error606notfound · 2 years
Characterizing Genshin Characters!!
May write multiple parts for this, but here is my idea of what these people would be like in relationships in order to write better fanfics for them!
he would totally be the asshole-ish but amazing boyfriend
definitely a bit more like a lot cynical, but still is a hopeless romantic deep down, would absolutely never admit that
top love languages for him, receiving wise, would definitely be physical touch, maybe words of affirmation and quality time too?? but physical touch is the most important for him
SUCH a touchy boyfriend!!!
he’s the type that would buy you gifts for no reason other than it reminded you of him, or you mentioned wanting something in passing
very much “oh, you said you really liked green and I noticed your dress had a tear, and I saw this emerald dress in a window and decided to buy it for you! it’s no big deal, my love!”
however,, his main toxic trait would definitely be thinking that money can fix his wrongdoings
I can so see him leaving you a satchel bursting with mora after getting into a huge fight with a note to get something nice for yourself, and that he’s sorry
has a really hard time just saying sorry, this dude is a total man's man and already struggled with showing vulnerability before the abyss incident, he is so inept emotionally
hopefully you can change that in him, that's why words of affirmation would be a possibility for one of his love languages because he would have a hard time believing you at first but even hearing that you’re there for him no matter what would help him a lot
has such a hard time opening up though, honestly a defense mechanism at this point
he’s been around so many people and enemies that would use those vulnerable emotions against him that he sometimes lies about the littlest things because his immediate thought is that it’ll be used against him or even worse, someone else will find out he opens up to you and use you against him
man has a lot of enemies
however, he keeps you safe and would obviously kill anyone who looks at his darling in any way he or you don’t like
may or may not come back into your home at ungodly hours of the morning covered in blood if he finds out anyone was harassing you about anything
"oh, this? it's nothing, my angel, I just decided to go late-night hunting for pigs! <3" ...Ajax, honey, we know it's winter and there are no pigs out in the wild right now... anyways-
he is also most definitely the kind of guy who would make jabs at you (lovingly of course) for not being able to do something, before taking it over from you like you can just say you wanna help me cook, I know how to chop carrots for soup
"wow, good thing I was here, huh honey? your poor little dainty hands can't even chop some potatoes?" he definitely has a shit-eating grin on his face as he wraps his arms around you and takes over, I very much see him loving a calm domestic life
man definitely wants a big family, he just sees his work with the fatui as a hurdle to cross before he can safely have one
would absolutely be a dumbass and challenge you on every tiny little thing
"I bet I can drink this scalding hot tea faster than you" "I bet I can chop these vegetables faster than you" "I bet I can slurp the loudest while we eat this ramen"
this is of course an excuse to win and get a kith kith from you when he does
if he loses though, he will either absolutely expect you to steal a kiss from him (and be lowkey smug about it if you do, but if you don't and choose literally anything not involving him as a prize he would absolutely pout about it)
also, if you can fight, he will duel you and actually take that as a challenge seriously
not to the point of hurting you but his normal smug demeanor is toned way down until he's got you pinned or vice versa, then he lets himself have a little more fun with the situation
in his mind, how much is he really worth if he can't prove that he can protect his beloved at any time, even against themselves?
he'll let you win here and there, of course maybe
I can also see him being really into formal dancing for some reason?? i feel like he would want to be really well rounded as a whole, would feel pride in being a jack of all trades, not to mention an opportunity to sweep you off your feet?? he'll take it any day of course
would also be the best at making hot dishes, since he would cook for his siblings at home, and Snezhnaya is mad cold, so of course when the weather gets colder around you guys he makes bomb ass hot cocoa and amazing soups
he would be such a softie all around, unlike Tartaglia, this man is super in tune with his emotions
would definitely have touch and words of affirmation tied for his love languages, he would absolutely love if you read him poems while combing your fingers through his hair, laying on your lap and watching the stars go by under the shimmering night sky
I think he would be hard to get into a relationship with at first
he's super in tune with his emotions but I can see him being completely oblivious to those of others
you would have to pretty much point blank shout at him that you're in love with him for him to be like "oh... really?"
gets much easier once you're together though, he eventually figures out how you tick and knows your emotions almost as well as his own
would definitely want to explore the world with you, he would almost insist that you both get a boat together and live as nomads once you're serious about the relationship
he would very much be a calm, relaxed and laid-back type of partner, it would take a lot for him to get angry, and he would rather just talk it out before it even gets to that point?? he understands negative emotions are unavoidable but he hates seeing you upset, and hates even more being upset at you
i feel as though his only toxic trait would be not knowing when to leave you alone if you're quick to anger or lashing out
he seems like the type to be more caught up in fixing the issue before thinking that you might need space to think things through
which is a little ironic because I can see him immediately needing to go for a walk if you are the one to make him upset
overall though he would be one of the best people when it comes to openness and communication
not to mention fighting would be so rare while with kazuha
would absolutely call you the cutest pet names, definitely inspired by his hometown and poetry he knows you like
I also feel like kazuha can dance quite well, but not in a ballroom sense like childe, more like the dance during the festival scenes in Tangled; just super free and fun dancing, he probably learned it while he was on the crux honestly
kazuha would definitely be the type of partner to make you come out of your shell and try new things, how could you say no when his eyes are so sincere?
his whole aura just radiates assuredness and sincerity, you feel like you can do anything when you're around him
he's not much of a family man, simply just not thinking too much about it. his life has been so hectic and he just doesn't see the nomadic lifestyle as one to bring a child into, but if you happen to get pregnant/find a child that needs a home, he would absolutely kill being a dad
he would encourage a child to follow their dreams to whatever extent they need to, and assuming you fight too, you would both train him in the art of fighting as well as poetry
lets be real, you guys would do a great job raising a kid together, especially if you're a little more grounded to counteract kazuha's carefree nature
Hu Tao
oh my gosh she would literally be the funniest person to date ever, you cannot change my mind
she has a bit of a hard time in her profession, especially when hearing what others think of her, but she powers through it, attributing it all to her admittedly grotesque career
I feel like her biggest love language would be acts of service? she knows its a little hard being around someone who's so excited about death, so she definitely goes out of her way to show you she's still happy being on the mortal plane with you <3
would purposely do things to freak you out, like the pranking queen she is
you can expect to have her jump out from a dark corner of your room after you're out the shower, making you almost become a customer on the spot
her toxic trait would probably be not knowing when to take what you're saying seriously, whether it's on purpose or accidentally
I can see her kinda blowing off what you say whenever you get concerned for her in her career, or whenever she makes you a little too fearful with her talking about death like it's nothing
if you can match her energy and philosophy on life and death though, it wouldn't be too big of an obstacle in that aspect
she would totally offer to take you with her when she's working with spirits, if you're not too bothered by it or once you've gotten a little more used to her career
you would absolutely wake up in the middle of the night to find her out of bed, and you would find her in the lobby of the funeral parlor working on a cadaver that needs to be prepared soon
absolutely endearing how into her job she is, and how much care she puts into making sure people are sent to the afterlife as respectfully and perfectly as possible
she'll "joke" about hoping she's alive longer than you to make sure your funeral is perfect as well, and you're just like "my love, my dear, I appreciate the thought, but please don't-"
she'll offer to teach you the practices since you're around so often, and let's be real, a lot of people are put off by you dating her anyways considering her career, so it would definitely be the easiest job to get
also more time around your girlfriend?? who is adorably passionate about her job?? who could turn that down
you would definitely end up running the parlor as her right hand, and then tease her with the same dark jokes she did with you as well
"oh so it's funny when you joke about putting me in the coffin, but I can't joke about wanting to give my wonderful girlfriend a perfect ritual too?"
jk she would find it absolutely adorable that you would want to ensure a good passing for her too
wow that's a lot more death than i anticipated writing about for her but its definitely in character
she is such a passionate person in every aspect of her life though, and it shows in everything she does
I feel like the most she would ever fight about is her job, but other than that she isn't the type to confront others, and her happy-go-lucky demeanor prevents a lot of fights from happening at all
you just can't be mad at someone so adorable honestly
since I mentioned dancing with the other two, might as well add it in here; hu tao CANNOT dance. at all. but she loves doing it!!
she would totally take you to parties with her, and drag you on the dance floor doing the worst moves you've ever seen
you honestly debate whether she's just joking or not before she tries getting you to do the cringey moves with her too like please tell me I'm not alone in thinking she would get on the floor and do fornite dances or some dumb shit oh my god
"babe cmon do the orange justice with me"
your face is just red and you're like "hu tao, darling, please let's just get off the floor, we can start taking lessons together-"
she absolutely refuses though, that takes all the fun out of it!!
it grows on you though, as does a lot of the things she does
she also strikes me as the type to purposely do things just for shock value, nothing mean but just odd things
like milk before cereal odd
you would wake up in the morning and catch her cooking an egg in a ladle or something and you're just standing, horrified as she laughs so hard she drops the whole thing and nearly burns her foot
she just is naturally so funny you can't even be mad at her ridiculous antics, they're just as endearing to you as her passion for her job
your life will be full of laughter with this one, you'll probably have abs after the first month of dating as long as her humor is on-brand for you
slight NSFW, she would also make the dumbest jokes while doing the dirty
ALSO she would absolutely be a sucker for hand holding
i feel like she can be kind of touchy but the place she loves you touching the most are her hands, she just loves when you trace circles with your thumb on her knuckles while holding it
or just holding her hand and tracing along the little lines in her palm
bonus points if you crack a joke about palm reading while doing that
"i see.. a super sexy and cool partner in your future"
"aw really? I was hoping you'd see us kissing.. haha jk... unless-"
buying her rings is also the key to her heart
she would literally always wear the one you got her, no matter what
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