eruandclovers · 11 years
Go ahead and make that move over here if you ever wanna hear from me again.
It is my shame blog but it is currently my most active place to get to me.
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eruandclovers · 11 years
I forgot the password for this account forever ago and I just remembered it.
Go me.
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eruandclovers · 11 years
I don't use this account very often~
Not sure why I have it to be honest~
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eruandclovers · 12 years
Fall anime
As new series come out I can only anticipate all the new cute guys I get to see.
I may be jumping the gun a little but...
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I'm seriously excited.
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eruandclovers · 12 years
My brother was suppose to get a job and aparently his interviewer got arrested for stealing from the cashregisters.
Bro: So did I get the job or...?
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eruandclovers · 12 years
I honestly never thought I’d be doing this, but I’m in a situation where I don’t know where else to turn to.
Fifteen days ago, our electricity was turned off. My dad stopped paying the bills, and we now owe 3,698 dollars. The late fee for turning on the lights...
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eruandclovers · 12 years
My father doesn't like it when my brother and I call each other names so I tend to call him objects instead
Me: Stop it! Geez, you're such a basketball!
Bro: That a gay joke!? I'm not gay!
Me: What? No! Fine you're a ... tennis ball!
Bro: Another gay joke?!
Me: OhmyGlob.
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eruandclovers · 12 years
What I did after KuroBas 25...
Bro: Why are you eating all those dounts and cookies?
Me: ... we didn't have any ice-cream!
Bro: Because you just ate all of it.
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eruandclovers · 12 years
I have 3 important auditions coming up and I am terrified of all of them.
I'm a weird kind of nervous person, I don't get nervous until it's about to happen.
For my singing auditions I get nervous once I look at the sight reading.
For my drama auditions I get nervous after I did my audition.
It doesn't really make any sense.
I'm sure somewhere in my mind it's like this
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eruandclovers · 12 years
As I see a bunch of the summer series and other series coming to an end I can't help feel all... depressed.
I have a teacher who likes to ask how my weekend was because he knows about my daily anime watch rituals and I'll be looking at him like this.
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While saying 'The usual.' then go mope.
But once this season of KuroBas is over I'm going to be all
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WHAT WILL MY LIFE BE LIKE WITHOUT KUROBAS?! Wait, I read the manga... it will be about the same.
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eruandclovers · 12 years
The other day while I was watching the new episode of Kuroko and a storm hit right when the match was about to begin and I lost power so I started sobbing like a weirdo.
2 hours.
IT TOOK 2 HOURS... for the power to come back.
But by that time my oldest brother had come home (I was using his computer) and I had to watch it with my brothers calling everything gay.
I mean, not that their wrong or anything about AoKise...
Still. I wasn't able to watch the episode and soak in the feels properly.
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eruandclovers · 12 years
Day 30. Which is/are your favourite basketball team(s)?
but I like Touou too. (Because of Sakurai, not Aomine)
Day 31. Which is/are your least favourite basketball team(s)?
Kirisaki Daīchi.
I did an extra today because I plan to do the voice meme or whatever tomorrow for my lovers Aomine's birthday!
I had planned to do the voice meme.
But nope.
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eruandclovers · 12 years
School hasn't even started yet but I'm already busy with school stuff!
Day 27. Who would you marry if s/he was real?
Aomine! OhMyGlob. He's a jerk but I can't get enough of him!
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Day 28. Who would you prefer to be your sibling(s) if s/he was/were real?
Kagami, Teppei, and Murasakibara. I'd be so happy of those three were my older brothers! Plus with their genes I'd have to be taller than what I am now!
Day 29. Who do you think will be the best parent?
Hyuuga would be a great father! I can see Riko and Momoi being awesome mum's too.
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eruandclovers · 12 years
Day 26. Which character(s)’s personality do you find annoying?
Why is this such a hard question? I don't know. I enjoy almost everyone's personality as long as their not a butt like those two guys who I said I hate before (but names still escape me).
I'm putting to much thought into this question.
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eruandclovers · 12 years
Not that I mind but...
Exactly how long will a almost naked Kagami be on my dash?
I'd rather not have a repeat of what happen to me earlier today.
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eruandclovers · 12 years
My brother decided to barge into our room while I was watching the new episode of KuroBas...
Of course it would be this scene...
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The fangirl in me enjoyed this very much though.
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eruandclovers · 12 years
Day 24. Which character(s)’s personality do you find adorable?
Midorima and Kuroko!
I tend to laugh the most whenever they say something.
I dunno why.
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