enkerli · 8 years
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enkerli · 8 years
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enkerli · 8 years
Instrumental version of an album from an artist with a huge lexicon. Stands on its own.
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enkerli · 8 years
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enkerli · 8 years
So a song by a UK art group is how Hoggart’s fictional pulp fiction became a US bandname.
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enkerli · 8 years
Classic. “Smells Like Teen Spirit” by Paul Anka
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enkerli · 8 years
Mostly knew Oscar Brown’s “Work Song” through Claude Nougaro («Sing Sing»).
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enkerli · 8 years
From Wilde Flowers, to Caravan, to Soft Machine…
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enkerli · 8 years
Le père d’y -M- , c’est p’tit Mana.
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enkerli · 8 years
Brother kind of thing. #PygmyPop http://criticalworld.net/pygmy-pop/
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enkerli · 8 years
Reminds me of Armadillo World Headquarters in #ATX.
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enkerli · 9 years
No-cost access may not do much of #OpenAcces, but it's always an intriguing move, as marketing.
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For those of you interested in digital sociology/Anthropology Routledge is offering free online access to a host of journal articles relevant. These are organised into categories pertaining to youth, ethnicity, social theory and much more. Take a look, access lasts till the end of October.
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enkerli · 11 years
My partner would like some apple crisp. I’ll make some more while she’s in town…
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My boyfriend’s apple crisp! After five years together, he waits till I’m living out of town to make something I love. 😋
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enkerli · 11 years
Sounds like our visit of the Marc Favreau library had a strong effect…
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La nouvelle bibliothèque Marc Favreau est hallucinante! Je pense que @beatifo y aurait du fun.
In my bf’s hood (and my old one) there is a newly opened, modern, and spectacular library! 😋
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enkerli · 11 years
Are extroverts and introverts that far apart?
The context is clear: I went on radio and did my usual extrovert thing, being my extrovert self. Enjoyed the few minutes of talking about a topic dear to my heart. Felt no pressure to perform. Just enjoyed the moment, after walking in a nice and quiet little snowfall. Nothing to it. Just a good start to my day, which ended up being rather productive overall.
So, am I one of those oblivious extroverts who have no idea how difficult it is to be an introvert in this extroversion-focused world? This being Tumblr, extroverts might not be welcome, here. Or, at least, we have some ‘splainin’ to do. How will I prove that I can be deep, thoughtful, understanding…? Somehow, Buzzfeed could almost come to the rescue, if it weren’t for the annoying animated ‘jiffs’.
Maybe I don’t need to justify myself. After all, saroshig knows I grok introverts. In fact, I’d be quite happy to help introverts in an extroverts’ world and that’s something saroshig and I have discussed with TanMcG, with the idea of a “ShyCamp” for introverts and shy people who’d like to pitch ideas. If extroversion is privileged, I’m all for putting my privilege to good use.
Yet I don’t always feel it’s such a privilege. Sure, breezing through public presentations is a huge benefit, as public speaking tends to be valued. That doesn’t mean we don’t have our own issues, though, like the ones mentioned in that aforementioned Buzzfeed list. Despite being valued, public speaking isn’t that frequent a thing, for most people. It’s important when it happens, but occasions for it can be relatively rare. In the meantime, an extrovert like me might shrivel a bit. Maybe not much, maybe it’s not such a big deal. It’s just that some of us may get to feel like something is missing.
It’s a subtle thing, actually. Not one I notice right away, at least. Unless it has to do with how much I may miss teaching, when I don’t get my fix. To an introvert, it may sound strange. In fact, I’ve heard some say (albeit teasingly) that I was ”weird” for enjoying such things. Sure, I’m weird. Quirky, at least. Got a problem with that?
Sometimes, it does make me feel misunderstood. I’m used to it.
how much of a gap there is between extroverts and introverts: so close yet so far.
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enkerli · 11 years
Tumblr doesn’t care about people people.
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enkerli · 11 years
 Should we make ethnographies as popular as Twilight and Anne Frank?
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