I would like to point out that having the main lobby be an obstacle course is probably be an accessibility issue and dangerous! Maybe a room or something could be dedicated to it, but not a main room. Where everybody has to pass by, regardless of if they actually do quadrobics.
I also want to suggest stuff on a higher level, for flying/winged therians or flying/winged beings, in general. Maybe something to do with cooking, too! Or just small places to buy snacks or food. Meat products, vegan or vegetarian ones for herbivores or those who are actually just vegetarian or vegan, snacks or candy that can be species affirming (idk, like gummy worms for some bird therians) maybe small activities in side rooms where you can have someone teach you how to make your own gear!
Imagine how fun a therian convention would be? Gear makers having booths to sell masks and ethical/faux tails. The main lobby of the con hall turned into a quadrobotics obstacle course. Panels held by veteran otherkin to share their experiences. When are we making this a thing....
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Can we talk about how inconvenient preening your wings is? Like... I can only reach so much!
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tiktok therians will say the same shit as therian haters just with "physical" in front of it.
they are gunna get a hell of a culture shock when they go on literally any other platform and see physical therians existing freely
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Maybe something like, and correct me if I get anything wrong, btw, "We're not mentally ill because of our therianthropy. It may, or may not, be caused by a pre-existing mental illness, or otherwise influenced by one, but it, itself, is not one. There are many cases of alterhumanity in neurotypical people, and many cases where ones alterhumanity and mental illnesses have little to do with each other, if anything at all."
As for the "your friend seemingly thinks that mental illness inherently means that somebody is harmful"... That's probably not something you can argue out of them, unfortunately. You can give them resources, like mental health stuff and first-person things from "mentally ill" people. The major, underlying, cause of mindsets like that is dehumanization. Stereotyping. Bias. That's not something that you can just argue out of most people. The best you can do is give resources from these "mentally ill" people, and let your friend find 'humanity' inside of these people, and common ground with them. But that relies on your friend.
You cannot make somebody think a certain way. You can give them all the resources, you can tell them the universe's secrets, but it's up to them to take that information to heart and use it. So... For that part, my best advice is trying to get them to see that mentally ill people are.. just that. People. They're not exclusively their mental illness. They have lives beyond that.
I don't think I'm mentally ill because of my Alterhumanity.
It just doesn't affect me massively or cause me harm or anything. I do have Anxiety tho, which counts as a mental illness, which influenced my Alterhumanity.
So would it count as one?
I know there isn't enough psychological research to say it is one. I also know that Tiktok therians are quite ableist and not accepting of mentally ill people.
I've always viewed it as, therianthropy can be influenced by mental illness but it's not for all and that therianthropy itself is not a mental illness. I mostly deny it because the other person is acting like being mentally ill automatically means they are harmful etc.
I'm just confused on how to explain it to people without leaving anyone out or getting things wrong?
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Question for alterhumans:
If you existed in the Pokemon universe, what do you think you would you be, instead of what you are now? Would you be the same? Different?
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You cannot convince me that N's not a therian.
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We need to embrace the 'weird' parts of therianthropy/otherhumanity
I'm sick of seeing people in the community get shamed for very real urges and feelings. I shouldn't be shamed by other therians for wanting to pee to mark my territory. I shouldn't be shamed by other vampkins for wanting to drink blood. I shouldn't be shamed for wanting to bite people as a zombiekin. I shouldn't be shamed for wanting to growl, maul, scratch, ect. It's what I feel, its me. I shouldn't be shamed for it, and neither should anybody else.
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Heck, even if they (miraculously) haven't met somebody who hasn't awakened, it's entirely possible that they could have met an alterhuman... They just didn't know.
The issue with that argument is that it relies on the idea that you can, without fail, identify 'true' alterhumans as alterhumans, in public... Which, in itself, relies on the idea that if 'true' alterhumans exist, then they'd be literal stereotypes or South Park characters, with no lives outside of being alterhuman. Essentially, creating a binary: You are either a South Park character, and a walking, deranged, stereotype with no life, nor a job, or you're faking being an alterhuman for internet points... Which is actually increasingly amusing the longer you think about it.
Like.. it relies on the ideas that beings who actually see themselves as alterhuman...
all go around wearing shirts, hats, hoodies; have tattoos; or use things like wheelchairs/canes with stickers; that all say "You think I'm human? Try again, dumbass."
wear nonhuman ears, wings, masks, tails, horns, antlers, fins, fangs, halos, claws, and more, 24/7, all days of the year. For every occasion. With full faces of makeup or face paint, accompanying their gear. It relies on the idea that objectkin and florakin go around wearing object or plant costumes, or something? It also relies on the idea that physically disabled alterhumans like.. have the weirdest, most animalistic, prosthetics you're ever seen— regardless of whether they'd actually realistically work as prosthetic limbs— or they decorate their wheelchair or cane with just as obvious shit.. or have weird glasses.. or just don't use any of that stuff because it's 'unnatural'.
all go around speaking like Scooby Doo, speaking weirdly, or interjecting random hisses, barks, growls, howls, chirps, and other animalistic sounds in our speech.. 24/7. Or we just don't speak, at all, or make noises.. or we try talking telepathically through imaginary roots or something.
all do quads or jump off of things trying to fly, again, 24/7. Or, fuck, that true objectkin, florakin, or similar, just pick a place to.. just.. awkwardly exist at. For the rest of their lives.
It all relies on the idea that if we did actually see ourselves as alterhuman, then we'd be, not only, the most cartoonish beings to have ever graced this planet, but also that we'd all be the most confident, hive-minded, stubborn, blunt, and undeterred motherfuckers who have ever lived.
Therefore, if we're not popping up on the news, 24/7, with headlines that read "Local owl-identifying teenager jumped off of the empire state building, trying to fly, last night" or "Thirteen year old who identifies as a flower dies of starvation in a forest".. or just invading their local Walmart to constantly make a fool of ourselves in public, without a phone recording then nearby.. then we 'clearly' don't actually see ourselves as nonhuman, and it's all just some weird ass internet trend-slash-roleplay.. That just ceases to exist the moment we step away from a computer or phone.
Like of course they 'haven't met' an alterhuman like that. We have actual lives. Like.. I'm sure some alterhumans do go around wearing gear in public, and, sure, many of us don't... But they don't think that it's because of basic things like social anxiety? Or fear for our safety? Or being in an unsupportive environment? They don't think that maybe, just maybe, there are other ways to visually express nonhumanity that don't rely on looking like a cartoon character? Like subtle tattoos, long nails, piercings, hair dye, or very subtle outfit decisions, like color schemes or designs on t-shirts.. things that nobody is actually going to stop, stare at, and associate with being alterhuman? They don't think that maybe some of us have jobs, where we can't be visibly nonhuman? Like.. your doctor could see themself as an elephant, but they're not gonna go in with a ponytail covering their face, mimicking an elephant's trunk. A McDonald's worker isn't likely to wear white wings, and a halo, to work. Do they not understand that there's a time and a place for everything? And a place where you have to deal with workplace shenanigans, isn't a good place for gear? That we cannot live our entire lives in gear, acting like a character that'd be the butt of the joke for an entire South Park episode?
Like... They don't think there's any actual logical reasoning as to why we aren't visibly nonhuman 100% of the time? That we do identify as alterhuman... Many just don't visibly express it in public because of a vast variety of reasons? All of which being pretty understandable?
"Being an alterhuman is an online trend I've never met one in real life!!!!!"
Honestly you probably have?
That kid who had a weird obsession with horses in kindergarten might be horsehearted or horse otherlink
That kid who hisses at people on the playground might be a cat therian
That teenager who spends all their time drawing wolves might be a wolf therian or werewolfkin
The person who only watches movies and shows about fantasy races might be fictionkin or otherkin
Or more likely there are hundreds of people whose interests don't match their alterhumanity!
Or even more likely, there are probably hundreds of people in the world who are alterhuman and have literally no idea!
You've probably met somebody who was alterhuman before, whether you knew or even if THEY knew it at the time.
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Y'know, sometimes I wonder why I'm a fallen angel. Not why I fell, but why I feel this way. I'm largely sure it's trauma related, but I don't think it's copinglink since I didn't 'choose' it. (Nor is it fully a coping mechanism.)
I dunno. Factually, it genuinely doesn't matter. I'm an angel, that's that. But that doesn't stop me from pondering.
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I hate being otherkin and incapable of drawing. Because I can never actually get to express myself, as I see myself, because I can't replicate my mental image...
But if I try describing it via text, I'mma sound like an increasingly verbose thirteen year old fanfic author on Wattpad, with the freaking "his orbs softened as he looked at me" level writing. And ain't nobody care enough about how I see myself to sit down reading all that.
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Y'know, sometimes I just wanna make an angelic language. Something I could write in, like, a diary. Something that sounds ethereal or something. But then I remember that just learning a language is difficult, much less making one.
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Exactly! And the wing emoji isn't even reliable. Like.. I can't use it on most things. I think the only places I have successfully managed to use it is on Tumblr and Discord, and it's hit-or-miss on Discord. Like, I'll sometimes use the 💫 emoji like a halo, but.. it ain't a fucking halo.
I know it has been said before, but i really wish there were more angel/angelic emojis
Like I'm sorry but "👼😇" are... not what we're looking for. The wing emoji "🪽" is the only acceptable one in our opinion?
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Maybe it's just my desire for my wings back, but I feel like the human back is so naked. Like, it's empty and blank. I don't like it.
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I feel like a lot of people are under the impression that being an angel is all radiant sunshine, tranquil clouds, and majestic wings, but it really isn't.
Being an angel is also...
Struggling with people pleasing
Struggling to consistently think for yourself
A constant struggle between listening to authority and desiring freedom
Being overly trusting or distrusting
An overwhelming desire to be helpful, which can sometimes come off as condescending
Being prone to righteous anger, hatred, grudges, and revenge
Wishing harm upon people who you think have done wrong
Feeling guilty that you wished harm against said people
Frequent moral struggles
A constant fight between "They did wrong and deserve this" and "They're suffering and nobody deserves this"
Feeling extreme shame and self-hatred when you realize that you hurt somebody or have toxic traits
Black and white thinking
A difficulty accepting criticism because it feels like an insult or statement of your worth
Having an ego or feeling like the pinnacle of morality (even if you factually know you're not)
And so much more
I'm not saying that you can't enjoy angelhood, or that is angels (fallen or not) are always miserable or toxic, but rather that angels, like any other being, are flawed and imperfect. It's not always pretty or sanitized.
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Seriously, if somebody asks you to call it by it/its, then using those pronouns isn't disrespectful.
can we please be fucking nice to it/its users
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That angelic urge to wrap yourself in your own wings, only to remember that you don't have them, anymore.
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Same, but.. like.. I'm not artistic enough to make it myself.
Where is the angel gear
no really where is it i want to have physical wings!! and stuff. ideally at a reasonable price.
Yes I have my wings that i can feel but it's not the same you get me?
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