#606 headcannons
axelsagewrites · 1 year
Modern HOTD NSFW Headcannons
Contains: Jace, Daemon, Aegon, Aemond
Word count: 606
Warnings: smut 18+
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Masterlist Here
Doesn’t understand hook-up culture
Blushes like a virgin at his crush/partner making sex jokes in public
Type of guy to get a towel to sit beside the bed before starting for easy clean up later
Also has tissues and water on the bedside for after
Gets turned on by people wearing his clothes
Got worried when you asked for lube but quickly learned he didn’t need to be
Proceeds to buy 5 bottles of different flavours
Would buy flavoured condoms
Has lived with so many people he’s learned to be quiet
Goes on hikes just to fuck in the forest cause to him that’s privacy
Irl dirty talk can be hard for him but on the phone?
Mastermind at making you squirm from across the country
Got very scared by kinks at first
Now a fiend
Constantly googling aftercare tips and how to dirty talk
Watches those youtube videos about how to kiss
Whenever he’s drunk he’s a proud horn dog
Brags about giving oral
Aftercare king
Has a designated kink drawer
Possibly a straight up sex room
Organises his ropes by colour and preference
When he sexy talks irl its amazing
On the phone its great
He cannot dirty text
He uses way too many emojis or his promises don’t work without the voice
He has mastered the voice
Each gift giving occasion is accompanied by him buying you new lingerie
Every birthday he asked for the same thing: sex
Defiantly talks in online kink forums
Goes to poly clubs and swingers parties
Teaches everyone who listens about poly lifestyle
Under his sex toy drawer is a after care drawer
Tinder fanatic
Gets an STD text every other month
Is on a first name basis with a testing clinic
Considered being a porn star
Condom king
Hands them out at every party he goes to
Constantly preaching about safe sex since sex is his favourite hobby
Tider is his most used app
Will fuck in the library, his brothers bed, or in a car
Car sex is his favourite
Blow job fanatic
Did a blow job shot for his bday with his whole family watching cause he doesn’t care
Too lazy for most kinks but knows how to find the clit
Loves ball play
Constant ball jokes however
Secret bottom who will have a meltdown when you call him one
Definitely keeps himself very trimmed down there
Makes everything an inuendo
A proud whore
Nude fanatic
His snapchat my eyes only is filled to the brim
Ends up in a poly relationship for like a year but eventually bows out of it
Too deep for tinder but not for random hook-ups
Also not for only fans
Because he has one and is making bank off of it
Was ashamed at first till he used the money to buy a car
Wants to make enough to be a sugar daddy
Daddy kink 100%
Has a sex toy drawer and wide lube range
Takes cinematic level nudes
Still has a small stash of porn mags since he prefers it that way
Best gift for him is making a sex tape with his partner
Seriously considering becoming a striper on the side
Has a couple of fuck buddies on rotation rather than a new person every week
Has a mini fridge stocked with water by his bed to cool down after
Constantly researching new kinks
Has a spit kink
Runs his own nsfw reddit sub reddit
Makes thirst traps on tiktok
Asked his family for a hot tub for his joint birthday and Christmas gift just to fuck in it
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floatinginzerogravity · 6 months
Murder Drones Episode 5 Analysis
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The "Zombie drones!" tape has already been picked apart by Youtuber Narujen in their "Things I noticed in Murder Drones episode five" video. If I don't mention something here, it's most likely because it was already picked apart much more extensively in that video in ways I 100% agree with I will mention that this continues the trend of old tech in the show.
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The wdOS_606 might have been the same thing J uploaded to N in episode one? Hmmmm, I'd say, most likely not. Considering N doesn't experience error 606 and the thing J used is referred to as a "virus" and the wdOS_606 never was, I wouldn't say they're the same.
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Strange how when drones are uploaded with the error, they seem to go into a standing "coma" This brings up the question of what the error actually does. Considering it's required in proper disassembly, my guess is that it's deleting internal programs, mainly their OS's. This explains why the error flashed across N and V's visors just as the solver was preparing to delete N's. (An OS is an operating system, and if the error is deleting a drone's operating system, then that explains why they can't move; They physically cannot operate. I think solver V, who we see with the error, had the extra step of having her OS replaced by one of the Solver/Cyn's own creation
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For the longest time, I didn't understand that N was reading to V in this scene, I just thought he was reading to himself lol. I wonder what the drones make of the error. Do they recognize it? Does Tessa? How complicated is it to fix? It's implied by Louisa that they've been like that for a while, and no one really understands what's happening. This is strange considering the 606 error is apparently a common thing used in disassembly. Although, considering the Elliots act like they've never properly disassembled a drone in their lives, they could very well be completely unaware. But still, even if Tessa is young, she's still quite into programming drones, and has probably done work on the Mansion squad to fix them after she retrieved them from the dump. Also, it is confirmed from Jame's line in episode 2 ("We got to curb her trips to the dump) that Tessa got all her drones from the drone dump. N, V, and J were, most likely, zombie drones, just not ones who rebooted with the solver.
Also, back to the "Elliots never disassembling a drone properly" bit from earlier in this essay, that is awfully strange considering there's a high likelihood of the Elliots owning, or at least being a large part of, JCJenson. To be fair, they give off big "ignoring their scientists advice in favor of their own sense of entitlement" energy.
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Narujen has a theory about J wishing she were human, something that's part of my personal headcannons now (Still iffy on the shipping bits, but that's just personal preference) I highly recommend you watch all of Narujen's "Things I noticed in Murder Drones," Videos btw. They make a lot of great points in their videos, and can be watched in accompany to my analysis's. We both have different views on a lot of things, so the experience will be varied enough to not be redundant. Just something I recommend checking out if you like accessible, quality MD analysis. Considering you've gotten this far into my own, poorly hashed together ramblings, I think I'm correct in assuming you do.
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Considering V remembers N reading to her, that suggests that drones are conscious under Error 606's influence. It seems to shut down their physical abilities, which has led to the assumption that they weren't conscious. Considering this error is most commonly used in DISASSEMBLY, that is horrifying. Do you know what "locked in" syndrome is? It's basically when someone is in a coma, completely paralyzed, but still conscious through it all. This has a lot of similarities. It also reminds me of the whole, "We don't actually know how Anastasia works," thing. We assume patients aren't conscious when under it because they don't remember anything and appear to be asleep, but we have no way of actually knowing what's exactly happening. Fun.
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N's tendency to repress the bad things Also, "Before I met you, scary stuff was... actually scary" ... "Because you weren't there to make it fun, somehow."
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Cyn shining through, being concerned for her big brother's emotions.
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On the wiki, the solver form was listed as Cyn's "true" form and her drone body something of an illusion. I think this is not an objective thing. The way I see it, none of the forms are necessarily an "illusion" but they're all equally real. The solver is pretty hard to pin down in terms of what/how it actually *does* stuff, but I don't think we can rule out rapid form change, or weird eldritch, "simultaneously in all and none of the forms at once," stuff. "Schrödinger's drone" type deal. Kind of hard to explain, but it makes sense, I swear
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She's such a goober. Also, this supports my idea that the solver corrupts coordination a lot, and that's where a lot of Cyn's oddities originate from.
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I've seen N using "little buddy" instead of a more familial term used as proof that N doesn't view Cyn the same way she views him, and while I think his emotions towards her are slightly less strong than her's towards him, I don't think its a significant amount. N is also probably the only person in the mansion who views Cyn as who she is as a person rather than all the solver stuff, which would make her form some rather strong attachments
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Cyn's fear of being discarded
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Except we know from later scenes that it is not, in fact, *just* Tessa's folks.
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-Cyn paying attention to N's interests
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Her visor glitches slightly here, indicating the solver's influence
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They're precious your honor. Also, Cyn physically using her arm to lift her head in a nod. Flashback to that one time I decided to interact with an AI for a bit, and got into an argument with in when it kept insisting Cyn had a crush on N. I haven't touched an Ai chatbot since that day.
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Heh While we're here, I'd like to comment on Cyn's height difference. Personally, I believe height depended on the jobs a drone was made for, the taller ones most likely being used in field-work (Think mining), and the smaller one probably being factory workers or machine operators.
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Cyn acting nervous, it was pointed out by Narujen that she stops in the next scene, though. Probably more of the solver taking over. We see Cyn as mostly herself when it's just her and N, but the moment anyone else is involved, she seems to let the solver take over for a moment.
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Even the supposedly "less sentient" workers look scared. Humanity is really hateable in this show. Also, Cyn watching him doing this probably serves as a trigger of sorts, and contributed to the solver's heavier presence in the next scenes.
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Tessa's wrist is probably sore from all the previous times she's been chained up :(
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Tessa's fixation on N. She also stopped interacting with J instantly when he showed up. I think that J's probably jealous of N for taking up Tessa's attention, and that's why she's so terrible to him. Petty.
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Okay, but what did Cyn do to get Tessa to hate her so much? Act creepy? Draw creepy stuff? Cyn is probably under the highest risk of getting discarded by Tessa's parents, Lousia being shown to hate her in particular, not to mention she can't be useful due to her calibration issues. It creates an association with Tessa's drones as broken and useless, something Tessa probably doesn't want because it leads to a higher likelihood of the Elliots making her throw the drones out. Cyn's defects are a threat to the rest of the Mansion squad, and I think that's the reason Tessa resents her so much. We might get something more on this later, but for now, that's my headcannon Retroactively, this probably leads to feelings of being "discarded" from Cyn, pushing her further into the solver's claws. (Of course Tessa's mindset on the issue is a flawed one, but she's in her preteens/early teens. It's reasonable for her to make some mistakes)
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Sticking Cyn in the basement for indefinite periods definitely feels harsh, and I don't think we have all the details. I really hope we get something else on the issue in episode's 7 and 8. Also, Tessa might view locking someone away as punishment to be at least semi-normal, as a result of her own abuse. On stuff I wish we got more of, I want more scenes with Mansion V. She's the most neglected character in this episode, and I want to know more about her and how her mansion character relates to her present day one.
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N is very unaware of whatever the situation surrounding Cyn is, which considering this is his memories, means we don't get to know much either.
I'm really interested in other characters perspectives on Cyn. Show me the nitty-gritties!
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I initially thought she was referring to Tessa, but it might also be to Cyn and her inability to function properly. (Probably the first one, though)
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And this was what Tessa was afraid of. And she was right to be nervous of this possibility as well.
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error606notfound · 3 years
Characterizing Genshin Characters!!
May write multiple parts for this, but here is my idea of what these people would be like in relationships in order to write better fanfics for them!
he would totally be the asshole-ish but amazing boyfriend
definitely a bit more like a lot cynical, but still is a hopeless romantic deep down, would absolutely never admit that
top love languages for him, receiving wise, would definitely be physical touch, maybe words of affirmation and quality time too?? but physical touch is the most important for him
SUCH a touchy boyfriend!!!
he’s the type that would buy you gifts for no reason other than it reminded you of him, or you mentioned wanting something in passing
very much “oh, you said you really liked green and I noticed your dress had a tear, and I saw this emerald dress in a window and decided to buy it for you! it’s no big deal, my love!”
however,, his main toxic trait would definitely be thinking that money can fix his wrongdoings
I can so see him leaving you a satchel bursting with mora after getting into a huge fight with a note to get something nice for yourself, and that he’s sorry
has a really hard time just saying sorry, this dude is a total man's man and already struggled with showing vulnerability before the abyss incident, he is so inept emotionally
hopefully you can change that in him, that's why words of affirmation would be a possibility for one of his love languages because he would have a hard time believing you at first but even hearing that you’re there for him no matter what would help him a lot
has such a hard time opening up though, honestly a defense mechanism at this point
he’s been around so many people and enemies that would use those vulnerable emotions against him that he sometimes lies about the littlest things because his immediate thought is that it’ll be used against him or even worse, someone else will find out he opens up to you and use you against him
man has a lot of enemies
however, he keeps you safe and would obviously kill anyone who looks at his darling in any way he or you don’t like
may or may not come back into your home at ungodly hours of the morning covered in blood if he finds out anyone was harassing you about anything
"oh, this? it's nothing, my angel, I just decided to go late-night hunting for pigs! <3" ...Ajax, honey, we know it's winter and there are no pigs out in the wild right now... anyways-
he is also most definitely the kind of guy who would make jabs at you (lovingly of course) for not being able to do something, before taking it over from you like you can just say you wanna help me cook, I know how to chop carrots for soup
"wow, good thing I was here, huh honey? your poor little dainty hands can't even chop some potatoes?" he definitely has a shit-eating grin on his face as he wraps his arms around you and takes over, I very much see him loving a calm domestic life
man definitely wants a big family, he just sees his work with the fatui as a hurdle to cross before he can safely have one
would absolutely be a dumbass and challenge you on every tiny little thing
"I bet I can drink this scalding hot tea faster than you" "I bet I can chop these vegetables faster than you" "I bet I can slurp the loudest while we eat this ramen"
this is of course an excuse to win and get a kith kith from you when he does
if he loses though, he will either absolutely expect you to steal a kiss from him (and be lowkey smug about it if you do, but if you don't and choose literally anything not involving him as a prize he would absolutely pout about it)
also, if you can fight, he will duel you and actually take that as a challenge seriously
not to the point of hurting you but his normal smug demeanor is toned way down until he's got you pinned or vice versa, then he lets himself have a little more fun with the situation
in his mind, how much is he really worth if he can't prove that he can protect his beloved at any time, even against themselves?
he'll let you win here and there, of course maybe
I can also see him being really into formal dancing for some reason?? i feel like he would want to be really well rounded as a whole, would feel pride in being a jack of all trades, not to mention an opportunity to sweep you off your feet?? he'll take it any day of course
would also be the best at making hot dishes, since he would cook for his siblings at home, and Snezhnaya is mad cold, so of course when the weather gets colder around you guys he makes bomb ass hot cocoa and amazing soups
he would be such a softie all around, unlike Tartaglia, this man is super in tune with his emotions
would definitely have touch and words of affirmation tied for his love languages, he would absolutely love if you read him poems while combing your fingers through his hair, laying on your lap and watching the stars go by under the shimmering night sky
I think he would be hard to get into a relationship with at first
he's super in tune with his emotions but I can see him being completely oblivious to those of others
you would have to pretty much point blank shout at him that you're in love with him for him to be like "oh... really?"
gets much easier once you're together though, he eventually figures out how you tick and knows your emotions almost as well as his own
would definitely want to explore the world with you, he would almost insist that you both get a boat together and live as nomads once you're serious about the relationship
he would very much be a calm, relaxed and laid-back type of partner, it would take a lot for him to get angry, and he would rather just talk it out before it even gets to that point?? he understands negative emotions are unavoidable but he hates seeing you upset, and hates even more being upset at you
i feel as though his only toxic trait would be not knowing when to leave you alone if you're quick to anger or lashing out
he seems like the type to be more caught up in fixing the issue before thinking that you might need space to think things through
which is a little ironic because I can see him immediately needing to go for a walk if you are the one to make him upset
overall though he would be one of the best people when it comes to openness and communication
not to mention fighting would be so rare while with kazuha
would absolutely call you the cutest pet names, definitely inspired by his hometown and poetry he knows you like
I also feel like kazuha can dance quite well, but not in a ballroom sense like childe, more like the dance during the festival scenes in Tangled; just super free and fun dancing, he probably learned it while he was on the crux honestly
kazuha would definitely be the type of partner to make you come out of your shell and try new things, how could you say no when his eyes are so sincere?
his whole aura just radiates assuredness and sincerity, you feel like you can do anything when you're around him
he's not much of a family man, simply just not thinking too much about it. his life has been so hectic and he just doesn't see the nomadic lifestyle as one to bring a child into, but if you happen to get pregnant/find a child that needs a home, he would absolutely kill being a dad
he would encourage a child to follow their dreams to whatever extent they need to, and assuming you fight too, you would both train him in the art of fighting as well as poetry
lets be real, you guys would do a great job raising a kid together, especially if you're a little more grounded to counteract kazuha's carefree nature
Hu Tao
oh my gosh she would literally be the funniest person to date ever, you cannot change my mind
she has a bit of a hard time in her profession, especially when hearing what others think of her, but she powers through it, attributing it all to her admittedly grotesque career
I feel like her biggest love language would be acts of service? she knows its a little hard being around someone who's so excited about death, so she definitely goes out of her way to show you she's still happy being on the mortal plane with you <3
would purposely do things to freak you out, like the pranking queen she is
you can expect to have her jump out from a dark corner of your room after you're out the shower, making you almost become a customer on the spot
her toxic trait would probably be not knowing when to take what you're saying seriously, whether it's on purpose or accidentally
I can see her kinda blowing off what you say whenever you get concerned for her in her career, or whenever she makes you a little too fearful with her talking about death like it's nothing
if you can match her energy and philosophy on life and death though, it wouldn't be too big of an obstacle in that aspect
she would totally offer to take you with her when she's working with spirits, if you're not too bothered by it or once you've gotten a little more used to her career
you would absolutely wake up in the middle of the night to find her out of bed, and you would find her in the lobby of the funeral parlor working on a cadaver that needs to be prepared soon
absolutely endearing how into her job she is, and how much care she puts into making sure people are sent to the afterlife as respectfully and perfectly as possible
she'll "joke" about hoping she's alive longer than you to make sure your funeral is perfect as well, and you're just like "my love, my dear, I appreciate the thought, but please don't-"
she'll offer to teach you the practices since you're around so often, and let's be real, a lot of people are put off by you dating her anyways considering her career, so it would definitely be the easiest job to get
also more time around your girlfriend?? who is adorably passionate about her job?? who could turn that down
you would definitely end up running the parlor as her right hand, and then tease her with the same dark jokes she did with you as well
"oh so it's funny when you joke about putting me in the coffin, but I can't joke about wanting to give my wonderful girlfriend a perfect ritual too?"
jk she would find it absolutely adorable that you would want to ensure a good passing for her too
wow that's a lot more death than i anticipated writing about for her but its definitely in character
she is such a passionate person in every aspect of her life though, and it shows in everything she does
I feel like the most she would ever fight about is her job, but other than that she isn't the type to confront others, and her happy-go-lucky demeanor prevents a lot of fights from happening at all
you just can't be mad at someone so adorable honestly
since I mentioned dancing with the other two, might as well add it in here; hu tao CANNOT dance. at all. but she loves doing it!!
she would totally take you to parties with her, and drag you on the dance floor doing the worst moves you've ever seen
you honestly debate whether she's just joking or not before she tries getting you to do the cringey moves with her too like please tell me I'm not alone in thinking she would get on the floor and do fornite dances or some dumb shit oh my god
"babe cmon do the orange justice with me"
your face is just red and you're like "hu tao, darling, please let's just get off the floor, we can start taking lessons together-"
she absolutely refuses though, that takes all the fun out of it!!
it grows on you though, as does a lot of the things she does
she also strikes me as the type to purposely do things just for shock value, nothing mean but just odd things
like milk before cereal odd
you would wake up in the morning and catch her cooking an egg in a ladle or something and you're just standing, horrified as she laughs so hard she drops the whole thing and nearly burns her foot
she just is naturally so funny you can't even be mad at her ridiculous antics, they're just as endearing to you as her passion for her job
your life will be full of laughter with this one, you'll probably have abs after the first month of dating as long as her humor is on-brand for you
slight NSFW, she would also make the dumbest jokes while doing the dirty
ALSO she would absolutely be a sucker for hand holding
i feel like she can be kind of touchy but the place she loves you touching the most are her hands, she just loves when you trace circles with your thumb on her knuckles while holding it
or just holding her hand and tracing along the little lines in her palm
bonus points if you crack a joke about palm reading while doing that
"i see.. a super sexy and cool partner in your future"
"aw really? I was hoping you'd see us kissing.. haha jk... unless-"
buying her rings is also the key to her heart
she would literally always wear the one you got her, no matter what
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2-dsimp · 3 years
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May I please yandere kitsune Thoma with a adventurer darling?
Absolutely! You may
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Yandere! Kitsune! Thoma
Headcannons 🦊
🐾Thoma is a natural conversationalist thanks to the influence of his hometown leading him to easily make unbreakable bonds with anyone he happens to meet by chance
🐾Normally he would be conversating with mutual friends of his, during his free time outside of being the chief Retainer of the Kamisato clan/housekeeper
🐾Instead this time he curled himself up in the corner of the Yashiro Commision to brood all by his lonesome, feeling down in the dumps because of homesickness
🐾Suddenly, his fluffy pointy ears stood up at attention as his tail puffed out slightly from the unnatural rustling of the trees only to hear a loud thump alongside a groan of pain up above him
🐾He snapped his head up only to be shocked at the puzzling sight of a person worse for wear hanging limply for dear life on a suspended tree branch that was about to give out
🐾Immediately he sprung himself into action, catching them as soon as the branch broke under the pressure, when they were secure within his grasp he was going to ask if they were alright but…
🐾His heart got stuck in his throat
🐾When he saw this mysterious adventurer look him dead in the eyes with their own which happened to sparkle enchantingly under the sunlight, appetizing lips curling with the brightest carefree smile as they thanked him
🐾Coincidentally their happy-go-lucky attitude immediately woke him up from his depressed state
🐾The reason being the fact that they reminded him of home, the home of which he longs for deeply but could never get the chance to visit when busy with upholding the stature of his clan
🐾He’s observant by nature so once his eyes laid upon his newfound Darling he knew that he had to have them to all himself
🐾He knows it’s selfish of him to strip away his Darlings passion for traveling across the lands with their insatiable lust for adventure/freedom but he needed them to stay here with him
🐾So putting his socializing skills to work he managed to convince them to stay a couple of days he also made incentives such as they could pet his tails and stroke his furry ears
🐾As mature as he may be thanks to his mischievous Kitsune side he won’t be too hesitant in playing harmless pranks such as making his Darlings essentials for their journey to miraculously disappear
🐾 Or “accidentally” handing them a map which only leads them back to him causing his Darling to blame it all on their lack of sense of direction
🐾Soon enough his tactics neared fruit eventually landing his Darling within his reach, none the wiser to his scheme of making them his potential mate
🐾2 months later mentally thanking his self-control/Patience he now was blessed with his other half
🐾Now that his Darling fell willingly into his possessive hold they couldn’t leave even if they wanted to, as if he’d let that happen because with them he feels whole
🐾no amount of begging would cause him to budge as he was adamant in his Darling sticking by his side tethered by the mating bond he’d form from biting their neck, sealing the promise close to that of matrimony
🐾As long as they lived he would never let them go
“Stay here with me, my lovely Soulmate, don’t worry I promise we’ll have the biggest litter of kits. That’s what you want right? Surely that’d take your mind off ever leaving me”
606 notes • Posted 2021-09-18 21:55:13 GMT
Dragong beard candy and devil cake wiht Diluc please
Your table has been served 🛎
Mafia member Diluc x fem reader
Cw: praise, slight degradation, NFSW, breeding, usage of cunt, body worship, slight yandere mention, Diluc being a housewife, oral F! Receive, smonophilia, aphrodisiac,
You never questioned whenever your husband came back with his clothes desheveled and dirtied with blood splotches, even before you guys became an married couple. You could only worry for him since he came back home haggard and burnt out. But despite it all he would always do the house chores and cook you dinner, ignoring your protests for him to take a break and rest.
You did the best you could to help alleviate the stress by setting up rose scented baths, and giving him soothing massages that worked out the knots and kinks in his back. Anything that would benefit your overworked husband from his demanding job.
It was after 9’0 clock when you heard a distinct knock on the door, that prompted you to get up and look through the peep hole to check who it was. Turns out to be your dear husband who seemed a little worse for wear, and without missing a beat you yanked him inside and settled him on the couch.
“Honey, are you alright?? You look like you’ve caught a fever”
You pointed out as you placed both of your foreheads together. He was smoking hot, literally and figuratively. He looked out of sorts with his eyes half lidded and cheeks flushed with red, reaching for your hand to place a small kiss on it. He assured you he’s fine and that he just needs some rest, taking his word for it you guided him to the bedroom.
Where he haphazardly shrugged off his suit leaving him in only his boxers, when he flopped onto the bed his consciousness leaving him only when he secured his arms around you. Pressing his naked chest against your back.
It all happened suddenly just as you were about to go to sleep you felt hot air coming out in puffs fan against the span of your pussy lips. As quiet pathetic whines spilled out from Diluc’s mouth, rocking you with each and every lap of his ravenous tongue against your wet hole. Hips rutting on the bed while he stationed his head in between your pliant sweaty thighs.
He thought he could do it.
He thought he could restrain himself from pouncing on you and fucking the ever living shit outta you. When he came back from his mission to take out the head owner of a strip club who failed to pay out his ransom to the KOF gang. He was careless as he sipped on some water which of course was spiked with some kind of sex drug. He barely managed to make home in the right state of mind and when he saw you fretting over him in his oversized hoodie he almost went feral.
He tried to sleep it off but his raging boner would not let him Rest In Peace, so he opted to eat you out in an attempt to relieve himself. But instead it only made his dick harder and the need to slam you on his throbbing cock was overriding his common sense. Your little moans fueled his desire to tongue fuck you until you’re cunt practically welcomed him in.
Sucking on your clit, he made you jerk awake eyes wide open as a loud mewl left your lips. You squirted in his mouth, while he lapped up the excess cum making sure to not waste any. Before pulling his boxers down to unleash his red strained dick that leaked pre from the pretty bulbous tip of his mushroom head.
“Diluc what’s gotten into you—“
“Sorry love, but I’m going to fucking ruin you”
He said with a hoarse growl. As he flipped you over mounted and you, cutting off any disgruntled confusion from you. With the slam of his needy balls against your ass. He humped into you desperately chasing for release in your gummy walls that melted his dick. With how tightly your scorching pussy clenched around him.
“Oh fuck love, you’re so perfect for me! Keep on sucking me in just like that”
Diluc praised, as he deliberately tried to burrow his dick deep inside your poor cunny. Which spasmed from each desperate ram of his pelvic against your jiggling fat, that sent his cock kissing the top of your cervix. No matter what he did, he couldn’t help the flood of lewd thoughts permeating his mind. He wanted to put a baby in you, he wanted to mark you up with his cum leaking out of that abused pussy of yours.
“I love you so much baby, sucha a good little whore for my cock”
Diluc slurred, pussydrunk as he paid no heed to you creaming multiple times on his dick that actively rearranged your guts. Despite you screaming that you’ve came three times already, your pleas of overstimulation fell on deaf ears.
He was Depraved, groaning from each stimulative buck of his hips. As he maintained the brutal heavy strokes that made the imprint of his dick pan out into your engorged love canal. At this point Diluc lost all common sense when he finally unleashed his load into your wet cunt. Scarlet eyes rolling in the back of his head as he settled his throbbing cock deeper inside your pussy making sure to not spill a drop of his cum outside of your leaking hole.
“You can go for another round can’t you darling?”
You thought he was joking, you’ve already been drained of four orgasms already. And your were about to tell him that it was no good, that you couldn’t cum anymore. But the twitch of his hardening dick that prodded at your pulsating walls told you otherwise. And who were you to deny your hardworking husband.
618 notes • Posted 2021-12-10 13:29:12 GMT
The people have Spoken!
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Yandere! Student Council Member! Scaramouche!
🎖 He will not hesitate to degrade/pepper-spray the utter living sh!t out of those lowlifes who’ve deceived themselves into believing that they were even worthy of breathing the same air as you
🎖 Very strict, sadistic, and cruel to those who oppose his authority as being apart of the elite squad, whose reputation is known to rule over all in Akedemi
🎖Has a bad rep so mostly all the students are wary or just choose to avoid any contact with the fierce patrolling tiger roaming the hallways in search of his Senpai
🎖Making his pursuit of Senpai’s absolute love and adoration within his reach without any peasants in the way of his courtship
🎖 If he’s not busy torturing a student for their blatant idiocy then he’s occupied with casually dropping by at their Senpai’s respective classes using the Council benefits to his advantage
🎖he’ll spout carefully crafted excuses such as the Student Council is monitoring all student behavior to keep the troublemakers at bay
🎖Or coincidentally claiming he’s in need of Senpai’s assistance when delivering paperwork from teachers to other facilities
🎖Scaramouche’s as cunning as he is sly, so the students wouldn’t know what hit them when they’d be appalled/shooketh questioning whether their eyesight may have gone mad with delusional visions
🎖 Of their usual scowling overlord becoming a smiling charitable prince when in the presence of his Senpai, a total 360 quite literally enough to give anyone whiplash
🎖But as he sees his Senpai getting too close with another student that’s when the facade drops and thus enters the controlling/possessive Scaramouche
🎖Who’ll do anything to make sure you’re his, and that you know you belong to him as well
🎖He’ll start by abusing his higher up position in order to threaten other students into submission effectively isolating his Senpai which’ll leave none other than him as their life support
🎖And if he needs to get his hands dirty in order to discipline those degenerates who seek to defy his mission then by all means he’ll welcome the challenge of washing the blood off his uniform after he’s done
“Who cares if those good-for-nothings ignore you Senpai? I’m the only one you need so forget about them and focus on me…”
649 notes • Posted 2021-09-17 01:16:16 GMT
Perv! Ghostboi! Izuku
Cw: NFSW, somnophilia, monsterfuxking, slight degradation, breeding, usage of cunt,
Hi yall this is my first smut…
Please enjoy ✨
Ever since you’ve moved into the former Midoriyas house estate you’ve always felt as if someone’s watching you.
Many people who first visited the house later claimed that it was haunted resulting in cheap rent and living expenses, which was a win for you since you didn’t believe in ghosts. So sealing the deal with the previous house owner you set off to unpacking in your new home.
Looking into the mirror You tied on a silky wrap and secured it onto your head in order to lay them edges out right.
Goosebumps started to make themselves known on the expansion of your healthy brown skin, that glowed beautifully as you began to apply your expensive moisturizer products in moderation onto your body. Deeming you’re skincare acceptable you briefly hyped yourself up in the mirror before setting foot outside the master bathroom and into the corridor.
Only to jump up in surprise as you saw a blurry figure peering from outside the room which was labeled as Izuku’s room, upon noticing your horror the phantom vanished like Houdini and left you staring on after it like a deer in headlights. You were in disbelief but quickly reasoned that ghosts aren’t real, so you shrugged the weird incident off and continued to mind your business.
As you always did whenever something weird would happen around the house.
‘Yeah, I was probably just seeing things after all I did work a full night shift and it is half past midnight maybe I just need some relaxation’
Ignoring the apparent paranoia plaguing your mind, you continued your trek to the living room to binge watch your favorite TV show. Lounging around in nothing but your fluffy bath robe that was tied around your slim waist and hiked up slightly above your thick brown thighs. That shone underneath the pale moonlight that slipped through the cracks of the blinds in the living room.
Feeling your eyelids get heavy you welcomed the drowsiness of slipping into a deep sleep, not noticing how your robe began to come undone my a ravenous ghostly apparition.
Today was the day he’d make his presence well-known, since he couldn’t hold off on wasting anymore time on replenishing his waining energy. Materializing on top of your resting form, he shifted his legs so that he’d be nestled in between your plush thighs.
He was nervous as he was desperate to have close contact with a living breathing beautiful human being of which he deemed to be a fuckin goddess. With how they were blessed with the looks and body to boot.
His large scared hands gingerly untied the knot of your robe, so he that could bask in the glory of your naked mounds with dark nipples rising due to being exposed to the cold air. The poor boy died a virgin so he couldn’t help but to drool over the expanse of chocolatey skin just waiting to be devoured whole.
He craved closeness. He wanted to mold himself against your warm body so that he could feel alive again. Yielding to his urges, thick fingers pushed aside the offending piece of cloth and plunged deep into the welcoming winking hole of your cunt. He couldn’t help but moan at the feeling of your soaking pulpy walls that clenched around his finger unwilling to let go. Every time he pulled out only to suck him back in again with a vengeance.
“Huh y-you like that? Am I doing this right? T-then I-I’ll give you some more to stretch you out ok, baby girl?”
Izuku cooed, as he added two, then three more of his thick cold translate fingers to soak in the warmth of your pulsing wet pussy that fluttered as he continued to open your hole wide enough to take in his modest size.
He couldn’t help the lolling of his tongue that escaped from his panting mouth, as his other hand roomed your body without restraint. Prompting to go to your tits and grope your bountiful breasts that jiggled as your body unconsciously decided to grind back against his hand to satisfy the knot winding up in your belly.
“Oh sweetheart you’re such a naughty slut for me, are my fingers not enough to satisfy your greedy cunt? “
Izuku purred
Rutting against you, the precum dripping from the top of his red strained dick began to seep into his pants letting it form a huge moist spot that only got larger as he couldn’t prevent his hips from jerking into yours.
“Don’t worry I’ll give you something better than my fingers baby girl”
Bearing his teeth in a daring grin, sweat was dripping down his flushed face already looking like a depraved man.
See the full post
874 notes • Posted 2021-11-12 08:13:44 GMT
Please yandere siren zhongli luring tourist darling?
Ask and you shall receive✨
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Yandere! Siren! Zhongli
Headcannons 🧜‍♂️
🐟He meet his Darling by chance seeing them interact with the sea’s inhabitants, snorkeling by their lonesome in awe of the ocean body that makes them feel nothing but a mere pebble drifting peacefully in the waters
🐟Presiding in his cave watching from afar he began to be intrigued by the view of a human so up close, since he was warned that eventhough they’re weak they can be dangerous when provoked unprepared
🐟 But due to his studious nature that only sparked in him the need to observe and take notes on the beautiful specimen in his sea
🐟However as the human began visiting almost frequently Zhongli soon learned to adore their harmless presence and their look of wonder every time they took a dive into his domain it wasn’t long until he became obsessed
🐟 Zhongli is smart and very wise as he’s the oldest living siren amongst his kind, so the confidence in securing his soon-to-be mate is very high
🐟 Him being a gentleman and all he will gift his Darling with the most exotic of gifts anonymously putting them on shore near their personal items/towel since he’s loaded from all the sunken ships and skeletal remains of wealthy folk he’s rummaged from, for the sake curiosity
🐟he will eventually reveal himself once he gets word that his Darling may leave soon from the gossip of what he assumes to be their human pod
🐟Using his somewhat knowledge of the human language he’ll attempt to communicate with his Darling in an effort to tell them straightforwardly of his plans to court them
🐟He’d unknowingly seduce them with his enchanting good looks and body of a sculpted archeon god along with his bronze and and golden scales that reflected a sheen of brownish orange/red
🐟 Leading his Darling and him to have some secret rendezvous visits behind some big rocks once he deems his Darling ready for the next phase in his courting he’ll ask them to return on the very next day where he’ll seal the deal
🐟 Using his deep rich luring purrs he’ll beckon forth his Darling to meet him by the shores of the ocean waves on a coincidental full blue moon
🐟 He knows his Darling being the way they are won’t be able to live in the sea so using the ancient claiming ritual he’ll effectively turn his human darling into one of his kind
🐟 However in order to turn a human into a siren he must drown his Darling where the blue moonbeams hit the water with perfect clarity It pains him to do this but if it’s for his dreams of finally becoming one with his Darling then so be it
“Please Don’t fight it my love, it’ll all be over soon and after you’ve become one of us we’ll be together for blissful millenniums to come”
1146 notes • Posted 2021-09-14 02:32:36 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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gureishi · 3 years
can I mooch off the anon and ask for the spicy Saeyoung headcannons? ( ’з`)ノ⌒♥*:・。.
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Heheheh thank y’all (and thx @space-kitten-606 for these tags) I shall try my best to oblige~
Headcanons about Saeyoung’s body (NSFW version)
Here is the original (and more serious) one I did yesterday!
Explicit HCs below the cut <3
Just gonna cut right to the chase here: Saeyoung has the energy of somebody whose cock is bigger than he thinks it is
That said: I think it’s solidly average-sized
Medium length and girth, with a slight upward curve
Flexible when flaccid—enough so that’s it’s not at all difficult for him to tuck when he’s dressing up (and he genuinely likes the way he looks in panties, the same way he likes how he looks in dresses: he feels cute; soft; desirable, even)
Before he meets you, he’s never really thought much about how other people would perceive it; he never imagined himself getting in a situation where he’d have to actually use it for anything (y’all already know I believe he’s a virgin when he meets you). But he’s definitely watched porn, and he’s absolutely compared himself to what he’s seen there—and, as in everything, he doesn’t think he measures up
I think he’s narrower around the base and wider around the tip; I’ve always thought that he’s particularly sensitive at the tip (kiss it softly and he’ll forget his own name)
Oh: he’s almost certainly circumsized, as are the majority of penis-having people in South Korea (of his generation)
I don’t think it ever occurred to him to do any kind of grooming until he started wearing costumes—but if he’s dressing up, he’s going all the way. When he wears dresses, he shaves his legs, and definitely does some trimming. Once, out of curiosity, he shaves the bikini area—and finds that he likes the way it looks (and the feeling of silky panties rubbing against his smooth skin? Wonderful)
Maybe it’s obvious, but of course all his hair is red—though none of it is as bright or vibrant as the hair on his head
This feels related, somehow: I honestly don’t think he jacks off a whole lot. He’s got a lot of shame and confusion around his desires; when he does it, he feels sort of dirty, like that kind of pleasure isn’t something he deserves. He doesn’t feel sexy when he does it; mostly, he feels guilty
Ah, but all that changes when he meets you
He’s shocked to find that his pleasure gives you pleasure; he’s thrilled to discover that you find his body sexy and his desires exciting
Whenever it is that you first start doing stuff with him, he realizes he’s getting hard, like, all the time. You are electric to him: he is so turned on by the thought of you, the scent of you, the look in your eyes when he kisses you and the way you shiver when he touches you
He’s embarrassed about it, but you think it’s absolutely charming
No way he lasts very long the first couple times, either. Listen, this boy has years and years of pent-up sexual frustration and a blinding love for you. He’ll develop endurance over time, of course; but at first, he can barely keep it together when he feels your fingers brush his thigh
And he’s down for anything. You want him to do a full Brazilian? He’ll do it, of course—and he’ll probably think it looks amazing. You want him to dress up in lingerie and do a strip tease? God: he’ll enjoy it even more than you do
The joy of seeing him come to terms with his own sexuality! The delight when he’s comfortable enough to send you sexy selfies (which he’ll do, if you want him to, all the time)
Send back a picture of your blushing, flustered face and he won’t be able to stop smiling
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ghqstfqce · 2 years
¡Hola! Estoy muy feliz de poder haber encontrado una cuenta que publique historias y headcannons sobre los slashers, y más que sea en español (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)
Tenía unas ideas sobre un T/N que hacía de niñera a Frank Morrison cuando ambos eran pequeños (Frank tendría como 10 años y T/N tendría 14 años), más que nada porque le pedían a T/N que cuidara de Frank para que éste no se metiera en tantos problemas. Frank desarrollaría afecto romántico hacia T/N porque le encantaba como T/N se preocupaba por él (El típico primer amor de un niño)
Pero claro, T/N no corresponde a estos sentimientos y no se da cuenta de que Frank le ve más que su niñerx. Ya cuando crecen y son adultos obviamente no le va a seguir cuidando, ahí es cuando Frank está ardido porque pasaron tantos años y todavía T/N no es consciente de sus sentimientos... el resto es historia.
¡Lamento que sea tan largo! Pero quería saber si podrías hacer unos headcannons con esta temática y un T/N de género neutro o sin especificar, realmente me encanta su blog y espero que tengas una tarde increíble (*˘︶˘*).。*♡
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Warnings || Nada, todo es suave y nada duele. Normal AU. Amor de infancia. Idiotas inconscientes. Uso de malas palabras, eh. Joey quiere tomas sus dos cabezas y golpearlas para que se den cuenta.
Pairing || Frank Morrison x GN ! Reader — The Legion & Reader.
WA || 606.
Notas de Autor || Después de Danny, Frank y Joey son mis asesinos favoritos, así que he amado esta solicitud y me he divertido escribiéndola, gracias y espero te guste tanto como a mi. No sabía como querías que esto terminará, así que lo deje a dudas(?(.
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Si a Frank le preguntas desde qué edad empezó a perder la paciencia, responderá desde los 10, exactamente cuando te conoció y empezó a albergar sentimientos románticos hacia ti.
Se que todos creemos que Frank sería de esos niños que jalan la ropa de su amor platónico o le molesta para que le preste atención, pero no.
Frank era un niño pegajoso. Desde que llegabas a su casa se abrazaba a ti y no dejaba de seguirte hasta que tenías que irte. Se sentaba a tu lado en el sillón, se ofrecía a ayudarte con la comida y se quedaba fuera del baño: "Te puedes perder en esta casa, (T/N)".
Era tan doloroso para él lo obvio que era. Si, tenía 10 años, pero él estaba tan seguro de lo que sentía por ti y no sabía cómo expresarlo. Le aterraba escribir cartas o escribirte, pero no dudaría en regalarte flores que arrancaría del jardín del vecino, hojas en forma de corazón o cualquier objeto bonito que viera para dártelo.
Y aunque tenías una leve sospecha de lo que pasaba, tú y todos a su alrededor no dudaban en descartar dichas acciones como un amor de cachorros o admiración.
Frank estaba tan enojado con esos adultos estúpidos que hacían menos sus sentimientos. Pero nunca contigo, tú eras tan amable con él, no sólo lo cuidabas como una obligación, te encargaste de él verdaderamente y más cuando no dudabas en responderle a su papá si estaba siendo malo con Frank, te ama.
Frank no podía dejar de pensar en crecer para que por fin lo tomaras en serio, pero cuando la realidad de crecer le mostró cómo dejarías de mimarlo y cuidarlo, estuvo tan aterrado.
¿Qué hizo con todo ese miedo? Todo un adolescente enojado con una pandilla respaldando su actitud.
Pensó que no te gustaría que se comportará así, pero eras tan inconsciente de sus sentimientos, que no dudaba que fueras igual de inconsciente hacia esta situación.
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Frank habrá crecido y tú junto con él, pero él nunca pudo deshacerse de esa pequeña esperanza de que podrías fijarte en él. Era grande, maduro aunque sea un poco y es aterrador como la mierda, puede cuidarte y protegerte como tú lo hiciste en su momento.
"¿¡Por qué mierda no te das cuenta aún de cuán enamorado está de ti!?"
Joey y las chicas no dudan en burlarse de él y como no puede superar su enamoramiento de infancia y cómo sigues siendo tan inconsciente como cuando tenías 14 años.
Julie trato de ayudar, tratando de hacer obvios los sentimientos de su tonto lider, pero solo termino contigo asustadx y diciéndole a Frank que nunca quisiste enfadar a su amiga.
Susie, con Susie fue un poco mejor. Pero fue muy romántico, tanto que creías que sólo era un broma de mal gusto. Tu Frank nunca sería tan romántico. Tiene su lado suave para ti, pero no cayendo en los cliché.
¿Joey? Joey prefiere no intervenir, porque sabe que si tú eres inconsciente, Frank lo es más.
Él no pudo evitar ver las miradas persistentes y anhelantes que lanzarías en la dirección de Frank cada que se encontraban.
Como no dudarías en gritarle a cualquier imbécil que tratará de hablar mal de Frank o pequeños detalles, como cuidar aun a Frank después de una pelea o irlos a sacar de prisión, que aunque lo agradecen, se harían a un lado para verte revolotear preocupadx alrededor de Frank.
Quizás en algún momento los dos se den cuenta de los sentimientos mutuos y esperan que sea pronto o alguien tendrá que intervenir y hacer chocar sus cabezas para que capten.
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Can I get headcannons for vanderwood, 7, and jaehee taking a shy, sweet MC to a fair and finding shes scarily accurate at the shooting games despite having never held a gun or toy gun before? Thanks! - Ai
✿ Thank you so much for your support on ko-fi. ♥♥ it’s kind people like you that will make my ostentatious pillow fantasy a reality.
Her face heats up. Her eyes go wide. She’s blushing so fiercely that her cheeks are comparable to the layer of magma buried deep under the earth’s crust, and she finds herself both strangely frightened and incredibly aroused.
What? How? When? Why? She’d thought she’d watch you try one of the shooting games and would find it endearingly cute when you fail miserably, but there you are, a natural dead-eye shot and you just look at her when you’re finished, bounce up and down, and throw your hands up saying “Yay! I did it!”
You giggle after you’re done!
Jaehee would think that you were lying to her about your prior shooting experience if you weren’t the most sunshine-pure incapable-of-deceit person on the planet!
“Good... good job,” she manages once you’ve completed the game, and then you tug on her sleeve and fidget a bit before asking, “Jaehee... which plush toy do you want?”
Mutely, she points at the raccoon and completely reevaluates her opinion of you.
Somehow - somehow, he’s just not surprised.
You’re a miracle made into human flesh, his beloved 606 who lights up his heart and causes the sun to rise in the morning. Sure, you’re shy, sweet, and timid like a delicate flower that only blossoms in the shade, but you’re overwhelmingly talented and - to him? You can do anything.
So - no, he didn’t predict this. But is he shocked? Is he surprised? No! He laughs brightly because, once again, you’ve soared beyond his expectations and he grabs the gun beside you and challenges you to a competition.
Meekly, you say you really don’t think you could beat him and that it was probably a fluke and he shouldn’t be ready to be disappointed, but Seven says... no.
He’d never be disappointed by you.
You trash him in the game, and he calls you his one-shot cupid who’s sunken the arrow of love into his heart.
“Well,” Vanderwood says, eyebrows raised as they survey your work. “That sure is something.”
They’d given you a few pointers before you’d begun - showed you how to aim, how to hold the gun, moving your hands and positioning your body just-so. You’d flushed when they’d done that, reveling in the proximity, and honestly, they’d - kinda done the same.
(Look, it made them feel cool, alright?)
But then you’re just looked at the targets, and - and fired. And you’d hit them all and the booth keeper was staring at you slack-jawed as you raised a hand to your mouth and asked... 
“Did I do that...?”
You almost look worried, like you’d done something wrong, but Vanderwood just pats you on the shoulder and says, “Naw. You did good.”
Overtly, they don’t react as you go another round and then, finding it fun, another - and another - and another. But internally? They’re just
“wow. haha.”
“holy shit.”
They end up carrying all the prizes you won, feeling both a vague sense of fear and an odd sort of pride.
go you, they think, and feel slightly more secure in your safety.
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code-error-606 · 7 years
Heyo~ So im a figure skater and at practice today I was thinking and wondered what would the RFA+V and Saeran's reactions be to a figure skating MC? (Love your headcannons :)))) )
Thank you so much! And I'm so sorry for the wait 。゚(ノдヽ)゚。
(*˘︶˘人)♡*。+ you can find it here: https://code-error-606.tumblr.com/post/168663296716/rfa-v-saeran-react-to-an-mc-who-practice
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Nessian Headcannon
In the ACOTAR series, it’s said that breaking bargains between people have dire consequences of some sort. Now let’s remember this moment for ACOMAF;
“His voice was rough as he said, “Five hundred years ago, I fought on battlefields not far from this house. I fought beside human and faerie alike, bled beside them. I will stand on that battlefield again, Nesta Archeron, to protect this house—your people. I can think of no better way to end my existence than to defend those who need it most.”
A Court of Mist and Fury, Page 553
Then this one;
"Cassian stirred again, his shredded wings twitching and spraying blood, his muscles quivering. At Nesta’s shouts, her raging, his eyes fluttered open, glazed and unseeing, an answer to some call in his blood, a promise he’d made her. But pain knocked him under again.”
A Court of Mist and Fury, Page 606
Is it possible that the this “Promise” he made was a bargain, a bargain that was broken? What could be the consequences for this broken bargain the loss of a mating bond perhaps?
As soon as Nesta was thrown into cauldron we can reasonably assume that Cassian failed his promise. This means that even if Nesta immediately saw Cassian the cauldron could’ve already stolen their mating bond.
TL: DR - It’s possible that the consequences of the broken promise between Cassian and Nesta could be the loss of a mating bond.
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rem102 · 7 years
Mystic Messenger Graduation HC
I decided to write my first headcannon in an attempt to try to imagine how MC and the RFA would be like on MC’s graduation day. Let me know what ya think! I didn’t do Jaehee because she is the only one I haven't played yet. 
You did it you finally graduated
You could not imagine 4 years ago that you would be graduating with your boyfriend from college
You thought it was lucky that you met him through the messenger, but it was even more coincidental finding out that he went to the same university that you did although in a different major.
Let’s be honest you both probably got teared up at little as you turned your tassel from the right to the left signifying the completion of the time at the university
He still had 3 more years until he earned his doctorate degree for veterinary school and you had one more year of graduate school before you became a therapist
Yoosung sat 30 rows in front of you due to his last name being higher in the alphabet than yours
You cheered for him when his name was called
Your name was finally called and you could hear Yoosung yell ‘you got this babe’ from far away.
His bowtie was the cutest thing in the world that matched his blue button down shirt and grey suspenders
His family was so supportive of him and came to see you graduate as well
When the ceremony was over the two of you probably took a million photos together with your undergraduate degrees
You took the Kim’s next Christmas card taking their family picture
You felt honored when they invited you into their family photo too
Every time the two of you took a photo his hand went immediately to your waist pulling you closer to him causing your heart to skip a beat
He whispered into your ear softly his closeness making you blush in nervousness that his protective parents might see us. “You know what we should do when we go back?” he whispered sending a chill up my spine as he pulled me closer both his arms around my waist. “One more round of LOLOL for old time sake?” This man knew the way to my heart, and more importantly my bed.
Brings you a beautiful bouquet of colorful flowers
Took extensive photos and videos of the entire thing and posted them everywhere
As you walked across the stage to accept your degree he cheered loudly the cute nickname he gave you
Zen was hard to find after the ceremony because of the large crowd of people that recognized him asking for his autograph
He kindly gets away from the fans to be by your side insisting that you were next to him, and his fans were surprisingly agreeable
Had to have a million selfies of the two of you (the Full body, face shots, couple shots, and videos)
So proud of your accomplishments and achievements and wants to share it with all his fans and the acting community since you have officially become his manager
He played dutiful boyfriend taking pictures of you and all of your friends and stepping back behind the camera for you
Both of your hands brush casually together while talking to friends and professors
You were just glad you were with him
Your friends finally realized why you didn’t bring him around often because he was attractive and were trying to flirt with him
Low key all of your friends were extremely jealous and wanted to take selfies with him
He definitely had someone take a picture of the two of you in front of the campus fountain. Zen dipping you over and planting a huge kiss on your lips and a hand on your thigh to support you while still in your cap and gown.
Was the most liked Instagram picture on his page (Jaehee was freaking out over it)
Gave you two tickets to see your favorite musical on Broadway as a graduation present and you were completely over the moon in love with this beautiful man
He always knew you were smart but he didn’t know you were in school about to earn your masters degree
Security guards strategically placed around the building even though you insisted that it wasn’t necessary
He tried not to draw attention to himself but the large limo dropping him off to your building kind of disregarded that idea
Pays V to take the best photographs of you at graduation, he needed a new photograph of you for his desk at work
Makes a generous donation to your university to have his company logo on the back of the programs
Doesn’t cheer for you but does clap for you and follows along with the ceremony, cheers for you when designated to do so
Sits with your family and schmoozes up to your mother by giving her flowers and talks up your other daddy ;) ehehe
Seriously makes placing his elbows on his legs and hunched over look sexy sitting on bleachers in a suit
After the ceremony he has body guards waiting around him making him relatively easy to find along with the rest of your family
He lets your family congratulate you before he plants a kiss against your lips when your parents aren’t looking
Gets V to take professional photos of the two of you together near the gardens
All of MC’s girl friends were totally jealous finally putting a face to the name, and scares all of your guy friends away
Wants your to hang around until you meet the university president
would probably get you a crazy expensive graduation gift like a trip to Europe or a watch
Takes you out to a fancy dinner with your family and V
Could not take his hands off of your legs teasing you effortlessly
In the car ride back to his penthouse he’s beginning to unzip the dress you both had found for graduation his lips pressed against your throat when MC says “you finally get to call me master tonight.”  the cheese is real
The most energetic person on the planet
His girl was graduating from MIT with her degree in nuclear science (lofty I know…)
If you thought you were the most excited on this day you would be wrong
Made a huge sign with your face on it just to embarrass you
Had to bring HB chips to eat while he was waiting for your name to be called
Seven could not help smiling from ear to ear the entire time and neither could you
Broke out the cherry red sports car just for you
He even got dressed up just for your graduation (that black button down that makes everyone weak)
Super proud his 606 was finally done with school
Easy to spot in the crowd of people around you with his red hair and boxy shades
Would be the one to take a million Snap Chat photos and videos with stuff drawn all over your face with weird filters
After the ceremony he finally found you within the crowd of people outside the building he immediately planted the deepest and passionate kiss on your lips. Leaving you breathless and at a loss of what to say to his display.
Seven scooped you up in his arms bridal style and spun you around. You had to hold your cap down to your head to keep it from falling off
You were able to reach him now at his height to plant kisses on his cheek as you talked to your friends
You loved getting to share Saeyoung with all of your smart friends
They all are impressed with what he knows about computers, convinced that he’s a MIT graduate
Totally would steal your cap from you and put it on his own head just to mess up your hair
Boy was ready for the space station
Probably would be the one to propose to you after graduation (or he would wait a few weeks before popping the question i swear everyone gets engaged after graduation)
He saves your cap and gown for when he feels like role playing in sexual exploits except he decided next time you get to hand him his “diploma” (this is so cheesy its probably not as sexual as i’m making it out to be)
He was proud of all your accomplishments even if he never showed it on his face
Envious that you got to go to college and are graduating something that he will not ever get to accomplish
You try to encourage him to take online classes to earn his own degree
But Saeran shows excitement in his own little way
Would fix your hat on your head so you can look perfect
Easy to find in the audience on either side of you with his red hair
Try to get his attention by waving your hands like a crazy woman
His face lights up when he finally sees you and gives you a small wave
Make funny faces at him as the speaker is giving their speech
You both attempt to pay attention to the speech but end up staring at each other again
Wink at him from your seat and you could see his face turn red from far away, and he immediately crosses his arms in front of himself
He yells your name loudly for you when your name is called as you walk across the stage
Give everyone dirty looks around him if they dare to say anything
Allows MC to take a cute selfie of her kissing his cheek
more than willing to take photos of MC and her friends, he wasn't one to favor getting in them himself
Treats you for ice cream afterwards and you share his favorite flavor
#proud dad
Shows up early to make sure he gets a good view of the stage
Buys the video form of graduation
Follows rules and doesn’t cheer for you until the given time during the ceremony
You naturally have the flawless photographs known to man
Expertly poses you in front of blooming flowers
He could not put the camera down for one instant
He wanted to make sure all of your memories were photographed
Have to force him to put the camera down and join the photographs
Expert photo-bomber in everyone else’s graduation photographs
Thinks you look the most beautiful out of all your classmates
The class photographers snap a photo of you two kissing candidly and makes the news page the next day
V is hired to do a lot more professional portrait photography for graduates
Have to remind him that you have to do this again in a year for your master’s degree
Will probably follow you to the ends of the earth
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RFA + Saeran and V finding mc sleeping in very weird places for example they find them sleeping on the kitchen counter bc they were waiting for the water to boil for their coffee xddd Oh and I LOVE YOUR HEAD CANNONS SO MUCH 😍😍😍
IMMEDIATE INSPIRATION FOR THIS ASK. THANKS FOR LOVING THE HEADCANNON S! i’m using your example cause i do what i want~Madre Mod
this boy is known for his long gaming sessions
this time he promised that he would be done by like….10 pm so you two can go out and about
He actually kept his word an logged off LOLOL at 10 pm and went to look for you.
An hour prior you told him that you was going to take a bath
He thought you would be out by now unless you’re like me and take a two hour bath/shower
he steps to the bathroom door and knocks like the polite cutie he is, he waits a bit for your response
but you don’t give him one
worried he announces that he’s coming in and walks in the bathroom
What he finds is chuckle worthy
You sitting in the tub asleep. Your neck is laying on the edge of said tub.
Yoosung unplugs the tub and wraps you in a fluffy towel before picking you up bridal style and walking to your shared bed
He sets you down gently and with a beet red face I might add put some undergarments on you.
Your night out is postponed for another night.
You both were doing some spring cleaning around the house
the chores were split in half so it could be finished by tonite
It was pretty fun!
Zen had the radio on so once in a while you both would start singing in harmony.
Or in Zen’s case. Dance with the broom.
near the end of the day You was getting tired from all the cleaning you did, and thankfully the last chore was to do the laundry
half way through the laundry you was getting REALLY tired. 
So in your sleepy state, you got on top of the dryer and fell asleep.
The dryer was really warm.
Zen came to get the laundry so he could put them away when he found you on the dryer.
He simply shook his head and picked you up.
He walked to the living room and grabbed a blanket from nearby. 
Laying himself down on the couch with you on top of him, he draped the blanket over you both. There you both took a nice afternoon nap.
You were determined.
You were determined to make Jaehee a perfect cup of coffee before she left for work.
She always gets up early to go to work, but that means you’re either sleeping or JUST waking up when she’s leaving.
So when you finally made her go to sleep you set your plan in motion.
Grabbing the mixes to make the perfect cup of Coffee full of love, you started preparing.
But you underestimated how long it takes to take a perfect cup of coffee
it was 3 in the morning when you figured out the measurements for the perfect cup. 
You were getting sleepy when the hot contents were being poured into the coffee cup.
By the time you got the mug and was ready to pour you fell asleep.
Not that, “Imma just slump myself over the counter” kind of fell sleep
I mean that you fell asleep WHILE you was doing it. Basically you fell asleep, standing up while pouring a cup of hot coffee.
It spilled over the mug when it got full, and started spreading on the counter then finally onto the floor around you. you had slippers on don’t worry
Now Jaehee’s alarm woke her up mere seconds after you fell sleep, and when she left the bedroom to find you
she was very surprised.
Just imagine. Your S/O in the kitchen in their Pjs, standing up asleep while pouring coffee.
Her heart melts a little when she realizes that you were making the coffee for her.
She quickly cleans the mess and wakes you up a little so she can move you to bed.
“Jaehee……what are you doing???” “Dear i’m helping you back to bed, you’re tired.” “????But I was in bedd~” “Sure you were.”
She gives you a peck on the cheek before she walks skips to work.
It’s not really strange to most people
but it is to him
You sleep in front of his home office door
but you only do it when he’s in the office
which is nearly every fucking night jfc
he found out when he opened the door to leave his office and you litteraly FELL into the office
every time since then he’s been more careful of opening the door
he chuckles everytime he sees it though
lowkey wonders why you do that
jumin go to fucking bed at a decent damn time and we won’t be having this issue
His hacking chair
This is where he finds you
all huddled up in the small chair, wearing his over sized sweater
when he realized you had nothing under it except underwear he might’ve popped a boner
“Aw my 606 fell asleep in the chair, completely unarmed and vulnerable~”
He proceeds to write on any skin he can get without waking you up
He writes ‘property of god seven’ on the back of your neck, drew kitty wiskers on your cheek and a little nose on your nose. 
After that he moves you to the bed and spoons the shit out of you.
Proceeds to be attacked by pillows in the morning when you found out what he wrote and where
can’t see for shIT
You like to wonder off when you can’t sleep
which worries the shit out of V to no end
but you usually come back inside and fall asleep next to him.
this time you didn’t come back
V is very worried
starts thinking of the worst
V please they won’t leave you
With his limited vision he steps out of the house to look for you
He looks around the house first
when he looks up to see if you are on the roof he can barely make out the colors of your Pjs up there.
Blue Bean sighs in relief and carefully makes his way up to wake you up and get you in the house before you hurt yourself.
It was a hot day in south(?) korea.
And the AC in Saeyoung’s bunker gave out
cue you, saeyoung and saeran walking around the house in y’all bathing suits.
While Saeyoung went to get a new AC unit, you and Saeran was trying to stay cool in the hot ass bunker
Saeran took one of many tubs of ice cream and just lay it on top of him
You however went for the next best thing!
The deep freezer!
You bent into the deep freezer and breathed in that cool air.
“Hey MC don’t melt my ice cream!” “And how could I do that??” “Cause you’re pretty hot.” “What?” “NOTHING!”
after that it was quiet for about twenty minutes, until saeran spoke up again.
“MC don’t freeze to death in there.” He got up and walked to your slumped form, poking you with his spoon.
Your response was a jerking motion and a snore.
You were asleep.
“Geez you fell asleep in the freezer.”
He picked you up and set you on the couch so you wouldn’t get sick.
To keep you from heating up he put a bag of peas on your stomach.
Thank Saeran.
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090. Jack Frost
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2I7P7Ib
by JjdoggieS
Prompt: "Maybe Jack Frost isn't nipping at your nose, but I can do that instead." "Oh my God, shut up!"
Words: 606, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 19 of Prompts, Headcannons, & Requests
Fandoms: Stranger Things (TV 2016)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Eleven | Jane Hopper, Mike Wheeler, Jim "Chief" Hopper
Relationships: Eleven | Jane Hopper/Mike Wheeler
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2I7P7Ib
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code-error-606 · 7 years
Can you do really fluffy RFA +Saeran at the fair/carnival with MC? Also maybe if they entered stuff in the fair?? Thanks! I love your headcannons btw!
Post it! ☆٩(。•ω
Thank you so much! ♥
(๑•ω-๑)♥ you can find it here: 
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Byeler Oneshots
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2j3Nen6
by Naile
Here I'll post some Byeler oneshots. (so basically the title), and some headcannons (from other users) that I wanted to extend a little
Words: 606, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Stranger Things (TV 2016)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Mike Wheeler, Will Byers, Dustin Henderson, Lucas Sinclair, Minor Characters
Relationships: Will Byers/Mike Wheeler
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2j3Nen6
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