Why the hell would you think I would tell you, of all people, that?
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And how do you intend to do that?
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I mean, it could be. I think the more fun part isn't getting caught then having more fun. That's just me though, I mean scoldings aren't my think but whatever floats your boat, hun,
Is it Christmas yet?
I don’t know how you could miss it, it’s obviously so striking.
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I’ve been absolutely wonderful, you know, besides being scolded at by McGoogles all of the time. But that’s part of the fun.
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I'm not accusing anyone of anything. I'm just saying anything is possible. No one may know the truth except the ones who did it but I plan on finding out.
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Oh, you think it was a group of children? Popular opinion speculates it was either Death Eaters or rioting Muggle-borns... So you must have put some thought into the matter. 
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Unless your making completely unfounded accusations? Which children exactly are you accusing of arson, Vance? 
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Dancy? That's definitely one I've never heard before.How have you been Billyboy! I miss that handsome face of yours!
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Is it Christmas yet?
Dancy fancy Vance! Always up for a pint.
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You’re a dream, Emmeline. 
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Would you rather trade some intelligence for looks or looks for intelligence?
I’d like to think I’m a decent balance of both. I wouldn’t trade either for either. I am who I am.
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Is it Christmas yet?
Someone save me from the boredom that is History of Magic coursework.
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So... There is this guy, who's cute and intelligent and I kinda fancy him but thing is my friends believe that because of... certain things... there is not way in merlin's soggiest raincoat that he will fancy me, but I believe he could change. I know he could. What do I do?
I don’t really think people change, most of all teenage boys. Unless he changes I wouldn’t put money on him being who you think he could be. Have you talked to him at all? Does he seem like he wants to change? If he is really worth anything he should fancy you no matter what. You’re an amazing girl and if he doesn’t see that than he’s a prick.
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I am aware it was in the papers, Strange (I guess that's gonna be his nickname?). I can read the papers just as well as everyone else.The culprits however remain unknown to the public, for now. Plus, everyone knows there are people who will write anything to cover up the actions of wealthy families children....
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Oh, it was in the papers this morning, Vance. I thought perusal of the intellectual or political was a valued trait among Ravenclaw's? At the very least, basic literacy is a requirement for entering Hogwarts. 
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And of course, it's merely a rumour; I'm attempting to validate my sources. 
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Em? Can I get some advice?
Of course, sweetheart! What’s going on?
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Rumor is, would be the key part of that story. Why should anyone believe you anyways? It was probably you and Little Strange.
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The Hogsmeade branch of Ollivander’s was set fire to last weekend; nearly burned to the ground. Coincided with an attempt at the shop in Diagon Alley, apparently, though that one fell through and Aurors caught two wizards at the scene. Rumour is that it was a couple of students in Hogsmeade, kids of the two… sympathisers.
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 No one would happen to know anything about this, right?
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It was nice, lots of time on the beach. I visited Marlene and Lily a few times. Lots of cute boys from all over the place. How about you, anything wicked happen?
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Yes, it was pretty awful… But eventually he had to come round… My dad always had this big emphasis on keeping a strong family bond no matter what et-cetera….
How was your summer?
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That's fantastic! I'm so glad he's accepting you for who you are. It must have been awful with him being so closed minded about it.
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Hi Emmeline!
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I’ve been with my family over the summer. Now that my brother accepted me for who I am, my parents decided it’s the best opportunity for family bonding time!
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Hello Mary Elizabeth! Where have you been? It's been awhile, kiddo!
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HOGWARTS!! I’ve missed you!
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Something I made on Polyvore for Emmeline
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”Can we go now, Emmeline?”
”You are joking right?”
Emmeline Vance enjoying herself in a Muggle book store. Taken by an impatient Gideon Prewett, 1975
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“Yeah, I’m alright,” Emmeline said trying to look as normal as possible, “and don’t worry about the corners on my behalf. Usually it’s me crashing about and knocking people over. Best way to meet people,” She chuckled. It was true, Em was notorious for walking into people or into things. It’s how she had met most of her friends; she walked into them or they helped her out when she walked into things. Most of the time she wasn’t hazy though, this was different.
She wished she could tell Dorcas what was wrong, she loved the girl to death but there were some things she didn’t need to worry her about. She wasn’t sick, at least not a normal sickness. It didn’t make sense to her and she often knew her body more than anyone.
“Yeah, I’m just feeling a little off. It’s one of those days I suppose.”
Em wanted there to be an explanation but she didn’t have one just yet. The first thing she was going to do in finding out what happened was to question James and his friends. James and Sirius had a tendency to pull pranks on Emmeline just has she did to them on several occasions. This would be crossing the line though, even for them. Rule one of pranks, don’t make others sick, unless threatened, without telling said person. It was one of those unwritten rules of the prank.
Could she just be sick? Probably but she didn’t often get sick. Something wasn’t right. She was actually planning on going to research to see if the way she was feeling could be side effects of some sort of potion or curse. She didn’t know if it was normal to be this paranoid but she didn’t want to believe she was sick. This was going to be something interesting, it had to be.
“Hey Doe, I’m going to head up to the library, would you like to come with me?”
Wandering the Corridors || Emmeline & Doe
Doe quickly stuffed the book in her bag, carefully to make sure that no damage came to it,  but this way she had both hands free. She had already memorized the page number, so she didn’t have to worry about taking the time to find a bookmark or anything. Besides, she remembered what was happening in the book. She could easily find her place in the unlikely event that she forgot the page number. It was a habit she had picked up in her years of reading several books at once, or using multiple books as study materials. It saved time that way, and now it was more important to focus on Emmeline. 
Doe reached out her hand toward Em and helped her to her feet. “Well I suppose that makes two of us. I’m usually much better about avoiding people as I walk, but corners give me a little trouble. I’m working on it I promise.” Maybe there was a spell that could act as an early warning system? Something that she could send around a corner to warn her if someone was coming. If there wasn’t a spell yet, maybe she could ask Glenda into looking into it. As young as the girl was, she was quite good at spell experimentation. It would be an interesting project nonetheless. Perhaps the next time she went to the library she could check out books on that…abruptly she remembered that she wasn’t alone and she was with a friend. She pushed the issue aside to be dealt with later. 
Taking a closer look at the other girl, Doe frowned. “Em, is everything all right? You don’t look so well.” Her eyes were slightly unfocused and there was a clammy feeling to her skin that was extremely unusual. Plus she appeared paler than usual. “Has something happened recently?” Perhaps she should go to Madame Pomfrey. Doe tried not to be an alarmist when it came to health issues, but she couldn’t recall if she had ever seen symptoms quite like this. It could just be a regular cold though. Knowing Em, she hadn’t thought to keep herself in bed and let herself get over whatever illness. Still, this was clearly something that Doe needed to learn more about so she could be better at recognizing the issue and helping people. 
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“You’re right drinking is always the better option, always. Good thinking, Marls.”
“I told you! I’m always right I should win an award.”
“I think you both are bonkers and need to stay away from the fire whiskey.”
Marlene Mckinnon and Emmeline Vance taken by James potter and John Dawlish at a party circa 1976
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