eridanusstar · 2 months
Hi! I am working on a story where one of the three protagonist has a burn scar. This character has from the eye to half their right cheek of a burn; this happened around 9 years ago (the character was 10.)
I am working on historical-fantasy setting, I know you guys are not historians but I was hoping you could help me out with ideas.
In my story, there is a few chapters where the characters go to a snowy mountain for a couple of days, and there are temperatures ranging from 20ºF to 10ºF with snow and harsh wind, is there any protection/possible cream needed for the face and the eye for that situation?
Also, around 10% of the story has fights that include armour (including a helmet to protect the face and the head,) would a character with that type of burn may need a special helmet?
Just to clarify, the character for most of the story doesn't have any mask or anything covering their face, except in the moments of battle where every other character is also using a helmet and armour.
Not sure if there is anything potentially problematic in this, but the character got that injury due to a baby dragon of the family accidentally burning his face (this is a society where dragons are like animals and common in the house.) Because it happened so many years ago there isn't any angst feeling or people in his community commenting about, except in a scene where the protagonists are talking about traumatic things and this character mentioned that they remember when it happened his parents were afraid he was not going to make it, not realizing he was hearing it.
There are other background characters with burns, scars and stumps due to the nature of this world, but I am concentrating in this protagonist right now.
For weather this cold, your character would need a LOT of moisturizing creams. Possibly a comical amount. They would help to protect the skin from both the wind and cold. Burn scars don't have the natural oils, so his skin would be very dry normally, let alone during the winter. Even in normal temperatures, it's recommended to apply moisture multiple times a day. If something like sunscreen is available to your character, he would use it too (and often). Burns are sensitive to the sun, and some people use it even when it's cloudy. During the winter it's also commonly used because the snow reflects it. (As you said, I'm very much not a historian and I don't know what would work as non-modern equivalents... I assume that shea butter or olive oils could be on the table here? Certainly better than nothing. Or even just Magical Herb Mixture, if it's fantasy.)
As for the eye protection, I would say that most people in 20ºF to 10ºF (-6ºC to -12ºC) would need it, especially if it's both snowing and windy lol. I have experienced those temperatures and it can be hard to see even without extremely sensitive skin/eyes. But generally yes, harsh wind could be actively painful to someone with a burn scar. If it's too hard on him, he could wear some very loose cloth to cover it (prime example of a scenario where a face covering makes medical and just logical sense). It shouldn't be tight; maybe just a large hood or veil that would still be away from that part of their face.
Note: it could also not be painful at all. Burns come with nerve damage, and sometimes nerves make non-painful stimuli hurt really bad, and sometimes they make it so a person doesn't feel pain when they should. If your character is the second, they would bear it better at the time but still have all the other issues - skin breakdown, contraction, cracking, itching.
Not sure what other kind of eye protection would be available, but even regular glasses would help with the "not getting blasted with wind and snow" part. Make sure that with the protection he wears, it doesn't touch the scar directly. That can be extremely painful and cause skin to break in that kind of environment, especially if he's not a regular at the Snowy Mountain. If they are, they will handle it much better - scars get more or less desensitized with repetitive exposure.
For a helmet, I think having it padded from the inside would be a good idea. Preferably with something relatively smooth (maybe cloth or fur?) so that it doesn't scratch the burn. Potentially something to "stabilize" it (maybe their helmet could be custom-made for their exact head size?) so that it doesn't hit his scar over and over too if it's too large. I appreciate that others characters wear helmets too, and that he does for only a minor part of the story :-) (smile emoji))
The backstory scenario sounds fine to me as well! House pet trying to play and causing an injury is definitely a thing when it comes to facial differences haha. I can imagine that it would be even more common if the pet in question is a dragon and not a regular dog.
Having multiple burn survivors in a world with fire-breathing creatures that live in human homes is a nice element of worldbuilding :) (smile emoji)! I think that if this kind of thing happens often, then some of the resources I mentioned (moisturizes, sunblock) would be more readily available for your main character and people in similar sets of circumstances.
Thank you for your ask, I hope it helped a bit!
Mod Sasza
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eridanusstar · 2 months
Let's talk about worldbuilding.
Worldbuilding is a crucial aspect of writing fiction, particularly in genres like fantasy and science fiction.
Remember that worldbuilding is a dynamic process that evolves as you write. Don't be afraid to experiment and make changes to your world as needed to serve the story.
Here are some tips to help you build a rich and immersive world:
Start with a Core Concept: Every world begins with an idea. Whether it's a magic system, a futuristic society, or an alternate history, have a clear concept that serves as the foundation for your world.
Define the Rules: Establish the rules that govern your world, including its physical laws, magic systems, societal norms, and cultural practices. Consistency is key to creating a believable world.
Create a Detailed Map: Optional, but helpful. Develop a map of your world to visualise its geography, including continents, countries, cities, and landmarks. Consider factors like climate, terrain, and natural resources to make your world feel authentic.
Build a History: Develop a rich history for your world, including key events, conflicts, and historical figures. Consider how past events have shaped the present and influenced the cultures and societies within your world.
Develop Cultures and Societies: Create diverse cultures and societies within your world, each with its own beliefs, traditions, languages, and social structures. Explore how different cultures interact and conflict with one another.
Flesh Out Characters: Populate your world with memorable characters who reflect its diversity and complexity. Consider how their backgrounds, motivations, and personalities are shaped by the world around them. (See my post on character development for more!)
Consider Technology and Magic: Determine the level of technology and the presence of magic in your world, and how they impact daily life, society, and the overall narrative.
Think about Economics and Politics: Consider the economic systems, political structures, and power dynamics within your world. Explore issues like inequality, governance, and social justice to add depth to your worldbuilding.
Show, Don't Tell: Instead of dumping information on readers, reveal details about your world gradually through storytelling. Show how characters interact with their environment and incorporate worldbuilding seamlessly into the narrative.
Stay Consistent: Maintain consistency in your worldbuilding to ensure coherence and believability. Keep track of details like character names, historical events, and geographic locations to avoid contradictions.
Leave Room for Exploration: While it's essential to have a solid foundation for your world, leave room for discovery and exploration as you write. Allow your world to evolve organically and be open to new ideas and possibilities.
Revise and Edit: Carefully review your worldbuilding to identify any inconsistencies, plot holes, or contradictory elements. Pay attention to details such as character backgrounds, historical events, and the rules of your world's magic or technology. Make necessary revisions to resolve any issues and maintain the integrity of your worldbuilding.
Happy writing!
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eridanusstar · 2 months
Let's talk about fight scenes.
Writing fight scenes requires a delicate balance of action, emotion, and detail to keep readers engaged and immersed in the moment.
Here are some tips to craft compelling fight scenes:
Know your characters: Understand their fighting styles, strengths, and weaknesses—are they offensive, or defensive? Spontaneous, or strategic? Trigger-happy, or reluctant? Their personalities and motivations will influence their actions and decisions during the fight.
Create tension: Build tension leading up to the fight to increase the stakes and make the action more gripping. Foreshadowing, verbal sparring, or physical intimidation can all contribute to a sense of anticipation.
Use sensory details: Engage the reader's senses by describing the sights, sounds, smells, and physical sensations of the fight. This helps to create a vivid and immersive experience—but make sure not to overdo it. Too much detail can distract from the adrenaline of the fight.
Maintain clarity: Ensure that the action is easy to follow by using clear and concise language. Avoid overly complicated sentences or excessive description that could confuse readers.
Focus on emotions: Show the emotional impact of the fight on your characters. Describe their fear, anger, determination, or adrenaline rush to make the scene more compelling and relatable.
Include strategic elements: Incorporate tactics, strategy, and improvisation into the fight to make it more dynamic and realistic. Think about how your characters use their surroundings, weapons, or special abilities to gain an advantage.
Balance dialogue and action: Intersperse dialogue with action to break up the fight scene and provide insight into the characters' thoughts and intentions. Dialogue can also reveal or support the characters' personalities and motivations.
Keep it concise: While it's important to provide enough detail to immerse readers in the action, avoid unnecessary padding or overly long fight scenes. Keep the pacing brisk to maintain momentum and keep readers hooked.
Show the consequences: Illustrate the aftermath of the fight, including injuries, emotional trauma, or changes in relationships between characters. This adds depth to the scene and helps to drive the story forward.
Hope this helped ❤
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eridanusstar · 2 months
Let's talk about misdirection.
(Requested by @voiceless9000. Hope this is helpful!)
Misdirection in storytelling, through foreshadowing and other techniques, is a powerful tool that can enhance suspense, surprise, and engagement in your narrative and make plot twists more unexpected.
Remember to maintain coherence and avoid contrivances that may undermine the integrity of your storytelling.
Here are some techniques you can use to effectively misdirect readers:
Red Herrings: Introduce elements or clues that suggest a certain outcome or plot direction, only to later reveal that they were misleading. These false leads can divert readers' attention away from the true resolution.
Selective Detailing: Highlight certain details or events in a way that implies their significance, while downplaying or omitting others that might be more relevant to the actual outcome. By controlling what information readers focus on, you can steer their expectations.
Character Misdirection: Use characterisation to mislead readers about characters' true intentions, motivations, or identities. Create multi-dimensional characters who may behave ambiguously or inconsistently, leaving readers unsure of their true allegiances, motivations, or goals.
Foreshadowing: Employ foreshadowing to hint at future events or outcomes, but do so in a way that misleads interpretation. Provide clues that could be interpreted in multiple ways or that lead readers to expect one outcome while delivering another. (See my previous post about foreshadowing for more!)
Misleading Narration: Utilise an unreliable narrator or perspective to present events in a biased or distorted manner. Readers may trust the narrator's account implicitly, only to discover later that their perceptions were flawed or intentionally deceptive.
Subverting Tropes: Set up situations or scenarios that seem to follow familiar narrative tropes or conventions, only to subvert them in unexpected ways. This can keep readers guessing and prevent them from accurately predicting the story's trajectory.
Parallel Storylines: Introduce secondary storylines or subplots that appear unrelated to the main narrative but eventually intersect or influence the primary plot in unexpected ways. This can distract readers from anticipating the main storyline's developments.
Setting: Manipulate the setting or environment to create false impressions about the direction of the plot. For example, presenting a seemingly idyllic setting that harbors dark secrets or dangers.
Timing and Pacing: Control the pacing of your story to strategically reveal information or developments at opportune moments, leading readers to draw premature conclusions or overlook important details. (See my post on pacing for more tips!)
Twists and Reversals: Incorporate sudden plot twists or reversals that upend readers' expectations and challenge their assumptions about the story's direction. Ensure that these twists are logically consistent but sufficiently surprising to catch readers off guard.
Happy writing!
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eridanusstar · 2 months
World Building Checklist
Have you ever started writing a story and realized your world has a bunch of unexplained shit and you have to fill in the gaps as you go? Me too, buddy. Me too. Here’s a checklist so that you can fully flesh out your world to the max. (I’m dying)
How does Time work? (Minutes, hours, days, the daylight cycle, years, ect.)
Species (if Fantasy. Will probably make another post on this.)
Countries, Nations, Tribes, ect. (nationalities/ races. Will probably make another post on this.)
The geography of the world (draw a map. Doesnt have to be good. Just for a general idea.)
Rivalries between races (includes prejudice, racism, ect.)
The Magic system. (Will probably make a whole other post on this.)
animals, plants, ect.
The sky: Sun, Moon(s), Stars, Constellation, Are there rings? (If the planet has rings)
Educations system
Government system
Methods of transport (Vehicles)
Can’t really think of anything else. If you have more to add then reblog and add to the list! :) bye bee
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eridanusstar · 2 months
If a scene feels flat and you can't figure it out, ask yourself:
• What can MC smell? Is there an ocean breeze, sweat, a cinnamon roll fresh out the oven?
• What can MC hear, besides the dialogue? Is a bird singing, river flowing, a car speeding, clock ticking?
• Can they taste something, even if they're not eating? Previously drunk alcohol or juice, aftertaste of a cigarette, smog, too instense perfume?
• Can they feel something on their skin? Rough clothes or delicate material, blowing wind, an allergy or a rash, grass that theyre laying on?
• What does the character see, besides other characters? Is the room dark or is sunlight coming in nicely? Are the colours vibrant or dull? Are there any plants?
• What's the weather? Is it snowing and the cold is making goosebumps appear on their arms? Is it hot and sweaty and clothes are clinging to their body?
• HOW DOES IT MAKE THEM FEEL? To any of the above.
Do they like the smell of cinnamon rolls or are they weirdos (I'm a weirdo, I don't fit in).
Does the clock ticking calm them down or annoy them?
Do they enjoy the aftertaste of a cig and like how dirty it makes them feel?
Are they sensitive to touch and how their clothing feels on their skin or are they indifferent?
Would they enjoy the scenery more if it was more sunny out, because they're afraid of the darkness?
Do they like it snowy or are they always cold and hate winter?
Come on, give them persoanlity, likes and dislikes, don't be scared to make them people and not only likeable characters.
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eridanusstar · 2 months
Things to worldbuild when bored
Keep in mind, this is worldbuilding as for fun, none of these are essentials, what's essential all depends on what you plan to use your worldbuilding alongside
The everyday diet
Seasonal clothing
Common phobias/fears
What children do in their freetime
The sounds of the everyday
More blue collar jobs!
Children's toys
Biome Variants
Species anatomical workings
Common Illnesses
Popular hobbies
Beauty Standards
Rare physical features
World Wonders
Intercultural aspects of life
Law enforcement
Military weapons vs. common weapons
Religious rituals
New mother/parent culture
Funeral/Death rituals
Household pets
Agricultural animals
Games (virtual, sporty, ttrpg, and board)
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eridanusstar · 2 months
Fictional worldbuilding
I have this list I compiled of topics for developing of countries, whether fantasy based or not, and it seems to be a useful resource to share. Feel free to use this list to develop your own lore, but DO NOT claim it as your own or repost. It's pretty long, but I think it covers a lot of relevant topics for worldbuilding.
∎ Country name - Etymology if possible - Reasons for the name ∎ Does it take inspiration for a historical time period, aesthetic, or culture ∎ What sort of government is it
Important Places
∎ Main cities - Layout of the city - Economic or historical importance ∎ Other cities and places of importance - Ports - Mine cities - Scholarly cities ∎ Seasonal or turistic places
Climate and Terrain
∎ Important lakes, rivers, mountain chains or other geographically relevant places ∎ Seasons ∎ Climate in general ∎ How does the terrain affect daily habits ∎ Important plants - Agriculture - Crops for export ∎ Important animals - Livestock
∎ System of government - Nobility/aristocracy -- Titles and inheritance/eligibility of titles - Merchant class ∎ Current and past rulers
Social customs
∎ Entertainment - Common forms of entertainment - Games - Cultural/social forms of enterteinment (go to parties/go to the movies/go out to eat/etc) ∎ Seasonal entertainment - Vacations - Seasonal high class customs ∎ Customs regarding reading and books ∎ Customs towards addictive substances - Alcohol - Tobacco - Opioids - Other stuffs ∎ Education and educational system ∎ Houses - Home layouts - Common things in houses ∎ Rites of passage - Age to be presented as adult to the society and customs regarding it ∎ Manners and behaviour in public ∎ Religion - Possible gods - Holidays - Festivals ∎ Customs regarding music - Musical instruments
Notions of family
∎ Inheritance laws ∎ Marriage and concepts of marriage - Marriage rituals - Who is allowed to wed who - Divorce - Customs toward conjugal and domestic violence - Polygamy -- Extraconjugal affairs --- Bastards ∎ Adoption ∎ Division of domestic labor and roles
∎ Coin and values ∎ Important internal products ∎ Main imports ∎ Main exports ∎ Important commercial relations
∎ Common feminine fashion ∎ Common masculine fashion ∎ Concepts about clothing - What is seen as vulgar - What is seen as desirable ∎ Fashion and rites of passage ∎ Hairstyles and adornments
Names and language
∎ Base language ∎ Linguistic influences ∎ Working of names - Family names -- Patronymic and matronymic - Personal names
Magic and technology
∎ Magic - Practice of magic - Permissions within magic - Common and uncommon forms of magic ∎ Magic creatures of importance ∎ Level of technology ∎ Daily uses of technology
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eridanusstar · 2 months
World Building
Creating Land
⥇ agriculture
⟿ what is grown in abundance? how common is farmland? where is the farmland?
⥇ architecture
⟿ what kind of buildings? how tall/spacious? what are they made of? how well made? how well planned?
⥇ animals
⟿ what wild animals are lurking in the area? hunting? any animals affecting the livestock or agriculture?
⥇ biomes
⟿ desert? tundra? grassland? forest? savanna?
⥇ bodies of water
⟿ seas? lake? ponds? rivers? fresh water/salt water? fishing? keep in mind, settlements are often built near bodies of water
⥇ climate
⟿ dry? rainy? temperate? tropical? polar? how have people adjusted to this climate?
⥇ elevation
⟿ altitude? how does the altitude affect lifestyle?
⥇ geology
⟿ rocky? types of rocks?
⥇ landforms
⟿ mountains? valleys? plateaus? plains? hills? glaciers? peninsulas? volcanos? canyons?
⥇ latitude / longitude
⟿ location on planet? how does it affect other elements of land?
⥇ livestock
⟿ common domesticated animals? common animal usages?
⥇ minerals
⟿ any valuable minerals / metals? are they mined regularly? how are they used?
⥇ natural disasters
⟿ earthquake? tornado? volcano? duststorm? flood? hurricane? tsunami? how often do these occur? protocols?
⥇ population
⟿ how many people? how dense is the population? how does the population affect surrounding nature?
⥇ resources
⟿ what is abundant? scarce? how are they used? how available are they?
⥇ sacred land
⟿ religiously important land? historical importance? widely accepted as sacred? how is it honored?
⥇ soil
⟿ good or bad for vegetation? rocky?
⥇ tectonic activity
⟿ earthquake frequency? volcano frequency? trenches?
⥇ topography
⟿ how common are maps? how accurate? how long have they been around? who makes them?
⥇ vegetation
⟿ what is abundant? scarce? what grows easily? with difficulty? what is commonly foraged? who forages? plant types? tree types?
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eridanusstar · 7 months
5 Random Writing Prompts
"Why won't you have me?" / "Because you don't want me. Not the way that I want you."
MC loses something on her way home, the next day it shows up on her doorstep. The day after something she lost a few weeks before shows up, and this continues on.
"Why are you doing all this?" / "Because I hate you and everything you stand for. Because I want to see you burn to ashes."
"Don't you want to make us proud?" / "Not if it comes at a cost this big. Not if it comes at the cost of others."
"Where will you go? If not there, where can you go, who will take you? Why do think that anyone will want you in any of places that you go?"
These were just a few ideas and prompts that I had, most of which were angsty or dialogue prompts. Feel free to use them however you want, take parts or use them in full.
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eridanusstar · 7 months
How to show emotions
Part IV
How to show bitterness
tightness around their eyes
pinched mouth
sour expression on their face
crossed arms
snorting angrily
turning their eyes upward
shaking their head
How to show hysteria
fast breathing
chest heaving
trembling of their hands
weak knees, giving in
tears flowing down their face uncontrollably
laughing while crying
not being able to stand still
How to show awe
tension leaving their body
shoulders dropping
standing still
opening mouth
slack jaw
not being able to speak correctly
slowed down breathing
wide eyes open
softening their gaze
staring unabashingly
How to show shame
vacant stare
looking down
turning their head away
cannot look at another person
putting their head into their hands
shaking their head
How to show being flustered
looking down
nervous smile
sharp intake of breath
quickening of breath
blinking rapidly
breaking eye contact
trying to busy their hands
playing with their hair
fidgeting with their fingers
opening mouth without speaking
Part I + Part II + Part III
If you like my blog and want to support me, you can buy me a coffee or become a member! And check out my Instagram! 🥰
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eridanusstar · 7 months
— aesthetic words to fill up your vocabulary ♡
✦ if you're tired of using the same repetitive words to describe feelings or actions on your writing, here are some aesthetic words that are not frequently used to help you evolve your vocabulary better and also maybe help you with creative titles <3
ABENDROT: the color of the sky while the sun is setting.
ABIENCE: the strong urge to avoid someone or something.
ACHROOUS: colourless.
AEQUOREAL: marine, oceanic.
AESTHETE: someone with deep sensitivity to the beauty of art or nature.
ALIFEROUS: having wings.
AMITY: warmth and heartfelt friendliness in a friendship; mutual understanding and a peaceful relationship.
AMORIST: someone who is in love; someone who writes about love.
AMBROSIAL: fragrant, delicious.
ANTHOMANIA: great love for flowers.
AQUAPHILE: someone who is an enthusiast of all things related to the water.
ARENOCOLOUS: living or burrowing in sand.
ASPERSE: change falsely or with malicious intent; attack the good name and reputation of someone.
ASTERISM: agroup of stars; a constellation; a cluster of stars.
ATTAR: essential oil or perfume obtained from flowers.
AUREATE: golden or gilded; brilliant, splendid.
AURICOMUS: with golden or yellow colored foliage.
AVIOTHIC: the strong desire to be up in the air or to fly.
BALTER: to dance artlessly, without particular grace and/or skill but usually with enjoyment.
BATHIC: pertaining to depths, especially of sea.
BELAMOUR: the one who is loved; a beloved person.
BELLICOSTIC: aggressive, belligerent, warlike.
BENEFICENCE: the quality of being kind or helpful or generous.
BERCEUSE: a quiet song intended to lull a child to sleep.
BLÁFAR: indicating the freshness and beauties of youth or health; attractive and possessing charm.
BRONTIDE: the low rumble of a distant thunder.
BURBLE: to speak in an excited manner.
CAELITIS: the divinities who dwell within the celestial planes.
CATHARSIS: the release of emotional tension, especially through kinds of art or music.
CELERITOUS: swift, speedy, fast.
CERAUNOPHILIA: loving thunder and lightning and finding them intensely beautiful.
CHEVELURE: the nebulous tail of a comet.
CINGULOMANIA: a strong desire to hold a person in your arms.
COCCINEOUS: bright red; scarlet.
COCKAIGNE: an imaginary land of luxury and idleness.
CONSTELLATE: to eluster; to compel by stellar influence.
COSMOGYRAL: whirling around the universe.
CORDOLIUM: heartache; heartfelt sorrow.
CORUSCATE: to reflect brillantly, to sparkle.
CRAMOISY: of a crimson color.
CREATURELY: a person who is controlled by others and is used to perform unpleasant or dishonest tasks for someone else.
CRYSTALLOMANIA: an obsession with crystals and other crystalline objects.
CHRYSALISM: the amnotic tranquility of being indoors during a thunderstorm.
CLINQUANT: glittering with gold and silver.
CLYSMIC: cleaning, washing.
CUPIDITY: greed for money or possessions.
CYANEOUS: a sky-blue color.
CYNOSURE: guiding star; a object of common interest.
DARKLING: of or related to darkness.
DÉCLASSÉ: having fallen in social status.
DEIFORM: god-like or divine in nature.
DEMERSAL: that lives near the bottom or a body of water.
DESIDERIUM: an ardent longing, as for something lost.
DISPITEOUS: cruel and without mercy.
DOUX: sweet, soft, mild, gentle.
DRACONTINE: belonging to a dragon.
DYSANIA: the state of finding it hard to get out of bed in the morning.
ECCEDENTESIAST: someone who fakes a smile.
EFFLORESCENCE: a period or state of blooming, blossoming.
ELEGY: a poem of serious reflection, typically a lament for the dead.
ELEUTHEROPHILIST: someone who advocates free love.
ELYSIAN: beautiful or creative, divinely inspired; peaceful and perfect.
EMACITY: desire or fondness for buying things.
EMPYREAL: pertaining to the sky; celestial.
EPHIALTES: a nightmare; the demon Incubus that supposedly causes a nightmare.
EPICARICACY: the joy that results from others misfortune.
EREMOPHOBIA: the deep fear of stillness, solitude, or deserted places.
ETHEREAL: extremely delicate, light, not of this world.
EUMOIRIETY: happiness due to state of innocence and purity.
FLORENTIS: abounding in flowers; being in bloom and adorned with plentiful flowers.
FREICEADAN: guard, garrison, watch, sentinal.
FULMINATE: cause to explode violently and with loud noise.
FURCIFEROUS: brat; rascally, scandalous.
GLOAMING: twilight, dusk.
GRAME: anger, wrath, scorn; sorrow, grief, misery.
HALCYON: calm and peaceful; happy, prosperous.
HELLION: a rowdy or mischievous person.
HELIOPHILIA: desire to stay in the sun; love of sunlight.
HEAVENIZE: to render like heaven or fit for heaven, to purify and make a holy place or a person.
HENOTIC: promoting harmony or peace.
HIRAETH: a homesickness for a home you can't return to, or that never was.
HOLILY: belonging to or derived from or associated with a divine power.
HYPNAGOGIC: the state immediately before falling asleep.
IGNICOLIST: a worshiper of fire.
ILLECEBROUS: attractive and alluring.
IMPLUVIOUS: soaked with rain.
INCANDESCENCE: light produced by high temperatures.
INCALESCENCE: the property of being warming.
INCENDIARY: designed for the purpose of causing a fire, likely to cause anger or violence.
INEFFABLE: too great or extreme to be expressed or described in words.
INSOUCIANT: free from worry, concern or anxiety.
IRENIC: aiming or aimed at peace, promoting peace.
IRIDESCENT: producing a display of rainbow-like colors.
INVIDIARE: to envy.
ISOLOPHILIA: a strong preference and affection for solitude.
KALOPSIA: the delusion of things being more beautiful than they really are.
KALON: beauty that is more than skin deep.
LACONIC: expressing much in a few words.
LACUNA: a blank space; a missing part.
LATIBULE: a hiding place, a place of safety and comfort.
LAMBENT: to glow or flicker softly. Luminous, light or brilliant.
LIMERENCE: the state of being infatuated with another person.
LONGANIMITY: still suffering while planning revenge.
LOUCHE: disreputable; morally dubious.
LUCELENCE: the state of being fine and beautiful; shining, brilliant.
LUCIFORM: resembling light in appearance; having, in some respects; the nature of qualities of light.
LUMINESCENCE: light produced by chemical, electrical or physiological means.
MALTALENT: the negative emotions of wanting injury or harm to befall someone; a hostile behavior or attitude towards someone considered an enemy.
MARMORIS: the shining surface of the ocean.
MAZARINE: a dark blue color; rich blue or reddish-blue color.
MELIORISM: the belief that the world gets better; the belief that humans can improve the world.
MÉLOMANIE: an excessive and abnormal love and deep attraction to music and melody.
MERCURIAL: subject to sudden or unpredictable changes.
MESMERIC: appealing; drawing attention.
MORDACIOUS: biting or given to biting; biting or sharp in manner; caustic; capable of wounding.
MORPHEAN: of or relating to Morpheus, to dreams, or to sleep.
MOXIE: courage, nerve, determination.
NEBULOCHAOTIC: a state of being hazy and confused.
NEFARIOUS: wicked, villainous, despicable.
NEMESISM: frustration, anger or aggression directed inward, toward oneself and one's way of living.
NERITIC: pertaining to shallow coastal waters.
NOETIC: of or associated with or requiring the use of mind.
NOIRCEUR: the state of being pitch black in color; a state of lacking illumination.
NUBIVAGANT: wandering in the air, moving through the air.
NUMINOUS: spiritual or supernatural; surpassing comprehension or understanding; mysterious.
ONEIRODYNIA: restless, disturbed sleep, characterized by nightmares and sleepwalking.
OPHIOMORMOUS: snake-like.
ORPHIC: mysterious and entrancing, beyond ordinary understanding.
PAVONINE: characteristic of a peacock; resembling the tail of a peacock; as in colors; iridescent.
PETRICHOR: the scent of rain on dry earth.
POIESIS: creation; creative power or ability.
PORPHYROUS: purple; of purple hue.
PLAXONDRY: the mix of introspective nostalgia, sadness, and calmness felt when listening vaporwave and its related genres.
PRATE: to talk excessively and pointlessly.
PROCELLOUS: tempestuous, stormy.
QUIDDITY: the essence of something.
QUIXOTIC: extravagantly chivalrous or romantic; visionary, impractical or impracticable.
RANTIPOLE: a wild, reckless young person; to be wild and reckless.
REDAMANCY: the act of loving the one who loves you; a love returned in full.
REDOLENT: having a strong distinctive fragrance; serving to bring to mind.
REMEANT: coming back, returning.
RESPLENDENT: having brilliant or glowing appearance; dazzling and impressive in appearance through being richly colorful or sumptuous.
REVERIE: a state of being pleasantly lost in one's thoughts; a daydream.
RODOMEL: juice of roses mixed with honey.
ROSEATE: rose-like; overly optimistic.
RUTILANT: glowing or glittering with red or gold light.
SANGUINEOUS: accompanied by bloodshed.
SASHAY: to strut or move about in an ostentatious or conspicuous manner.
SCIAMACHY: a battle against imaginary enemies; fighting your shadow.
SEQUACIOUS: lacking independence of originality of thought.
SERAPHIC: beautiful and pure; having a sweet nature befitting an angel or a cherub; of or relating to an angel of the first order.
SERENDIPITY: finding something good without looking for it.
SKINT: having little or no money avaliable.
SOLIVAGANT: someone who wanders or travels the world alone; a solitary adventurer.
SOMNIATE: to dream, to make sleepy.
SORTIGER: delivering prophecies of the future; having the qualities of being oracular.
STELLIFEROUS: having or abonding with stars.
STELLIFY: to transform from an earthly body into a celestial body; to place in the sky as such.
SUCCIDUOUS: ready to fall, falling.
SPUME: a white mass of bubbles or froth on the top of a wave.
SYNODIC: relating to or involving the conjunction of stars, planets or other celestial objects.
TARANTISM: the uncontrollable urge to dance.
TEMENOS: a sacred circle where no one can be oneself without fear.
THANATOPHOBIA: fear of death.
TYYNEYS: the state of peacefulness; absent of worry or fear, being composed and at ease.
ULTRAMARINE: beyond the sea; greenish-blue color.
VELLEITY: a wish or inclination not strong enough to lead to action.
VENERATION: a profound emotion inspired by a deity.
VESPERTINE: in or of the evening; setting at the same time as, or just after, the sun.
VERDANT: with plants and flowers in abundance.
VERMEIL: a liquid composition applied to a gilded surface to give luster to the gold.
VERTICORDIOUS: to turn the heart from evil.
VIOLESCENT: tending toward violet color.
VORFREUDE: the joyful anticipation that comes from imagining future pleasures.
WANDERLUST: a strong desire to travel and explore the world.
WHIST: to hush or silence; to still, to become still.
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