@justanothermaribatsideblog YAY!!! I saw your post and my little neurodivergent brain went brrrrrrrr! I dug this account out just today because AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH and eeeeeeeee! I'm probably going to keep writing it now because now I know you like it and I honestly feel so validated. Thank you!
AU where the kwami are Eldridge deities that their holder chanel power from to become heroes but because the kwami are terrifying their holders are also unsettling and inhuman
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Miraculous Ladybug - Instalment 3 - Costume Change
Vermilion grabbed the Cat Boy by his tail, setting them down on a roof. Honestly, it didn't understand what he had been thinking. Did secret identities mean nothing to him?
"Who are you?" He demanded, holding his staff at one end in a doublehanded grip like a sword.
"We are Vermilion." There was buzzing, before a small section of the mask opened and a single ladybug fluttered out.
It landed on its finger and Vermilion buzzed to it. It took off and Vermilion swung into the stadium, wrapping the yoyo string around Stoneheart and creating a mandala reminiscent pattern from the News Crew's view.
The Ladybug crawled into the clenched fist and Vermilion let go of the yoyo when a purple butterfly flew from the fist. Stoneheart was covered in churning purple mist before returning to a human.
"Mundare." Vermilion buzzed, activating the purification function on the yoyo.
Cat Boy was flexing and talking to the civilian whilst looking smug, ignoring the victim entirely.
"You are Media Crew, yes?" Vermilion buzzed as it landed on the side of the helicopter lightly.
"Yes, I'm Nadja Chamack from TVi News! Are you our new superhero?" The lady asked, holding out a microphone excitedly.
"I am Vermilion." It pulled a card from one of its pockets. "I will answer your questions on the date specified."
"Thank you, Vermilion!" Her eyes were wide as she accepted the card carefully.
"It is my job." It gave a nod before dropping back down and landing in a crouch next to Ivan. "Hello. What is your name?"
"My name is Ivan." He said, looking around at the damage caused to the stadium. "Did... Did I do this?"
"No." It shook its head, glancing at its yoyo before giving a buzz.
A marble popped out, it rolling it in its palm before tossing it up with more buzz than words. Ivan looked amazed and relieved as the ladybugs erupted and fixed all the damage.
"Can you explain to me what you remember?" It buzzed, sitting down next to him.
"One of the boys in my class, Kim, made fun of a poem I was trying to write for this girl I like. I started feeling angry, but he gave me this really rude note... I was so mad, I almost wanted to hit him. I remember seeing this butterfly go into the paper, and then it's all foggy and all I can remember is rage." He ended up explaining, Vermilion sitting and listening silently.
He looked much calmer once he'd finished, Vermilion nodding.
"I think, you should give her the poem you wrote, and a gift she would enjoy." It said, offering him a note with instructions. "I guarantee that even in the 0.02% chance that she doesn't feel the same way, she will still greatly appreciate the thought put into it and will be open to a closer friendship."
"Okay." Ivan read the note. "Um... what's your gender?"
"We are an omen." Vermilion said, him freezing.
"That is terrifying." He managed to say, Vermilion offering him a bracelet.
"I try my best." It said, Ivan accepting the bracelet.
It ignored the journalist wannabe that tried to pester it for information, swinging off with Ivan once he was comfortable.
"Do you wish for me to explain to your humans what has occurred?" It paused, Marinette trying to toe the line between odd-and-recluse and I-lived-on-Saturn-and-have-only-arrived-on-Earth-recently-so-I-might-make-mistakes.
"No thank you, Vermilion. I think I can explain most of it." He said, Vermilion giving a nod of acceptance.
"If there are any questions you don't know how to answer, then I will be communicating with the Nadja Chamack from TVi News on the date specified." It handed him a card similar to the one it gave Nadja. "Have a productive day."
"Have a nice day." Ivan replied, waving.
"I feel like I made a fool of myself." Marinette groaned, face planting on her bed. "I made a fool of myself, didn't I?"
"You did great, Marinette!" Tikki cheered. "You took charge of the situation and comforted the victim afterwards with time to spare. And you even set up an interview to explain the situation on your own terms."
"I don't like Cat Boy." Marinette lamented.
"He's not one of Plagg's Chosen, he's a very bad Black Cat." Tikki agreed, snuggling down next to her on the bed. "I like our Vermilion Persona! Very blunt and to the point, but also very empathetic and reassuring. You did a good job!"
"Thank you, Tikki." Marinette sighed softly.
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Miraculous Ladybug - Instalment 2 - Costume Change
People froze in the action of trying to move the large slab of concrete as the figure landed touched down on the street behind them. Their eyes widened at its appearance, stepping away.
"We are Vermilion." The voice sounded like multiple people speaking at once, buzzing overlaying the tones. "What is the damage?"
"Th-They're trapped, un-under the r-rubble." One said, quaking when the head turned to face him. "Th-There's f-five of th-them."
Its yoyo attached to its belt, it reaching down and curling the fingers of its right hand under the edge of the biggest slab. on the bottom. Everyone took a step back as it lifted the slab up, stopping the smaller rubble from raining down or blocking the newly made exit.
There was a buzzing noise and the mask shifted slightly, ladybugs that glowed flying out of where the mouth would have been. They fluttered into the cavern in the rubble, the buzzing ceasing as the mask fitted back into place.
The people trapped inside stumbled out, following the glowing bugs. They were caked in concrete dust, covered in small scratches and bruises. It waited a two minutes after the last came out, before setting the concrete back in place gently.
"Get everyone to the Subway Stations." It said, buzzing continuing. "Stoneheart is a civilian having fallen victim to an akuma. In under an hour, I will have cast the Miraculous Cure. All injuries and property damage will have been fixed, and any casualties will be resurrected. Stay safe."
"A-Are you a h-hero?" One of the children asked hesitantly.
"I-If th-they're a h-hero, w-why w-would th-they b-be s-scary?" Another asked the one that had spoken first.
"If you know I'm here to protect you, and you're scared." Vermilion said, crouching in front of the child. "Then imagine how scared the villain will be."
Vermilion pulled some spotted blankets from one of its pouches, tying one around the child like its was and handing them the rest.
"Get yourself a Loveliness and protect the rest of them, Petit Rouge." Vermillion said, the child looking at their new cape with wide eyes before them stood at attention.
"Yes, Vermilion!" They saluted, holding the other small capes. carefully. "I won't let you down!"
Vermilion gave a firm nod, grabbing its yoyo and throwing it, shooting off.
What on Earth was that idiot wearing? It would be so easy for someone to learn his identity, should they be actually trying. Why was there that new kid from her civilian identity's class there?
Vermilion gave a brief angry buzz, its Loveliness responding to its anger before it soothed them. It swung down, grabbing the civilian and swinging off.
"Hey, put me down!" She screeched, Vermilion swinging into the Subway Station and putting her down. "Who do you think you are?"
"We are Vermilion. Stay in the subway." It buzzed, before swinging back out to the fight.
Stoneheart got bigger each time it was hit, Vermilion reflected as it swung back towards the fight, watching the news streaming the fight LIVE through a holographic screen on one hand. Time to get to work.
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Miraculous Ladybug - Instalment 1 - Costume Change
Am I the only one that doesn't like Ladybug's costume? She's what? Thirteen? Fourteen? Fifteen? And she's perfectly fine wearing the costume that looks like it was stitched onto her skin? I would have quit then and there if that was supposed to be my superhero costume. I think a young teenager like Marinette should have had a problem with wearing the magic spandex suit to fight superpowered villains with.
Marinette deserves a kickass suit and a kickass personality as Ladybug. Also, a better hero name. Most definitely a better hero name. She was put on the spot and most unprepared for what was happening, as well as terrified that she would get the new girl in her class hurt if she wasn't careful because the idiot couldn't just follow orders from the superhero.
Marinette is going to be kickass in any Miraculous Ladybug Fanfiction I write, because I believe that she could be so much more and I hate how badly I was robbed of her potential.
Don't tell me that all the past users had to wear that suit, because there's no way that would have been an acceptable costume back in the Victorian Era.
The past users had different costumes. If you disagree, then you can meet me over the Pit.
Marinette felt her heart sink into her stomach as she stared at herself in the mirror. Oh god, she wasn't wearing clothes. That wasn't clothes, that couldn't possibly be clothes.
Her skin was red with black spots. She wasn't fighting crime in this. She was fourteen, in no way old enough to wear this bullshit.
She was under no circumstances leaving this room dressed like this. The giant monster had better not make too much damage before she sorts this out.
This was not - in any way, shape, or form - acceptable for a young teenager like herself to wear.
Nah, nope, na da, no way, sorry, certainly not, by no means, not likely, no thanks, unfortunately not, not possible, afraid she can't, rather not, not now, not this time, pass, not interested.
Not this lifetime, Satan.
"Tikki, spots off." She managed to say, sitting down and pulling on her jacket to hide her chest. "I'm not leaving my room wearing that. That wasn't clothes, that's was my skin."
Marinette distantly noticed that her head was starting to feel light as black spots started spawning in her vision.
"Marinette, you need to breathe! We can change the design! That was just the under-suit! We can change the design! Deep breaths, Marinette. In... out... in... out." Tikki rushed to reassure her new chosen.
She sat Marinette down and started explaining everything in as much depth as she could, as quickly as she could, with it still making sense. Marinette nodded, relieved she wouldn't have to wear that again.
Ladybugs are poisonous. Tikki reminded her as they sketched out everything the suit would need.
From clothes, to different pockets, to weapons and supplies. They pushed the boundaries of magic to the limit, Tikki proud of her new bug's creativity.
"What should I be called?" Marinette paused, worried.
"It's entirely up to you, Marinette." Tikki said, hovering in front of Marinette's face after finishing observing the sketches.
"It's your power making this possible, Tikki." She paused, confused. "You should have a say in what we're going to be known as... is there a way for us to stay in contact whilst I'm transformed, or is that a Shelf Thought?"
"Shelf Thought. Please choose a name that sounds deadly, but also relates to ladybugs somehow." Tikki decided. "I promise I'll explain everything better once the akuma is taken care of. The instructions should have something to help if you need more help mid-battle."
"E34234?" Marinette offered, mulling it over. "It's the color pigment originally made of a powdered mineral cinnabar, which is poisonous."
"It's perfect! You're going to do great, Marinette!" The Kwami said, looking determined. "Show them all who's boss."
"Tikki, Spots on."
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