embiteltechnologies · 4 months
Optimizing Performance & Efficiency by Advanced Techniques in 3-Phase PMSM Motor Control
In the contemporary EV realm, advanced techniques and methodologies aimed at elevating the performance and efficiency of 3-phase PMSM motor controllers, aligning with the evolving landscape of industrial automation.
Sensorless Control
Sensorless control techniques, such as observer-based methods and back-EMF estimation, offer alternatives to traditional sensor-based control, addressing challenges while enhancing reliability and reducing cost.
Advanced Control Algorithms
Exploring sophisticated control algorithms like Model Predictive Control (MPC) and Adaptive Control, which leverage computational intelligence to enhance dynamic response and robustness, ensuring precise motor control in dynamic environments.
Power Factor Correction (PFC)
Power Factor Correction techniques play a vital role in improving the efficiency and power quality of PMSM motor drives. Active and passive PFC methods optimize power utilization, reducing harmonic distortion and enhancing overall system efficiency.
Fault Diagnosis and Protection
Efficient fault diagnosis methods, coupled with fault-tolerant control strategies, safeguard PMSM motor systems against various faults, ensuring uninterrupted operation and prolonging system lifespan in critical industrial applications.
Future Trends and Emerging Technologies
Anticipating the future of PMSM motor control, we delve into emerging trends such as AI integration, digital twin simulations, and advanced semiconductor devices like SiC/GaN, which promise to reshape the landscape of industrial automation with unprecedented efficiency and intelligence.
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embiteltechnologies · 6 months
High-Speed BLDC Motor Controllers: A Game-Changer for Electric Vehicle Performance
The performance of electric vehicles relies heavily on the capabilities of their motor controllers. This blog delves into how high-speed BLDC motor controllers serve as a game-changer, revolutionizing the driving experience and pushing the boundaries of electric vehicle performance.
Enhanced Acceleration and Torque Control
One of the defining features of high-speed BLDC motor controllers is their ability to provide precise control over acceleration and torque. This level of control translates into a responsive and dynamic driving experience. EVs equipped with these controllers can achieve high acceleration rates and maintain optimal torque across varying driving conditions, rivalling traditional internal combustion engines in performance.
Dynamic Power Management for Varied Terrains
The adaptability of high-speed BLDC motor controllers makes them well-suited for electric vehicles navigating diverse terrains. Through dynamic power management, these controllers optimize motor performance based on the driving environment, ensuring a seamless transition between urban streets and challenging off-road conditions. This capability not only enhances performance but also expands the application of electric vehicles to a broader range of driving scenarios.
Integration with Vehicle Control Systems
High-speed BLDC motor controllers are increasingly integrated with sophisticated vehicle control systems, enhancing overall coordination and performance. This integration allows for seamless communication between the motor controller, battery management system, and other vehicle components. The result is a harmonized and efficient operation that contributes to the superior performance of electric vehicles.
In conclusion, high-speed BLDC motor controllers are at the forefront of the electric vehicle revolution, redefining standards for efficiency, range, and performance. As technology continues to advance, these controllers will likely play an increasingly pivotal role in shaping the future of electric mobility.
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embiteltechnologies · 10 months
Streamlining EV Motor Control through CAN Bus Communication
In the world of electric vehicles, seamless communication between various components is essential for optimal performance. The Controller Area Network (CAN) bus communication system plays a pivotal role in connecting different subsystems within an EV, including the motor controller. Discover how CAN bus communication enhances the coordination and functionality of EV motor controllers.
In the intricate web of an electric vehicle's inner workings, effective communication between its various components is crucial. The Controller Area Network (CAN) bus communication system is the digital glue that binds these components together, ensuring that they work in harmony to deliver a seamless driving experience.
Understanding CAN Bus Communication
The CAN bus is a standardized communication protocol used in vehicles to facilitate data exchange between electronic control units (ECUs). In the context of EV motor controllers, the CAN bus allows for seamless communication between the motor controller, battery management system, and other relevant ECUs. This communication enables real-time sharing of crucial information such as motor speed, torque demand, battery status, and more.
Real-Time Data Exchange
One of the primary benefits of CAN bus communication is its ability to provide real-time data exchange. This allows different components of the EV system to work in sync, enabling dynamic adjustments based on changing conditions. For example, the motor controller can receive information from the battery management system about the state of charge and adjust power delivery accordingly to maximize efficiency.
Safeguarding Through Redundancy
CAN bus systems often incorporate redundancy to enhance reliability. In the context of EV motor controllers, redundant communication paths can ensure that critical data reaches its destination even if one pathway experiences a failure. This redundancy enhances the safety and fault tolerance of the overall system, reducing the risk of malfunctions or accidents.
Future Integration and Scalability
As EV technology continues to evolve, the role of CAN bus communication is becoming even more significant. With the rise of autonomous driving and advanced driver-assistance systems, the integration of various subsystems becomes more complex. CAN bus communication provides a scalable solution to accommodate the growing number of interconnected components, ensuring that EV motor controllers remain at the forefront of innovation.
In the intricate dance of electric vehicle components, the CAN bus communication system is the orchestrator that ensures harmony. Through its seamless data exchange and robust reliability, it empowers EV motor controllers to perform optimally, contributing to the overall efficiency and safety of electric vehicles on the road.
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embiteltechnologies · 11 months
Unified Diagnostic Services Protocol: Enabling Remote Diagnostics for Vehicle ECUs
In the new era of connected cars, the ability to diagnose and troubleshoot vehicle issues remotely has become an invaluable feature. Traditional vehicle diagnosis requires a physical connection to the vehicle's electronic control unit (ECU), which can only be done in a garage or service centre. But with the advent of the Unified Diagnostic Services (UDS) protocol, the game has changed entirely. This blog post will examine how UDS protocol is playing a key role in enabling remote diagnostics in connected cars.
The Essence of Unified Diagnostic Services
Unified Diagnostic Services (UDS) is an automotive diagnostic communication protocol established by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) under ISO 14229-1. The protocol provides a comprehensive framework for vehicle diagnostics and maintenance, offering services for tasks like reading or erasing fault memory, adjusting vehicle parameters, and programming new firmware.
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DoIP and UDS Enabling Remote Vehicle Diagnostics
UDS Protocol and the Power of Remote Diagnostics
Remote diagnostics is a process whereby vehicle faults and performance data are collected, analysed, and addressed remotely, typically through a wireless network. This approach reduces the need for physical maintenance and enhances the overall user experience.
Connected cars equipped with telematics systems can utilize the UDS protocol for remote diagnostics in the following ways:
Fault Detection: When a vehicle system encounters a problem, the UDS protocol can facilitate the collection of detailed diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs). These codes can be transmitted to the manufacturer's server, where they are analyzed to identify the exact nature of the fault.
Preventive Maintenance: UDS can also enable the periodic transmission of vehicle performance data. By analyzing this data, potential faults can be detected early, allowing for preventive maintenance before a serious problem develops.
Remote Repair: For some software-related issues, the problem can be fixed remotely by adjusting system parameters or updating the ECU firmware. This is possible thanks to UDS services like 'Input Output Control' and 'Routine Control', which can be used to modify system settings and perform software updates.
Advantages of UDS Protocol Driven Remote Diagnostics
The impact of UDS-enabled remote diagnostics on the automotive industry and vehicle owners is profound:
Efficiency: With remote diagnostics, potential vehicle faults can be detected and resolved promptly, minimizing downtime and enhancing vehicle performance and lifespan.
Convenience: Vehicle owners no longer need to visit a service center for every minor issue. Many problems can be resolved remotely, saving time and effort.
Proactive Maintenance: Regular transmission of vehicle data allows for preventive maintenance, reducing the likelihood of serious breakdowns and enhancing vehicle safety.
Cost Savings: By addressing issues early and reducing the need for physical service visits, remote diagnostics can lead to substantial cost savings for both vehicle owners and manufacturers.
The UDS protocol has become an integral part of the remote diagnostics process in connected cars, bringing a new level of efficiency, convenience, and safety to vehicle maintenance. As vehicles continue to evolve, becoming more interconnected and intelligent, the role of UDS protocol in enabling innovative features like remote diagnostics is set to grow exponentially.
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Overcoming Challenges in Motor Controller Design for Electric Vehicles
The growing demand for Electric Vehicles has propelled significant advancements in EV motor controller technology. However, the design and development of motor controllers for Electric Vehicles are not without challenges. In this blog, we will explore some of the key challenges faced by engineers in motor controller design for Electric Vehicles and how they are being overcome.
Power Density and Size of EV Motor Controllers
One of the main challenges in EV motor controller design is achieving high power density while maintaining a compact size. Electric Vehicles require motor controllers that can handle high currents and voltages efficiently. Engineers and OEMs are constantly developing new power semiconductor technologies, such as silicon carbide (SiC) and gallium nitride (GaN), which offer higher efficiency and power density. By leveraging these advancements, motor controllers can deliver more power in a smaller footprint.
Thermal Management
Motor controllers generate heat during operation, and effective thermal management is crucial to ensure their reliability and longevity. Engineers employ various techniques, including advanced cooling systems, heat sinks, and intelligent control algorithms, to manage the heat dissipation and prevent thermal issues. By efficiently removing heat from critical components, EV motor controllers can maintain optimal performance even under high-stress conditions.
Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) – Silent Operation
Electric Vehicles demand low electromagnetic interference to prevent interference with other vehicle electronics and external devices. EV Motor controllers must comply with stringent EMI standards. Engineers employ shielding techniques, filters, and careful layout design to minimize electromagnetic emissions. Through meticulous design and testing, motor controllers can meet the required EMI standards without compromising performance.
Scalability and Flexibility – Adapting to Evolving Needs
Electric Vehicle manufacturers require motor controllers that are scalable and flexible, capable of accommodating various motor types and vehicle configurations. Modular motor controller architectures are being developed, that can be easily adapted to different power levels and motor technologies. This scalability allows for efficient production and customization, ensuring that EV motor controllers can meet the diverse needs of Electric Vehicle manufacturers.
The design of motor controllers for Electric Vehicles presents several challenges, ranging from power density and thermal management to electromagnetic interference and scalability. However, through continuous research, technological advancements, and innovative engineering solutions, these challenges are being overcome. As a result, Electric Vehicles are becoming more efficient, reliable, and accessible, driving us towards a greener and sustainable future.
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Making ISO 26262 Compliance Smoother and More Efficient for the Automotive Industry
Complying with ISO 26262, the international standard for functional safety in the automotive industry, is a critical requirement for ensuring the safety and reliability of automotive systems. While achieving ISO 26262 compliance may seem daunting, there are strategies and best practices that can make the process easier and more efficient for automotive companies. In this blog post, we will explore key steps to simplify ISO 26262 compliance and foster a safety-oriented culture within the automotive industry.
Establishing a Comprehensive Safety Framework for ISO 26262 Compliance
To make ISO 26262 compliance more manageable, it is essential to establish a robust safety framework that aligns with the standard's requirements. This framework should encompass safety management, hazard analysis, risk assessment, safety goals, safety plans, and safety verification and validation activities. By clearly defining ISO 26262 mandated processes and responsibilities, companies can ensure a structured and systematic approach to compliance.
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ISO 26262 Compliance Needs a Risk-Based Approach
ISO 26262 encourages a risk-based approach to functional safety. Instead of applying the same level of rigor to every aspect of a system, companies should prioritize their efforts based on the level of risk associated with each component or function. Identifying and mitigating the most critical risks first can help optimize resource allocation and streamline compliance efforts.
Promoting Cross-Functional Collaboration for ISO 26262 Projects
ISO 26262 compliance requires collaboration among various disciplines, including engineering, safety, testing, and project management. Foster a culture of cross-functional collaboration to facilitate knowledge sharing and decision-making. Encourage open communication channels and create opportunities for regular meetings and workshops to ensure all stakeholders are aligned on compliance objectives.
Leveraging ISO 26262 Compliance Experts
Engaging automotive safety experts can significantly simplify ISO 26262 compliance. These experts possess in-depth knowledge of the standard's requirements and can provide guidance on best practices, gap analysis, and compliance strategies. They can help tailor the compliance process to the organization's specific needs and provide valuable insights throughout the development lifecycle.
Implementing ISO 26262 Qualified Tools and Processes
Invest in tools and processes that support safety-oriented development and verification activities. This includes utilizing functional safety tools, safety analysis tools, requirements management tools, and traceability tools. Automating safety-related processes can enhance efficiency, accuracy, and traceability, while reducing manual effort and errors.
By following a structured and systematic approach, collaborating across functions, leveraging expertise, and embracing a risk-based mindset, automotive companies can simplify the ISO 26262 compliance process. Implementing safety-oriented tools, fostering a safety culture, and providing continuous training further streamline the path to compliance. Ultimately, making ISO 26262 compliance easy is about embedding safety into the DNA of automotive organizations and prioritizing the well-being of both drivers and passengers.
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Benefits of ChatGPT with Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) as a Chatbot
Streamlining and repurposing huge amount of content is not easy. To overcome this issue integrating ChatGPT with AEM (Adobe Experience Manager) as a chatbot is one of the best solutions for enterprises today. Organizations should adapt to new technologies and approaches as quickly as possible to stay relevant.
ChatGPT with AEM as chatbot provides exceptional customer service through personalization and immersive website interaction for users. Customization is simple and helps in reflecting brand awareness.
Let us look at the benefits of integrating ChatGPT with AEM as a chatbot:
NLP (Natural Language Processing) feature helps in quick and appropriate responses.
Intuitive interface helps in managing multiple conversations at the same time.
Supports in sentiment analysis of the given text.
Better engagement aids in SEO ranking.
Time saving and economical.
Assists in text summarization.
It is time that enterprises leverage the attributes of two powerful platforms to achieve unprecedented customer experiences. 
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Promotions Management: Driving Success in the Marketing Landscape!
In the ever-evolving and ever-demanding e-commerce landscape, effectively managing your users can be a stand-out difference-maker between you and your competition. 
The constant technological advancements have raised the customer's expectations that e-commerce owners strive to meet! Interested in exploring how businesses can go beyond traditional marketing strategies through promotions management? This short read is for you! 
What is Promotions Management?
Promotions Management is a technique for strategic planning to reward your customers by collaborating with vendors or brands doing business through your e-commerce store. 
A modern promotion management strategy includes the following activities:
Promotion Management through content creation is another trending technique to raise product/brand awareness in the public eye. Through this technique, businesses could educate customers about the technicalities of their products. Content creation activities such as unboxing videoes, podcasts with domain experts, and infographics with statistics are some of the ways to engage with your growing customer network.
Influencer Marketing is another activity under promotions management that you must not ignore! Selecting the right influencer to promote your brand on social media platforms could open the floodgates to potential new customers. 
One of the most used tools of promotions management is the feature of promo codes. These alphanumeric codes provide exclusive discounts before, during, and even after a shopping experience. Let's dig deeper into promo codes in the section below!
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Promo Code: The Secret to a Successful E-commerce Marketing Strategy
Once you decide on the promo code, the next step is to circulate them. E-mail Marketing, Social Media Influencers, Paid ads, etc are some of the many channels you could choose from. The intention here is to rake in sales by offering time-bound, product-specific discounts. Promo codes could also instill a feeling of exclusivity when they are offered to a specific segment of customers. Mentioned below are some of the benefits of using promo codes as a part of your promotions management strategy:
Attracting New Customers: Offering discounts on the second purchase as an incentive for completing the first purchase creates a positive first impression.
Drive Urgency: Time-bound promo codes create a feeling of urgency and drive a customer to make quicker buying decisions. For example, use a countdown timer when you offer a promo code so that the customer knows - the clock is ticking, triggering the fear of missing out (FOMO) psychology. 
Increasing Order value: By setting minimum purchase requirements on promo codes, you encourage customers to add more items to their carts to qualify for the enticing deals. 
Rewarding Repeat Purchases: You foster a sense of appreciation and build long-term relationships by offering exclusive discounts to regular customers/ repeat buyers. 
Embrace the art of promotions management to wield the power of promo codes to maximize the performance of your marketing strategy. An effective ecommerce marketing strategy helps attract and engage customers while e-commerce management services ensure smooth operations, optimize conversions and provide insights for strategic decision-making.
To streamline your customer’s buying experience, opting to collaborate with industry pioneers in ecommerce managed services is highly recommended. Tap the link to explore Embitel’s successful reign in providing managed services for the past 16+ years, in the form of case studies.
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E-Commerce Managed Services - Not a Luxury, But a Need? 
On a warm sunny day, you’re expecting it to rain orders, bearing fruit to all the great efforts your team has put into designing an ultra-hip and modern e-commerce store. With inventory stacked up and targeted ads doing their magic, it's all lined up for you to have a successful online sales campaign. 
 The clock strikes 12 and the sales festival is officially live. The traffic is impressive, but out of the blue, it gets overwhelming as you run into a series of problems. 
With the pages loading slowly and many customers abandoning their carts, you find yourself scrambling for solutions to save the once-promising sales campaign in the n-th moment. 
This nightmare of a situation could have been avoided by employing e-commerce-managed services. 
What are E-commerce Managed Services? 
An ecommerce managed service is your one-stop answer for all your online business maintenance and revamping needs. These services let you focus on dealing with critical business goals and handles the overall operations of your online business to achieve targets.
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Opt to partner with E-commerce management service providers and avail experts in the industry to uphold the Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) service strategy standards. ITIL is the set of standard practices to manage services and online assets starting with the design to the operation phase of your online business. 
Here is what you can expect from your e-commerce managed service partner: 
The management of marketplace activities, ranging from content & campaign management to customer grievance management. 
IT Infrastructure and Server Management to strengthen your online business foundation, by maintaining server uptime and page responsiveness during peak traffic.
Provide assessment and solutions to the risk analysis of critical protocols and policies core to the system architecture.
Round-the-clock website monitoring for preventive and proactive website maintenance. 
Provide Multi-Level IT Tech Support (L1, L2, and L3) to resolve bugs of varied levels in complexity.
Enhance the user experience by quickly resolving issues through ticket prioritization. 
Identifying your shortcomings early is pivotal to maximizing your online sales opportunities. Now that the importance of partnering with an e-commerce management service provider is familiar, it's time we dive into how you should pick your service partner! 
To know more about how your online business can choose the best service provider, stay tuned! 
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How Does AEM as a Cloud Service Benefit your Enterprise?
Adobe’s AEM as a cloud service is a futuristic platform where efficient customer experiences are created. AEM as a cloud service is a SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) platform and one of the most prominent solutions from Adobe.
AEM as a cloud service has the best of both worlds viz.  great features of AEM like CMS and DAM capabilities and cloud technology capacities.
Let us look at the benefits of Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) as a cloud service.
AEM as a cloud service provides flexibility, readiness to adapt and reliability to your infrastructure. Your site is always secured to the latest version of AEM sites and assets.
There is ample room for automatic scalability and product upgradation. Companies don’t have to perform upgrades as another task in their product lifecycle.
AEM’s cloud manager uses a CI/CD pipeline which helps in integration of new attributes with no downtime. That means your site is always available for customers. The CI/CD - Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery feature does smooth deployment without affecting your runtime.
AEM as a cloud service has CDN capability where new site instances can be built or removed in order to respond to the increasing traffic accordingly. This helps you to deliver better customer experiences and map customer journeys for further use.
AEM as a cloud service uses a pay-as-you-go model and customers make the decision on the package. This licence-based model is economical and effective for small and medium-sized enterprises.
Let us now look at why you should opt for AEM as a cloud service.
AEM as a cloud service has the most efficient CMS in the market today. This is a next-gen tool with a plethora of features which aids in productivity of the website. If you are an existing AEM customer then you begin with upgradation. You install the newest version of AEM 6.5.
Post that you follow step-by-step migration guidelines AEM as a cloud service. This process ensures that all of Adobe’s practices are executed, and the core functioning of the site and workflow is consistent.
At this stage, you cannot move to another service provider for cloud services. The entire architecture is now dependent on AEM here.
With AEM as a cloud service customers get control over authoring, and publishing. They also they get to be involved in the design and deployment phases through cloud manager option with the providers. This unparalleled power is hard to see with other platforms currently.
Adobe Experience Cloud service blends seamlessly with your product lifecycle for sure but what you need is a trusted partner who can successfully help you to leverage the benefits of AEM and AEM as a cloud service. Embitel is one of the pioneers in this space for years now. We are AEM services provider and partner for many esteemed companies across the globe. To know more, reach out to sales team at [email protected] 
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How to Implement ISO 26262 Standard for Body Control Module
A body control module (BCM) is a type of automotive ECU that controls various electronic functions in a vehicle including doors, windows, lighting, and security. Since many of these functions are safety-critical, ISO 26262 compliant functional safety becomes very important while building a BCM solution. ISO 26262 standards applies to various phases of BCM development namely the specification, design, implementation, testing, and validation of the body control module.
Like every other automotive solution, an ISO 26262 mandated safety-lifecycle involves identifying and assessing potential risks and hazards associated with the BCM. In the concept phase, measures to mitigate those hazards are also identified. These include design changes or the use of safety-related software and ISO 26262 qualified tools to develop and test the solution. Such measures ensure that the BCM software and hardware meet the requirements of the standard and that it functions in an intended manner in the event of a failure.
What are the Steps in Developing an ISO 26262 Compliant Body Control Module (BCM)
ISO 26262 for body control module development works in a similar way as other ECUs. However, the risks and hazards are quite diverse as a BCM does not only control several functions but also act as a gateway of sorts.
Let’s understand each step in ISO 26262 compliance for a BCM:
Hazard analysis and risk assessment (HARA): HARA is one of the first analyses performed in the concept phase of safety lifecycle. It is done to identify and assess potential hazards associated with the BCM, its subcomponents and their interaction with other ECUs of the vehicle. Finally, the risk level of each hazard is determined and ASIL is derived along with safety goals.
Functional safety concept: During this step, the functional safety concept for the BCM is developed that outlines the safety requirements and safety mechanisms that will be used to mitigate the identified hazards.
Design and implementation: Design and implement the BCM in accordance with the functional safety concept and the requirements of ISO 26262. This would include the use of appropriate development methods, such as formal verification and validation, and the use of safety-related software.
Testing and validation: Perform a thorough testing and validation of the BCM to ensure that it meets the requirements of the standard and that it functions as intended in the event of a failure.
Production and operation: Implement a production process and an operation process that ensures that the BCM is produced and operated in accordance with the requirements of ISO 26262.
Documentation: Maintaining all documentation related to the development, testing, validation and maintenance of the BCM in order to demonstrate compliance with the standard.
It's worth noting that ISO 26262 is a complex standard, and the above steps are simplified versions of the actual process, it's always recommended to seek professional help in order to fully comply with the standard and ensure the safety of the BCM.
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The Impact of Covid-19 on Automotive Testing
The Covid-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on various industries, including the automotive industry. Automotive testing, in particular, has been impacted by the pandemic in various ways. In this blog, we will discuss how Covid-19 has affected automotive testing and the steps that manufacturers and testing facilities are taking to adapt.
Impact of Covid-19 on Automotive Testing
The Covid-19 pandemic has affected automotive testing in several ways. Some of the ways include:
Delays in testing: The pandemic has caused delays in testing due to reduced staffing levels and facility closures. This has led to delays in the release of new vehicles and the implementation of new technologies.
Reduced testing capacity: Testing facilities have reduced their testing capacity due to social distancing measures and other health and safety protocols. This has led to longer wait times for testing and increased competition for testing slots.
Changes in testing methods: Testing facilities have implemented new methods to reduce the spread of Covid-19. This includes remote testing and the use of virtual reality simulations.
Adaptations in Automotive Testing
To adapt to the challenges posed by Covid-19, manufacturers and testing facilities are taking several steps. Some of the steps include:
Remote testing: Testing facilities are implementing remote testing methods to reduce the need for physical presence at the testing site. This includes the use of remote monitoring and data collection.
Virtual reality simulations: Testing facilities are using virtual reality simulations to reduce the need for physical testing. This includes simulating crash tests, emissions tests, and other types of testing.
Flexible scheduling: Testing facilities are implementing flexible scheduling to accommodate changes in testing demand. This includes providing more testing slots during off-peak hours and offering testing on weekends.
The Covid-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on automotive testing. It has caused delays in testing, reduced testing capacity, and led to changes in testing methods. However, manufacturers and testing facilities are adapting to the challenges posed by the pandemic by implementing new methods, such as remote testing and virtual reality simulations, and flexible scheduling. These adaptations will help ensure that the automotive industry continues to meet safety and performance standards, despite the challenges posed by the pandemic.
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embiteltechnologies · 2 years
FOC Algorithm and Regenerative Braking in Motor Controller for Electric Vehicles
Early electric vehicles used DC motors, and the vehicle's acceleration and speed were managed by a straightforward variable resistor type controller. Because a high resistance was employed to lower the current to the motor during slow speeds, when full power was not required, a significant portion of the battery's energy was lost in this type of system as energy loss in the resistor. Only at high speeds was all of the available power utilized.
Modern motor controllers for Electric Vehicles use pulse width modulation, an electrical technique, to change acceleration and speed. The energy flow to the motor is quickly interrupted (turned on and off) by switching devices like Silicon Controlled Rectifiers. Short intervals (when the electricity is shut off) allow for high power (high speed and/or acceleration). Longer intervals lead to low power (low speed and/or acceleration).
Regenerative Braking
The majority of EV motor controllers also incorporate a regenerative braking system. When a vehicle slows down, regenerative braking is employed to use the motor as a generator to recharge the batteries. The motor controller converts some of the kinetic energy that would typically be absorbed by the brakes and converted to heat into electricity during regenerative braking, which is then used to recharge the batteries. Regenerative braking not only extends an electric car's range by 5 to 10% but also lessens brake wear and maintenance expenses.
The control strategy should be such that the motor can function over a broad speed range and create maximum torque at the lowest possible speeds for an EV powertrain to drive smoothly. We are able to precisely regulate the torque by adjusting the current since, technically speaking, the motor control must be based on torque and magnetic flux.
FOC Algorithm
An FOC-based motor control is achieved by using alternating current to energize the stator coils. Knowing the position of the rotor, which is the angle between the rotor's flux axis and the stator's magnetic axis, is essential for a motor to run smoothly.
Despite being relatively difficult to build, FOC is a math-intensive method that makes it simple to accomplish this and other goals. By breaking down three-phase sinusoidal currents into flux and torque (d-q) reference frames, the FOC algorithm is able to streamline the control of these reference frames. These two elements can each be managed independently.
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embiteltechnologies · 2 years
How Does Magento eCommerce Development Amplify Your Sales?
Magento eCommerce platform is spearheading in the creation of exceptional shopping experiences for the digital-savvy millennial shoppers. Magento eCommerce is also known as Adobe commerce. Businesses across the globe have realized the potential of Magento eCommerce and the growth and innovation it brings to their goals and results. 
A good Magento eCommerce development company differentiates itself from other ecommerce platforms as it empowers you to:
Seamless Shopping Experiences – Magento eCommerce platform enables you to build a holistic omnichannel commerce experience for users. With Magento Commerce, you can create fast, secure, and cross-browser experiences leveraging the Progressive Web Applications (PWAs).  With Magento eCommerce development you can get built-in functionalities, responsive design themes, and get support in multiple languages.
Customized Content & Promotions – Content and commerce when utilized effectively can create magic for your brand.  Key features of the Magento eCommerce platform include a drag-and-drop interface for building pages, an inventory management module, AI enabled product recommendation engine, and an intuitive order fulfillment system. There is room for personalization of content for customer messaging and journey mapping based on segmentation.
Consistent Ecommerce Operations – With Magento eCommerce development platform, it is easy to migrate to an advance set up. Performance optimization can be easily achieved. Its powerful security helps in ERP integration and Cloud delivery.
Marketplace Advantages – Magento Marketplace is one of the powerful features of the Magento eCommerce development platform. It helps in improving the conversion funnel, unifying marketing and merchandising, personalization through AI, helps in achieving an independent marketplace that is more buyer/supplier oriented, enables easy interaction with end users, improves your business, delivers personalized and better sales experience, facilitates conversions through promotion, bulk ordering and much more!
Apart from the above-mentioned attributes of Magento eCommerce, we at Embitel have gone a step ahead and developed Magento quick commerce solutions to suit your business needs. Our quick commerce solutions are called Magento Rapid Deployment Packages. They are made to cater for B2B, B2C, and B2B2C businesses with any budget type. Magento quick deployment packages can be implemented within 6-12 weeks.  
At Embitel we have a team of experts who have expertise in handling eCommerce-managed services for clients across the globe. We provide IT support and end-to-end management of marketplace operations. Reach out to our team at [email protected]
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embiteltechnologies · 2 years
Motor Control Development for Automotive Use Cases: BLDC and PMSM Motors
Electric motors that do not have physical commutators need a controller to drive them. This controller essentially switches the direction of the current in the motor windings and creates an electromagnetic flux.
As simple as it may sound, motor control development is a complicated process. The motor controller is responsible for switching the current in the winding by first determining the rotor position (Hall effect sensors, encoders, back EMF and so on). On top of that, if you have an advanced algorithm such as field-oriented control, you need to implement a number of mathematical equations in order to generate the PWM signal required to drive the motor.
Motor Control Development for BLDC and PMSM Motors
Motor control development strategy determines the performance of an electric motor. For both BLDC and PMSM motors, the control strategy is somewhat similar except for the method used for determining the initial rotor position. For AC induction motor, since there are windings on the stator, the strategy for motor control development is slightly different.
We will discuss these motor control development strategies in detail now:
BLDC Motor Control Development
BLDC motor is one of the most widely used electric motors in automobiles. It has a 3-phase stator and a permanent magnet as the rotor. A motor control solution for BLDC motor commutates the rotor by supplying DC voltage (rectangular shaped). This rotor movement induces voltage in the stator windings, called the back-EMF which is trapezoidal in shape.
It is by controlling the current in the stator, a motor controller creates the desired shape of the voltage and controls the speed and torque of the BLDC motor. Field-oriented control (FOC) is the most widely used control algorithm used in motor control development of automotive applications.
PMSM Motor Control Development
Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor is best controlled by vector control methods such FOC. By controlling the space vectors of magnetic flux i.e. current and voltage, it becomes very easy to control a PMSM motor for varied automotive use cases.
The motor control development for a PMSM motor considers the field generating part and torque generating part separately to control the magnetic flux. An automotive grade microcontroller is required to perform such tasks as there are several mathematical transforms such as Park and Clarke transform.
The output is the 3-phase voltage generated using sinewave modulation.
Motors and motor control development has been the catalyst in the transition from mechanical control to automation in automobiles. The recent innovations like refinement in motor control algorithms such as FOC and regenerative braking have paved the way for automobiles which are safer, more comfortable and offer great ride quality to the consumers.
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embiteltechnologies · 2 years
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embiteltechnologies · 2 years
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