erzafan315 ¡ 9 hours
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erzafan315 ¡ 6 days
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After briefly roughhousing with you and pinning you on the floor, your stepbrother stands up, and holds you down victoriously with one foot planted on your stomach. He jiggles your tummy some under his foot and teases,”Yah, you like that?,” before casually stepping up on you, (grunting) and over upon hearing the door ring as some of his other friends arrive for the pool party. You see your step bro glance back and hear him jokingly say,”He loves being under the feet.” Before you can get up, his friend Austin, who’s been grinning the whole time while watching, steps forward peering down at you like a giant.  He has the exact same teasingly, dominant characteristics as your step bro and is one of his close friends. You watch the size 14 foot quickly lift up and press down onto your face. A faint smell enters your nostrils, your nose and features smooshed against his sole as you hear him say from above, somewhat sarcastically,”Like the foot?” You feel the bottom smear against your face and you slightly start to resist some by turning your face to the side. Austin uprights your face with his sole, clearly not done with his foot fun, and drags the bottom over your whole face a few times before consuming his plump toes over your nostrils. You inhale them, a more stronger smell now, and rub your nose against them as if trying to break free. He applies some slight pressure, you keeping still, before the toes start flexing up and down on your nose. He hears you breathe in deeply and slyly grins saying,”Yah, smell my toes?” He rubs his toes over your nose for a bit before planting his whole foot on your face. You see nothing but his soft sole pressed down as you lay there. He lightly shakes your face some with his foot saying cockily,”Like my foot in your face? Huh footboy?” You faintly hear the other friends and your step brother talking. Austin removes his foot and following your step bro, steps up on your stomach and chest, pauses, then steps off. Austin joins your stepbrother and other friends as you eventually make your way into joining them. During the rest of the party, Austin occasionally grins at you, silently teasing you, and reminding you of his big 14’s. 
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erzafan315 ¡ 8 days
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After I caught my roommate leaving the shower one day and saw how hung he was, I knew I had to make a move on him. We quickly became friends with benefits, and were always trying new things to spice things up.
He came home one day with some pills that he claimed would shrink my body down slightly, making my hole tighter for him to fuck. I took a few before straddling his thick thighs and sliding his meat into me, feeling it gradually expand inside me as my body became smaller. For a while it felt amazing to have something so massive pounding away at my hole, but eventually it became too painful to bear. I wasn’t supposed to keep shrinking for this long, still getting smaller even after my roommate lifted me off his lap.
The process seemed to halt once I was about 6 inches tall, and I looked up at his distressed face as he read the back of the box of the pills he made me take. “Shit man, I guess I read the dosage wrong. Looks like you might be stuck like that for a couple of days…” He could see I was angry about his mistake, but didn’t seem to care as he snatched me up in one hand. He found my situation quite amusing, and just laughed as I squirmed within his grasp. “Don’t worry bro, I’ll keep you somewhere nice and safe, plus we might still be able to have fun in the process…”
His hard cock was still throbbing with excitement as he lowered me towards it, letting out a loud moan as he shoved my feet into his slit. I tried to struggle as he forced my body down his shaft, but it only made me sink faster down the tight, slimy passage leading to his balls. I slipped deeper inside him until my body was compressed and curled up by the walls of a fleshy chamber, the space half filled by a pool of this thick, raw seed.
There was no way he could hear me in my position, so the only way to interact with him was to squirm around inside his sack. His erection remained strong from the way my movements stimulated him, providing an almost permanent state of ecstasy. My roommate spent the entire day lazing around in our room, smoking a joint to relax and fully enjoy the pleasure of keeping me inside his body. It took all his energy to resist the urge to cum and release me too soon.
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erzafan315 ¡ 10 days
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erzafan315 ¡ 12 days
If someone were to describe you there are only two words that would do you justice: ass and man. It was as simple as that. You’re a man and you love ass, and above all else, you love a man with a nice ass.
You were never shy about your adoration for men with nice round, smack-able backsides. However, there was one person that you kept this well-known secret from. It was your housemate. Your thick, caked-up housemate.
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Despite how shameless your ass obsession was, you thought it was too much for your housemate to know just how obsessed you were with his assets. You might be an ‘Ass Man’ but you still had the decency to let your housemate live his day-to-day life without feeling constantly objectified.
In your head though, you did objectify him. It was hard to remember that there was a human behind those fat yet firm cheeks. You found it difficult to make eye contact with him, let alone get your gaze above waist height!
You’d often think to yourself: “Geez I know I need to stop staring at his ass and just treat him like he’s a regular guy but sometimes it’s so damn hard and he wears those silky shorts that accentuates his butt oh so well and every time I’m behind him he’s always bending over for some reason like he is trying to tease me but he’s so completely unaware at the same time and talks to me like a friend and not like I’m some ass loving weirdo.”
Besides the occasional cheeky glance at his behind, you never once succumbed and touched his magnificent booty, let alone made any comments about his rear-end (and your adoration for it) around him. But some nights it was just that little bit harder to contain yourself around him. Some nights you would take that extra step and go looking into places that you weren’t meant to see. That’s what you had done tonight. You went looking for trouble.
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It had been a hot day. Your housemate got home from work and headed straight for his room. He took off his work clothes, crashed on his bed and pulled down his underwear to let his sweaty butt breathe. You had been eagerly waiting all day for him and his butt to come home, and you couldn’t handle not being able to take a quick glance. That’s how you ended up looking at his crack through the crack of his door, that he irresponsibly didn’t fully close.
Getting to see his naked butt, free from the constraints of fabric, was everything you dreamed about and more. The temptation to savour this moment with a photo was there, but too risky. Nevermind the fact that you couldn’t take your eyes away from it if you tried.
Watching him (or really his ass) through just a tiny slither between the door and the door frame soon became frustrating. You needed to see it in all its raw and unadulterated glory. Confident that he had passed out on his bed after his long workday, you started to slowly push the door more and more ajar.
It was all going well until the door betrayed you and decided to let out a mighty loud creak. You didn’t want to make the situation any worse by making sudden movements, but in hindsight (pardon the pun) perhaps you should have. Your housemate was quick to raise his upper body and turn his head around just enough to catch you taking a peek at him.
You thought maybe playing it cool was the way to go. You opened the door completely and tried to put on the performance of a lifetime.
���Oh sorry, I didn’t realise you were uh… sleeping and I just wanted to uh… ask…” Your face was a deep red and you were getting more flustered by the second. “Damn, is it me or is it a bit… hot in here?” You were sweating profusely. “It’s so hot… I can barely… think…” Your body felt heavy, your mind fuzzy, your vision blurry, and soon your whole world was coming crashing down… 
When you woke up you had a numb feeling throughout your body and you couldn’t move from the neck down. You wanted to yell out but you couldn’t as your lips had puckered and felt like they had been glued in that position. In fact, the more you tried to talk, the tighter your puckered lips felt. Your eyes darted around the room in a frenzy but you were locked into looking at a blank ceiling.
You felt a warm sensation in the sides of your mouth and your cheeks started to swell. Not like it was inflating with air, no, it was a different feeling. It was more like they were filling up with mass. You were sure you looked like a chipmunk with its mouth completely filled with acorns. 
The swelling did not stop there. Your cheeks kept fattening up, extending out a great distance from the side and front of your face. They were two round, fleshy orbs that were quickly taking up most of your peripheral vision and each of your expanding cheeks were now larger than your head. Your world was quickly descending into darkness as your cheeks were swallowing up your face. They grew to the point that the inner sides of each cheek touched in front of your puckered lips. This soon became rubbing as each cheek was fighting each other for limited space as they continued to balloon outwards.
Your vision was long gone and what was left of your face under your colossal cheeks felt like it had all mashed together into your tightly bound lips. The growth of your cheeks seemed to stop as a thin bit of fabric slid its way between your cheeks and pressed firmly against your puckered mouth. If you had to guess, each cheek was likely two to three times the size of your pre-swelled face. Another softer and more cushiony material hugged the bottom half of your severely bloated cheeks.
It was like your fat cheeks had buried you alive. You couldn’t scream for help, in fact you couldn’t move at all. You couldn’t even see or hear a thing. However, after what felt like a short eternity, a lifting of the thin material on your lips and the spreading of both your cheeks by a powerful force allowed for blinding light to finally flood back into your eyes. Once your vision had adjusted to the light, you finally saw what had become of you.
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You were staring at your housemate’s gigantic ass (and it truly was gigantic, it had doubled in size since you last saw it) and his butthole was staring right into your soul. That’s when you realised you were looking into a mirror. That butthole was actually you staring at yourself. You had become what you desired most: your housemate’s big, fat bubble butt.
“You’ve added so much size to my ass,” your housemate groaned in pleasure. “My fit, tight bubble butt has exploded into a fat, jiggly dump truck, and it’s all your fault!” He put on a fake whiny tone as he said this, but in reality he was enjoying every second of teasing you.
You tried to respond but your puckered butthole-lips wouldn’t budge. “Oh, are you trying to say something?” He parted your fat cheeks even more with his powerful hands, allowing your lips to open slightly. A small toot of air escaped out of your mouth before your lips closed again. It served as a sobering reminder that being your housemate’s butt meant dealing with his digestive system too.
“Do you feel blessed or cursed by this little predicament you’ve found yourself in?” Your housemate asked with an air of sincerity. “Knowing how much you love my ass I bet you’d be grinning ear to ear, if you could!” He let out a thunderous laugh that caused your cheeks to jiggle slightly. “I’d like to know if you still feel the same way after a day of being my ass, let alone a lifetime.” It dawned on you that this wasn’t some crazy dream.
“By the way…” Your housemate removed his hands from his butt, causing his thong to snap back into your lips like a whip and your cheeks to accelerate towards each other. They slammed into each other with a loud, satisfying clap which sent shockwaves of jiggles rippling through them. “Don’t get used to staring at my ass, that’s the privilege that your old self had. Your new self is going to be experiencing pitch-black darkness ninety-nine percent of the time.” Your housemate chuckled as he gave his butt an open-palmed smack. It hurt, but you were never going to get sick of the way your jelly-like cheeks wobbled in response to the impact.
“It’s time to go to work.” Your housemate sighed with disappointment. “Well, today will test whether staring at my ass for all that time was worth it or not.” If you were capable of gulping you would have. You had no clue if you were in hell or heaven. One thing was for certain, your housemate turned owner was certainly not going to make your new life easy.
“I’ll let you in on a little secret.” Your housemate said ominously. “I never really minded you staring. Maybe if you were more forthcoming about being infatuated with my behind, you could have avoided this fate. Anyway, I’ll never know if you’re happy about this or not, but I sure know I am! And since you are a part of me, shouldn’t my happiness be enough?”
You didn’t know what to make of your housemate’s sentiment, but he had a point. You can’t change what has now happened so you might as well try to make the most of it. You were once a self-proclaimed ‘Ass Man’ and now you’ve evolved into an ‘Ass-Man’. You’ve alway loved ass so logically you should love yourself more in your new state. It was easy to think that way, but ass your housemate but on his work pants, your world got even darker and a hell of a lot stuffier. If you still had lungs, then these cramped and claustrophobic conditions would have quickly felled you. 
But ‘Ass-Man’ doesn’t need oxygen and he will soldier on, for better or worse… 
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erzafan315 ¡ 12 days
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erzafan315 ¡ 14 days
The Hard Way (Animation) By BlueBlaze95
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erzafan315 ¡ 22 days
When the delivery driver forgets some of @superboy2814's food so he finds a quick replacement.
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erzafan315 ¡ 25 days
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Shrinking isn’t all that bad. Just watch out for your hungry friends.
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erzafan315 ¡ 28 days
Poke me, squeeze me!
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erzafan315 ¡ 29 days
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I already had a crush on my hot stud of a friend named Adam, but my desire for him got even stronger after a drunken confession he made one night. He boldly admitted that his cum had unusual properties, and that anyone who swallowed enough of a load from him would shrink to about a third of their size. After learning the effect was only temporary I insisted to try it out for myself, and it eventually became a regular thing.
I would suck Adam’s sizeable cock until he pumped his load down my throat. What he hadn’t warned me about the first time was the sheer amount of cum he produced. I could feel the thick liquid make my throat bulge as I guzzled it down, gasping for air after the struggle was over. But it was worth it for what came next, the arousing sensation of his seed transforming my body until I was barely 2 feet tall. That left me with the enjoyment of worshipping his much larger, muscular body for hours to come, gradually returning to my original size by the following morning.
Adam was feeling especially horny one night and decided to use my mouth a second time, before I barely had chance to regrow. The added tightness was incredibly pleasurable for him, but having his excessive girth crammed down my throat was overwhelming for me. Swallowing his load was the most intense part, filling my stomach with so much of the warm, sticky liquid that my belly was visibly bloated. Once again his power took hold, the extra dose reducing me to about 10 inches tall.
Deeply relaxed after his two orgasms, Adam quickly fell asleep with my tiny form lying beside him. As his snoring thundered from above, I couldn’t keep my eyes off his body, enthralled by how huge and powerful he looked. Watching his giant, hard member twitch as he dreamed away, I was drawn to the idea of lapping up his precum, in the hopes that I might stay this size for longer.
I clambered onto Adam and buried my face in his slit, savouring the salty taste that I had become obsessed with. At some point I pushed a little too hard, my head suddenly slipping inside. My instinctive struggling only made me sink deeper, and the throbbing of his erection accidentally kneaded me through his shaft. I was pulled all the way into his balls, engulfed in a pool of his hot, raw semen that wasted no time in melting me down to become part of it.
Adam woke up in the morning positively dying to jerk off, with two questions on his mind after he busted all over himself. Where was his friend, and why was that the biggest load he’d ever made?
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erzafan315 ¡ 29 days
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erzafan315 ¡ 1 month
I'll be posting vore stories inspired from reconstruction of ones from fsjal256 but with the premise that all vore must not have minors included hope you like this one.
Finding out your father is pred (and you a prey)
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It wasn't long after our mother died that my brother and I found out that our father was actually gay. It was kind of a relief since I myself I'm gay. Anyway this is the story of how my brother and I found out this big bear of a man is a pred.
First of all, before going forward we should talk about how my father first introduced my brother and I to the fact he was gay because this should have been a warning for the two of us for what was about to happen after.
One year later after my mother's death my dad gave us the news, he started dating some Twink boy around me and my brothers age, by that time I was 18 years old and my brother was 20, he must have been 25 years old, It was a surprise for both of us, and not a really good one, for me i kinda had the hots for my dad since I was a teenager, I've found him so fucking atractive and he was always such a loving parent so I didn't like the idea of some twink brat coming to steal my dad's attention, and regarding my brother he had an argue with our dad the day we found out he was gay because he really did missed mom and got very angry with him arguing he didn't love her at all. At the end of thee day both of us quickly agreed to his new lifestyle, after all we both lived under his roof and didn't have much of a choice.
Six months passed, the boy came and went home to visit our father and they disappeared some fridays and returned in the weekend quite satisfied from their getaways, when suddenly one sunday after my dad left the house to visit his boyfriend, my father returned home unaccompanied. It was already weird watching him without his Twink brat by his side, but when he came back he returned bigger than I've ever seen him, his belly twice of the size from the time he left home, forming an amazingly giant balloon. So when I saw him cross the door kinda got disappointed cause I had already made an incredible large dinner thinking he would return hungry as usual. he wasn't definitely hungry at all and i could tell by the great fat belly he was carrying. Since our mother died and my brother and father work i do the house chores cleaning and cooking, and we usually spend time together at dinner time. I went towards him and greeted him with a big hug but I could barely cover his belly, he reciprocated the hug with his huge arms and squeezed me in a tight embrace, after that I asked him where was his boyfriend Jake and he gave a sigh, scratched his head and let me know we would'nt see him around anymore because they broke up and he found out he was cheating on him. My dad was clearly sad and disappointed, even when I knew he would decline my offer i invited him to have dinner with us my brother already eating but he said he was already full and would be heading towards his room to rest.
That huge belly of his left me thinking a lot, my father is well known for eating at times like this, when he is stressed he can eat tons of food, I can't imagine what he is going through after this break up that made him eat that much so he ended up looking like this, I bet he must've eaten my own weight on food.
Now it's 11 pm my dad is already laying in bed and snoring, and boy does he snores. As i said his huge belly left me thinking and with a big boner, his huge body has always been so tempting to me but this time it drove me crazy, and then I came up with an idea. I went upstairs to his room and was happy to found him there sleeping soundly. I entered the room closed the door behind me, got undressed only wearing my boxers and climbed to the top of my dad's belly, he was only wearing his shorts, and then I started jacking off. I really didn't care much about my dad waking up since he is a heavy sleeper, I was about to come when in the heat of the moment I lost balance and my free hand felt in my dad's mouth that was widely open because of his snoring, suddenly my dad started gulping my whole arm as a reflex and then I got completely scared about what was happening and panicked. I tried to push my way out with my other hand but my father's throat engulfed both my arms that's when I screamed for help and my brother came directly to the room to found me on top of our father with my head already being sucked by my father. He was shocked by such a scene, he tried to wake up our dad but it was useless and suddenly my father gave a massive gulp and all that was left of me were my legs, my head and torso had already entered my fathers stinky stomach, his neck and chest engorged by having my body inside. I feel how my brother tries to pull me out by grabbing my legs with his hands but with one more gulp i was completely trapped in my father's gut and my brother was already on his way down the throat and within seconds now we saw each other surrounded by his fleshy prison, we could hear the bed creaking under such a enormous weight. We started crying for help moving around and kicking, screaming trying to wake up our father, our body's covered in a sticky and rancid soup that was hitching our skin, we could barely breath, we were at the point of breakdown we would be digested and no one would ever know. All of a sudden we felt our weight shifted, our father stood up and realized where we are, seconds after all around us starts moving, we are being vomited. We got scolded by our father and after that we were sent to take a shower and to sleep. The next morning after the shock we realized what had really happened, our dad was a pred!, a person able to eat people whole, we had heard about how the world was divided in preds and preys since a young age but we lived in a very small town and it seemed there were no preds around at all, little we knew there was a pred so near of us all this time. Now it all made sense, it took me no time to realize where Jake went, straight to my dad's waistline.
Today my dad returned home, my brother was having fun with his new girlfriend so he was out, and I had already come out of the closet. My dad knew I was gay and prey, and coincidentally this day my father was starving and I didn't had any meal prepared yet, he saw me only wearing my underwear so he followed his ravenous appetite and decided I looked good enough to eat. He then grabs me behind my back, i can only feel his big belly and I see is his head above mine looking at me with a wicked grin, his belly growls and then he opens wide his mouth and engulfs my head then gulps and takes his time savouring me with his tongue I was stunned and didn't knew how to react but when I entered is cavernous and soft belly i started to panic and struggled to find a way out and began screaming to be let out my voice muffled a bit by my dad's belly fat then he plays with his belly with me inside and says to me how delicious i was, and thanks me for being his little snack. He then rubs gently his belly and tells me his gut is going to take good care of me while I'm visiting and that I don't have to worry about being digested that he is only playing with me while he waits for a good meal, his voice echoed around me. I calm down a little and hear him making a phone call to a nearby buffet ordering a lot of food. After half and hour the food arrives I feel the belly of my dad bounce with me inside while he walks to open de door and I hear him chatting to the delivery man, this guy is amazed by my dad's belly and tells him "you surely can pack away a lot, you absolutely look like the kind of guy who would eat all this food" then my father laughs shaking me with his belly and says "you can be sure of that". It's been quite a time since I've been inside my father's belly and I got preoccupied wondering if he truly is going to release me, by the time I'm starting to be let out my father held me in his big arms gave me a kiss and said "thanks for being so tasty my little snack hope you enjoyed it" even when I was so scared I actually enjoyed after all I had a fucking boner the whole time this happened. I took a shower and went to have dinner with my dad. From now on we like to play and whenever me or he feels like it he kisses me licks my face, swallows me, plays with in his belly, teases me about digesting me if don't keep him well fed or if I behave wrong and then let's me out so I can feed him a meal worth digesting.
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erzafan315 ¡ 1 month
I got pinned down and the he blasted his load in me and while I was getting ready for a second round he was slurping my feet in his mouth. Took moments and I was gulped down forever to become apart of his growing belly.
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erzafan315 ¡ 2 months
Short Belly Play
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erzafan315 ¡ 2 months
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Slurping down some superstars. ⭐️ Commission for @/SinfulLeviathan on Twitter
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erzafan315 ¡ 2 months
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“Your tiny ass stands no match for me, Brendan!” 
Trent towered over his former roommate, who he had shrunk.  “You always ripped your ass gas all over the place, you left your dirty jocks and laundry on the floor, and your feet smelled horrible! Youre going to pay.” 
Trent lifted his foot and pinned Brendan under his smelly, socked sole. He rubbed his dirty sock all over his tiny bitch, pinching his head between his toes. 
He picked up the tiny bitch, and pulled down his sweatpants.  “Thats right bitch, your best jock. Its mine now’’ 
As he taunted, he rubbed the poor tiny all over his bulge, Trents cock springing up, the musky smell overpowering the poor tiny.  
Trent threw the tiny onto the couch. Brendan immediately knew what was going to happen. 
“PLEASE, DONT DO THIS!” Brendan cried. 
Trent stood over him, flexing his glutes, making his sexy, muscular, giant ass shake. He squatted over Brendan, and starting ripping deadly farts. 
“Ahhh… that feels so good.” Brendan was no match for trents hole, barely able to breathe he started crying. 
“Im tired, better take a load off.” Trent smiled cruelly, and sat down, enveloping Brendan in ass fat, without giving him the sweet release of being crushed. Brendan sobbed as he felt the rhythmic motion of Trent jacking off. 
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