empressahab · 10 years
I’m sick of getting dropped or ignored by some blogs just because my muse isn’t jumping and crawling all over them. There are things called enemies/platonic or just friends or whatever… And i’m annoyed… So if you could just reblog this so that I can have a bit of reassurance about this… It’d be very appreciated.
If your muse isn't just hunting for the D and V , please reblog
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empressahab · 10 years
The Queen of the Cheap Shots just grins down at her latest victim, taking a satisfying moment to be incredibly smug about her victory.  Haughtily, she tosses her braid back behind her shoulder and glances around the onlookers just to make sure there aren't any other wise-guys who think she's not perfectly capable of shutting their mouths for them.
"Yeah, whale, maybe next time he'll think twice before he starts talkin with his lower brain."  She spares the fallen Dawson one last glance, barely resisting the urge to spout some Godfather-worthy one-liner, but it's probably best she doesn't ruin her newly earned cred by embarrassing herself with puns that aren't her usual forte.
Seems like half-pint over here is definitely the guy to talk to, though, judging by the way everyone else follows his orders with nothing but a little good-natured bitching.  Meenah decides it's definitely her excellent judge of character that made her talk to Egbert first, so she turns fully towards him and hefts herself back out of the pit. 
"You won't hear me turnin down free booze and food," She replies, coming to a stop next to him.  "I heard Tyler Durden back there callin' you Egbert, right?  Name's Meenah."
Do I look like Marty McFly to you ⌛
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empressahab · 10 years
Meenah shakes her hand out after her hit lands, if only because she'd been expecting the douchebag to at least try and move so that she wouldn't hit his dammed teeth.  A quick glance reassures her that his teeth didn't cut her hands up, which is good since she's got no idea what kind of fishy things might be in his saliva - she's got no idea what the shell kind of transmittable diseases they've got these days, but shell if she wants to risk it.
She hasn't met a basshole this bad at fighting since she was still living on the Naval base, and the way he takes a wild swing at her afterwards isn't doing much to make her reconsider.
She brings up her forearms to block it, and then catches his arm on her downswing, jerking him forward so his crotch makes real good fronds with her kneecap.  She lets him drop, and even if she's pretty confident that he won't be getting back up, she doesn't take her eyes off of him.
"Dang, no wonder this place is so empty if this is the kinda 'prize' fighters you got lined up," She calls to Egbert, over her shoulder.
Do I look like Marty McFly to you ⌛
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empressahab · 10 years
"Buoy, you're either blind or stupid because I ain't wearin no skirt," Meenah snarks, a little bit soothed now that she knows she gets to take this minnow back to school.  She sizes him up while he argues with Suspenders (apparently named Egbert, but Meenah thinks that's a lame as hell name), and gives him a nasty grin when his pride makes him accept the challenge.
She doubts he could keep up with her in any battle of the sexes, in any case.
She's also going to come out of this with an assortment of new things to call people.  Piker! She can guess it's meaning just by the way Dawson reacts, and the best part is that it's got the word Pike in it.  New fish insult achieved! Shell yeah.
"Bitch, please, I'm too fabulous for humility," She snipes back, hopping into the ring herself.  Nobody said anything about any rules or waiting for the bell bullship, so Meenah falls into stance and then barely lets him get his contrived, free-shot machoism out of the way before she's slamming her knuckles into his face with glee.
Meenah's not fucking around - she can fight straight and she can fight dirty, and most of the time she settles for a mix of the two.  Demons and summoners don't give a shit about fair fights in her world, and she doesn't give a shit about giving this basstard a chance to defend himself.
Do I look like Marty McFly to you ⌛
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empressahab · 10 years
"I'd do it for free," She sneers, with a dirty look towards the man they're mutually badmouthing.  It would not bother her in the slightest to put him down in his place, and she'd happily provide the knuckle sandwich necessary to do so.
At least it turns out she's still in New York, even if it is so many years in the past.  Knowing where she is doesn't do her a whole lotta good, but at least she doesn't have to add 'geographically lost' to her list of problems.
The look she gives Joe at the jumbled mess that comes out of his mouth, next, could probably full NASA for the next 200 years on incredulity alone.  The only thing she can really pick out of is that ossified hopefully translates to 'wasted as glub'.
And then douchebag mcasking-for-it speaks up again, and Meenah might not know what he's replying to but she knows it's nothing good, and he's pissed her off for the last time, tonight.
"That's it, cabin boy," She snarls, knocking past Joe to march up to him, "I didn't wanna embarrass you in front a your boyfriends, jackbass, but you just hadta push it.  We got a ring and an audience, so why don't you put your fists where your trash-talking mouth is and see which one fares better?"
Do I look like Marty McFly to you ⌛
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empressahab · 10 years
The Ring, eh? She listens to him describe what sounds like some Fight Club bullship, and it does explain the way they've got this place set up.  Probably not legal where she's from, but shell if she knows if it is in this day and age - history hadn't been the sort of thing she'd been interested in studying.
At least he's not treating her like she came in on the coat tails of a bad hurricane, any moor.
"He calls me Doll again, and he ain't gonna have no lips to catcall out of," She mutters back, because she's never been the type to let ship like that go without at least a middle finger or two getting involved.  Even if she does apparently have her very own knight-in-suspenders to try and defend her honor for her, right now.
"What part of the US we in, hero buoy?" She asks, in response to his question.  "And where's a girl gotta go for some entertainment if there's none to be had around here?" She might as well play along, anyway.  Until she figures out why Dave put her here (if it was him), or he gets tired of whatever game he's playing.
Do I look like Marty McFly to you ⌛
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empressahab · 10 years
Meenah's not oblivious to the stares she's getting, but neither is she particularly concerned with them.  She's faced things way more daunting than a few middle-aged perverts who can't rub two pennies together for enough subtlety to fool a starfish.  Even if she couldn't handle it, she's got back up she can almost guarantee none of them have ever seen before.
So it's not the staring that gets her, it's the way this punk bass little cretin in front of her actually has the nerve to gawp at her, and then blush like it's going out of style.  What is he, the son of a nun?  Of all the preconceptions she could have had of him walking up, 'chaste' and 'pure' sure as shell hadn't been at the top of that list.
She gets tired of being treated like some kind of wilting damsel exactly three words in, so she just rolls her eyes as he admonishes the perverts and stuffs her hands in her pockets.  Her posture is terrible.
Did he just call her a dame? That's a checkmark for Mob Movie Scenario numero uno.
"Guppy, those tools ain't lookin at me any different than any basshole in the Ritz would," She says, with an inelegant snort, and then she frowns the more he talks.  Cod, what did she do, slip-n-slide straight back to 1920?
Glubbing Dave.
She mashes down the sharp stab of irritation and the smaller flip of panic, because demon or not, it's not like Dave would leave her there if he really did send her back.  The problem is, she's not so sure he understands what an appropriate length of time is socially acceptable to leave your partner in crime in the past (that correct answer is never. It is never socially acceptable).
"I can handle whatever the losers in these waters throw at me," She finally says, instead, deftly avoiding all the other questions he threw at her, "Didn't I ask you a question? What's with the set-up?"
Do I look like Marty McFly to you ⌛
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empressahab · 10 years
→ Get Started
Meenah's got no clue where it came from, but it's suspect as shell.  She hasn't summoned Dave recently, so she's pretty sure that counts him out and even if it didn't, she'd not sure why he'd leave a piece of paper in her pockets.
Besides, Dave has crabby handwriting, and this is neat, elegant, and written with a light hand.  It's a number without a name, and she's not sure she trusts it.  Then again, it's not the weirdest thing to ever happen to Meenah and what's the harm in putting a number in her phone?
Meenah tosses one braid over her shoulder, chews on her lip, before she huffs out a long breath of air and digs her phone out of her pocket.  She might as well.  Maybe it'll help, in the long run.
-- empressAhab [EA] has started pestering ???? at ???? --
EA: yo any buoys or gills out there willin to answer a coupla harmless questions from your friendly boat captain EA: questions like who the glub is at the other end of this fishin line
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empressahab · 10 years
Do I look like Marty McFly to you ⌛
Meenah stands just inside the threshold of the strange building and waits for her eyes to adjust to the sub-par lighting.  Twenty bucks says this is Dave's idea of a payback for that time she tried to pay him with an old sixpence piece, and twenty more says she's going to hate it when she figures out what he's done.
Just to make sure, she opens the door again and looks out. Yeah. Definitely not the place she'd been when she'd walked through the door.  Meenah puns under her breath and turns back to the room - it's not empty, but it's not overfull, either.  There's a few guys in suspenders and rolled up sleeves hanging around, muttering to themselves and looking shady.
The room itself looks like a poor man's Colloseum, with some kind of pit surrounded by wooden, makeshift bleachers.  The air's heavy with the smell of cigarettes, so she guesses this room doesn't get aired out a lot - one or two of the people dotting the room are wielding cigars like status symbols, and she's surprised people besides her meal-tickets family still smoke them.
It looks like a mob movie, minus the hard working middle-class man's man as the protagonist.  Put in laymen's terms, Meenah's not impressed.
"Alright," She starts, under her breath because the last thing she needs is for strangers in strange places pegging her as a person of interest because she's talking to herself like she's capsized.  "I dunno what got your feathers ruffled blondie but this seems like the sort of mojo I gotta pay for at the end of the day, so I'm telling you now that this is pro bono as shell."
He doesn't answer her, because he's a loser and a wet blanket.
Time to figure out where the glub she is.  There's a kid off to one side who doesn't look half as twitchy as most of the sharks in this place, so she sets pace towards him. "Yo, scruffy.  What's with the set-up?"
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empressahab · 10 years
((Hi Loxie! :> First of all wow omg you are an amazing writer. I haven't read the Demonstuck AU, how much would you say I should read of it before I can understand enough to RP with Meenah?))
((Hi! Omg back, you’re going to make me so blushu ouo, As far as TGP and I’s Demonstuck AU goes, there isn’t much written yet so it wouldn’t take long to catch up on what there is (and Meenah’s not in it yet).  But a quick and clean summary of Meenah’s universe is that all the human kids are demons, all of the trolls are humans, and demon summoning/demon deals are a definite thing.
Meenah consistently summons a demon herself but usually only when she actually needs to/is in dire straights, because her past makes her kind of reluctant to make deals with demons.
As a note, though, any RPs with Meenah don’t have to be set in HER universe, because messing about with supernatural stuff and magic is bound to get her into some interesting situations, including alt universes and timelines!If your interested, hit me up again and I’ll start writing a starter for you, or you can write your own starter! 38) ))
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empressahab · 10 years
Meenah scoffs, and kicks the duffel bag by her foot as she checks her messages.  Survey Bots always ask the most inane questions.  She could always put her phone on the Do No Call list, or make it private, but there are some days - rare, blue-moon days - where she's low enough to actually appreciate the sort of low-impact thinking required to respond to Bots.
She's been two days at this hotel after following leads for a month, and the trail went cold last night.  It's no big surprise - as good at this rig as Meenah's gotten, Aranea's almost shamefully good at disappearing these days.  She likes to think it's because of her, but it doesn't take a genius to figure Aranea's still making deals.
That gill's an addict of a different sort, that's for damn sure.
She's got plenty of money to stick at the motel for as long as she wants, but it's worn out it's welcome on her eyes and she prefers to keep moving.  Staying in one place only works when you're looking to be found, and Meenah's done with the business of waiting on other people.
She'll cast out a few lines while she's on the road and wait to see what bites.  For now, though, there's a lot of road out there left untravelled and more than a bit of trouble she can dive into.
{OOC: Starters Pending, just wanted to get an Intro out.  Feel free to send your own starts, too.}
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