enokian3310 · 1 hour
Do you ever feel absent but like from your own life????? Like it feels like every day is here, and you’re fucking missing it.
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enokian3310 · 18 hours
supernatural is thinking about meeeeeeeee
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enokian3310 · 18 hours
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they are just hanging out. i think there's a haunted maypole. glad (early) midsommar!
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enokian3310 · 20 hours
Daniel: how do vampires manage to hide in this modern era of technology?
Armand: yes i did fuck lestat thank you for asking i was on top btw
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enokian3310 · 20 hours
girls kissing
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enokian3310 · 20 hours
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+ @pscentral event 27: scenery
BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN (2005) dir. Ang Lee
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enokian3310 · 21 hours
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old destiel art back when I used to be a hardcore shipper of them
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enokian3310 · 21 hours
the air in the bunker is cold but you can’t tell when you stumble in at a quarter past eleven and you’re all in good spirits, sam is in the middle of a rant about pre-latin spell work and you keep talking over him because it makes him roll his eyes and makes jack ask more questions, and castiel is smiling which is rare, and everything is so easy, nobody died and the world a little bit safer if only for tonight. and it’s so easy to tug at castiel’s fingers, return that smile, hopefully, teasingly, and it’s so easy for cas to call out an “good night, everyone!” with his eyes flickering down to your mouth, and it’s so easy to roll your eyes but nevertheless brush your lips together, heart in your throat while his hand finds your hip and once you’ve inelegantly made your way to the room marked 11 you pull him in for real, kissing him sweetly because he’s the only angel you know who actually deserves sweet things. and he kisses back. and you’re making out against the door, starting to feel real good, doing everything in your power to make him feel real good too. and it’s easy when things get heated the way you want, the way you hoped, and you savor the feeling of warm skin and blatant arousal. and you thought “can’t take your hands off of him” was hyperbole until you met him. until he made you beg in quiet whispers. cas and please. the air in the bunker is cold, but you never really notice, anymore.
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enokian3310 · 21 hours
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When you're finally reunited with the love of your life after a painful absence, there aren't a lot of words necessary.
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enokian3310 · 21 hours
i wish tumblr let you like replies. sometimes i don't have anything to say and how else are my beloved mutuals going to know i saw what they said if i can't leave a little virtual heart sticker on their forehead
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enokian3310 · 1 day
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enokian3310 · 1 day
Tfw going to a drive in movie theater to see a movie, sam and dean in front cas in the back. It's going great except every few minutes dean full body turns 180° to talk to cas, and sam is getting pissy that hes talking through the whole fucking thing when it was HIS idea to see it in the first place so after twenty minutes of indignant inner monologuing he kicks dean and tells him to shut up, and obviously dean kicks back and now they're fighting in the front seat and cas is weaving his head around trying to see anything until he just gives up, rolls his eyes, and uses his strength to push them back into their respective seats by the shoulder. Sam huffs and goes back to watching and sulking meanwhile dean is now just trying to will his dick to go back down. Anyway none of them remember a thing about the movie by the end but hey, beats cable
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enokian3310 · 1 day
Kan jeg bruke en av midsommereditsene som banner om jeg gir deg cred i descriptionen?👀
Jaaa självklart 😁🌸🌼
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enokian3310 · 1 day
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Yoshiyuki Okuyama - Vogue
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enokian3310 · 1 day
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Dean + bisexual flag colors
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enokian3310 · 2 days
the air in the bunker is cold but you can’t tell when you stumble in at a quarter past eleven and you’re all in good spirits, sam is in the middle of a rant about pre-latin spell work and you keep talking over him because it makes him roll his eyes and makes jack ask more questions, and castiel is smiling which is rare, and everything is so easy, nobody died and the world a little bit safer if only for tonight. and it’s so easy to tug at castiel’s fingers, return that smile, hopefully, teasingly, and it’s so easy for cas to call out an “good night, everyone!” with his eyes flickering down to your mouth, and it’s so easy to roll your eyes but nevertheless brush your lips together, heart in your throat while his hand finds your hip and once you’ve inelegantly made your way to the room marked 11 you pull him in for real, kissing him sweetly because he’s the only angel you know who actually deserves sweet things. and he kisses back. and you’re making out against the door, starting to feel real good, doing everything in your power to make him feel real good too. and it’s easy when things get heated the way you want, the way you hoped, and you savor the feeling of warm skin and blatant arousal. and you thought “can’t take your hands off of him” was hyperbole until you met him. until he made you beg in quiet whispers. cas and please. the air in the bunker is cold, but you never really notice, anymore.
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enokian3310 · 2 days
Hey the ao3 link in your desc doesn't work it just directs to the page "https". I just thought you may like to know
ah dang it!! thanks for the heads up 💕 fixed it now
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