sad. Yes this was all just to make the story nice and angsty but what the fuck.
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emalaya00 · 5 years
How nice ❤️
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emalaya00 · 5 years
This is insanely good, but why does @vioislit so this to me?????
TW: Blood, death, angst, the usual under the cut
Keep reading
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emalaya00 · 5 years
Patton is a sweety!! He is trying to change and not be so stuck, and that’s hard do everyone should have a lot of respect for Dad!!!
Things That Have Happened to Patton in the Last Year or So:
- he has been repeatedly villainized by the fandom for having his own flaws, like every other character in the series
- his best friend has been an asshole to him for almost a year’s worth of videos now. look, i love virgil just as much as the next person, but like, seriously, he’s been. an. ass.
- he is being forced to reevaluate the morals that he has held close for practically his whole life (of course, that’s for the better, but changing your perspective on something and trying to accept something that you haven’t always been comfortable with is HARD, man!)
- he is still constantly being dismissed by the other sides and treated as though he doesn’t understand anything that’s going on, so they can insult him if they want, right!
- have i mentioned his and virgil’s friendship? because when you start to grow distant with someone you really care about, especially for someone like patton, who cares so deeply about the ones he loves, it seems like a slap to the face
- has pretty much learned that lots of the core values that he’s always held, as morality, since thomas was a kid, are wrong, and he’s been inadvertently hurting thomas in the process. of course, it is a good thing that he’s being forced to reevaluate his actions, but it’s gotta be rough to know that you haven’t been doing your one purpose (being a moral compass) very well
- virgil almost seems to be lashing out at him specifically because he’s since revealed that he was a dark side, when in reality, patton was the first one to accept him. patton realized that he was missing in accepting anxiety, and he practically forced the other two to go after him, because he knows that they need him. patton already knew that virgil was a dark side, and he loved and accepted him in spite of it, and was the first one to do so. why doesn’t anybody acknowledge this?
- seriously, everybody, this includes the other sides and the fandom, has been so nasty to him lately. it’s one thing to recognize a person’s human flaws as what they are and realize that they aren’t always right or perfect. it’s another to villainize them (and only them) for the flaws that they have, despite the fact that that every character in the series has them, too.
- but. the most important thing to remember about patton? HE. IS TRYING. TO GET BETTER.
- when virgil asked him to stop patronizing him? he clearly started to make an effort. when logan tells him to be less strict? he immediately apologizes to thomas and promises to work on it. in healthy distractions, he even made an effort by trying to get thomas to relax, when normally he’d be making him feel guilty about the way he treated his friend! he recognizes that he needs to change, and he is willing to, and actively trying to.
- we shouldn’t antagonize him for being human. everybody makes mistakes. it’s how one responds to the mistakes that they make that shows their true character, and patton is more than willing to try to get better.
- so
LET’S START A CHAIN OF PATTON POSITIVITY IN THE NOTES! i miss seeing it, and I think that he deserves some recognition for all of the good he does, instead of just the bad.
Of course, let’s all try to keep it specifically Patton-positivity instead of another-side-negativity.
i’ll start: patton is an absolute sweetheart who tries his best 100% of the time, even when he is a bit misguided. he tries so hard to get better, even when it hurts. patton, thank you for not being stubborn and recognizing your mistakes when you make them, and vowing to make amends. that makes you a great dad in my book. :)
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