emmalee-kat · 3 months
Penelope not being the jealous type is so funny to me for some reason. She spent so long thinking that Colin would never love her back, and then he chased down her carriage screaming “PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!,” and from then on, she’s never once jealous about him with other women in the past. She’s like, “… Yeah, I’m pretty sure I’m it for this guy, idk what to tell you.”
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emmalee-kat · 3 months
people who don't know anything about academics: man y'all are stuffy and boring what's up with that? actual academics: *too busy fist-fighting each other over the beryllium problem or the existence of a dentistry profession in ancient egypt to reply*
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emmalee-kat · 3 months
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emmalee-kat · 3 months
penelope: i'll give you an annulment and free you from this marriage
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emmalee-kat · 3 months
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emmalee-kat · 3 months
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emmalee-kat · 3 months
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emmalee-kat · 3 months
Colin being all protective and “I will fix it for you” then coming back like “well I’ve actually made it so much worse” in true bridgerton fashion. I know it’s a serious situation but, absolutely hilarious
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emmalee-kat · 3 months
Penelope: we can get the marriage annulled if you want
Colin: I’d actually rather die
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emmalee-kat · 3 months
Rejection sensitive dysphoria is wild. Someone will be like “hey just so you know the thing you did was a little bit loud/uncomfortable/insensitive but it’s ok I know you didn’t mean it” and my brain will instantly translate “you should be shot”
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emmalee-kat · 3 months
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emmalee-kat · 3 months
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emmalee-kat · 3 months
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Sometimes it feels like everyone around me is speaking in a secret language and I'm the only one who doesn't know it.
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emmalee-kat · 3 months
how to express emotions infront of people without feeling terribly ashamed of yourself tutorial
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emmalee-kat · 3 months
Being a young adult is so strange. You enter a coffee shop. The 20 year old girl waiting behind you cried all night because she just came to a new city for university and she feels so alone. That 27 year old guy over there works a job he is overqualified for, he lives with his parents and wants to move out but doesn't know what to do about it. That one 24 year old dude already has a car, a house, and a job waiting for him once he graduates thanks to his dad's connections. The 26 year old barista couldn't complete his higher education because he has to work and take care of his family. The 28 year old girl sitting next to you has no friends to go out with so she is texting her mother. That couple (both 25 years old) are married and the girl is pregnant. The 29 year old writing something on her laptop has realized that she chose the wrong major so she is trying to start all over. We are not alone in this, but we are actually so alone. Do you feel me
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emmalee-kat · 3 months
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That I would not object to an annulment if you requested one
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emmalee-kat · 3 months
It’s way too late for me I done been sucked in
Help I'm being sucked into the Bridgeton Fandom
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