enniyart · 6 months
Trollhunters! Nomura Au
The third part(2/2)<
This AU was made me and @enniyart
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While part of the team, consisting of Nomura, Angor, Blinky, Draal, Aaarrgh, Toby and Jim, went in search of Merlin. Another part of the team with Steve and Eli stayed to look after the exhausted Claire in the Lake house (due to recent events, the house was empty for a very long time).
The journey to the tomb is uneventful. The only interesting moment happens when Merlin wakes up and Nomura says that she is now a trollhunter. This statement makes the Wizard surprised, for a second he looks at Jim, but quickly assumes the usual cynical expression on his face and together with the others goes to Arcadia where an unpleasant surprise awaits them.... The fact is that while the trollhunter and the others were looking for Merlin's tomb, the Creepslayerz, who were left to look after Claire, witnessed her obsession with Morgana (due to the fact that there was more concentration of dark magic in Claire, Morgana's possession occurred earlier than in the original). Steve was already ready to say goodbye to life, but fortunately Eli watched all seasons of "Supernatural", so the first thing he does is throw a jar of salt into the obsessed Claire and lock her in the basement to wait for the rest of the team.
After the rest of the team returns, Morgana is tied up in the same way as the original and they think about how to return Claire to her body. They decide to send a couple of team members to the world of shadows to pull Claire's soul out of illusions. Jim and Toby are called to go to the world of shadows, Angor remains to keep the portal open, and the rest remain to watch the queen of the Eldrich.
While Jim and Toby search for Claire, Morgana tries to manipulate the remaining members of the team. But Merlin begins to do what he does best, infuriate others, and Morgan is already being led to his manipulations and jokes.
Just like in the original, Jim and Toby find Claire's soul and together they expel the witch from her body.
At this time, Gunmar, with the help of Avalon's staff and Strickler, frees Morgana. Gunmar decides that he no longer needs changelings, but Strickler stops him saying that of all those present, only he is aware of what is happening in the world (and with the help of his connections has a great influence in the human world), he also says that he should not underestimate the superiority of people in technical terms. Strickler proposes a plan according to which his changelings penetrate into all important spheres of humanity, and when Gunmar decides to begin conquering the upper lands, humanity will already be destroyed from within and will not be able to provide proper resistance to the Gumgum army. Morgana, who has just been released, agrees with Strickler's plan and Gunmar and Morgana go into the shadows for a while to regain strength after a long imprisonment.
After all she's been through, Claire decides that her parents deserve the right to know what's really going on. At first, Ophelia and Javier do not believe their daughter, but when her teacher from the "exchange school" appears, all doubts disappear instantly.
Thanks to the help of a member of the Nunez council, the team is better able to hide trolls from the trollmarket.
A team of hunters is discussing a plan to defeat Gunmar and Morgana. Merlin tells about the stones of the three shadows capable of summoning the eclipse sword. The trollhunter already has the eye of Gunmar, and therefore the whole team goes for the rest of the stones. It turns out to be quite simple to get the stones of death and birth. Only in the process of extracting the second Draal accidentally turns into a human (he and Nomura even manage to go on a date to a human restaurant. The date itself happened surprisingly well, until Draal started eating curtains). After learning about this, Merlin and Angor finally figure out how to defeat Morgana once and for all. They decide to prepare a potion that, like with Draal, will turn Morgana into a human and when she will become mortal, they will finally be able to kill her.
Angor also decides that they need all the
powers they have and therefore helps Claire create her own shadow staff.
Blinky and Aaarrrgh, as well as in the original, gather allies among the trolls to fight back against Gunmar.
Gunmar also wasted no time and while the trollhunter was looking for the stones of the three shadows, he attacked troll settlements and replenished his army, simultaneously absorbing their hearts of stone, becoming even bigger and stronger because of this.
After that, Morgana begins eternal night (she also breaks Merlin's staff), but when they come to the surface, gumgums do not find a single person.
The fact is that council member Nunez is seeking consent to conduct a training evacuation of the entire city, so all residents of Arcadia are safe.
Morgana, seeing this, immediately begins to ask Strickler what is going on, and then it turns out that Walter has long betrayed her and sided with Gunmar. Morgana is about to kill the changeling, but she is attacked by an Angor that appeared from the portal and takes them to another battle location.
Gunmar at the same time starts a fight against Nomura in the eclipse armor and Draal.
Merlin goes to the ruined market to get a staff, and the rest of the team, together with the Order of Janus, fight against the Gumgum army.
The trollhunters' plan is that Angor should get close to Morgana and poison her with a poison that turns into a human (Angor himself understood that he was unlikely to be able to get out of the battle alive). Claire, when the witch finally turns into a mortal, will deal a fatal blow to the exhausted Morgan, thereby canceling eternal night. At this time, Nomura and Draal will try to restrain Gunmar in an open area, so that when the sky dissipated and the sun appeared, Gunmar fell under his direct rays and turned into stone (the fact is that he became so huge that Merlin was not sure whether the eclipse blade would be enough to kill Gunmar). The task of the rest of the team is to restrain Gunmar's army so that she could not come to his or Morgana's aid.The task of the rest of the team is to restrain Gunmar's army so that she could not come to his or Morgana's aid.
Angor and Morgana begin their battle during which the staff of the shadow breaks and Morgana kills Angor, but he manages to cut her with a poisoned blade. Morgana notices that her wounds do not recover, but remain and begin to bleed. In a panic, she tries to escape to regain her strength and stop the effect of the poison, but Claire, with a new staff of shadow, blocks her path. A long fight ensues between them during which Claire loses her right eye and is again in a dying state, but still she manages to kill the witch.
Gunmar finds himself right under the withering rays of the sun. He tries to find shelter (his skin has almost turned to stone and has become very fragile), but at that moment Nomura and Draal decapitate him. Gunnar dies, but also due to a strong surge of magic, the stone in the amulet splits, and Draal also loses his right arm.
The remaining gumgums, which did not have time to eliminate, are destroyed by themselves due to the death of Gunmar, as in the original.
Eternal Night ends (Merlin, due to the fact that Morgana broke the staff of Avalon, does not regain her powers).
Residents of Arcadia are returning to the city (a little oh.evayut when they see the consequences of the battle against Morgana and Gunmar). And when the team of hunters relaxes, the changelings take over the city and Strickler declares that his plan remains unchanged. Changelings will also destroy humanity from the inside, and then using human weapons they will strike at all the deposits of stone hearts, so the world will belong only to changelings (the world did not want to accept them, and they are not going to accept this world).
Claire goes to the hospital. Draal also becomes incapacitated due to the loss of his arm. Steve, Eli and Toby say that they will fight with the others, but Nomura does not want the children to participate in the massacre, so takes them to the pantry and locks them for a while until it's all over. Jim looks at all this from the side, and then follows Nomura (she did not look for him because time was running out, and she thought that he would have enough brains not to follow her (not enough)).
Nomura (already without the amulet, armed with khopesh), Merlin (still with 10% of his magic), Blinky, Aaarrrgh and the remaining surviving trolls go to storm the Order of Janus.
At this time, it is not Enrique who goes to the dark lands for familiars (let's accept the fact that the Darklands were not destroyed during eternal night).
While the rest of the trolls are fighting the changelings, Nomura infiltrates the headquarters of the Order of Janus (Jim slips behind her unnoticed) where Strickler is now. A fight ensues between Nomura and Strickler during which Strickler prepares to deliver a fatal blow to the hunter....
Jim picks up a crossbow lying on the floor and shoots his history teacher.
The surviving changelings escape from Arcadia. It is NotEnrique who successfully gets out of the Darklands with the familiars in the cradle stone.
Afterword: after the finale, Jimmy and Claire start dating (they fell in love with each other at joint sessions with a psychologist).
Claire continues to practice shadow magic (after the battle, she picks up a piece root of the Angor Rot body and now it grows in her pot).
Nomura, Draal, Blinky and Merlin, along with the rest of the trolls from the market, leave for New Jersey. Aaarrrgh stays with Toby and the others to protect Arcadia.
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enniyart · 8 months
let me present to you, my friends, one of the best hellish pair 🍎🐍
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enniyart · 8 months
Okay no but I think Alastor seems quite fond of Mimzy, genuinely.
I don't know how much he Cares(tm) about her cause Alastor gives the impression of someone who doesn't necessarily form attachments the way most people do. But he's obviously very very comfortable around her.
His expressions are more at ease than they usually are, his voice is more genuine, a lot of the ways he expresses himself around her feels more real than anything else we've seen from him. He lets her be touchy and make flamboyant comments about him without ever seeming uncomfortable or upset like he does around everyone else (hell, he even initiated the hug when they first saw each other). He never threatens her and she isn't threatened by him (even when he kicks her out?). And it's clearly not an act they've been friends since they were alive (over one hundred years now??) and apparently she regularly comes to him for protection and favors without having her soul stolen or being threatened like, again, he's done (or tried to do) with literally every other person he's ever done anything for, and he seems happy with that.
Which makes it odd to me that he'd throw her out at all. He knows how she is, he doesn't seem to mind it, and in fact, he seems to enjoy her company generally. Hell, even when she outright challenges him on it, "You love taking care of me...there's no way you care about that place", he doesn't refute it, he just says "I can't have that here". Interestingly enough, while he's very tense, he also doesn't seem nearly as threatening even in this scene as he usually would, especially to someone he thinks disrespected him in some way, which only fuels my stance that he probably wouldn't usually throw her out like this under most circumstances.
But, well..he's "On someone else's leash" now. And I highly suspect that he doesn't have any choice except to protect the hotel (or charlie?) really. Which would explain why he threw out the only person he seems really fond of, why he keeps dodging the question of why he's helping the hotel in the first place, and possibly why he disappeared at the same time as Charlie's mom all those years ago..
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enniyart · 9 months
my best content
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enniyart · 11 months
AU Trollhunter! Nomura
More information about AU can be found here
This AU was made me and @enniyart
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I think that at first the citizens of the market will be rationally afraid of Angor, but after they get used to it and begin to get it with requests like, to damage someone or transfer with the help of a shadow staff to the other end of the world.
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enniyart · 11 months
Trollhunter! Nomura Au (part 3 (2/2))
the third part(1/2)<
This AU was made me and @enniyart
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Having come to the Order of Janus, Gunmar immediately receives instructions from Morgana, through a gramophone, to find the staff of Avalon. He sends several changelings with gumgums to Merlin's tomb. After some time, they successfully return with a staff.
After that, Gunnar receives an order from Morgana to capture the Trollmarket.
The first person to greet Claire after waking up was Jim. He informs her that everyone is very angry at her because of her act (and that it's better for her not to get caught by the Nomura right now). Claire goes to Angor to ask for his forgiveness for taking the staff without his permission, but he only says that since Enrique is saved, then Claire has no reason to stay here and that he will no longer teach her. As a result, Claire collects her stuff and leaves the Trollmarket.
Nomura is accused of allowing Gunmar to be released because she allowed him to take the amulet. Usurna, as in the original, puts forward a condition, either to give the amulet and leave the market, or to appear before the court. At this moment, the puzzle in the trollhunter's head develops and she realizes that it was Usurna who sent those changelings to the Trollmarket, Nomura also notices one inconsistency in the past: if no one but themselves can go down to the caves of Kruber, then how could Gunmar steal their children, it is obvious that someone voluntarily gave them (and even if Usurna really was on the side of the trolls, then she would not have tried to destroy the amulet, in fact the only weapon capable of killing Gunmar). Nomura tells the others her assumption about Usurna and they come up with a plan: Angor releases the hunter from prison with the help of a portal, and puts one of his golems with a mask capable of changing appearance in her place. Blinky and Aaargh go to Vendel and tell him the assumptions about Usurna. The elder says that he will think about their words (although he himself suspected the queen of something similar before).
Draal goes to the forest to check if Gunnar really got out then he is got taken under control. Blinky, Toby, Jim, Creepslayerz and NotEnrique remain to represent the side of the false-trollhunter in court, while Nomura, Angor and Aargh go to storm the Order of Janus as they assume that Gunmar will hide there. But to their surprise, they do not receive any resistance from the changelings, and Strickler himself comes out to the team of trollhunters. He says that Gunmar is storming the Trollmarket right now and that he has everything he needs to free Morgana, and Strickler also offers them an explanation, since he understands that after defeating the surface, Gunmar will immediately get rid of the changelings. As a sign of truce, he gives the hunter the eye of Gunmar and Nomura, Angor and Aargh go to Trollmarket, which is now under attack by Gunmar.
Claire is about to reach her house at this time, but suddenly stops abruptly. She understands that if Gunnar really got out through her fault, then she is obliged to help the others in the war against him. Claire, already standing on the threshold of the house, abruptly turns around and runs to the troll market.
After the end of the first act of the trial, Usurna, as in the original, tries to kill Vendel, but since he was warned about the queen, he does not hesitate to turn around with a hidden weapon and both trolls pierce each other at the same time. vendel dies with Usurna.
No sooner do those present in court ask where the two elders have disappeared than Gunmar, along with several gumgums and zombie Draal, enters the Trollmarket. The team of trollhunters reunites exactly at the very moment when the capture of the market begins. With the help of a whirlwind, they begin to evacuate the residents out of the Trollmarket. They begin to evacuate residents with the help of a whirlwind. At this moment, a zombie Draal appears, which takes our heroes by surprise. It is at this moment that Claire bursts into the battle and while the rest of the trollhunters are trying to revive Draal and fight off the advancing gumgums, she takes the shadow staff and with the help of a huge portal transfers everyone (including Draal) to a safe place.
Due to the recent "operation" and the creation of a giant portal, Claire loses consciousness.
Nomura tries to reach Draal's mind, but nothing comes out. Then she makes a desperate attempt, saying that she is sorry for what happened between them in the past and that she really loves him, kissing him along the way. At this moment, the magic of the amulet with Gunmar's eye embedded in it neutralizes the magic of the Decemar blade and Draal comes back to his senses.
Blinky becomes the new elder of the troll market. Nomura recalls Strickler's words that Gunmar now has everything to free Morgana, so they need someone who has already fought with the Elditch queen in the past.
The team is going to search for Merlin's tomb.
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enniyart · 11 months
Trollhunter!Nomura AU (part 3 (1/2))
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This AU was made by me and @elegantjellyfishwerewolf
First two parts: part 1 / part 2
And while Claire is hanging out in the Darklands, at the Trollmarket everything is not so good... The fact is that if Gunmar would catch Claire and take the amulet from her along with the staff of the shadow, then nothing would prevent him from doing the same trick with the mark and the amulet and open the bridge from the other side.The team of trollhunters is suppressed. Nomura is ready to kill Claire when she will see her. Jim is afraid of losing another loved one (I think he won't stand another death of his loved one person). Angor feels used again. Claire was one of the first people he began to trust after he finally got his soul back, and the theft of the staff by his own student literally knocked the ground out from under his feet (he understands that he has become attached to the girl and that he would not like to see her die). The rest of the team are either worried about Claire or afraid because of the threat of Gunmar's return.Due to the panic, Queen Usurna arrives at the Trollmarket and gathers a council of elders, at which she puts forward a demand to dismantle the bridge and hide its fragments so that no one else will find them. Nomura is even ready to renounce the amulet and not interfere with the council's decision in any way. Blinky is extremely dissatisfied with the current situation and openly tells the trollhunter that she has to respond to any call and that despite the fact that Nomura left the order, she still remains a hostage of the fear in front of Gunmar. Nomura is not immediately available, but still agrees to go to the Darklands. But she also says that she is not going there to save Claire, but to return the amulet and not let Gunmar a chance to escape.At this time, Claire finds her brother in the Darklands and, just like in the original, she manages to free Enrique, but she herself is captured by gumgums who lead her to Gunmar.The Grubers are already going to pick up the fragments of the bridge, but at this time Nomura, Angor and Blinky come to the rest of the team. They knock out Usurna's soldiers and use a whirlwind to transfer all the fragments to a safe place.The team of trollhunters understands that it is impossible to delay any longer. And therefore, with the help of the dark magic Angor becomes possessed by Kanjigar, and after the spirit of the last trollhunter replaces the amulet and opens the bridge. Nomura, Blinky, Aargh and Angor are going to the Darklands for Claire (Nomura and Angor say they only go for the amulet and staff), Draal, as in the original, remains to guard the passage of bridge.At this time, Claire is brought to Gunmar's throne room where he notices her amulet and staff and orders his soldiers to take them away from her, but Claire quickly deals with them with the help of the staff. Then Gunnar decides to personally kill Claire and take the "key to his release" from her. A long fight ensues between them during which Claire breaks her daggers on Gunmar's thick skin, he also takes advantage of this and breaks her left arm and leg, simultaneously crushing a couple of ribs and breaking her head.Claire thinks this is the end, but then the trollhunter team arrives. Blinky and Aaarrrgha take Claire and leave while Nomura and Angor return their weapons and stay to detain Gunmar. Blinky and Aargh also stumble upon the Dictatious with a detachment of gumgums. There is a commotion, during which Blinky snatches one of soldiers’ spear and blinds his brother with it. Nomura and Angor also join the team after they think they have weakened Gunmar for a while. They run to the bridge, but along the way they are squeezed from all sides by Gunmar's army. At this moment Draal appears on the vortex and helps his friends get out before the bridge will close. Angor urgently transfers Claire, who is in a dying state, to the shadow realm, where he performs a ritual to inject dark magic into Claire in order to save her life.Gunmar takes advantage of the fact that Draal has left his post and, together with the Dictatous and several gumgums, gets out to the
surface. Strickler was discouraged by Gunmar's return, but still remains cold-blooded and pretends that he has been waiting for the dark lord's return all this time and brings him to Order of Janus.Claire wakes up in the infirmary inside the Heartstone. She continues to feel the echoes of pain, but they are not as strong as in the Darklands. Claire also notices that one of her strands has turned gray.
Link to 2/2 is here
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enniyart · 11 months
Trollhunter! Nomura AU (part 2)
This AU was made me and @enniyart
the first part<
After Barbara's death, a rough patch comes in Jim's life, the situation is made even worse by the fact that Toby does not appear at school and stops answering Jim's calls (Toby's phone, as you guessed, was eaten by Aargh). Also, after Toby's disappearance, Claire also stops appearing at school. The day before she leaves, Claire tells Jim that she is going to study elsewhere for an indefinite period and that she is very sorry that they will not be able to play in the play together (because of the incident in the hospital, Jim himself wanted to give up the role). As a result, Jim is left all alone. Strickler, who begins to spread the influence of the Order, feels guilty and responsible for the boy, so he offers Jim to move in with him for a while. Jim agrees.
Nomura, along with Blinky, Aargh and Toby, came to the Trollmarket and brought Bular's head as proof that the trollhunter is on troll side. Finally, Vendell is convinced of this by the fact that Claire recognizes Toby as her classmate. Nomura and Toby are allowed to stay at the market. Angor only sneers at the fact that Merlin's new champion is Morgana's former creation, but Draal, due to past disagreements with Nomura, does not react so cordially to her appearance. During a short skirmish between Nomura and Draal, a fight ensues in the forge, during which both participants finally let off steam and calm down a little, and Draal, after learning that Nomura avenged his father, also accepts her as a new hunter. Their relationship is starting to improve. (Just like in the original, after Bular's death, the troll market collects fragments of the Kilahed Bridge and locks them in storage).
After that Nomura discovers several changelings on the Trollmarket and begins her small investigation during which she begins to suspect that the changelings themselves could not penetrate so deeply without the help of the trolls, which means they were introduced by someone very influential on the part of the trolls. Claire also learns about the "purge" - this is when once a year changelings collect a list of all their brothers and sisters who were killed or deserted, this list is sent to Gunmar and he eats out of familiars as unnecessary. The new information scares Claire also by the fact that the Order could not consider Enrique a deserter and include Enrique in the list and the time of “purge” is coming very soon.
At this time, Eli thinks that the double attempt on the life of his history teacher was not an accident and first of all decides to look for evidence in Strickler's office. Steve notices him and out of curiosity follows him. As a result, both boys were caught by Senor Uhl for breaking into teacher’s office. For this, Steve and Eli are left after school.
While serving their sentence, Steve and Eli hear a strange noise and decide to leave the classroom to check, it turns out to be a goblin who was leaving Strickler's office. The boys decide to follow him and eventually the goblin leads them to Strickler's house.
Jim was alone in Strickler's house at the time, and therefore was the only witness to Steve and Eli sneaking behind the goblins into Strickler's house through the window. Jim initially resents the antics of his classmates, but after listening to Eli's theory, reluctantly agrees to ask Strickler about everything, right after he throws the Creepslayerz out the door. But Jim does not have time to accomplish his plan as the boys hear the sound of the door opening. Steve and Eli hide in the closet, and Jim meets Strickler who has just returned. During a lengthy dialogue, Jim begins to guess the true nature of Strickler, to which the second immediately reacts and forcibly locks the teenager in his room, saying that he cannot lose the only thing left after her. Steve and Eli, who have been watching everything from the closet all this time, are waiting for Strickler to go far enough away not to hear them. Then they get out of the closet and help Jim escape. Their fuss is noticed by the same goblin and the guys, having come up with nothing better, climb into Strickler's parked car and steal it.
Eli asks Steve (yes, it was Steve who was driving) to drive towards the canal, reinforcing this with the fact that it was there that he saw other "creeps". Eli's plan works, after driving up to the canal, the guys notice trolls entering the market a couple of hours later and decide to follow them, but they can't pass unnoticed and Steve, Eli and Jim are caught and taken to the elder.
At the Trollmarket, Claire asks Nomura to help her save her brother and open the Killahead Bridge. Nomura says that she will not risk the chance to free Gunmar for the sake of one familiar and cruelly refuses Claire's help. Their conversation is cut short by the fact that the trollhunter is called to the elder on an important issue. Coming to Wendell, Nomura sees three teenagers whom Toby immediately recognizes and says that they are also his classmates.
As a result, Steve, Eli and Jim tell all about how they got to the market and how they learned about the existence of another world. Jim also tells all about Strickler and Nomura understands that Strickler is above the one who introduced changelings and that he is trying to take control of not only the world of people, but also the world of trolls. After the interrogation, Toby informs Jim that Claire is also on the market right now. Both teenagers go looking for her.
Nomura is called by Draal who wants to ask her a very important question. She follows him, but realizes too late that she has fallen into a stasis trap. It turns out that it was Claire who turned into a Draal with the help of a glamour mask to deceive Nomura and lure her into stasis, and then create a mark spell and take the amulet.
After some time, the boys find Claire, who has a shadow staff and an amulet of daylight in her hands. They run to her, but she manages to lock the door of the vault where the wreckage of the Kilahed Bridge was located. The real Draal finds and frees Nomura from stasis, and then he and the rest of the trollhunter team run to the Kilahed Bridge storage, but alas, it's too late.
With the help of shadow magic, Claire, using the mechanics of the Angor’s mark spell deceives the amulet and subdues daylight to herself and already with the help of it restores the bridge and goes to the Darklands for her brother (she takes amulet and staff of shadow with her).
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enniyart · 11 months
Trollhunter!Nomura AU (part 1)
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This AU was made by me and @elegantjellyfishwerewolf (check her account to find more information about it).
Now I want to tell you the beginning of this story.
At this AU Strickler begin to date Barbara two months before the main events. Their relationship got started because of Jim's lack of sleep and lateness at school. As a result, Strickler and Barbara become very close to each other and Jim Jim begins to subconsciously perceive Strickler as his father.
//two months later//
After Kanjigar’s death Strickler gives an order to Nomura to check the canal and take the amulet before it will choose another trollhunter. As Nomura came to the canal the amulet calls out her name and she realizes that it’s not good to her. Because of fear that Bular and Janus Order will kill her as soon as she would open the bridge, she doesn’t go to Strickler.
Instead of it Nomura goes to hide in her apartments where Blinky and Aargh visit her and say that she is new trollhunter now. They quickly understand that she is changeling, Nomura runs from them at the panic and trolls go chasing her. At the same time Toby goes out from dentist and notices three running creatures at twilight. He feels a bit scared but at the same time curious and decides to follow them on a bike. After a “jogging” trolls and changeling come to a temporary truce because Blinky and Aargh realize that Nomura isn’t interested at opening the bridge and Nomura doesn’t see aggression towards herself in their behavior. Toby hears their entire conversation, but reveals his presence with some noise. Nomura notices him and is going to kill him as witness, but Blinky stops her from that and they let Domzalski go on the condition that he does not tell anyone what he saw.
At the same time at the Lake house Strickler proposed to Barbara to get married at dinner and she accepts it. Some later at the same evening he gets an information from goblins that the new trollhuner is Nomura now and it makes him nervous because she knows EVERYTHING about their plans. He sends an urgent order to send NotEnrique on the surface to replace by him Nomura’s place and go by himself to get Angor Rot from his prison because he isn’t sure in Bular’s powers. He wants to destroy the new trollhunter as soon as possible.Strickler brings Angor to Arcadia the very next day. As in canon, Angor doesn’t trust to changeling words that his soul will be free again and preparing a trap to him. At some critical moment Strickler barks at his slave saying something like “Do anything!” and at the next moment Angor cuts off part of left hand on which he was wearing Inferno Copula. Angor takes back his soul but let Strickler go.
Walter gets to the hospital and Barbara is very shocked at the way he looks like. After an attempt was made on Strickler's life while he was in the ward, the fact is that the Order of Janus, specifically Otto, found out about Walt's offer about marriage and decided that their leader had softened. There is an explosion in the hospital as a result of which Strickler survives, but Barbara....does not. At this time Angor decides to redeem himself and therefore comes to the Trollmarket to take on the duties of an absent trollhunter. At first, trolls don’t trust him and a bit afraid of killer, but Vendel because of rumors that the new trollhunter might be a human or changeling decides to accept Angor’s proposal. Draal initially perceives this decision of the elder negatively and challenges Angor to a duel during which he loses (the fight was not public, so Draal did not lose his honor), but Angor decides not to kill him and so they both begin to respond to the calls that were intended for the hunter.
While Nomura moves from her apartments to motel, Strickler replaces the missing part of his arm with a prosthesis (a metal prosthesis with hidden golden claws) and finds out who organized the attempt on him (it was Otto). He comes to the Order of Janus and demonstratively kills Otto (who has already managed to proclaim himself the new head) in front of other changelings, as if saying that he should not be discounted. The changelings recognize Strickler's power and he becomes the leader of the order again.
Enrique is substituted, but NotEnrique verysoon reveals his essence to Claire and she threatens the changeling and asks him to take her to her brother, but Neenrique decides to bring her to the entrance to the Trollmarket in the hope that by penetrating there she will be eaten and he will get rid of the witness. Claire enters the Trollmarket and getting found by Angor. Nunez, impressed by the magic of Angor Rot, asks him to start training her to prepare before going to the Darklands and saving her brother. Angor initially refuses, but Claire is too persistent and determined in her desire to save her brother, so Angor reluctantly agrees, hoping that she will leave after a couple of grueling training sessions or die in the course of training.Nomura understands that the influence of Janus order is growing and it would be better for her to go to Trollmarket, but she also understands that the trolls most likely will not accept her until she proves that she can be trusted. Therefore, she, along with Blinky, Aaarrgh and Toby, who has followed them, come up with a plan to kill Bular. Everything is going according to plan and Nomura, along with Bular's head, goes to the troll market to finally take her place as a trollhunter.
Part 2 here
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enniyart · 11 months
for the tales of arcadia asks: 1, 16, 20?
1) Trollhunters. Just yes. If I had a chance to marry a show it would be Trollhunters and we could be the happiest couple ever. I think this show is the best because:
a) There is Nomura!
b) There is Draal!!
c) They share THREE joint scenes, two of them trying to kill each other. That's all c:
16) ANGOR ROT. At the first I was thinking about Strickler from s1, but I totally forgot about this legend (my bestie can kill me for that). Angor feels so rational and it makes him very dangerous. He is smart and strong and after losing his soul he is going crazy so at some moment I've thought that he will kill Jim or Barbara in their house (he almost did it). And his design is perfect. We can talk a lot about disadvantages of Golden Gunmar, Morgana, Morando and other villians' designs, but Angor's is the best in the show. It is balanced, practical and hot, you know, hehe. Also we have to remember that he has killed a lot of trollhunters and was a pro head hunter with magic powers. Villian Hot ancient husbando with magic powers and animal lover thats him
20) "don't make it weird". I like so much "win lose or Draal" and all the scenes from it! Honestly, when I was watching battle between Jim and Draal I was very sweaty like I was in forge with them. And when Draal repeated the same phrase that told him Jim after their battle I've understood that my heart ISN'T MINE TO COMMAND HSJSHSH
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enniyart · 1 year
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And who is the best whistler now, huh?
Thanks @mangocatastrophe for this amazing idea, it was very fun to draw x)
Also if you want to share with me your Dromura headcanons, you can always set it in my question box <3
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enniyart · 1 year
Tales of Arcadia Asks (Updated!)
I updated from the original ask list to include Wizards and Rise of the Titians now!
Send a number to me and I’ll answer it!
Trollhunters, 3Below or Wizards?
Fave protagonist?
Favorite non-human character?
Fave brotp?
Favorite episode from Trollhunters?
Favorite episode from 3Below?
Favorite episode from Wizards?
What are you most excited for Rise of the Titans?
Favorite side character?
Favorite dynamic?
Which would you be: troll, alien/akiridion, wizard?
Most heartbreaking scene in Trollhunters?
Most heartbreaking scene in 3Below?
Most heartbreaking scene in Wizards?
Favorite villains in TOA?
Favorite scene from Trollhunters?
Favorite scene from 3Below?
Favorite scene from Wizards?
Favorite quote?
Most badass character?
Most relatable character?
Any theories/predictions for Rise of the Titans?
Character you hate/dislike
Unpopular opinion?
Character you love but isn’t as appreciated?
Thoughts on [insert topic]?
Something I would change about Trollhunters
Something I would change about 3Below
Something I would change about Wizards
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enniyart · 1 year
Hi!! I like your writings very much and may I ask you to tell something about your headcanons with Draal and Nomura please? About their common past in precanon and "what if" situations if Draal survived in s3👀
Oh, I love Dramura so much! My headcanon about their first meeting is that it was an accident and a heavy misunderstanding.
Nomura was on a mission to assist a different changeling in getting a part of the Killahead bridge from the troll warrior living in seclusion. They defeated him together, but the fellow changeling decided to betray and backstab Nomura (as he had been trying to finish the mission for ages until her arrival and understood that Nomura had demonstrated her usefulness, unlike him).
Draal arrived during their fight, killing the other changeling and mistaking Nomura for the lone troll warrior apprentice or associate (Nomura got her khopeshes from that troll, and, apparently, those were passed from master to apprentice).
Draal had seen two trolls fighting and didn't even think it could be a sudden infighting between the allies. And Nomura just decided not to correct him. Firstly, because she wasn't interested in fighting him after having two fights already, and secondly, because it was the first time for her that someone came to help her in a dire situation.
Nomura back then was still more hopeful, and the idea of leaving the Janus Order was oh-so-tempting (not to mention that her impression from Peer Gynt was still fresh). When Draal took Nomura to the Trollmarket, she saw it as her chance and assumed the identity of someone else. She was sure she could pull playing the role of a regular troll as long as there were no gaggletacks in the close vicinity. And who would question her if Draal was the one who brought Nomura in?
For Draal it was an instant crush as he had never met someone as strong, sassy and determined. Besides, Nomura was the first one who never saw him as Kanjigar's son unlike everyone else at the Trollmarket. And she also never expected him to be like his dad or getting the amulet and become the Trollhunter. She was fine with Draal as he was.
As for Nomura, she was scared of her feelings at first (the Janus Order indoctrination left its ugly mark here). She was always uncomfortable at first, expecting some ulterior motive, but Draal with his straightforward personality made her feel at ease at last. She felt she could trust covering her back to Draal and would gladly cover his. The only regret Nomura had was not being able to tell the whole truth, but she hoped she could do it one day.
I believe that Kanjigar was really supportive of that relationship as Draal had seemingly let go of his trollhunter title obsession and seemed calmer and happier with Nomura around. I also like the idea of Kanjigar already starting to treat Nomura like his daughter.
I headcanon that the reveal happened because of Krax (remember the changeling who worked with Usurna?). He thought that everything was Nomura's scheme to get the amulet and that she might also expose him. So Krax first started spreading rumors and feeding Draal's doubts. It ended with Draal doing a gaggletack check.
Obviously, both felt betrayed after that. It only made it worse that Nomura fled before any explanation. So, Draal thought that everything had been just a lie, and Nomura was hurt because Draal didn't trust her enough (yes, she lied but she wanted to tell the truth herself when she was ready).
I feel Draal and Nomura had the so-much-needed talk after the return from the Darklands in Season 2 (and yes, I wish we had at least a glimpse of that).
As for what could be… Well, there is so much missed opportunity here. Dramura is so blatantly Romeo and Juliet coded (way more than Jlaire. Seriously). Besides, if Stricklake shows that humans can accept changelings, Dramura could possibly work to demonstrate that trolls would accept their estranged kin too. And Draal working hard to change other trolls' horrible opinion of 'impure' (starting with dropping that 'impure' part) would be really powerful, IMHO. It could also give him a role he so desperately needed - surpassing Kanjigar without being his shadow.
I also like the idea of Draal and Nomura having kids eventually, even though they both would claim they could only be horrible parents. They could make it work, besides, having a whelp between a troll and a changeling could easily make some inverse naysayers shut up.
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enniyart · 1 year
I've noticed something interesting and want to share it with you
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Am I obsessed with Dromura? Of course I am. Am I going to suck all the content with them from the media?? Yes, I'm going to.
At least, I noticed this coincidence at the first time I watched Trollhunters and was pretty surprised that no one else told that Nomura's weapon copies the palette of Draal.
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enniyart · 1 year
More Nomura with human!Draal
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You could've seen my sketches on this theme in this post but I couldn't stop thinking about Draal in his buffy human form with sharpy dangerous troll Nomura (I feel it like a kinda kink maybe but here we go). Also I have a headcanon that Nomura had a few romances with people (in Janus Order of course) but didn't really feel something to them. BUT THE HERE COMES DRAAL. AND THEN HE IN HUMAN FORM AND NOMURA BE LIKE OH NO HE IS MY TYPE AND HE'S HOT. Of course, she takes advantage of his vulnerability and does not lose the opportunity to play with him once again. Because firstly, this is exotic in their relationship. Secondly, she's just having fun.
And here some close ups
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enniyart · 1 year
My friend once told me that if Nomura walked near by Draal in her human form more, he would stay alive (because Guillermo loves pairings with humans and non-human creatures), so here we go
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enniyart · 1 year
Small doodles of Dromura with their Kids <3
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I imagine Draal as such dad type as before he had children "the woman who can command me hasn't been born yet" and 150 years later he is sitting on small toy pink chair with funny stickers on his horns (to feel more Bonita obviously) and drinking wonderful tea that was made by one of his six daughters. Also I'm crying over silly little scene where Pot (the eldest daughter) starts to learn healing magic by using glyphs and at the first time tries her best to heal Draal's stump of hand
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Nomura was not sure that she would become a good mother, but the help of her husband and her willpower were able to help her (and she is also too stubborn to give up). The fact that it was easy for her to raise children surprised her greatly. Unlike her brothers and sisters in the Darklands, troll children are truly different creatures that are much easier to deal with. Also Dramur is always full of love to his mother and you can see it❤️
You can find references of Dromura lovekids and more information about them here
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