And with those drafts done, I have moved! You can find me at @erasethestars !!! I may reblog this a few more times to let y’all know, but this blog is now an archive. Sorry. This will hopefully be the last time I do this ish. If not, again, someone can trip me.
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And with those drafts done, I have moved! You can find me at @erasethestars !!! I may reblog this a few more times to let y’all know, but this blog is now an archive. Sorry. This will hopefully be the last time I do this ish. If not, again, someone can trip me.
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And with those drafts done, I have moved! You can find me at @erasethestars !!! I may reblog this a few more times to let y’all know, but this blog is now an archive. Sorry. This will hopefully be the last time I do this ish. If not, again, someone can trip me.
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And with those drafts done, I have moved! You can find me at @erasethestars !!! I may reblog this a few more times to let y’all know, but this blog is now an archive. Sorry. This will hopefully be the last time I do this ish. If not, again, someone can trip me.
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And with those drafts done, I have moved! You can find me at @erasethestars !!! I may reblog this a few more times to let y’all know, but this blog is now an archive. Sorry. This will hopefully be the last time I do this ish. If not, again, someone can trip me.
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And with those drafts done, I have moved! You can find me at @erasethestars !!! I may reblog this a few more times to let y’all know, but this blog is now an archive. Sorry. This will hopefully be the last time I do this ish. If not, again, someone can trip me.
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notheretotry‌: @murios​
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𝙏𝙃𝘼𝙏  𝙀𝘼𝙍𝙉𝙀𝘿  𝙃𝙄𝙈  𝘼  𝙇𝘼𝙐𝙂𝙃,   and beth hummed in agreement.     ❛  yeah,  i’d  say   —   but  drinking  on  the  clock  would  probably  make  for  a  much  more  pleasant  shift.  ❜    not that she really had much practice with the day in,  day out slog through a normal workday.   but beth had heard plenty of  griping  from ruby and annie to give her an idea.
         ❛  what’s  wrong  with  this  neighborhood ?  ❜    a hand to her chest,  she gaped at him in mock  offense,  but she’s laughing again soon after.    ❛   most people would consider it one of the better neighborhoods in the detroit area,  you know.  ❜
beth took another small sip from her drink  —  she really  was  trying to nurse it  —  her response coming muffled as it echoed against the walls of the glass.   ❛  uh-uh,  i mean,  ❜    setting it down,  she turned to face him more fully.    ❛  one  of  them  is  gone  and  the  other  one  is  alright.  ❜    a pause.    ❛  well  —  i don’t,  ❜    brow furrowed as she chewed on a thought.     ❛  —  i mean,  i’m  divorced  now,  so  are  they  still  my  in-laws,  or  —  ❜    mostly working it out on her own,  beth waved a dismissive hand in the air.     ❛  —  doesn’t  matter.  the  house  is   empty,  it’s  too  quiet.  thus,  ❜     the same hand completed its flourish in the direction of her drink.  and she shrugged.    ❛  here  i  am.  ❜
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“ it does make happy hour for the elderly women a bit more tolerable. They don’t drink a lot but just one sip -- my butt is sore from the pinches for a week.” Probably too much info, but hey if it got a good laugh. Besides, he does sort of get a drink or two while he’s behind the bar, but he wasn’t about to admit that to someone who could be in here checking on code violations.
At least she’s prettier than the guy they send!  “ Oh, nothing!” He said as he put his hands up in defense. “ Just the idea of neighborhood watch, and everyone with their nine to five, living the picture perfect life usually sends my mind right to horror movies.” He shrugged, and he sipped his drink. “ But you’re talking to a guy who hasn’t exactly lived in a nice neighborhood so maybe I’m envious.”  Fingers moving along the neckline of his shirt, he chuckled. “ I’ve always wanted pearls to clutch.” 
Hearing that she was divorced, he did show sympathy in his voice when he spoke up again. “I am sorry to hear that. About the divorce. As for your in-laws, I don’t think you get rid of those even with a divorce, but I’m going on what I hear around here.” He motioned his finger around, sipping on his drink. 
“Well if you want loud you’ve got it here.” That’s when he finally offered his hand to her. “I’m Caiden -- and your drinks? Just put ‘em on my tab.” 
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notheretotry‌: @murios​
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𝙄𝙎  𝙄𝙏  𝘾𝙊𝙈𝙁𝙊𝙍𝙏𝙄𝙉𝙂  𝙊𝙍  𝙄𝙉𝙁𝙐𝙍𝙄𝘼𝙏𝙄𝙉𝙂   to think tat this was normal   ——that men commonly turned their faults around on the  wives,  expecting them to grin and bear it?   infuriating,  beth decided,  huffing out a sigh of exasperation.   that dean would go so far as to blame his infidelity on their inadequate sex life,   that he would belittle the  depression  she’d suffered in the wake of her pregnancy.    none of these things were necessarily  surprising,  once she actually took the time to consider them.  dean had always been so full of himself,   so proud of his own  prowess  —  in school,  in sports,  with women,  with his business.   it had been beth who’d given him pass after pass,  excuse after excuse,  eating up each one he fed her like a woman starved.  even annie had seen it,   and still beth had allowed him to go on treating her the way he did.
but  no,  she wasn’t here to accept the blame.  if she  was,  there wouldn’t be therapy,  or the talk of  divorce.  he wouldn’t be living in a hotel room,  complaining about the state of their marriage.  maybe it wasn't  all  his fault,  but a giant portion of it was,  and he clearly had no interest in working to  resolve  it.
she found herself nodding along.  a trial separation was kind of what they’d been doing without actually saying the  words.  and it had been working  —  for the most part  —  she just hadn’t put her foot down.   maybe now was the time.   her mind went back to ruby’s words after sarah had stopped taking her meds.  the things you think you’re keeping from them —   beth didn’t know if their  unhappiness  was obvious to the  younger  kids,  but if kenny’s birthday wish was any indication,  he’d certainly caught on.  
          ❛  they’re  already  seeing  some  of  it,  my  son  blew  out  his  birthday  candles  wishing  that  daddy  would  come  home.  ❜     a self-deprecating smile took hold of her lips,  and beth couldn’t help the mirthless laugh that escaped.       ❛  it’s  hard,  you  know ?   you’re  with  someone  for  your  entire  adult  life  and  it  feels  like  you  have  to  redefine  your  whole  self  if  you  leave.  ❜      it wasn’t an excuse,  more a  confession.  but his words rang true,  nonetheless.   she’d already begun to find a piece of herself   —   found it in the most  unexpected  of places,   but found it all the same   —   so what was the use in trying to go back to who she was before?   another laugh,  this one a bit more genuine.     ❛  you  and  my  other  friends  would  get  along  great.   they’ve  been  telling  me  that  for  a  while  now.  ❜     but with business at a halt,  how would she even afford a divorce lawyer?
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He gave a nod as she mentioned her son. “ It’ll take some time for them to understand what is going on, but I do offer family counseling as well. If not with me , I can recommend someone else. Anything that’ll help not only you, but them.” Then he looked at the empty seat then back at her. :”Plus with my testimony I’m certain I could help screw your husband to the wall if it came to fighting dirty.” 
What can be said, Damon attempted to try and keep his opinions professional but sometimes he let his personal thoughts slip - it helped him connect more, plus it helped her laugh a bit when she says that he’d get along with her friends. “ No doubt they are just looking out for you as good friends do. And I hope they continue to do so. At least those friends you don’t have to pay by the hour.” Then he paused, grinned. “Unless you do, who am I to judge?” 
But Damon would have to agree that it would be hard. “I have no doubt you’re already finding yourself again, or you are discovering another you that you never knew about.  Continue with that. Get to know that you. I encourage it. In fact, some councilors give homework and that’s what I am going to do.” He would grab a pen and tap it on his desk, but write nothing. He was just hoping to be a tad bit dramatic. 
“ Go out, take your friends, don’t take your friends. Just go do something for you and only you.Get drunk, go dance, do something that could be illegal but nothing that’ll land you jail time.” Bad suggestion, he’d wave his hand dismissively. “ Okay, maybe don’t do the last thing.” 
If only he knew, right? 
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magmarise‌: @magmarisen​
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   SHE’D MESSED THINGS UP — just as she always did when it came to matters of the heart. it was the one thing Abby could depend on herself to do after all these years, but that never lessened the pain it made her feel in response. with each word he spoke her heart ached more, the witch wanting nothing more than to be selfish — to grasp onto him and perhaps never let go. but… she couldn’t. she wouldn’t. Caiden had his own demons to contend with without her own (both literal and figurative) dragging him down further.
    and so she stood, green eyes staring at the floor, arms still crossed against her chest, begging willing herself to say the words — to cement this interaction and make him leave. TO MAYBE EVEN MAKE HIM HATE HER — that’s what Julian would want. that was what was best for her as well as him… wasn’t it?
          ❝ It’s — I’m not — ! ❞
   nothing. nothing would come out as she finally looked back at him, still trying so desperately to protect herself from this drastic feeling of vulnerability. Abigail Marie Marker was speechless.
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“ You’re not what ..? ” He asked , hands in his pockets with the faintest of smiles. “ Look, Abby...I’m laying it out on the line here. I have feelings for you - I’ve never hid that.” but now he’s wishing that he did, because he never thought that rejection could actually hurt this much. It was like someone took a football cleat and kicked him in the stomach with it. He’s felt a lot of pains in his life and yet somehow this managed to be one of the worst if not somehow the worst.
Maybe because he was letting himself feel this, and he knew deep down they couldn’t have a happy ever after and yet he still perused it anyway. Shame on him, he brought this on himself. He knows she has her demons and yet here he is wanting something that neither one of them can really give. 
What was he thinking? Or was he? The heart does that, doesn’t it? Stupid thing...
“ You don’t have to have feelings for me if you don’t have them. But uh...maybe let me know before you kiss me because that false hope thing...It’s such a bitch.” 
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𝐒𝐇𝐄  𝐖𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐃  𝐓𝐎  𝐌𝐀𝐊𝐄  𝐀  𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐖  𝐎𝐅  𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆  𝐀𝐅𝐅𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐃,   but emma couldn’t help the smile that lingered across her lips.   still,  she managed a slight parting of her lips   —   as if in shock   —   a hand to her chest.    ❛  since  when  do  i  need  to  blackmail  you  into  pancakes.  ❜    a scoff,   even though she leaned a little closer,   eyes sparkling with amusement as she looked up at him.     ❛  and  here  i  always  thought  you  just  came  over  because  you  enjoyed  my  company.  ❜
a scrunch of her nose,  and emma shook her head at him,  hands finding their way to the pockets of his jeans and tugging him closer.      ❛  you  know,   if  you  don’t  tell  me,   i’m  just  going  to  pick  at  random   ——and  then  every  single  time  you’re  around,  you’ll  be  subjected  to  a  new  one.  ❜    
that was a bit of an exaggeration,   mostly because  romcoms  had never really been emma’s  thing.   she had always wanted more  action  and less  pining  about the movies she chose to watch.   not that she hadn’t  indulged  from time to time,  as the occasion demanded.  but if he thought pleading the fifth was really the way to  win  this one,  cai had another thing coming.    ❛  you  have  no  idea  the  lengths  i’ll  go,  so  —  ❜   pushing up on the balls of her feet to  just about  brush her lips against his,   she chuckled lightly.     ❛  —   you  might  as  well  save  me  the  trouble,   and  just  spill  it.  ❜
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Was she really going to hold this against him? That was a silly question, of course she was. He knows her well enough to know that if he doesn’t tell her that he will never live it down. Odds are he tells her and it’s the same thing. But it’s Emma, trying to keep things from Emma is a little hard for him to do since he - well, there are feelings there.
“ Well I can’t say it’s for the sex because...” He motions his hands to the fact his pants are still on, but he laughs it off, shaking his head just teasing just because. “ I guess pancakes are the next best thing.” 
Plus he never took her for the romcom type, so would she really be willing to do that just to get to see which is his favorite? Would she go that far?
He’s not putting that past her.  But then she has to go and use her her womanly charm against him by leaning in like that. Eyes narrow as he looks at her, and he sighs. “Fine...fine! If you must know...I’m a sucker for Sleepless In Seattle.” Quickly he lifted his finger. “ That’s the only one you’re getting.” 
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She nuzzled her face into his soft hair, one arm loosely draping over his back.  Sable loved this – the weight of him on top of her, the sound of his heart in her ears.  Sometimes, she wished she could hold on to him tight, and that he’d let her – that he’d stay.
“It does.  The woman who found me…she was good.  She still is good.”  Seona had been a commanding force in Sable’s life, never letting her forget how she had trumped darkness.  They had not won that night, not completely.  “Yeah…it’s very overrated,” she laughed.
Kegan began to speak, the words surprising Sable.  He was the last person she had ever expected to open up.  Her fingers lightly brushed through the hair at the back of his head.  “Using your child for a power grab…”  Sable softly growled the words, sighing afterwards.  She couldn’t imagine that.  Ever.  Seona could have leveraged Sable for more power, but she didn’t.  She fought to shield Sable as she grew.
“You are you.  You live your life for you…not her.  I rather like you.”  She answered, but his last words gave her pause.  Eternity was not a world that humans used often.  
“Kegan, how old are you?”  Sable laid a kiss into his hair.  “Because eternity is a long time…I know.”  Maybe he would understand – could understand what it was like to see too much of the world.
“ If she can’t use you, then there is no point to you.” He said, echoing his mothers words when he was just a boy. He gave his head a shake, a faint chuckle just to dismiss it. “ She was the middle child. Not old enough to be Queen, not young enough to get away with everything...” a frown then crept on his lips and he shut his eyes.
“ My cousins , Jack especially lost his parents and yet he is the happiest man I know...and my other cousin, she’s bloody Queen.” He laughed then, but his eyes were still shut as he just rambled off in his state of fatigue. “ Then there is me...Not sure what I am or what my purpose might be, other than I somehow keep the gears working, so they say...” But she said she likes him, and he opened his eyes.  He said nothing, but grinned when she asked how old he is. “I am very, very old...As old as time, I suppose...”
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She had been raised to be a weapon.  There was nothing strange about this life.  Not anymore.  Ryleiah had done everything she could to save her twin from this life.  It had been the one fact that she and Sebastian had seen eye to eye on.  Beyond that, they clashed at first.  Two strong personalities.  They had to find the right ways to work together, to make the most of their powers.  She could lull those they interfaced with, making them more susceptible to Seb’s illusions.  That was only part of what they could do together.  Beyond their magic, they were both skilled fighters – him specializing in the up close, hand to hand mechanics, while she often provided the cover for him from range.  
Together, they had become a deadly team – working on the wrong side of everything to keep their family far from this life.
Riles had stopped asking about the why of missions.  It gave her less to think about, less to worry over.  Sometimes, she did make a call if something seemed wrong, though. They were assholes, but they had a few morals left.  A few.
Their current task was not one that even came close to questioning their morals.  If anything, the men lying on the floor in puddles of blood got off easy with the crimes that littered their histories.  Riles had always had a hatred of anyone that could bring harm to a child.  Even in her darkest days, she had enough sense to spare the innocence of youth. It had been a gift she had never gotten to receive.
That night ended differently.  Seb pulled her into a kiss.  It wasn’t like they had never kissed before.  Neither of them had a limit when it came to sustaining their cover story for a job, but this kiss was different.  The blood coated her tongue, and to be honest, Riles liked the taste of it.  She liked it. She returned it.  Her hands positioned themselves to pull him closer – one fisting the fabric of his shirt and the other pressing against the small of her back.  Somewhere in the middle of that embrace was a moan from her, the sound fading as her teeth pressed into his busted lip.  
Her bright green eyes watched him, teeth releasing his abused flesh.  “Want to get out of here before we continue?”  Not that she minded an audience, but he was the only one to have her.  The only one.
He seemed to have morals, but even Sebastian had his own moral code. No harm should befall a child, and a woman depending. He knew that not all women were innocent - some were just as devious if not more so than men. But children were innocents always. 
After the kiss he smiled at Riles, nothing short of mildly sadiistic considering what they were standing in right now. He looked around the situation, shook his head, then  looked right back at her. “ We should get out of here.” he told her as he would tap his foot against a body, just barely. “Not just wanting too, but we really should.” That’s when he chuckled, his arm around her waist. 
“ Someone is going to find this mess and I feel bad for whoever does.” though the only one who would was going to be the one who was to see this as a message. Besides, Seb makes the mess, he doesn’t clean them. They have people for that.
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Pregnancy and having a family of her own had never crossed her mind.  Saoirse had spent so much of her life hunted, running from place to place trying to save her own ass.  She didn’t feel stable enough to bring another life into the world.  Not until Caiden, whom still thought she was insane for even agreeing to marry him.  Cai never saw himself properly, but Saoirse could be just as guilty of that. 
She had been feeling a little off lately - sick at her stomach each morning, more tired than usual, and aversions to some smells.  It wasn’t until Torin mentioned something that she even entertained the idea of the fact she might be pregnant.  One test later, and she was standing in the bathroom shocked at the two lines before her eyes.  Saoirse knew enough about pregnancy that she spoke to a friend, whom was a midwife, before mentioning a single thing to Caiden.  
Isolde had comforted her, told her that she was indeed with child.  Saoirse left Isolde’s home with tears in her eyes.  Happy tears.  Isolde had given Saoirse a number to a doctor, one that had experience in pregnancies with magic involved.  Better to be safe than sorry, which was something Saoirse appreciated.  It eased so much of her nerves.
“Yes,” she answered to Cai, grinning.  Her expression brightened more as he spun her about, until she asked him to stop.  “My stomach does not like that,” but she was still laughing, lips peppering his with kisses.  “Even verified with a midwife friend.  Blood work is good.  Heartbeat is good.  I have an appointment next week with a doctor that understands wolves.”  She couldn’t fight the tears any longer, and they slowly rolled down her cheeks.  “We’re going to be parents,” and her smile was as vibrant as her hair.
Cai liked the idea of having a family, but he never really put pressure on her for it. If it happened then it did, and if not then they’d live their lives. But hearing this made him the happiest he’s ever been, so much so that he almost didn’t hear what she said about the midwife and that everything was looking good. He only heard the part where they were going to be parents. They were going to have their own pup.
The excitement couldn’t be contained as he spun her around, but then he had to stop because it was making her sick, but he didn’t let her go. He couldn’t let her go, not yet. Didn’t want too. “ I can’t believe it!” He laughed, leaning back with his arms around her. “ We’re going to be parents!” 
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She snickered at his response, knowing she had not given him the answer he wanted.  Seb, of all people, was one of the few that brought about her playful side.  He had also increased her knowledge of pop culture memes exponentially, but sometimes, she wondered if he realized just how much he had done so.
Her eyes went to the trunk, then walked around the car to see the back seat.  “I think you’re right…and that way, we can also reach it if we need a drink on the drive?”  It was a good idea.  It would save stops along the way.  “How long will it take us to get there?”
The idea was to get away for the weekend. No kids, no family, no drama - just the two of them getting away from it all. They deserved some time alone, didn’t they? Sebastian certainly thought so, which is why he planned this whole weekend. But maybe, just maybe, he overpacked.
“A couple of hours, at best? Depends on the traffic.” He nodded, looking back at Riles with a smile. “ Up in the mountains, no reception, no interruptions. No one better call us when 911 would be more reliable.” He sighed, nervous about leaving Sam in charge. Not that he didn’t trust his brother, but he did take the ‘cool uncle’ thing a little far sometimes. 
“You’ll love it, I promise.” 
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“I’ve just seen a lot of darkness…nearly lost so many that I care for.  I worry.  I know I worry too much.”  Cordie hated the thought of anything happening to Leo, and it made her mind scatter at times with thoughts of hardships.  She was thankful that Leo was smart, had ways to protect himself.  
She leaned into his kiss, smiling.  His trust meant a great deal to her, and she would never betray him.  Ever.  He made her smile with the next, “Or dreams full of us naked, bodies tangled together.”  
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Cordie nuzzled her face against his chest, peppering his tanned skin with soft kisses.  “All forms.  You are good for me, Leo.  Make me happy…make me feel safe.  I used to think I would scare you with the truth about me.  It’s not something you hear everyday…but you didn’t run.  You stayed, and I - I love you.”  She looked up at him, pulling him into a kiss, sealing those words.
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“ Especially if your main concern with me is de-clawing.” He didn’t mean to play off her fears like this, but he had to admit the humor in that of all things. He can’t say anyone has ever worried about him that much before. It’s..nice. And it makes him feel wanted, special, even loved. 
“I like the sound of those dreams a lot better - they’re something I can get behind.” He nodded swiftly, his smile refusing to shift at all upon his lips. His arm draped around Cordie as he kissed the top of her head. “ You make me happy, too. And no, the truth about you can’t scare me. I mean...I’m a man who turns into a cat because of a witch. I’m a bad omen, bad luck, walk under a latter near a superstitious person and boy, it’s over.” He smirked.
He’s apparently done that one or twice.
But as she said she loves him, he would lean in and kiss her right back. “If I say it back you’re not going to assume I just said it because you did, right? Otherwise...awkward.”
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The only things I have left to do for me to have moved all the things is just finish up drafts here, refollow everyone, etc. 
Progress has been made.
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