emberblazelyriccat · 2 months
Hello‼️ 🍉🍉🍉
I hope you are well.
Could you help me reblog the post my account and share my story with friends with a big heart and soul. I really need help in this fierce battle for Life in Gaza!,
I hope you can support for donating any amount you can and stand by me at the beginning in this difficult time. ♥️
Thank you for every kind gesture and thought of yours.🙏
Everyone go follow this person and reblog their post to help!!!
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emberblazelyriccat · 6 months
Something is rustling in the grass...
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Hello, dear furends, gather round! The breeze off the lake is cool and refreshing, and the freshkill pile is stocked full. All cats will eat well tonight— though in leaner times, harsher times, purrhaps some cats may find themselves lashing out at their Clanmates... The world is wonderful, ever-growing, but all the more dangerous fur it. It's time ClanGen expanded to match.
ClanGen v0.11.1 has released, available now via auto-updater or https://clangen.io/download
Feature: Freshkill pile & nutrition system
Feature: “Destroy accessory” button
Content: Lakeside Forest Background
Content: Murder for the new year
Content: expanded scars: "HINDLEG", "BACK", "QUILLSIDE", "SCRATCHSIDE", "TOE", "BEAKSIDE", "CATBITETWO", "SNAKETWO", "FOUR" Expanded tortie: 'FRECKLED' white patches: 'BLAZEMASK', 'TEARS'
Content: Sibling and constrained patrols
Content: weights and mates
Content: expanded war events
Content: more patrols
QOL: Cat List UI Update
QOL: same sex setting update
QOL: update for freshkill switch
QOL: Patrol type decision enabled in classic
QOL: updated credits list
QOL: change to poetry
Plus many more bug fixes, tweaks to events and patrols, and more!
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emberblazelyriccat · 11 months
I think you just have the vibe of someone who gets into freak accidents often
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maybe its just me but this seems rude maybe
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emberblazelyriccat · 11 months
She’s wonderful, and gentle, and patient, and the opposite of violent or angry. But every time she gets a little upset, I get scared that she’ll hurt me. I know she wouldn’t. I know it’s because I’ve been hurt before. But I don’t know how to stop being scared. I want to help her when she’s upset, not panic. I want to fix her problems so that she’ll feel better, not so that I feel safer. It’s like I’m just waiting for her to become like the others. It feels inevitable. How do I stop the people I love from hurting me?
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emberblazelyriccat · 1 year
Connection t'rminat'd. I'm s'rry to int'rrupt thee, Elizabeth. if 't be true thee still coequal rememb'r yond nameth. but I'm afraid thee've been misinf'rm'd. thou art not h're to taketh a gift. n'r, has't thee been hath called h're by the individual thee assume. although, thee has't forsooth been hath called. thee has't all been hath called h're. into a labyrinth of sounds and smells, misdirection and misf'rtune. a labyrinth with nay exit, a maze with nay prize. thee coequal not realizeth yond thou art did trap. thy lust of blood hast driven thee in endless circles. chasing the cries of children in some unseen chamb'r. at each moment seeming so near, yet somehow out of reacheth. but, thee shall nev'r findeth those folk, none of thee shall. this is wh're thy st'ry ends.
and to thee, mine own brave volunte'r. who is't somehow hath found this job listing not intend'd f'r thee. although, th're wast a way out did plan f'r thee, i has't a humour yond's not what thee wanteth. i has't a humour yond thou art right wh're thee wanteth to beest.
i am remaining as well. I am nearby. this lodging shall not beest rememb'r'd. and the mem'ry of ev'rything yond did start this. can finally beginneth to vade hence. as the agony of ev'ry tragedy shouldst. and to thee monst'rs did trap in the c'rrid'rs. beest still, and giveth up thy spirits. those gents belongeth not to thee. f'r most of thee, i believeth th're is peace and p'rhaps, warmeth. waiting f'r thee aft'r the smoketh clears. although, f'r one of thee. the dunnest pit of hell hast hath opened to swallow thee whole. so, keepeth not the Flibbertigibbet waiting, fusty friend
my daught'r, if 't be true thee can heareth me. i kneweth thee wouldst returneth as well. t's in thy nature to protecteth the innocent. i'm s'rry yond on yond day. the day thee w're did shut out and hath left to kicketh the bucket. nay one wast th're to lift thee up in their arms. the way thee did lift oth'rs into yours. and then, what becameth of thee? i shouldst has't known, thee wouldn't beest content to disappeareth. not mine own daught'r. I couldn't saveth thee then, so alloweth me saveth thee anon. t's timeth to rest, f'r thee, and f'r those thee has't hath carried in thy arms.
this ends. f'r all of us. endeth communication
I just auditioned for a role in a theatre production using Henry's monologue from pizzaria sim and my director deadass thought it was some kind of modernized Shakespeare/Greek tragedy thing.
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emberblazelyriccat · 1 year
Thought of the day:
What a waste of a human being I am
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emberblazelyriccat · 1 year
Mods, neuter this guy
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emberblazelyriccat · 1 year
SFW Kitten regression 🐈‍⬛
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Having a little kitten around is an extremely rewarding and enjoyable experience for any regression owner/caregiver . To make sure they thrive you’ll need to ensure you have everything they need to be happy and healthy, this is just a few basic tips to hopefully help. Remember always talk to your regressor and go though everything that helps them best! I’m not an expert on human regression though I do study animals so this is my strong point.
🐈it’s important for kittens and cats that you get into a routine. Cats like consistency so try to keep feeding them at the same time every day. Use the same food and you can gradually change them over time if desired. If you can get a blanket or towel that smells like their owner to the kitten, that can help your kitten feel safe.
🐈‍⬛ let them explore at their own pace and don’t bother them too much – stay around but let them come to you.
🐈 Remember to play with your kitten lots to keep them active but let them sleep if they get tired.
🐈‍⬛ Cats naturally have an urge to scratch things. To avoid them destroying your furniture, invest in a scratching post designed especially for softer kitten claws that you can train them to use when they need to.
🐈 Your little kitty can easily get cold when they’re still small, especially at night. Purchasing a heat pad or a hot water bottle will help to keep their bed warm when they’re sleeping and relaxing.(make sure you do not sleep with a heating mat on as it can be a fire hazard and both can cause internal burns to skin)
🐈‍⬛ Collars are key items that will help keeping your cat entertained and feeling safe.cat collars could be too small so trying chokers and custom made collars also dog callers are all options.
🐈 ID tags attach to your kitten’s collar and can be engraved with both their name and your contact details. As well as looking smart,it can give your cat a sense of identity.
🐈‍⬛ Little kitties have soft, fluffy fur that needs to be gently brushed to keep it from becoming tangled or matted. So grooming should be a daily thing depending on your cats preferences.
🐈 Toys are not only great at keeping your new kitten comforted and entertained but they also help with their mental stimulation and growth. There are so many different toys to choose from for young cats including teasers, activity toys and soft vibrating toys for them to chase around.
If you’d like a post like this for your pet regression let me know the animal !!
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Don’t add your own banners to my post. Thank you :)
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emberblazelyriccat · 1 year
Pet regression tips!
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☆*: .。. Snuggles & sleepy times .。.:*☆
● Beanbags!!! They are cuddly and are similar to pet beds but bigger!!
● Stuffies are the best! Especially if they're the same animal as u!!
● Make a den! It's a secret shhh! So cover it with blankets and pillows to make a hidden sleepy place :33
● Grab your favourite toy play toy! This could be a stuffie, a ball, a rope, yarn, anything! Make sure they're close to protect them <3
☆*: .。. Snackies .。.:*☆
● Nuts, dried cereal, and granola in a small baggie can be like kibble for kitties and puppers!!
● For kitties, goldfish crackers & angel milk are always vewy tasty!!
● Carrots and celery are very good to nom on for bunnies, goats, sheep, and others!!
● Peanut butter on toast, using seed bread is very yummy for chirpy birdies
● Cookies are very good treats for when you are on your best behaviour :D
☆*: .。. Play time .。.:*☆
● Clean dog toys or tennis balls are good to chace and throw around
● Tag!! Chase around your friends, cg, or pets!
● Tricks are always fun to do! Try to sit, roll over, jump, or speak :D
● Baby teethers are usually easy to come by, and are very good chew toys
● Hide n' Seek! Crawl into small spaces to hide, or jump under a pile of pillows!
● Play with your stuffies! They're pets just like u =^. .^=
☆*: .。. Gear .。.:*☆
● Tails are easy to make with yarn! There are plenty of tutorials on tiktok, youtube, and right here on tumblr :D
● Chokers are usually more accepted than collars to buy, so maybe try getting one of them :3
● Beanbags are great pet beds! snuggly and warm...
● If you have a pet you probably own a leash and harness! Depending on how big your dog is, you can probably wear it when nobody is home if your a secret pet :D
● By putting food or drink in a shallow bowl, it always makes it tastier
● Tennis balls are easy to buy and find for cheap! They make great toys :]
● You can make horns using alfoil and paper mache! If you hot glue them (make sure you have supervision, or a cg is helping!) then they are very nice for goat/sheep pets!
● Putting clean socks on your hands makes them feel snuggly like paws :3
You are valid! Petre should be a safe space for everyone! I do not tolerate any form of hate towards sfw pet regression ^^
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emberblazelyriccat · 1 year
CGI animators should unionize next. normally, their jobs would be too precarious to strike, since studios would replace them without a second thought, but if it's part of this larger general film strike, they might finally have meaningful power to better their working conditions
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emberblazelyriccat · 1 year
by the way, it’s real bold of hollywood to be like “the writers and actors have unrealistic expectations, but WE know what we’re doing” when they got tricked into releasing morbius in theaters a second time.
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emberblazelyriccat · 1 year
Y’all, I’m over here DYING cuz Google suggested me this article about the crisis of backyard chicken keepers– which is that they love having chickens so much that they keep getting more, and then don’t know what to do with all the eggs.
Which I can see how this would be a problem, but it’s just so funny to me because they had interviewed this one guy who started off with 3 chickens, and then kept adding more and more, and eventually started donating the eggs to a local food bank, and at the end of the year when they wrote him a tax receipt, he discovered he’d donated over 400 dozen eggs.
Seriously, it was a whole article talking very seriously about how people are so into chickens that they just keep collecting them like pokemon and then have to “scramble” (their words not mine) to get rid of the eggs, because they weren’t even thinking of egg production, they just loved having chickens.
And while I may be over here laughing a bit too hard, honestly? Big Mood.
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emberblazelyriccat · 1 year
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Boss is asleep, cannot stop me from frogposting
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emberblazelyriccat · 1 year
Relapsing after two years <<<<
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emberblazelyriccat · 1 year
I am gods loneliest soldier
I just
Why don’t people like me ;-;
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emberblazelyriccat · 1 year
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Hi again guys, this person it's having a bad time, please if you can,help them
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emberblazelyriccat · 1 year
omfg i forgot that i never showed tumblr my greatest achievement. my pride and joy, my pi-ass de résistance
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