emeraldine087 · 4 years
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What2Finish first charity auction is underway!
If you are an artist, writer, or any type of creator, please consider signing up to put forth an auction or two. All fandoms are welcome! 
Initial sign ups will be until Tuesday, November 13th  23:59:00 (11:59:00pm) CST. What time is that  for me?
They will remain open until the end of Preview Week on Nov 21st 23:59:00 (11:59:00pm). We’re trying to raise as much money as we can in a short amount of time. Keep in mind if you do sign up later then your auction may be posted a day into Auction Week.
You can check out the WTF Mods’ example Creator Posts; mei and rudearrow.
If you cannot join us as an auctioneer at this time, that’s okay! Please spread this post and get ready to bid. 
We encourage podbidding, so don’t be shy to rope some friends in and let’s raise as much funds for the Philippines as we can!
Please spread the word and spread the love. 
FAQ | Schedule | Ask | Charities | Creator/Bidder | Discord
Please send us asks or email [email protected] for any questions.
The WTF Mod team
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emeraldine087 · 4 years
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“CHRYSOTHEMIS: I tell you we have masters, we must bend. ELEKTRA: You bend – you go ahead and lick their boots. It’s not my way.”
–Sophokles (Elektra, trans. Anne Carson)
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emeraldine087 · 4 years
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SLYTHERIN: “If you desire a man to tell you comfortable lies about your prowess, and so fetter any hope of true excellence, I’m sure you may find one anywhere. Not all prisons are made of iron bars. Some are made of feather beds.” –Lois McMaster Bujold (The Curse of Chalion)
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emeraldine087 · 4 years
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SLYTHERIN: “Most of us won’t admit it, but I think it best to look truth in the eyes.” –Poul Anderson (Dierdre: Delenda Est)
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emeraldine087 · 4 years
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SLYTHERIN: “When you kill a king, you don’t stab him in the dark. You kill him where the entire court can watch him die.” –Jay Cocks + Steven Zaillian + Kenneth Lonergan (Amsterdam Vallon: Gangs of New York)
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emeraldine087 · 4 years
🥰🥰🥰 Everything about this ^^^^
so i want to talk for a minute about why it’s so important that you reblog fics on tumblr (yes, i know there’s a problem with art too but this is specifically about fics today)
first of all, let me kick this off by saying, if you’re reading this, this is for you specifically. yes, you with less than a hundred followers, you with less than ten followers, you with zero followers. there seems to be this misconception that it doesn’t matter if you don’t reblog something because no one will see it and i’m telling you right here, right now, that you’re wrong. it definitely 100% matters and i’m going to tell you why
last month, i reached a follower milestone and was very excited - for about a day and a half and then my excitement plummeted because what i realized was that i had just hit this milestone and yet the number of notes on my fics had never been lower. at first i was baffled. how could i have more followers than ever but be getting less notes than i used to? at the time, i was posting one to two ficlets every day so i thought maybe the quality was decreasing because of how much i was putting out and i just hadn’t noticed so i decided to take a break from posting ficlets and focused on my longer works and the events i was participating in
i went back to posting today after asking for prompts from followers yesterday and go figure, the number of notes is still lower than it was compared to posts from the beginning of the year, even factoring in the time that’s passed since then. so then i thought to check the notes themselves and what i ended up finding was that while the number of likes hadn’t changed, the reblogs had (interestingly, this drop in notes coincided with a post making the rounds telling writers to be happy with the silent readers who leave neither likes nor reblogs on works but that’s a story for another post)
this is when i went to a couple friends to complain that i didn’t know what i was doing wrong and made an off-hand comment about wondering if people were seeing all these posts begging for people to reblog and just not thinking it applied to them, which is when may - thank you, may - told me that yeah, that’s exactly what a lot of blogs think so let me tell you why it does actually matter that you reblog, even if you don’t think it does
firstly, as it relates just to the author, when you reblog, you’re telling the author that not only did you like their story, but you want to share it with everyone else too. i don’t know an author out there who doesn’t go through the reblogs and read the tags and i can pretty much guarantee that we all get that warm, fuzzy feeling when someone leaves a particularly nice tag
there are two common arguments that i hear for this point: what if i like something cringey and why does it matter if i reblog something when i don’t have any followers to share it with?
as for the first argument, no media is unproblematic and no media is something that everyone will consider non-cringey. there’s always going to be someone out there who thinks your chosen fandom is cringey and it’s best to realize that now and get over it. you can’t please everyone. besides, it’s your blog. why wouldn’t you want to post things you like on your blog?
as for the second argument, if it’s not enough for you that even just the act of wanting to share fics means something to the authors, then let me bring you to my second point: fandom is built on active, not passive, participation
we’ve all heard stories about the star trek fans who actively passed paper copies of fic around to share it with people. fandom was built on sharing those fics. friendships were built on sharing those fics. and if those fans had taken the fics they wrote and hidden them away, shared them with only a couple friends and told them not to distribute their works, modern fandom as it is today wouldn’t exist. we’d still be hiding our fics, hoping that we don’t get the all-terrifying dmca notice
along the same lines, tumblr is built on active participation. every couple of months, it seems like tumblr comes out with a new way to make it harder for content creators to share their stuff: the 2018 nsfk ban, shadow-banning, problems with the read more, and recently not being able to put links in your work if you want it to show up in the tags. all of this means that it’s up to us to keep fandom on tumblr going because tumblr isn’t going to do it for us
tumblr’s algorithm, unlike just about every other social media site, is designed around reblogs. this, in many ways, makes sense. tumblr is a blogging platform so of course its algorithm is designed around what gets shared. this means that posts that show up in the tags are the ones that get reblogged. the posts that show up in the On Your Dashboard, What You Missed, and Recommended features are all the ones that get reblogged. the posts that show up on the login screen, for those of you who regularly see it, are the ones that get, you guessed it, reblogged
so what that means is that, even though you might have only a couple or even no followers, your reblog counts toward that algorithm and that post gets bumped a little bit higher in the tag
which is why it’s such a big problem when people stop reblogging. i can’t tell you how many times i’ve seen a tag saying something along the lines of “wow this is so good, why doesn’t it have more notes?” well, typically it’s because anywhere between 2/3 and ¾ of the notes on that post are likes, which means that tumblr’s algorithm counted my fic as worthless and didn’t bother promoting it
which leaves me where i currently am: reblogging my own ficlets over and over in the hopes that someone will like it enough to reblog it, tagging it with something as pleading as “if you like please consider reblogging” because if i use anything stronger, i get a whole bunch of people telling me that i can’t tell people what to post
no, you’re right, i can’t tell you what to post. the most i can do is beg and explain yet again why every reblog counts
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emeraldine087 · 4 years
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SLYTHERIN: “Every man takes the limits of his own field of vision for the limits of the world.” –Arthur Schopenhauer (Studies in Pessimism)
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emeraldine087 · 4 years
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MAXTUL charisma is phenomenal!!! They are the “KINGS!!”👑👑 https://www.instagram.com/p/CHM0_AmHLNwBS9xwvOXSFCIgEedhGMRzHlz8OU0/?igshid=1qgy51j5vzgb5
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emeraldine087 · 4 years
We should vote for Tul!! 🥰 1 Like = 1 Vote. I already liked it/voted and, unfortunately, I cannot cast votes everyday until January 31, 2021!!!! 😞
View this post on Instagram
A post shared by WeiYeng StarStudio (@wystarstudio) on Oct 30, 2020 at 7:56am PDT
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I think TUL is #6!! https://www.instagram.com/p/CHM-3wvHyY4cCSy0fTVHTps9-DO2BLRicS8xmk0/?igshid=1wj5gs23edt6n
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emeraldine087 · 4 years
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SLYTHERIN: “Where does unbelief begin?” –Anne Carson (The Glass Essay)
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emeraldine087 · 4 years
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SLYTHERIN: “There are two kinds of people who can take down a wall like that: those that die on it, and those that kill for it. Don’t assume you know which one you are until you face that moment.“ –Adam Barken (Pawter Simms: Killjoys: Johnny Be Good)
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emeraldine087 · 4 years
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“You remember too much, my mother said to me recently. Why hold onto all that? And I said, Where can I put it down?”
–Anne Carson (The Glass Essay)
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emeraldine087 · 4 years
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“In years to come I wonder how they’ll picture me: a legend or some aging erstwhile juvenile?”
–Michael Korie (Elizabeth Arden: War Paint: Pink)
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emeraldine087 · 4 years
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“This level reach of blue is not my sea; Here are sweet waters, pretty in the sun, Whose quiet ripples meet obediently A marked and measured line, one after one. This is no sea of mine.”
–Dorothy Parker (Fair Weather)
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emeraldine087 · 4 years
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maxtul for manner of death
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emeraldine087 · 4 years
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“This level reach of blue is not my sea; Here are sweet waters, pretty in the sun, Whose quiet ripples meet obediently A marked and measured line, one after one. This is no sea of mine.”
–Dorothy Parker (Fair Weather)
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emeraldine087 · 4 years
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“Hold fast to dreams For if dreams die Life is a broken-winged bird That cannot fly.”
–Langston Hughes (Dreams)
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