#mlb bashing
wield-the-mighty-pen · 5 months
Just to clarify, having a favorite side of the lovesquare is not- ‘this side is objectively better and more moral than all other sides’ or ‘this side is the only side worth shipping’
Having a favorite side of the lovesquare is loving and appreciating all sides of the lovesquare because they are all the same two people and just overall enjoying the lovesquare as a whole, but also having one particular side that makes your heart extra giddy whenever you see them and makes you especially excited to watch their scenes
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neoncherryblossom · 8 months
I keep seeing Dad Alastor and poor Charalastor shippers posts going around and they are very funny, and everyone does already know that Alastor did the whole thing to get under Lucifer's skin, but I haven't seen anyone mention that Charlie went along with it. Charlie, who has not had a single conversation with Al since the premiere, heard that he was proud of her and went with it. She got called his child and was put in bed and pat on the head and was very very okay with it. Why isn't anyone talking about how Charlie did nothing but go with it please that was so funny-
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trashyangelic · 4 months
𝐀 𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐒𝐩𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐀 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐫 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥, +𝘓𝘪𝘭𝘢 𝘚𝘢𝘭𝘵
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Takes Place on Heroes Day!
CREDIT BY @trashyangelic! Aurore Beaureal was on her way to TVi News Building as Weather Girl. At the corner of her eye she spotted none other than Lila Rossi. She is extremely suspicious for Aurore after hearing that Lila has been bullying Marinette into keeping quiet.
Aurore was about to go to the news building to broadcast the weather with Mirelle but told her that she will be held back something caught her attention.
At the corner of her eye she spotted none other than Lila Rossi this made her quite suspicious about her and took her phone to select an app for recording. She carefully followed Lila to where she is going.
Aurore wasn't happy with Lila for ruining Marinette's reptuation back in school. She will make sure that girl won't be a bother to Marinette anymore unlike Alya who doesn't fact check on her blog. Time to catch the fox. But I need to be careful not getting caught by that liar. How dare she bully Marinette into keeping quiet. After hearing rants from Marc that Adrien told Marinette to take a high road. That is a horrible advice. Who side is Adrien on? She thought to herself.
She continue following Lila not afar but not too close she doesn't want Lila to get too suspicious. Then she walked to a dark alley where she used that shortcut to go to school. She lean against the trash can when turning on the recording but kept her phone on silent. Then heard another thump on the ground it really startled her but kept calm.
"Ah finally you showed up, Hawkmoth." Lila said annoyanced. "Keep it down, Ms. Rossi. What do you want?" Hawkmoth scowl at the girl they don't realize the phone recording them and their conversations. The conversation became very dark about Marinette it really concern Aurore the most then saw that Hawkmoth detransform into Gabriel Agreste. She jaw dropped but pissed this whole time it was Adrien's father who is the villain of their home. Oh I am is definitately showing this to Nadja about what I have discovered but they are not going to be very happy when they watch it from my phone. Aurore thought to herself. Then continue watching how their conversation lead to where there will be a mass akumatized in her school but Lila had a plan to get Marinette framed for what she didn't do.
Then Mr. Agreste turn back into Hawkmoth and departed away as Lila begin to walk out of the other side of the alley way to a photoshoot. "Can't be late for the photoshoot." Lila muttered to herself not realizing that she had got herself caught by none other than Aurore who looks angry but kept calm she doesn't want to get akumatized for nothing.
After a couple hours later, Aurore send a copy to Sabrina but warned her to send this to her father for a full arrest on two people but tells her to watch the recording video she had discovered when following Lila but much detail of when hearing from her classmate about Lila going for photoshoot. Then also send a copy to Lila's mother who she found online at the Embassy website turns out Lila lied about her mother's job she send this to her email which has the .gov instead of .com from what Chloe complied back in school with Marinette and Sabrina earlier.
Aurore had a feeling that Lila's mother is going to be pissed when watching the recording but also giving her details on what her daughter has done in the school as in Collège Françoise Dupont by linking the ladyblog first post.
Then she went back to the TV News Buildings and informed the manager and Nadja what she had discovered but she had a feeling they will respond from shock to anger later. "Sorry I'm late. I got held back. But you won't believe what I discovered, I had to put a video recording on their conversation. I found out who is Hawkmoth and he has a accomplice who goes to the same school as Mirelle, Marinette and I. Please watch this video on my phone you'd be shock who is Hawkmoth." Aurore said explaining her part which surprised the manager and shock Nadja.
As the Manager and Nadja both looked at each other but nodded so they let Aurore play the clip as both begin to watch.
Don't be a ghost reader! But also comment if you want the next chapter!
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broadwaycutie16 · 9 months
Calling all Adrien stans! Calling all Marinette salters! Calling all salt fic haters!
For those of you who don’t know, I wrote a sequel to the infamous Karma of Lies fanfic, with the help of a friend, and have decided to start a series where I write sequels to fix certain salt fics, especially those who are harshest to Adrien. But I would like some co-authors. Anyone who is interested, please comment on this post.
No one sees me but know I’m right here by kellikat23
Rejection AU by various
The Wolves in the Woods by FoxWitchWrites and Rafe_Minsi
Two Letters by CartoonAddict564
The Karma of Lies by CartoonAddict564 (because that one is just so horrible and needs more sequels)
Karma Overbalance by Shadymissionary
New Life and New Friends by Cornholio4
What Goes Around Comes Around by Cornholio4
Leave comments if there are any other stories you want to see.
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artzychic27 · 7 months
Here’s more Favoritism AU stuff
The police have received many anonymous calls telling them that Marc has drugs in his locker at DuPont. An hour of searching later, they haven’t found anything, but due to his record caused by you-know-who, they usually come running any time his name is mentioned
It’s given Marc a reputation as a “badass criminal,” which is not what Marinette intended, but at least people think he’s capable of committing crimes
Nathaniel, Lila, Chloé, and Félix are trying to figure out which gym Marc does to so they can watch him work out
Nathaniel: *Staring at a map* Okay! I think I’ve narrowed it down! He’s at the one near the pool hall!
Félix: Ah, of course! It’s the one furthest away from the wretched shrew’s bakery!
Chloé: We’re so stupid! It makes perfect sense! It opens in ten minutes!
Lila: Let’s go see dem biceps!
Little do they know, he’s joined an underground fight club as an outlet for his anger
Marc barely flinches anymore when Marinette insults him. He honestly stopped caring about what she had to say when he was eight
Now he just listens to death metal on his AirPods whenever she talks
He actually threw a printer at Mme. Bustier after she compared him to his cousin. She dodged, unfortunately
Marc REFUSES to leave Kiran alone with Marinette for even a second, and he most certainly is not letting him play with any of the kids she babysits. Lord knows what poison she’s been feeding them
Carrie Powers AU ⬇️
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Discovered his powers when he was seven and a rock nearly hit Marinette
Marc does arson with his mind. There’s no evidence so no one can convince him
Lila’s the only one who knows about his telekinesis and being her chaotic neutral self, she convinces him to cause a little chaos around DuPont
So far he’s tripped Damocles, kept the lockers of Marinette’s lackeys permanently locked, tore up Marinette’s homework, and ruined Marinette’s outfits with paint
Lila: See? I told you revenge could be fun.
Marc: Okay, I stood corrected.
Lila: Yeah, you did. Now let’s flush some phones!
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jennrypan · 1 year
"Marinette is forgiving"
Yes, but not towards the two 14 year old assholes. But specifically forgiving to the.
Asshole that gave Hawkmoth all the miraculous, and then. Hawkmoth himself because?? Poor little man lost his wifey and he was oh sooo sad about it he had to terrorize all of Paris.
No yeah, definitely deserving of forgiveness.
You will NEVER convince me that Gabriel fucking Agreste or even fucking Felix are more deserving of forgiveness than Chloe and Lila.
I dont wanna hear SHIT.
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flowerchildasriel · 2 years
something I love to see is like. How fandoms treat villains differently and I think you can really see it in miraculous ladybug and the villains of Lila vs Hawkmoth
(cw HP) like it’s analogous to Harry Potter and how the fandom treats the villains of Umbridge and Voldemort. I’ve seen others say that Voldemort is such a far away and cartoony evil that it’s hard to relate to and feel threatened by… but Umbridge? She is every single teacher that hurt us, the uncaring and actively malicious authority figure in our school or work life, and the bigotry in the education system and legal system given a face. So she represents a much more close evil than the end of book villain, which is why fandom fixates on her and projects everything on here
And that’s what I think is happening with Lila in salt fics. Why she’s so demonized in comparison to Hawkmoth in those fics. (This is not to relate it to the canon because the canon isn’t supposed to be projection fuel) but really, most of us aren’t haunted by a distant evil man in a tower, we’re just not going to relate to that part. But most people have had that middle school bully who seemed to have it out for us. We’ve had friends with lying sides who made rumors about us or hurt us with fake sweet words, and Lila is just a stand in for everyone that did those things. We can project all of our anger and hurt on her, making her a demon because that’s how we felt about our bullies. And genuinely, no one really got justice or closure. Zero tolerance policy hurt the bullied kids just as much as the bullies, if not more in how it never really put a stop to bullying.
Maybe that’s why Lila can be so over the top in fics, her comeuppance so grand, and Marinette so willing and able to cut ties with toxic friendships. It’s wish fulfillment. We wish our bullies got what was coming to them, we wish we were able to walk away from things that we once loved but now was hurting us.
Idk, I just love it.
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13-nothing · 2 months
Heeyyyyy, it's me once again with a rant because dammit Miraculous is going to be the death of me.
So Adrien and Marinette finally got together in Season 5 right? And u would think I would be happy with it buuuuut I kinda already want them to break up.
*le gasp*
Ya, ya I know they FINALLY got together and I want to rip them back apart, but listen I don't like how it's looking for their relationship. I mean it SEEMS like Marinette is hiding even MORE secrets about Adrien from HIM and it just twists my gut. Like at this point I don't know if I want to see the two stay together in the long run if Mari keeps this up.
(Which she might not, but considering things from season 4 haven't entirely been taken care of I doubt it )
I know Marinette's got problems and that she's only 14-15 right now (which is a rabbit hole to cover another day), but she has finally built up a support system of sorts that SHOULD lead her in the right direction of telling Adrien the truth, but based on what I've interpreted on the last part of the Season 5 finale I don't know if that will be the case.
Cause Felix would probably want to keep it a secret anyway to protect Adrien from what he experienced himself, Kagami would probably want to tell Adrien because she is all about people knowing the truth BUT she would also respect Marinette's wishes (to a point at least), Luka probably ONLY knows their identities so he's not going to be much help on the matter tho I'd like to imagine he (like Kagami) would want to tell Adrien but would respect Mari's wishes, Alya would want to tell Adrien IF she knew the whole truth (but she probably doesn't), and while Suhan might agree or disagree with her decision accordingly he's SOOO wishy-washy that his opinion would amount to nothing (I mean his character is just a crappy replacement for Fu that doesn't amount to anything anyway. Like ya, Fu wasn't perfect but at least he wasn't a doormat).
(YES that is a LOT of 'probablys' or 'maybes' but miraculous ALWAYS has a lot of 'probablys' and 'maybes'. Heck every Fandom does!!)
But the point is that Marinette won't be TOLD to get the skeletons out of her closet so she won't touch them at all. She'll push them back to the deepest part of her brain where they will linger, festering with her guilt until Lila (most likely) tears them from her and hangs them up for EVERYONE to see the truth. Which will (ironically) rip away HER OWN carefully spun web of lies.
Not that Adrien's perfect either (despite what most people in the show believe). We as the audience have seen his most flawed moments, the biggest ones being the ENTIRETY of Copycat and Lies (Not that Lies was entirely his fault but still). BUT Marinette's relationship with him is more likely to be affected by her issues than his are (unless he keeps up this *ahem* murderous streak he's got going THEN we can talk more on Adrien's issues). (On an entirely different note is it bad I want him to continue on this ah, darker path?)
Anyway Marinette and Adrien have a lot of problems and until they figure them out I don't think they should be with each other right now. I don't really want either of them to end up alone forever. Like I REALLY want Mari to get it together and to get with someone EVENTUALLY and Adrien to get with someone EVENTUALLY (whether it's them getting together or not Idc) but unless Mari opens up to Adrien about his father she's gonna cause problems for ALL of Paris.
Thanks for reading and I say farewell to thee my fellow existences!!
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littletealight · 10 months
Adrien Salt
The more and more I watch Miraculous Ladybug, the more I come to really dislike Adrien. Here's my gripe: He claimed to have feelings for Mari for a while and yet did nothing to stop Chloe or Lila from bullying her. Hell even before when they were just friends...Adrien did nothing and pretty much only intervened with the drama after they dated.
He saw with his own eyes all the shit they pulled with Mari and not a word or was forgiving of Chloe. Neverminded the whole "be the bigger person" junk when dealing with Lila, even though he saw Lila destroy Mari's whole friend circle and got her in trouble with her family. Lord if I was Mari, Chameleon would have killed all the Adrien love in a heartbeat.
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miraculous-ash · 1 year
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I don’t see anybody talking about this, but I appreciate the normalizing/progressiveness of this mural depicting M. Bustier breastfeeding her baby P.S. Could the new outfits displayed here be a part of the incoming redesigns?
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midnightrosebell · 1 year
Marinette Dupain-Cheng deserves better, let's begin.
This is super fucking long for no reason.
ALSO, there is charater bashing, cursing, and I would love to hear your opinions in the comments as this is what is post is for!
Firstly, Marinette Dupain-Cheng:
Marinette Dupain-Cheng is no matter how much that fucking theme song says it, NOT your average girl.
Firstly she is the daughter of the two most famous bakers in paris, that is shown during the series as we see a long line of people froming outside the bakery as the seasons progress. From this the Dupain-Cheng's have a substantial amount of money as we can presume. And she has a famous uncle in Shanghai, and during this we see her parents pay for her to go jest because she wants too. If we take a look at her grandmother we can see that she travels the world with her motorcycle, although this may be an in expensive way of travel compared to the normal plane cost; over the years of her doing this it will add up. And seeing how little we know of sabeins family and how Marinette is the only child, we can presume that she will have a big inheritance when she's older. Basically she has her life set for her the day she was born.
She not only can from a rich back-round but also made her own back-round for her self as a self though (seeing that we never seen her attend actual classes) and Purely hand made designer. She not only made designs for jagged stone but presumably has commissions from Clara Nightingale, has be recognized by the Queen of fashion, Audrey Bourgeois (controllingassmotherfuckingchildneglecter) And the one a only Gabriel Agreste (hawkbitch). She also made costumes for their school play, and did commissioms for outside people/friends. She also knows a lot of famous people/friends with the children of said people. Like alya's mother who is the head chef at Andrea hotel. Alya also runs a pretty famous blog called they ladyblog witch highlights the attacks on paris and has core footage for the hero's. This can be said for the reset of the classes future cause as of right now, they have something that, already is successful. Like max, he built a robot, helped successfully bring back dinesours and has already has planned projects for the future. Rose, she is the leading female singer for the kitty section and also has made her own perfume. Nino, he made a play at the school and is a DJ and has performed for so major events. Nathalie, he and Marc makes comics about Paris's superhero situation and has already gained a large following as we can presume. Then there is Luka son of jagged stone and lead singer in the kitty section. His sister juleka daughter of jagged stone and and been dabbled in the modeling industry. We all know about Adrien and Cholé, but what about Sabrina? Well, she is the daughter of the police chief in Paris. Kim is a Olympic swimmer, Alix a professional skatter and the Kagami, an professional and Olympic fencer.
Needless to say she has quite the backing.
Now, let's ge into the actual reason we're here.
𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚋𝚕𝚎𝚖𝚜.
•firstly she babysit for her classmates little siblings and Nadia and she also makes commission (as mentioned above)
•She provides emotional support the characters and makes sure they don't get akumatized. Not only that, she also listens to understand and gives advice to the person. Even BEFORE the akumas.
•She helps ALOT in the bakery ever since she was young and takes her time to make, box, and give out pastries so those who she thinks need it. It also helps her parents out and bring in new customers. She bakes for special events for her classmates like brithdays.
•She is also the class president and is in charge of everything in the class, wether it be, fundraisers, class trips, brithday party's , class hangout, so on so forth.
•Lila. Just fucking Lila Rossi who's names predicated her fate. She made marinette life a living hell even after she left, through CHOLÉ (hang on we are getting their) And got her expelled, turned the class on her, attempting to turn her mother as well and threaten her to keep her mouth shut. SHE ALSO FUCKING AKUMATIZED HER SELF TO GET BACK AT HER.
•CHOLÉ BOURGEOISIE. She TOURNAMENTED Marinette for nearly SIX FUCKING YEARS. This is why I HATE CHOLÉ redemption arc. She bullied, embarrassed, and destroyed Marinette in more ways than one. She told everyone Marinette had a crush on Kim, thus getting Marinette embarrassed after Kim openly mocks her WITH cholé. She destroyed her self-esteem by this and by also at every little moment, put her down whenever Marinette had a single ounce of pride in herself. She JOINS Lila to make her life a living hell and keep her away from Adrien.
•She had to watch, one by one, as herclassmates fell for Lila's lies, had to watch Lila lie and framed her, watch their disgust and disappointment. Watch as them turn against her, watch as they slowly froze her out. Only to act as if nothing happened when Lila had left for one of her "trips" and when she was exposed as a lying mole. Now for them to come retreating back, even now, not trusting her as they used to. Not even her parents.
•she can't even cry, scream, or shout about how much they hurt her because she is the "right example. " The sign of hope that they can look up to as she has never been akumatized. She is the class representive, the golden child, the sweetest and the most forgiving girl that always owns up to her mistakes. She is the everyday ladybug.
•Marinette can't lean or rely on anyone. Who would their be to help her? She is supposed to be the person OTHER people can rely on, that they can talk to advice on what they can do. To help and comfort THEM in THEIR time of need. Not Marinette she is the therapist.
•After all of this, you bet your ass that she needs therapy. She went through so much seeing her family, friends, classmates and her citizens go through so much pain, so much anger that they can't even express at the fear of being akumatized. She watched her city, burn, flood, explode, controlled, over and over again. She watched as the ones she loved would die before her eyes knowing, knowing that she can't do anything about it.
𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚗𝚎𝚎𝚍𝚜 𝚊𝚗 𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚛𝚎 𝚜𝚎𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚊𝚝𝚎 𝚜𝚎𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗-
○Ladybug fights akumas almost every other day.
○She can bearly express her emotions both in and out of battle as "She is ladybug".
○She has to handle and take care of all the kwamis. 19 MINIATURE GODS by her self without being caught. Then had to deal with the responsibility of being a guardian and most likely has to go through training in the future. Not to mention the possibility of more gardians visiting in the future
○She has to deal with reporters everywhere she is asking questions upon questions after her long and tiresome battles. Such questions even step into her bongeries, making her uncomfortable, but they don't care, and she doesn't want to come off a bad and have her citizens lose belief in her. Not to mention that one episode with Nadia when she interviewed the two heroes and accused them of being together. Honestly, the joke chat noir had made as well was a little too far seeing they were only a few months into being heroes.. and she was what? 11?
○Then there is chaton would matter of factly keeps trying to make advancies towards her and getting in her personal space and keeps persisting on a data and how their are "meant to be" and "their the only ones for each other" "are bond to be together" I don't even think chat knows he doing this. However I doubt that theory as well as he guilt trips and manipulates ladybug into feeling bad about not showing up on dates (even though she states that she wouldn't be as to attend) and when rejecting him, she sates her reasons clearly but guilt trips her more (by staying that he understands but he still loves her AND Threatened to stop being chat) making her feel bad. During this he doesn't listen to her, legit ignores her and is snarky towards her and in general he's a bitchy pussy cat in a few episodes. HE EVENS THREATS PLAGG TO TELL HIM WHAT WRONG WITH LADYBUG OR ELSE HE'S TAKING OF THE RING. Honestly, I love adrien. I really do. But the boy needs some major help, okay
○Then there's a hawkbitch who decided to target children to bring back his dead wife WHO WILLINGLY DIED TO BRING ADRIEN INTO THE WORLD AS A SETIMONSTER Akumatized the entire world to come after ladybug (mostly likely knowing that it'll probably kill her in the process) AND THEN THERE IS NATALIE– He teams up with a child and that child did something he's been trying to do for the past 3 years. Then He sends Lila after her make her life miserable. Then he sacrificed himself to be with Emily, RIGHT IN FRONT OF MARINETTE. Imagine your tournamenter of your city turns out to be the person you aspired to be when you grow up- And then jest fucking suicides in front of you.
○Has to fight no matter what, time, place, in side and outside suit. What the actual Fuck she can't even take a break.
○She was thrown into being a hero with no training what so ever. (I am looking at you master Fu)
○She has to watch her city be destroyed over and over again. The place where she grew up, the people she loved, she can't even save them as she has to focus on the akumatized victim.
○She had to watch people die in front her eyes. Bruned, drowned, decapitated, frozen, stabbed, crushed. Then right after see them walk and talk as if nothing ever happened.
○Not to mention how many times she had to risk her life over and over again for this city.
○Risk her identity and safety of those around her is she is ever found out.
○she can't even ask for goddamn help mentally because of her identity as a hero and was betrayed by someone she thought she can trust. She has to keep this all to her self while being Paris's knight and shinning Amour.
○Also, chat blanc. That- that episode was fucking traumatising. Also if you didnt realise after this episode, marinette started to act differently. This is because her tendency to over think grew from there. She started to overthink more because she realised that one action may have a chain reaction that she might not be aware of. She started to really overthink from there about her actions and responses.
○Fuck hawkbitch and felix. Natalie deserves better. Adrien needs a mental evaluation and marinette need to go on vacation.
i would like to say I don't not have any thing against the characters it is jest my opinion on what I've seen through out the show, if you do not agree please jest ignore it or comment on this post! I would love to hear your reasons and responses!
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trashyangelic · 2 years
Can I get a ML Salt Prompt? With a hint of Felinette.
There are things that Sabine Cheng doesn't like when it comes to her daughter well-beings. ︶ ⠀ ⤭ ⠀⠀ ๋࣭ ⭑ Caline Bustier treats her daughter as a servant doing the teachers job when its suppose to be her job to do it not her daughter. She heard complaints from her daughter at the trapdoor but also finding out that she is Ladybug and the Guardian of Miraculouses but she also knows that her daughter is MDC from the very start. ︶ ⠀ ⤭ ⠀⠀ ๋࣭ ⭑ Lila Rossi for targetting her daughter by manipulating the principal and her daughter's classmates she had decided to do something about before Caline Bustier. She had a hunch that this girl is trying to blame her daughter for something she didn't do it happen before when she was young. She depises bullies. ︶ ⠀ ⤭ ⠀⠀ ๋࣭ ⭑ Alya Cesaire treats her daughter as a doormat but also asking for free stuff even she told her mother to pay for it she doesn't do it. Yet she still wants free stuff like the designs that her daughter makes she did not like it one tiny bit. ︶ ⠀ ⤭ ⠀⠀ ๋࣭ ⭑ Adrien Agreste who seem to be a sweet boy but after her daughter told her the advice that he told her, she was not having it. She told this to Nathalie and Gabriel to discipline Adrien about this high road advice towards her daughter that is enabling bullies for no reasons even Gabriel is annoyed by that advice he had given it to Adrien but it was meant for Tabloid Reporters only but decided to do a different method for Adrien to get his high horse about this high road advice a method only for bullies. As soon as Gabriel realize that his son is on thin ice with the Dupain-Chengs he had to do something about it and possibly for Ms. Marinette Dupain-Cheng to be his future intern or Audrey. ︶ ⠀ ⤭ ⠀⠀ ๋࣭ ⭑ While Sabine decided to do something for her daughter happiness about Lila Rossi, Alya Cesaire, Adrien Agreste, and Caline Bustier they have crossed the line on the mama bear by poking it. Sabine only wants her daughter to be happy away from the toxic class and those so called friends who wanted to make her daughter as a doormat or a pushover by claiming that her daughter is a bully. Clearly she was not having it.
Sabine decided the big guns by calling her mother about the Cheng Family Company in two different branch one in Shanghai and the other in Beijing to be lent to her daughter as the heiress. But she needs her daughter to learn about the family business from her side. She called her mother about the DEAL that she made with her mother after marrying Tom Dupain.
She called one of her close friends in China by enrolling her daughter to Central Academy of Arts it was the same academy that she attended when she was young but this would be good for her daughter.
Marinette gets to be transferred to Central Academy of Arts in Beijing for her business as MDC but also for her family business too as she meets Felix Graham de Vanily along with her cousin Bridgette who is arrange marriage with another Chinese Branch Family who is the heir of CEO Long Company.
As for Chloe luckily for her she was taught Mandarin/Cantonese from Sabine Cheng she is now applying to Central Academy of Arts with Marinette away from the toxic school back in Paris that she convinced her father to stop the donating towards the Dupont for a good reason. As her father listen to his daughter's reason he was not happy about what happen when Chloe explain what exactly is happening in the school.
At the end Lila Rossi, Caline Bustier, Adrien Agreste, and Alya Cesaire got into a alot of trouble with the parents and the school board by the Mayor himself who had reported it with Sabine Cheng afterwards. The students of Caline Bustier well their parents got super pissed and decided to withdraw their children from the toxic school into a homeschool or a new school for a fresh start.
As for Nino well he apologize to Marinette before she transfer to China for her new school with Chloe Bourgeois but he still gets in trouble by his parents so he is at his new school to continue his dreams since his parents owns a Music Label Company.
The Police Officers and Roger found something at the CCTV footage in Dupont on the main part with Lila Rossi. Roger wasn't very happy with this girl being friend with his daughter after finding out this girl is working with a terrorist they did what they had to do is to arrest this girl Lila Rossi but also informing this to Nadja Chamack about it as well. Italy is in thick ice with Paris right now cause of Lila's actions. Lila's father is not happy nor her mother isn't. Lila's mother decided to disown her and fix her family honor from the embarrassment that her daughter made.
Caline got fired from the School Board for her silly methods and also enabling bullies too while Damocles gets demoted as a principal for doing his job horribly against School Board demands. But Damocles gets his redemption after realizing his mistakes but wanting to redeem it as a good principal like his brother was in from a different school.
Adrien well to him he didn't have any social skills due to his father abusing him so why not let Nino to be concerned about his well-being by calling the CPS on Gabriel clearly Nino wanted Adrien as his new brother along with Chris it would be alot helpful for him to gain social skills. Gabriel also fired Lila Rossi in person he was pissed when Chloe told him the truth about Lila sexually harrassed, blackmailing, and calling people of his son's classmates as a bad influence even if its Lila who is a bad influence to his son by some classmate of his son who sent it to him but seem to be on struggling with the CPS but decided to let it go.
Lastly Alya got the major hint of lawsuits by celebrities and Ladybug as her parents forced her to delete her Ladyblog down for posting false stories. But she has to pay the amount of money that she asked free things from Dupain-Chengs. Sabine already made a restraining order on Alya Cesaire, Adrien Agreste, and Lila Rossi for good just away from her daughter.
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mlbsmashorpass · 2 months
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artzychic27 · 9 months
Maybe the Akuma, Science, Recess, and Theater class/kids should have a “We Gotta Get Rid of Marinette or Send Her To Therapy” meeting
Mason: I would like to call this “Ranting about Marinette/Ladybug” meeting to order. Now, let us read the minutes. Dot?
Dot: ‘October 15th, 4:12pm, Brecken aired his grievances, stating, “Marinette Dupain-Cheng is a no-good-”
Kim: Can we just loudly complain?
Mason: Hmm… I don’t see why not. Proceed.
Eri: She ruined my gown!
Genevieve: My singing voice is atrocious because of her!
Denise: I’m just supposed to let some creep pummel me into the dirt and wait for that bug to show up five minutes later?! Hell no!
Nino: I can’t believe I ever had a crush on that girl!
Nathaniel: I know! What were we thinking?!
Spinelli: That little fox ruined some of my best work! I spent hours on that mural! Do you know how hard working with chalk is?!
Reshma: I couldn’t make any new friends because of her!
Marc: If she ever gives you guys dating advice, just walk away!
Austin T: I NEVER hit Jean! What the hell is Ladybug’s problem?!
Soo-Yeon: Candace and I were in surgery because of that chick!
Kim: Ladybug?
Candace: No, Marinette.
Alya: That girl is getting to be way too much! Being her friend is like a full-time job without the pay! I could be rolling in cash!
DJ: Then, it’s decided. We take Marinette down, then Ladybug.
Cosette: How?
DJ: I have no clue.
Lotta: Well, it’s gotta be done now! We’ve all seen just how far Marinette will go to get rid of anyone Adrien so much as smiles at!
Rochelle: … Well…
Austin B: Oh, I know that look. Spill.
Rochelle: I mean, we could all put our skills to use. It’s one against… What, like thirty? Thirty-five? You get the idea. What do we have to be afraid of? Several of us come from influential families, and I’m looking at a few people who could easily hack into the government. Do you all see where I’m headed?
Austin Q: Oh, my God, we’re dumb!
Gia: We could have stood together as a united front this entire time!
Victoria: Rochelle, honey, you sit next to me, and I mean forever. Where do we start?
Rochelle: Alya, you’re still close to Marinette, right?
Alya: It’s a one-sided closeness.
Rochelle: Good enough. Gather any evidence of her misdeeds. “Accidentally” record her talking about her plans to sabotage some poor girl who shows an interest in Adrien. Mason, I know very well that your personal files on the students are more secure than the NSA’s.
Mason: *Blushes* Well, I guess.
Rochelle: Anything we pick up goes to you until it’s time for the grand reveal.
Ivan: That takes care of Marinette, but what about Ladybug?
Rochelle: If I’m correct, I’m sure we won’t have to worry about her.
Alix: Cryptic much?
Rochelle: Very much, yes. But, trust me. All our problems will soon be resolved.
Austin A: *To Austin B* I can see why you like hanging out with zir.
@msweebyness @imsparky2002
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richardsphere · 5 months
Rant On Humanisation VS Redemption. (And why Gilgamesh Sucks)
So there are like, a thousand ways in which people can be media illiterate. But to me the worst will always be peoples inability to tell the difference between a humanisation arc and a redemption arc. I do not exagerate when i say it may verry well be the "original sin" of media illiteracy.
I get it, you're shown the villains life from their point of view, maybe even see them struggle a little and your evolutionary packbonding and social-empathy instincts make you empathise and sympathise with the bastard until you forget they were the bad guy. But there's a fucking difference between these two types of characterarcs and people should really be better at telling them apart.
a redemption arc is about showing that sometimes people can be better and truly change. Meanwhile humanisation arcs are there because a villain cant serve as a warning not to become them unless we can see ourselves in them in the first place. And the literal Ur-example would be Gilgamesh. A story everyone assures me is "the first heroic epic", but which is nothing of the sort. Its the first villain protagonist in our literary cannon. And that is not me interpreting it. That is the explicit text of this fractured stone-tablet. You know how I know its the explicit text? For two reasons: 1: The text literally begins "there once was a tyrant so heinous, rapist and cruel gods and mortals alike agreed to put a hit on him" (I think we can all agree that in a story, when gods and mortals agree unanimously, we can consider it an axiomatic truth of the story that shits dire) But you know, thats the start of the story right? Gilgamesh (alledgedly) "grows" over the course of the story into a better person right? Oh wait no he doesnt the story has to go out of its way in the end to bring in a wise-old-sage figure (Ziusudra) to explicitly exposit to Gilgamesh (and through him the audience) that he's still the same irredeemable, cruel and selfish abomination of a tyrant he's always been. Because even back then writers and poets knew they couldnt trust their audience to grasp the distinction between these two narrative arcs without explicitly telling the audience which one their story was.
The epic of Gilgamesh is clearly meant to be this message of hope for future generations, that whatever despotic tyrant plagues you is as mortal as Gilgamesh himself turned out. That "even this will come to pass". But because people cant stop "draco in leather pants"-ing every villain in the literary cannon the core message of the story just never lands with people, claiming it to be a redemption story when it is explicitly not about that at all. I dont care wether you think GilgameshXEnkidu is the ship of all time, how about you realise the basic premise of the story first.
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geekgirles · 2 years
Okay, but Adrienette Stan Nathalie when?
Please, I need to see her around Tomoe "Prolly Still Thinks Adrigami Is Canon" Tsurugi and scoff like, "You uncultured swine..."
Someone draw this
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