endgametike · 1 year
second chances
Theo Raeken x reader
You were mad. No, you weren’t mad, you were pissed at Scott. You were currently sitting with Theo on Scott’s living room, trying to figure out a way to beat Gerard. The problem was that you hated Theo. He broke your heart. He was your first love and he broke your heart. But Scott wanted to fix things between you and Theo, so he locked you two together.
“You know, you’ll have to talk to me eventually.” No answer. “Y/n, come on. We’re definitely not going to find a way to stop him if you won’t even talk to me.” Still no answer. Theo got up from the couch and stood in front of you.
“What are you doing?”
“Oh, she talks!”
“Well, you’re blocking the sun. I’m cold. So please, get out of my way.”
“We need to talk about us. We won’t be able to focus until we clarify some things.”
“Speak for yourself. I was focused until you moved.”
“I’m serious!”
“So am I! I don’t want to talk to you or even look at you, because whenever I see your face or hear your voice I wanna punch you. I hate you! I hate you so much ! So please, can we just find out a way to stop him?”
“Just listen to me, please. That’s all I’m asking. If after what I tell you, you still don’t wanna talk to me, I’ll stop.”
“Fine, talk.”
“When I came to Beacon Hills, I had a plan. I wanted Scott’s pack. I wanted the banshee, the kitsune, the beta with anger issues, the werecoyote, Void Stiles....but you, you were never a part of my plan. Falling in love with you was never a part of my plan. I was raised by the Dread Doctors. Bad was all I knew ! But you...you made me wanna be a good person, a better person. You changed me.... I wanted an out. I went to the Dread Doctors and said I wanted to stop the plan, to stop helping them. But they threatened me. With your life. They said that if I didn’t kill Scott they would kill you! I couldn’t let them kill you, you have to understand that. I never meant to hurt you and I hate that I did. I’m so sorry for everything, I wish it could have been different. But the dread doctors are gone, so if you could just give me a second chance to prove you I’m better, to prove you made me better.... I’m just asking for another chance. I’ve never felt this way about anyone...and it’s scary, but it also feels amazing...loving someone. Loving you. Loving you it the best thing that has ever happened to me and I’m not ready to let go of that. I’m not gonna give up on you....on us.” Theo stops taking and takes a few seconds to see your reaction. “Please say something.”
“You broke my heart Theo. You were my first love and you broke me. You used me, you betrayed me, you killed my brother, and after all of that you’re asking for forgiveness?”
“I know it’s a lot to ask but-“
“A lot to ask? You think? I feel sorry of you Theo, I really do. I know your past wasn’t easy, but what you did to me. To Scott. To the pack. It was awful.All the times you told me you loved me, all the times you talked about our future, all the times you looked me in my eyes and told me you would never lie to me...was it all a lie?”
“No! No, that’s what I’m trying to explain ! I loved you then, I love you now ! And I still want that future with you. Please, just let me take you on a date. All I ask for is a date. And that’s it.”
“Fine, one date. If you don’t prove you changed, then we’re done for good.”
“I promise you it’ll be the best date of your life.”
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endgametike · 2 years
but you’re not in love with me
• Arthur Pendragon x female reader
You opened your eyes and took a minute to look at yourself in the mirror. You were wearing a long white dress, your wedding dress, but that wasn’t what you were noticing. It was your wedding day, but instead of having a smile on your face, your face was neutral.
You and Arthur had known each other forever and he was your fist everything: first crush, first kiss, first boyfriend, first time… You loved him. Screw that, you were in love with him. You had known that ever since he grabbed your hand for the first time, while helping you learn how to hold a sword. And Arthur had once loved you too, years ago. But you couldn’t deny what was in front of you: Arthur was in love with Guinevere.
Gwen was Morgana’s servant, but she was so much more than that to Arthur, and anyone who couldn’t see that was blind. You had tried to deny it, but deep down you knew Arthur would never look at you the way he looked at her. You wanted this marriage to work, but you didn’t want to be trapped in a marriage with someone who wasn’t fully committed to you just for the sake of both kingdoms.
Your thoughts were interrupted by two loud voices outside of your bedroom. You immediately recognized one as Arthur, who was screaming at someone, who you were pretty sure was Merlin. Your suspects were confirmed when you heard Merlin, who sounded annoyed at Arthur, has per usual. You heard a loud knock on the door, and more complaints from Arthur outside.
“Come in!” You yelled, taking a deep breath. You didn’t know who to expect: Merlin or Arthur. Merlin quickly opened the door, ordering Arthur to stay outside. “Merlin, hello. Do you need something?”
“y/n, you look absolutely gorgeous.” You gave him a kind smile and walked closer to him. “Arthur wants to talk to you, and I was just explaining how it’s bad luck to see the bride before the wedding. But he won’t shut up about it, so I insisted on talking to you before.” You chuckled at Merlin’s tone.
“Let him in, Merlin. I needed to see him, anyway. Oh, and thank you for checking in. It was really nice of you.” He nodded at you and walked out the room, glancing at Arthur before doing so. Arthur walked in, his hands covering his eyes so he wouldn’t see you. He walked against a mobile, letting out a grunt. You laughed at him and walked over to him, in order to help him. “You do know you can open your eyes, right?”
“Merlin said it gives bad luck. I don’t this wedding to be cursed or something.” Your smiled faded as quickly as it had appeared, and you turned around, not wanting to face him. You knew you had to say something. “Wow. You look dashing, y/n. I mean, you always look amazing, but now… just wow.” Normally, you would have smiled or blushed at what he said, but you couldn’t. Not when you were about to call off your wedding. Not when you were about to lose the love of your life. “Are you doing alright? You don’t look okay. Was it something I said?”
“Arthur, I love you.” You blurred out, knowing that it was one of the last times you’d say it.
“I know. I love you too, y/n. For god’s sake, I’m about to marry you.” You sighed and turned to look at him. He just didn’t understand. Boys were so obvious.
“But you’re not in love with me, right?” Your voice was staring to break, showing how you felt inside. Broken. He opened his mouth, but you continued speaking before he could. “Don’t try to deny it, Arthur. I know it. I see the way you look at Gwen. You have never looked at me that way…”
“y/n, where is this coming from? We are about to get married! I proposed to you! I… I love you. Ever since we were kids.” He tried to grab your hand, but you stopped him. He raised his eyebrows, surprised at the move. You had never done something like that before.
“You didn’t answer my question. Are you in love with me? Do you think about me day and night? Do you wait all day to fall asleep next to me? Do you feel like you can’t breath every time I’m around you? Are you in love with me like I am in love with you, Arthur?” He stayed quiet, not knowing exactly how to answer. You took that has a no. “Of course not… how could I have been so stupid?! It was always Gwen, wasn’t it?”
“y/n, I promise you, I can forget about her. I can fall in love with you!” This time he did grab your hand, firmly, so you couldn’t stop him. “Please, don’t do what I think you’re about to do.”
“You have left me with no choice, Arthur… I’m calling off this wedding.” He looked at you in disbelief, still assimilating those words.
“No.” That was the only word that left his mouth. A simple no. You scoffed, shaking your head. He didn’t even bother to fight for you, he didn’t make that effort. “I don’t want you to do this… I can fix this.”
“There’s nothing here to fix! Love isn’t supposed to be one sided, Arthur. I don’t want to keep you in a marriage where you’ll be unhappy. Not when I’ve spent my whole life loving you. It’s not fair to you, but mostly, it isn’t fair to me.”
“I don’t want you to hate me, y/n. I never meant to hurt you. I mean this. I really wish I could fall in love with you and not feel the way I feel about Gwen…” You nodded, a sad smile on your face. Your eyes were tearing up, tears slowly rolling down your cheeks.
“I know. And I could never possibly hate you, Arthur. Now go find Gwen. Give her the big news. I’ll ask Merlin to tell the king that I called off the wedding.” Arthur hugged you, something you weren’t expecting, but it was well taken nonetheless. You hugged him back, tears falling on his shirt. He stepped back and gave you one final look, before rushing out. And just like that, you saw the love of your life walk away, taking a part of you with him.
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endgametike · 2 years
Rafael Solano x reader
“Y/n, what are you doing here?” You were obviously annoyed. You were going to meet Petra and bumped into Rafael. You hadn’t seen him since you broke up with him, and you weren’t ready to see him yet. Just say hi and ignore: you thought.
“Rafael, hi. I was looking for Petra. We agreed to meet here, she just called me.” Done, now leave.
“Are you ? Cause she just left. I saw her.”
“There must be some mistake, she called me 10 minutes ago and said she was waiting here for me.”
“If you wanted to talk to me you could have just said it, you didn’t need to use Petra as an excuse.” You rolled your eyes at him.
“How much of a narcisist are you ?”
“Excuse me, Mr Solano, Matteo is crying and he won’t stop. “
“I thought I told you to not bother me today. Matteo will be fine, I read online it is good for them to cry a little.” You rolled your eyes again.
“Thank you Scott, I’ll go calm Matteo down, don’t worry. Rafael here has no idea how to deal with a baby.” Scott left, leaving you with Rafael again.
“I thought you were here because of Petra.” Rafael smirked, raising his eyebrow.
“Well, Matteo needs someone.” You shrugged , passing by Rafael, on your way to his room. He opened the door and you went straight away to Matteo, picking him up, making him stop crying. After a while, he fell asleep, and you put him in his baby crib.
“You’re really good with kids. I wish this was a normal day, you know? Me, you and Matteo.....I know he wouldn’t mind....and neither would I.”
“Rafael don’t do this...” His eyes were locked with yours, and you noticed a bit of hope in his.
“Why? I know you still having feelings for me and God knows I’m still in love with you. You like Matteo, I can see it. That was your problem before right ? But you like him! That means we can be together! Please.”
“Don’t you get it ? It was never about Matteo! Of course I wasn’t happy about you having a baby with Jane, but that was never my problem. We’re just too different. You have a hotel, and you’re a business man. And that is not the life I want Rafael. And you said a lot of hurtful things...I don’t know if I can forgive that. I’m sorry. “ You got up and started heading towards the door, but Rafael got in the way, stoping you.
“Please don’t do this. I’ve lost everyone in my life: my mother, my father and I have no idea where my sister is....I can’t lose you too...”
“You already did.” You tried to move, but Rafael was holding your arm, not letting you move. “Rafael stop ! You’re hurting me.” He finally let go of your arm and you rushed to his door closing it behind you as you left. You leaned into a wall, crying. You saw Petra running to you and talking to you , but you couldn’t hear a word she said. So you hugged her, hoping all the pain would go away. It didn’t.
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endgametike · 3 years
Deja vu
Liam Dunbar x reader
Y/n- your name
Y/m/n- your middle name
“She’s real !” Liam insisted “I know she is, it wasn’t a dream, okay ? She felt real...”
“Liam, I think I would know if I had a sister.”
“Exactly, I think I would know if Scott had a sister. Besides, you can’t even give us a name.” Stiles added
“okay, I might not know her name....yet. But I promise you guys, she exists. And I’m gonna prove it to you.” Liam walked away frustrated. He knew you were real, he felt it. But he couldn’t remember your face, your name, anything about you. It was driving him crazy.
“Y/n! That’s her name.”
“Who’s name, Liam?”
“Your sister ! I remember her name. It’s Y/n. We need to find her. Scott, I think I loved her...”
“I believe you.” To everyone’s surprise, it was Derek who spoke. “I found a drawing in my bedroom... none of you can draw. It was signed y/n/f/l.” Scott nodded.
“Liam, you’re going to travel through your mind.” Lydia said, looking at the beta.
“So, how exactly does this work?” Malia questioned.
“Liam just needs to follow every step I say.” Lydia said, preparing everything she needed to use.
“Are you sure it is going to work?”
“No. But that’s our best chance.”
“As you relaxe, imagine you’re sitting in front of a Tv”
Liam looked around, as he recognized the place. He was at the school. Lydia continued guiding him through the process . Some memories of you and him started playing. He walked out off the classroom, walking to his locker. As he opened it, he started remembering you.
“Liam, right ? I’m y/n McCall, I’m so sorry about my brother. But what he did yesterday, he was just protecting you.”
“He kidnapped me and now he says I’m his brother or something. I think your brother is crazy.”
You chuckled. “That’s debatable. Tonight is a full moon, just be careful.”
Suddenly that memory became a blur and turned into another.
“Liam calm down, you can do it.”
Liam roared at you as you stepped back.
“Liam, you’re a good person. Focus on that. Damn it, focus on my voice. I know you don’t wanna hurt me.
Liam transformed back into his human form, crying.
“Did I- did I hurt you?” Liam asked, looking at the floor, while tears fell down his face.
“You didn’t Liam! You fought it. I’m so proud of you...” Liam hugged you while you told him it was going to be alright.
“hey, can we speak in private ?”
“sure.” Liam lead you to an empty classroom. “So...I wanted to ask you something. And you can say no, obviously. It’s your choice. I just feel like we are connected somehow and I wonder if you would like to go on a date with me? Again, you don’t have to accept, I get it if you don’t want to. It was a stupid idea and”
“Liam.” You interrupted him “I would love to go on a date with you.”
“Oh great. Awesome. Perfect. Huh, 9 pm?”
“Make it 8.” You smiled and kissed Liam on the cheek.
“It was a great date Liam. And thank you for bringing me home.”
“Of course. We should do it again.”
“Definitely.” You smiled.
“So, bye I guess.” Liam started walking away back to his car.
“Liam wait! Are you seriously gonna leave without kissing me?”
“Oh god, I was hoping you’d say that.” Liam turned around and ran to you, kissing you.
“I’ll go get it Scott!” You went downstairs and opened the door. “Liam hey! What are you doing here at 7 pm? With flowers? And chocolates? Scott’s birthday is only 4 weeks from now.”
“I- actually- these are for you. But I need to talk to Scott first.” Liam came in and and called Scott. Scott walked downstairs to where you were.
“Liam, what are you doing here? With flowers and chocolates ? I told you my birthday is only in a month.”
“Yea, that’s not why I’m here. Here goes nothing. I wanna date your sister.” Scott looked confused at Liam. “I mean... I like your sister. She’s such a good person, she’s beautiful and smart and an absolute badass. I love being around her and I wanna protect her from everything bad on the world. I want her to be my girlfriend, I wanna be able to walk hand in hand with her on the street. I wanna cuddle her and see movies with her. I’m asking for your permission...” Liam looked at Scott with hope in his eyes.
“Alright buddy, but treat her well or else I’ll kill you.”
Liam laughed but then looked at Scott who didn’t look like he was joking. “Oh, you weren’t kidding.” Liam then looked at you and kissed you.
“Liam I think you’re forgetting something...”
“No, I’m pretty sure I remembered everything I wanted to say.”
You laughed. “You forgot to ask me if I wanted to date you.”
“Oh of course. Y/n Y/m/n McCall, do you wanna be my girlfriend?”
“No.” You said simply, trying not to laugh.
“No? Well this is embarrassing, I guess I’m gonna go then...”
“Liam. I’m kidding. Nothing would make me more happy than to be your girlfriend.” You kissed Liam.
“Ok, I think that’s enough. Save that for when I’m not in the same room as you.”
“Of course. I should go, but I’ll see you tomorrow at school.” Liam kissed your cheek and started leaving.
“Liam ! Leave the flowers and the chocolates!”
“hey y/n, are you ready for the ga-“
“What? Do I have something on my face ?”
“No, it’s just, you’re wearing my shirt.”
“Oh yea, I thought you’d like me using it for the game, to support you. But I can wear something mine, if it bothers you...”
“No, no, I absolutely love it. You look gorgeous.” Liam kissed you and you fell on the bed, laughing.
“We’re gonna be late!”
“I don’t care.” Liam kissed you again smiling.
“Liam, I can see them. They’re here, they’re gonna take me.”
“Only if I let them.”
“Liam, there’s nothing you can do. You have to let me go.”
“I’m not leaving you! Stay behind me. Where are they?”
“Liam you need to go!”
“I said I’m not leaving you, it’s not up for discussion.”
“Liam, I love you. I love you so much. You made me the happiest girl in the world this past few year. And I’m so proud of the person you’ve become.”
“No! Y/n, this isn’t a goodbye.”
“It’s a see you later. Remember me Liam. Remember how I much I love you and how much I know you love me.” You got taken away by the ghost riders, leaving Liam alone with tears falling from his eyes.
“I love you too.”
Liam came back to reality. “I didn’t love her.”
“What ? What do you mean Liam?”
“I didn’t love your sister... I was in love with her. We have to get her back. Now! We need to do something, we can’t just leave her there! Why are you all just standing there? Do something ! She needs us! She needs her friends, she needs her brother, she needs me! She’s counting on me and I- I forgot her. I forgot her... How did I forgot her? Please don’t let me forget her again!” Scott hugged Liam.
“Liam, we didn’t tell you because we didn’t want to get your hopes up, but when you were remembering Y/n, some kind of portal opened up and we saw her...but it closed straight up after it opened. So, we think that if more people remember her, then the portal might be open long enough for her to pass through it and come back. We think this might help us, Malia, Mason and Liam are distracting the ghost riders while we do this. We don’t have much time. We’ll start with me and we’ll use Scott as a last resort. We need him strong if we need to fight the ghost riders.”
“Let’s do it.”
After Lydia tried nothing happened, she remembered you, but not enough. Then it was Stiles’ turn.
“Still nothing.” Liam said. “It won’t work.”
“It’s my turn now. Don’t take me out until the portal opens.”
“What if it doesn’t open at all?”
“It will.”
“Guys, Scott is staring to freeze, we need to get him out of there.”
“No! The portal hasn’t opened yet!”
“Liam, he’s gonna die !”
“I said no!” Liam roared at Lydia.
“Guys, look ! It is working. Scott just needs to hold on a little more! C’mon buddy.” After a minute you were finally able to walk through the portal. Liam ran to you and kissed you, while Lydia and Stiles helped Scott.
“You remembered me!”
“I should have remembered you way sooner. I’m so sorry. I’m never letting you go again. I love you.”
“Y/n ?” Scott ran to you and embraced you tightly in a hug.
“Scott ! I missed you so much! Are you an idiot! You could have died inside that thing!”
“I would gladly die if it meant bringing you home.”
You hugged Stiles and Lydia.
“Guys, not to ruin the moment but the ghost riders are here. We held them back as long as we could.” Malia said as she entered the room.
“Let’s fight then.” You said.
“Hm not you. You’re gonna hide and rest.” Scott said.
“I’m with Scott one this one.” Liam agreed with him.
“It’s so cute you actually think I’m going to hide.”
“Yup, that’s definitely the girl I fell in love with.”
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endgametike · 3 years
Fighting For... Season 4 Preview
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Summary: I’m not like the others, the 100. Their crimes were petty, mine was being born. Being sent to Earth should’ve been refreshing, freeing. Instead it’s a fight. A fight for survival. A fight for love.
Warnings: The 100 Themes so blood and gore I guess
Pairings: Bellamy Blake x Reader, Clarke Griffin x Twin!Fem!Reader
Dividers made by @firefly-graphics​ ~go check her page out! 
Updates on Monday, Wednesday, Friday!
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Fighting For… Masterlist
We’ve reached s4 of fighting for! The plan is to start posting s4 on Feb. 28th, giving me a week to get the tags, and to make sure everything is set up right! The prologue for s4 will be released soon!
Tags are Open!
Continuar a ler
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endgametike · 3 years
Bellamy Blake x reader
Part 2
“A thank you would be nice.”
You kept walking, ignoring the fact that Bellamy was right next to you.
“Oh, I’m sorry Bellamy, do you want me to thank you for freeing me after locking me up?”
You entered your room trying to close the door, but Bellamy still made it inside.
“I’m doing this for you! To protect you! You and Octavia are the most important people in my life, and I can’t lose you to the Grounders.”
“Bullshit Bellamy. Keep telling yourself that. The Grounders weren’t attacking , they were sent to protect us! Can’t you see what you’ve become?”
You finally looked at Bellamy and you noticed a tear falling on his cheek.
“You’re not the Bellamy I loved anymore. You let them lock me up. You let them lock Lincoln up. Pike wants to kill every Grounder, and if he has to take down some of his own, he will. Don’t think he’ll save you if you need.”
Bellamy now had more tears running down his face and you tried to keep yourself together.
“He told me he would protect you and Octavia. I can’t lose you! I love you and if this what I need to do to keep you safe, then that’s what I’m going to do, even if you hate me for that.”
“Go float yourself.”
Bellamy left the room and after you heard the door closing you sat in your bed crying.
You, your father, Harper and Miller had been spending the last week coming up with a plan. You were kinda nervous, but it was working. You had Pike on the jeep and the door were open. There was only a small problem.
“Bellamy get out of the way!”
“I’m sorry Y/n I can’t let you do this!”
You were starting to get nervous and you were trembling. You heard Kane’s voice.
“Y/n you can do this, c’mon.”
“I’m trying!”
Expect you weren’t. You couldn’t hit Bellamy, even if you wanted to, you couldn’t. You loved him. You felt someone grabbing you and putting handcuffs around your wrists. You turned your head around and saw Bellamy mouthing an “I’m sorry”.
You had been sobbing for the past hour, while your dad held you in his arms and rubbed your back.
“I’m so sorry, I should have just ran him over.”
Your father looked you in the eyes with a look you knew well, he used to do it when you where only a kid and broke something. It always made you feel good, as if it wasn’t your fault.
“It’s fine Y/n. We understand, it’s not your fault.”
“Chancellor on deck!”
You rolled your eyes and swiped away the tears as you saw the guards and Pike.
“I thought we had more time.” Marcus murmured under his breath, holding you closer to him, as if it would protect you.
You saw Bellamy appear from behind Pike and you locked eyes with him.
“Each of you have committed the same crimes and as such, will all suffer the same punishment. Death.”
“Excuse me ? What did they do? I was the one the one driving the jeep, all they did was follow my orders.”
Kane grabbed your arm pulling you down.
“I think what Y/n is trying to say is that my people did nothing . Don’t let them suffer for my crimes....please.”
It was the first time you heard Lincoln begging for anything and you could hear the despair on his voice.
“Sir, Lincoln’s right. All the others did was run through an open door, the same thing we would do if we were in there.”
Bellamy murmured, glancing over at you. You looked away, you couldn’t even stare at Bellamy without wanting to attack him.
“I believe that’s true. Kane , Lincoln, Sinclair and Y/n. As the leaders of this coup, you will pay for your crimes with your lives. Execution is set for dawn.” 
You finally looked over to Bellamy to see his reaction. His eyes were red and tears were running down his cheek.
“Ai laik going gon frag op Yu.”
“I told you to stop speaking their language.”
“Jok Yu pike. En hon daun Belomi kom Yu gon hell.”
Pike left the room followed by Bellamy and his guards. Bellamy looked at you one last time, his heart beating faster than ever. He made a mistake , and he only realized that now.
“Ai badan klin hayon taim emo dula op anything gon em Ai na frag op emo.”
“Ething na na ku Y/n , Ai laik hir gon Yu”
You heard footsteps and saw your dad being dragged by some guards back to the cell.
“Dad! Are you okay? What did they do to you ?”
“It was Abby. She asked for one last moment with me.”
“Oh. Abby.”
You looked down. You were truly happy for your dad, you just never thought he would be with anyone but your mom.
“Y/n I..”
You interrupted him.
“You love her.”
You only realized what you said after you said it . Your dad looked at you with a sad look, reminding your mom. You looked exactly like her.
“It’s fine. Mom would understand it . I understand it. “
You put your hand on top of his, smiling sadly.
“Octavia ? Oh my god.”
You ran to your best friend and hugged her tightly.
“Yu found yumi.”
Octavia looked tired, but relieved at the same time.
“We need to move quick, it won’t take Pike long to figure out something’s up.”
“Where are we going exactly?”
Your dad looked at Octavia hoping she had a plan. And she did .
“Down.” She answered as she lifted up one of the square floorboards revealing a small space.”Who wants to go first?” 
One by one, everyone started getting inside, until it was only you, Lincoln , Octavia and Kane left.
“I have a message for the traitors.” Pike’s voice spoke through the radio. “There will be an execution today. Either turn yourselves in, or the other grounder prisoners will die in your place.”
You stayed still as Octavia and Lincoln talked. It was your fault.
“No!” Octavia cried out and you turned around to see her passed away on your dad’s arms.
“honey c’mon.”
“I’m going dad.”
You smiled at him, although you knew exactly what you were going to do.
“Ai laik going kom Yu. Oso gon daun together.”
“Nou! Yu are going kom emo, stay klir. Gon Ai.”
“Em ste Ai fault emo are going gon get don frag op. Ai laik going kom Yu.”
You were going to die. This was it. This was the end. You were staring at Pike, with a gun on his hand pointed at Lincoln’s head. And then you saw Kane with his hand on Octavia’s shoulder. Octavia was crying, her eyes red. You wanted to hug her and tell her everything was going to be okay, but you couldn’t. Cause after Lincoln, it was your turn. You were so focused on Octavia that you trembled when you heard a gunshot and looked over to where Lincoln was, just in time to see him falling, blood everywhere. Suddenly, the tears that had been threatening to fall for a while, finally did and you started screaming.
“Lincoln. Nou. Ai laik going gon frag op Yu pike. Ai hate Yu.”
But before you could do anything you were grabbed and forced to kneel on the same place Lincoln was before they dragged him out. Pike had a familiar smirk on his face. He was clearly enjoying this. You looked over to where Octavia and Kane were, but this time Kane was holding Octavia. He locked eyes with you with a sad look, as if he was begging you to do something.
“Any last words?”
Pike asked you, what he probably asked Lincoln. You were disgusted by him . You looked to your father again. Tears were running down his face as he tried to run to you, but Indra wouldn’t let him.
“ Ai na hod in Yu feva.”
And you heard a gunshot. But you didn’t feel anything. Instead, Pike fell on the floor and Bellamy was pointing a gun at him.
Bellamy ran over to you and hugged you. He grabbed your hand and you two started running away, hearing gunshots that missed you for inches. When you were finally safe, you and Bellamy stopped running.
“You saved me.”
“I love you.”
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endgametike · 3 years
Bellamy Blake x reader
Part 1
You were sitting in your room with Kane, your dad. You have been doing this meetings for about a week now, all because of Pike. And now he got Bellamy, your Bellamy. You were in love with him. You’ve been in love with him since you first met him, when the 100 arrived on Earth for the first time.
“Is everything okay?”
Your dad’s voice got you back to reality. He sounded worried, genuinely worried.
“Apart from Bellamy siding up with Pike? I’m doing great.”
You were being ironic. You always did that when you were uncomfortable talking about something. So Kane didn’t say a word after that.
“How long are Harper and Miller going to take? We don’t have much time. Lincoln was already arrested and we need to free him. I promised Octavia. I promised Lincoln.”
Octavia was really important to you. She was your first friend on Earth and you told her everything. And Lincoln....well, Lincoln taught you how to fight and helped you hiding from the Grounders. You owed him your life, and he was your friend. You couldn’t leave him to die.
Finally, you heard some footsteps and someone knocked. Harper and Miller said the password and entered your room.
“Took you long enough.”
“Sorry, I had to get rid of Monty. He’s with Pike too....”
“Ok, let’s review the plan “
“Y/n, can we talk?”
You froze when you heard Bellamy’s voice. You missed him, you missed kissing him, you missed talking with him, you missed everything about him. But you were too proud to answer him.
“Y/n answer me”
“Or else what? You’re going to get me arrested for disrespecting a guard ? Try me.”
“I just wanna talk. Please.”
You felt him getting closer to you and touching your shoulder.
“Don’t come any closer. Step away from me.”
“Y/n please.”
“I said step away!”
You turned around and pushed him. Bellamy fell and before you could do or say anything , you saw guards coming with Pike.
“Y/n Kane, you are under arrested for assaulting a member of the guard .”
“What did you do to end up here?”
You recognized Lincoln’s voice immediately and chuckled a little.
“Bellamy needed a lesson. Seems like I broke the law and assaulted a guard. Bullshit if you ask me.”
You looked at Lincoln and saw him smile.
“I see you’re still the same Kane. I missed you.”
“We have a plan. My dad has a plan.”
“Y/n wake up! Kane. Belomi ste hir.”
You woke up as soon as you realized what Lincoln was saying.
“Chit ste he doing hir?”
“Yu should as op em”
“Pike, I would say it’s a pleasure to see you, but then I’de be lying, and I guess that’s against the law too. But hey, I’m already arrested so who cares right ?”
“Bellamy dropped the charges, you are free to go. But you can’t leave the camp. Your every movements will be watched and I’ll be waiting for you to slip away so I can get that smirk out of your face.”
“Bite me.”
You rolled your eyes and turned around to face Lincoln.
“Ai na kom op bakon gon Yu. Ai promise .”
“Stay yuj, Yu are a gona.”
“What is she saying Bellamy ?”
“I don’t know sir.”
“What are you saying? You’re not one of them stop speaking their language.”
You looked at Pike with disgust in your eyes.
“Jok Yu”
Part 2:
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endgametike · 3 years
I’d like to be tagged
I am going to delete all tags (unless recently added) and start a fresh because I think a lot of those accounts aren’t active anymore!! So please comment or shoot me an ask if you want to be added 💞
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endgametike · 3 years
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endgametike · 3 years
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Tina and the New Directions:
→ Ryder Lynn
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endgametike · 3 years
Banished Series Master List
Summary: When the 100 was sent to the ground, Y/N Y/L/N was one of them. Having been locked up for almost 8 years, how will she react to surviving on Earth? Especially when she gets banished…
Paring: Bellamy Blake x Reader, the 100 x Reader
Season 1:
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13
Season 2:
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Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Teaser Part 16 Part 17 Teaser Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20 Part 21 Part 22 Part 23 Part 24 Part 25 Part 26 Part 27 Part 28 Part 29
Season 3:
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Part 30 Part 31 Part 32 Part 33 Part 34 Part 35 Part 36 Part 37 Part 38 Part 39 Part 40 Part 41 Part 42 Part 43 Part 44 Part 45
Season 4:
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Part 46~teaser Part 46  Part 47 Part 48 Part 49 Part 50 BC! Part 51  Part 52 Part 53  Part 54 Part 55
***BC! means Bonus Chapter***
~Y/N Moodboard~
~Bellamy and Y/N Moodboard~
Reader Creations:
~Series Moodboard~
~Poster~ created by @werosies
~Bellamy and Y/N moodboard~ created by @bellkadia
~Cover~ created by @l0ttadreamz
~Banner~ created by @cashmereandtears
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endgametike · 3 years
Privileged Series
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Here you will find all available parts of the Bellamy Blake x reader series ‘Privileged’ :)
Summary: *yn* Kane, Marcus Kane’s daughter, and the rest of the delinquents struggle to survive on the ground and in her eyes, Bellamy Blake certainly isn’t helping. Can they overcome their differences to help keep the rest of the 100 alive and will this bring them closer in ways they never expected?
Part 1
Part 2 
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29 
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Last updated: 17/07/2020
Series Inspired Aesthetics
*yn* Kane Aesthetic
*yn* Kane Aesthetic (pt 2)
genderbend! *yn* Kane Aesthetic
Amara x *yn* Kane Aesthetic
Bellamy x *yn* Kane Aesthetic
Bellamy x *yn* Kane Aesthetic (pt 2)
Cage x *yn* Kane Aesthetic
Clarke x *yn* Kane Aesthetic
Elijah x *yn* Kane Aesthetic
Jasper x *yn* Kane Aesthetic
Murphy x *yn* Kane Aesthetic
Octavia x *yn* Kane Aesthetic
Marcus x *yn* Kane Aesthetic
Raven x *yn* Kane Aesthetic 
Roan x *yn* Kane Aesthetic
5K notes · View notes
endgametike · 3 years
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224 notes · View notes
endgametike · 3 years
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BRITTANY PIERCE SPECIAL: ↳ People: Tina Cohen-Chang
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endgametike · 3 years
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tina and the new directions: 
→ brittany pierce 
443 notes · View notes
endgametike · 3 years
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top 10 glee couples (as voted by you) ∟ 4 → mike chang/tina cohen-chang
“you don’t talk that much, you hardly ever sing, but when i see you do that, it’s who you are. it’s what makes me feel you.”
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endgametike · 3 years
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Love, was made for me and you
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