erenyazzie · 5 years
homework post #4
I agree with the general boilerplate. I really liked the parts: “a variety of electronic technologies intentionally to compose” and “all forms of writing involve technologies, whether pen and paper, word processor, video recorder, or webpage.” In World Art History I, I was required to write a research paper (initial thought was ugh). So, I talked to the professor and she kindly let me do a video project instead (I’m naturally very curious about cameras/camcorders). Instantly, this opened a floodgate of ideas (creativity) about what to include in the film. I would have shots of the object I was writing about at the Denver Art Museum (Sakyamuni sculpture from Pala dynasty) and voice over sort of narrating the entire time. In this situation, using video allowed me to capture a deeper context of meaning for what mediation is and how these sculptures really might have been viewed or seen in their actual time/space. My video was very successful (got an A) and I really think was the medium(digital)/platform that really engaged me through the entire process. I was excited to work with equipment like a camera and I was excited to show other my completed work (it is on youtube).  
hierarchy for habits of mind: from most to least
meta cognition
Using tumblr/twitter is the coolest thing ever for writing in the 21st century. Personally, I am a fan of using instagram (centered on photos) though. First, I’m more curious about the technology used (computer, phone, smartwatch probably) rather than standard pen and paper (i like to draw but writing is so rigid and computers just require you to push buttons beepboop). The digital tech keeps me engaged. If I’m engaged, I’m comfortable. If I’m comfortable, I’m creative. If I’m not comfortable, I’m still creative. Creativity is vital to who I am as a person so it is very important. These digital platforms allow me see others thoughts and allow a whole lot of others to see my thoughts (openness). I have to be aware of these my thoughts and other thoughts (meta cognition). I have a responsibility to being ethical so I have to be considerate of exactly what I am saying and who might be listening. I have to keep this up with everyone else or at least I am engaged enough to keep up with posting my thoughts (persistence). Times are a changing and shit is getting real so I have to be able to adapt like a ninja squirrel (flexibility). Also, digital media is very flexible and adaptable and modifiable.
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erenyazzie · 5 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
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